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What does a business support consulting center do. What is consulting: types, forms, its difference from coaching, the main tasks and goals of a consulting company. What is consulting

Business development is influenced by multiple factors, and sometimes the strategy for its functioning is not clear.

If it is difficult for the management of the company to calculate some steps, then it is useful to see the activities of the company from the outside with the help of a competent person. They often act as a consulting company that produces a specific type of service to optimize the activities of various business structures.

Consulting to some extent there is a rescue of other companies in modern world economic and technological risks and crisis processes of business development. It makes no sense for enterprises to spend money on creating their own advisory service; it is enough, if necessary, to attract outside professionals. Consulting Services incredibly popular today, because any company wants to win in the fierce competition.

The concept and characteristics of consulting

Consulting refers to business activities for the provision of consulting services to various companies. The concept itself is borrowed from in English and means "advice". It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question about the scope of the consulting firm. According to popular opinion consulting as long as there are main and support functions or departments in a large manufacturing company (management, legal service, finance, sales, technology, IT service, strategy, etc.).

primary goal activities of a consulting company - optimization, increasing the efficiency of the business of its clients.

Traditional types of services consulting firm in all areas production area enterprises are:

  1. analysis,
  2. diagnostics,
  3. audit,
  4. forecasting,
  5. substantiation of development prospects,
  6. trainings, etc.

Help can consist of both competent advice and practical assistance in the work of the client.

All tools, methods and technologies consulting must be verified and scientifically sound. Consultants are required to provide their services with the maximum degree of objectivity. It is unacceptable to use existing connections and relationships in the business world to solve customer problems.

consulting specialist(consultant) must have higher education and experience in the chosen field. He must combine such traits as communication skills, flexibility of thinking, willingness to compromise, be knowledgeable in legal and organizational issues, marketing, computer literacy, accounting, securities.

When services of these companies are needed

Motives for appeal in consulting firms can be the following:

  • The company's need for knowledge, experience, fresh ideas;
  • Overcoming a critical situation in one or more areas of the company;
  • Lack of agreement on an important issue among the company's management personnel;
  • Assistance in the completion of business projects.

At the same time, consulting professionals are not responsible for the final result of the activities of their clients, since they cannot interfere in the internal affairs of organizations. With the help of consultants, the firm itself approaches integrated systems vision internal state of affairs, existing problems in production, as well as possible options for their solution, further strategic planning.

It's important to understand that companies don't necessarily turn to consultants when they're already in crisis. On the contrary, many large reputable enterprises want to consolidate and strengthen their commercial success, take care of expanding the scale of their activities, finding the right unhindered path for further development.

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Varieties of consulting services

Despite the universality of the consulting business, it can be distinguished many sustainable varieties of services depending on the areas of activity in the structure of any company.

Let's pay attention to some of them:

  1. Audit;
  2. Legal;
  3. Investment;
  4. Financial;
  5. managerial;
  6. Small business consulting;
  7. IT consulting, etc.

In progress audit consulting the collection, receipt and comprehensive assessment of all systems of the applied company is carried out, the real situation on this moment time. It also establishes the correct and reliable financial statements of the enterprise and its compliance with existing legal norms.

Specialists in the field legal consulting provide assistance in all necessary legal matters(civil, administrative, housing, land, family, etc.). Assistance is provided in the drafting and conclusion of contracts, conduct in litigation, licensing issues. Full confidentiality of the appeal to consultants is guaranteed.

Investment consulting includes an analysis of fundraising and leasing strategies in the enterprise. In the first case, the search for an investor in a specific business project is carried out. Here, it is important to assess the investment opportunities of a business, taking into account the base of potential investors available in any reputable consulting firm. Leasing is associated with the acquisition or transfer of property to individuals or enterprises with the right of its further redemption.

To field of activity financial consulting include the search for the most effective financial strategy for the consulting firm. At the same time, all possible actions to optimize the financial system at the enterprise are taken into account, the search for profitable sources of financing and options for increasing the productivity indicator is carried out.

Management consulting, which is subdivided into marketing, strategic and personnel , strives to offer the most effective scheme company management. The work model of a particular firm is analyzed, a comprehensive assessment of the state of the enterprise and its main goals is given, a management strategy and an anti-crisis program are developed in case of problems in the management sphere.

Small Business Consulting is a young and promising developing direction in the market of consulting services. A small start-up company needs advice from competent experts on business development, credit and investment policy, cost optimization and profit increase.

IT consulting is a relatively new but in-demand area of ​​consulting. The range of questions includes: assistance in organizing an IT service at an enterprise, determining an automation strategy, creating a corporate information system and its further management.

Criteria for choosing a consulting firm

Since the services of consulting companies are of considerable importance in the development of their clients' business, and are also characterized by high cost, it is important to choose the right company that specializes in consulting services. In this case it's better give preference proven specialists with a solid experience in the service market, as well as those who have provided serious positive results in the business activities of their clients.

It should be understood that trustworthy consultants must not only provide their clients with all the necessary information services, but also ensure that the firm achieves a positive result in a particular business issue.

Exist certain criteria, allowing the most optimal approach to the choice of a consulting company:

  • The length of the company's activities;
  • Qualification of specialists, professional experience;
  • Price of consulting services;

According to RBC, in 2017 companies spent about 120 billion rubles on consulting. This is almost the same as invested in marketing promotion on the Internet. Consultants earn over 150,000 rubles a month and do not stop there. So what is consulting and who can benefit from it? Let's figure it out.

Consulting - this is paid expert advice to business leaders and private entrepreneurs on a wide range of economic, industrial, commercial and other issues to optimize business processes, increase and improve key performance indicators.

Simply put, consulting is a paid qualified assistance to organizations that need an independent assessment of current activities, analysis of business processes and subsequent recommendations for doing business and improving its efficiency.

If it is quite simple, then consulting is consulting assistance to top managers of enterprises in business management.

Who was at the origins of consulting

The main reason for the emergence of global consulting was industrial progress. Many competing factories appeared, the number of jobs increased. Managers needed new knowledge on the organization and management of the enterprise.

This prompted Arthur Little, a chemist at the Massachusetts Institute, to found the first consulting firm in 1886. Arthur's company specialized in engineering and technical research, helping enterprises improve shop floor performance and reduce production costs. Employees of the company analyzed the activities of plants and factories, found problems and drew up a strategy for solving them.

With the development of consulting services and the emergence of new companies, there was an urgent need to systematize the acquired knowledge, exchange experiences and ideas. But Arthur was categorically against any systematization and refused to join a professional management consulting association. While other consultants tried to build on past successes, he took huge risks, each time creating new strategies to solve business problems. This approach failed, and his firm collapsed, giving way to companies such as McKinsey and Booz Allen Hamilton.

In the 1930s, consulting gained worldwide recognition. This was facilitated by the end of the global economic crisis and the growing industrial production. Gradually, consulting companies spread everywhere. In Russia, this period falls on the 90s of the twentieth century. At the end of 2017 Russian rating The best consulting agencies are divided among themselves by 100 companies.

Tasks and goals of the consulting company

The main goal of consulting companies is to improve the efficiency of the organization and business as a whole. An enterprise focused on development and growth will always need to attract additional resources. But modern companies do not contain a large staff of experts, but turn to qualified personnel from outside.

It is this fact that attracts specialists from various fields of activity to consulting.

The main list of tasks of consulting companies:

Let's consider these tasks in more detail:

High market, market glut with goods and services is forcing managers to increase advertising costs, attract new advertising channels and expand sales markets in order to maintain a stable market position. These actions often do not lead to the desired result and the company begins to lose profits. Management turns to a consulting firm for expert independent advice on how to get out of a crisis situation. The consultant may recommend upgrading the technical base, finding ways to reduce costs, suggesting that the company open a new promising direction or increase staff motivation.

2 Development of a marketing strategy.

A consultant helps businesses promote their products and services, increase profits and reduce costs. The promotion strategy includes analysis and segmentation target audience, identifying the needs of each segment, finding effective advertising channels for promotion, launching advertising campaign.

3 Analysis of the enterprise activity and search for problems.

When an enterprise cannot find a problem on its own, management turns to a consulting company.

Why choose a consulting agency? Because not every organization can afford to maintain a staff of experts who could analyze and solve current problems. The problem can arise in any field of activity of the enterprise - financial, legal, personnel and others. In this case, the management decides to turn to qualified consultants. The task of the consultant is to analyze the work of the enterprise, its departments and, based on an impartial assessment, find vulnerabilities.

4 Consultations on the modernization of the technological process.

Technology is developing at a rapid pace and businesses do not have time to keep up with trends. Consulting companies will help improve the software or introduce new ones.

5 Audit of reporting documentation.

The consulting company conducts an independent audit of the financial statements of the enterprise, the compliance of documents general requirements accounting. An audit is ordered to search for errors in reporting activities, before submitting documents to tax office or when changing the chief accountant of the enterprise.

6 Assistance in the reorganization of business units.

Reorganization is the termination of the company's activities, the accession of other legal entities, merger of companies or separation of management between the owners. Not all organizations have lawyers specializing in business reorganization on their staff. Therefore, management turns to a consulting firm in order to attract outside experts to carry out the reorganization in compliance with applicable law.

7 Staff training and preparation of methodological manuals.

Consulting companies help enterprises to increase the level of competence of employees by conducting trainings in various fields activities. For example, trainings and seminars for sales departments, trainings for managers on leadership, improving management skills and efficient use of time. Trainings on teamwork, on working with objections and conflict situations are popular. Consultants can also develop teaching aids, such as sales scenarios or equipment instructions.

In every business, there comes a time when a transition to a new level of development is necessary. Any enterprise seeks to increase profits and improve its efficiency. During periods of economic crisis, this is especially true for all companies that want to stay afloat. But internal resources and experience of full-time specialists are often not enough - it is then that there is a need for outside expert assistance, and management turns to consulting.

A consultant in consulting is an expert who provides consulting services to companies or individuals in order to achieve their business goals. Consultants analyze business performance, identify problems and suggest ways to solve them.

The consultant may be an employee of a consulting firm or a private entrepreneur.

Many think of consultants as a white-collar community with laser pointers and innovative gadgets. However, in practice this is not the case at all.

Consultants are ordinary people who do their job well.

An example of consultant activity:

The pharmaceutical company plans to launch new line products - vitamin supplements for athletes based on natural plant extracts. On their own, they cannot evaluate the effectiveness of the new project. Management enters into an agreement with a consulting agency. Consultants evaluate firms, analyze assets, study the market. After a detailed analysis and calculation, they conclude that the new direction is promising and the company's profit is within 10-20%. The management pays for the work of consultants and proceeds to launch new products .

Clients make different requests to consulting companies.

Let's look at a few examples:

Based on customer requests, consulting services were formed in 5 main forms:

1 Analytics.

Analysis of the current activities of the organization, the interaction of its divisions, the study of market demand, competitive advantage company and opportunities for growth and development.

Example: The company has a constant turnover of staff. The manager could not find out the reason and hired a consultant who analyzed the work of the staff and identified the problem at the stage of adaptation of new employees. New people came to the company and did not receive support from experienced colleagues. This led to conflicts and frequent changes in personnel.

2 Forecasting.

Drawing up forecasts for the development of the company, identifying promising areas, assessing profits from the launch of new projects. A consulting forecast is never based on the consultant's guesses, it is always based on figures and facts.

Example: a wholesale company selling cabinet furniture decided to expand its activities and open 10 regional branches. To determine sales channels and identify the needs of buyers in the regions, the company enters into an agreement with a consulting firm. Consultants evaluate competition and customer demand in this segment and make a detailed forecast of the company's development. Based on this forecast, management changes its policy and opens only 6 branches instead of 10.

3 Expert advice.

Consultations on any issues, advice on solving problems. They are carried out one-time or on the basis of a long-term contract.

Example: transport company turned to a consulting firm for advice on reducing the tax burden. As a result of the implementation of the consultants' recommendations, the company was able to reduce tax costs by 40% and use the saved money to expand the fleet, which ultimately led to an increase in cargo transportation and profit growth.

4 Audit of the company's activities.

Independent verification of the current activities of the enterprise, search for problems. For example, checking accounting documents, the effectiveness of the sales department, the work of the service technical support.

Example: to improve the quality of customer service, the company commissioned a consulting audit. The consultants listened to the recording telephone conversations, evaluated the work of sales departments using the mystery shopper method, conducted a survey of existing customers Based on the results of the work done, scripts of conversations with potential customers were compiled, options for processing objections were finalized, additional company products such as Upsell and CrossSell were introduced, which improved the quality of service and increased sales by 20%.

5 Direct participation in the project.

Very often consultants are invited not only for recommendations and checks, but also for direct participation in certain projects. This may be the introduction or testing of a new software, staff training, conducting legal proceedings in court.

Example: game developer company mobile applications is about to release a new Spanish learning app. The application is made in the form of a game in which the user learns new words and passes game levels. In order to identify possible flaws and understand the reaction of users, management enters into an agreement with a consulting firm to test the application and solve problems found.

Types of consulting

Regardless of the form, consulting is divided into types. Below are the 8 main types of consulting:

IT consultants offer solutions for using technology to improve company performance. For example, developing new software, testing or upgrading existing programs.

Due to the prevalence hacker attacks, IT consultants are increasingly involved in computer security and the implementation of effective protection.

Case 1: Checking IT infrastructure

Supervisor law firm turned to the consulting firm Aitiliya for an audit of the IT infrastructure. As a result of the check, it turned out that the video filming from the company's office was available for viewing by any Internet user. IT consultants found a critical error in setting up the installed video surveillance system. The password to the IP cameras and the connection port were not encrypted and were in the public domain. Consultants set up remote access only on the computers of the company's management and closed the broadcast from the cameras to the Internet.

Case 2. Improving the work of the Call Center

Yota turned to the consulting firm PM Expert with a clear task - to find and implement a solution to reduce the load on the company's call center. IT consultants have developed and implemented a "virtual consultant" system. The purpose of the system is to answer popular customer questions without the participation of call center employees.

Management consulting

Management consulting is a set of measures to ensure the sustainable position of an enterprise in the market and improve its key performance indicators. One of the main tasks of management consulting is to find problems that hinder effective development companies and eliminating them in the early stages of their emergence. Management consulting helps managers and business owners to develop an overall strategy for the development of their enterprise, to create strong competitive advantages in the market, to increase client base, in evaluating the profitability of new projects and optimizing the interaction between company divisions.

A management consultant can be compared to a general practitioner who defines a general problem, formulates a treatment strategy and refers to highly specialized doctors.

The goal of the consultant is to see the whole picture and identify ways to increase the profitability and competitiveness of the company. He forms and controls a strategy to achieve long-term goals, which will eventually lead the company to a new stage of development. Development of a turn-based strategy - the main objective strategic consulting, which is part of management and is closely related to it. No development strategic plan actions, it is impossible to solve current problems and provide the company with a stable market position.

To implement the strategy obtained, methods of advertising promotion of the company on the market are developed, an analysis of the target audience is carried out, and effective advertising channels are searched. This is done by marketing consulting, whose actions are aimed at increasing the company's profits, increasing the number of loyal customers and reducing production costs.

Thus, strategic, marketing and management consulting are three parts of a single mechanism.

Financial advisory

Financial consultants are engaged in a comprehensive improvement of the financial situation of the business. This includes advice on how to manage your expenses, the development and implementation of investment strategies, advice on corporate insurance, tax issues and day-to-day finances.

Financial consultants will help to appropriately allocate financial resources, evaluate the costs of implementing projects, evaluate the payback periods of these projects, calculate financial risks and draw up a financial strategy for effective distribution Money.

Production company contacted a consulting agency to review the financial statements and find opportunities to increase profits and reduce costs. The company produces 30 types of products, contains 5 large workshops. After studying the annual financial statements, the consultant came to the conclusion that the company can increase profits if it divides production into 5 separate areas, which will be distributed among the shops. The financial report showed that the 2nd shop is making losses and should be abandoned, and the 4th shop will bring 2 times more profit if the financial resources freed up when the unprofitable direction is closed are directed to its development. The consultant also estimated payback periods additional investments and calculated the possible risks. After the work done and the recommendations implemented, the company's profit increased by 50%.

HR consulting

Consultants for personnel matters specialize in public life companies. They evaluate the staffing, identify problems in the interaction of departments, hire new employees and correctly distribute social roles. HR consultant tests, develops and implements personnel motivation and encouragement systems, resolves conflicts and looks for ways to prevent them.

A consulting firm was contacted by the head of a sales company mobile phones and accessories. The company consisted of 10 branches and maintained a staff of 120 employees. The management noticed that the number of complaints from customers has increased over the past year. Most of the claims pointed to the lack of competence of the sales staff. Customers did not receive answers to their questions and refused to purchase. The task of the consultants was to assess the effectiveness of the talent pool and increase the motivation of the staff to further develop and improve their knowledge. The management wanted to solve this problem with the help of certification. But the staff specialists of the personnel department did not have sufficient knowledge in this matter.

The consultants were able to carry out certification without causing discontent and stress in the team. As a result of the audit, employees were sent for additional training. Some employees had to be fired. Over the next 3 months, the company did not receive a single complaint, and profit increased by 20%.

Investment consulting

Investment advisors seek and evaluate investment projects For profitable investment funds, help choose a broker, draw up an investment plan and investment portfolio, advise companies or individuals on asset allocation.

A 53-year-old military pensioner approached an independent consultant with the aim of increasing his pension savings through profitable investments and regular replenishment of his investment portfolio. The client had an active income of 30,000 rubles, and a pension of the same size, which he did not spend, but accumulated for the initial investment capital. The consultant made a calculation and found out that in 10 years the client will be able to receive passive income in the amount of 10,000 rubles per month, subject to the accumulation of $ 100,000, taking into account inflation and subsequent investment of the collected funds. The consultant drew up an investment plan, according to which the client was recommended to open a savings account in foreign company with the condition of monthly replenishment of $ 500 and the possibility of obtaining a permanent passive income already after 7 years, that is, by the age of 60.

Legal consulting

The task of a legal consultant is to seek, prevent and solve legal problems of an organization or individuals. The field of activity is extensive - legal assistance in matters of employment, preparation of documentation, corporate and intellectual property, real estate and other aspects.

The founder decided to liquidate the organization, Chief Accountant who quit and could not solve the problems of the company. To search for possible violations in reporting, to better understand the liquidation process, the director turned to a consultant. The consultant found a debt with the company, advised on the ways and time to solve the debt, and warned the client about possible risks. Having the necessary information, the manager was able to close the debt before the start of the liquidation of the company and carry out the liquidation procedure without any problems.

Accounting consulting

Accounting consultants put things in order in accounting, help companies understand reporting documentation, find opportunities to reduce tax base analyze accounts payable and determine the profitability of the business.

The company enters into a supply contract medical equipment with a foreign organization. Staff accountants do not have sufficient experience to conduct a transaction. The manager hires a consultant from a consulting company to maintain reporting documentation and currency control in order to comply with legal regulations and avoid reporting errors.

Educational consulting

Educational consulting performs following features: training of employees, conducting trainings and seminars, compiling methodological documentation.

The head of the company needed the help of third-party consultants to train sales staff. The sales team was not good at cold negotiation and faced constant objections from customers. The company suffered losses. The consultants wrote selling scripts, taught the staff how to work with objections and telephone conversations. With the introduction of scripts and the knowledge gained, sales increased by 30%, the company's profit increased.

How not to make a mistake in choosing a consultant?

There is no magic formula or secret that makes one consultant more successful than another. good consultant knows the nuances and subtleties of the area in which he advises.

He is not afraid to take responsibility and give guarantees. The results of his work are measurable. This is the main difference between a good and a bad consultant.

The main criteria for choosing a consultant:

1 concrete results.

The effectiveness of the work done is determined in precise measurable terms. If the consultant is not ready to provide them, then his qualifications are insufficient for consulting.

2 Awareness of the client's problem.

The professional will study the client's problems in advance. By pointing out solutions that the client has not seen before, he will demonstrate interest and confident knowledge of the subject. It is important.

3 Craving for questions.

An experienced specialist does not hesitate to ask questions. He is not in the shadows and is actively involved in the project. The more expert questions appears at the consultant, the more likely it is that the client did not make a mistake in choosing.

4 Flexibility.

The professional respects his own point of view, but listens to the opinion of the client. Flexibility is one of the main qualities of a good specialist.

5 Practical activities.

The professional prefers practice to theory. The desire of the consultant to implement the generated ideas indicates his experience and desire for great achievements.

Now you can choose your own consultant. But what about a consulting firm? Which one should you contact? Read more about this.

Difficulties in any organization can begin at the moment of stagnation or, conversely, with intensive growth, development of new markets, expansion of activities. At such moments, the company needs a "doctor" who remains outside the organization and does not pursue personal interests, who can impartially evaluate its activities, highlight problematic points and offer best options for their solution.

Consulting services - what is it?

As a rule, any kind of consulting begins with a deep analysis of the current state, understanding the essence of the problems and studying the views of managers and employees of the company on their solution. The key to success is the realization that all parties of the business process (managers, ordinary workers, business owners, local authorities, creditors and debtors) have their own interests, which often do not coincide.

Consulting services are assessment actions, correction organizational structure in order to bring the company out of the crisis, search for new partners or sources of financing. Many enterprises use consulting services not only when difficulties arise, but also when it is necessary to accelerate the pace of development, optimize costs, and change the activities of personnel. They are relevant for those who do not know. Also, such services are resorted to by image politicians who order independent evaluation and the results are published in the media.

Most consulting agencies assume independent, independent work and provide a turnkey solution or develop a management concept together with the client. The algorithm for providing consulting begins with diagnosing the company, studying problem areas, and finding out the reasons. After that, solutions are prepared to overcome the difficulties. The project ends with an analysis of the effectiveness of the solution, the calculation of economic indicators.

Types of consulting services

Consulting services are classified in two ways - depending on the subject of consultation (general, production and financial) and method (training, process and expert). In practice, there is a more generalized classification.


Administrative consulting includes putting the paperwork in order, assistance in registering a company, organization of office work, introduction labor discipline, office management.

Financial management

This type based on decision financial tasks– change in management strategy, search for sources of investment, cost minimization, analysis, optimization cash flows. Also, this type includes the provision of assistance on taxation, income growth, accounting, asset management.

HR management

HR management is personnel management. This type of consulting includes the selection of suitable personnel, training, training, the development of the corporate values ​​of the organization and the creation of a program that will motivate employees to do their job efficiently.

Market Analysis

This segment includes the study of supply and demand in the chosen niche, the level of competition, modification of the proposed product and market research. The result of the activity is pricing policy, product modernization, etc. The purpose of this type of consulting is to increase sales by optimizing the functioning of the company at all levels: sales, logistics, pricing, advertising campaign, after-sales service. Some companies in the field of such a procedure find new markets for their products or expand their range.


This type includes the solution of economic, engineering, management issues, is responsible for the development of technical and technological map. Production consulting is based on the analysis of products and production methods, planning processes for further volumes, on accelerating the production cycle and industrial engineering.

Specialized Consulting

This category includes services that are not listed above. These are the management of communications, environmental structure, logistics and public sector consulting.

Consulting agency - what is it?

Permanent and important changes in the consumer market, technological development, fluctuations in demand among customers force any company (regardless of the field of activity) to constantly review the development strategy and mechanisms for achieving goals. In order to “keep up with the times”, there are not always enough internal resources for rapid development and timely response to changes. In such cases, it is customary to attract highly qualified specialists from another organization.

A consulting agency is a company that consults managers, sellers, manufacturers, buyers on a wide range of issues of economics, accounting, finance, personnel management, foreign economic activity etc.

Such agencies can provide a wide range of services or be highly specialized, help in registration with. Consulting organizations charge a certain fee for their work (depending on the range of services, pricing policy of the company, region). Not every manager will agree to spend monetary assets to pay for consulting. But, as practice shows, the activity of a specialist "outside the organization" makes it possible to revise overall strategy and find new, more effective tools for solving the problem. As a result, the profit of such a company increases, and consulting services pay off in full. The consulting organization knows and can quickly build the development path of its client.

In what cases it is necessary to contact a consulting agency:

  1. if the organization plans to restructure the system, focused on expanding or fundamentally changing its range of activities in order to move to more profitable areas;
  2. to assert their positions, increase competitiveness, create an image in the domestic or foreign market;
  3. if the company's activities are unprofitable and the management does not know what measures to take to effective work, improving the situation due to lack of experience.

How to choose a consulting agency?

If in the advanced and developed countries both large corporations and small firms resort to the services of a consulting agency; in our country, managers are just beginning to understand the effectiveness and relevance.

How to choose a consulting agency that will perform quality work? Primary requirements:

  • the agency must have the necessary skills, experience and a proven model for solving problems;
  • work should not depend on the traditions and unspoken rules of the company, the policies of managers;
  • all decisions and conclusions must be objective and free;
  • the consulting agency must be external to the analyzed firm;
  • such a company should build on its own work experience, accumulate and analyze data, and also have a learning effect for its customers.

On Russian market a variety of consulting agencies work - both small highly specialized ones and large ones with a wide range of services. The main players are the four largest agencies that provide consulting and audit services (they are also called the "Big Four"):

  • Deloitte;
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers;
  • KPMG;
  • Ernst & Young.

Contract for the provision of consulting services - sample

After an agreement with a consulting agency on cooperation, it is necessary to draw up an agreement that specifies all the conditions, obligations of the parties and force majeure circumstances. As a rule, standard contracts are used.

Advice: the contract is required for all consulting services, it is concluded in writing. When compiling it, it is necessary to clearly indicate the subject, rights and obligations of the parties and the list of services. It is also desirable to prescribe in which sections, to what extent consulting services should be provided.

As a result, the contractor (agency) undertakes to provide a list of services according to the agreed task, and the customer pays for them. If, in the course of work, he will also involve third parties, this should also be indicated in the contract. It is also necessary to prescribe the parameters according to which the quality of the services provided will be assessed. It is desirable to attach to the contract technical task, concept or program of consulting services.

To manage an enterprise or firm, it is important to know not only the basics in a particular area. Sometimes business leaders need the help of highly qualified specialists in various areas - from financing to technological issues. In order to help managers understand complex issues, consulting companies began their work. Consulting and what it is - we offer to understand.

What is consulting?

This concept has long been heard, but not everyone knows what it means. Consulting is the activity of advising managers on many issues in:

  • financing;
  • commercial activities;
  • the legal field;
  • technological area;
  • technical
  • expert.

The purpose of consulting can be called a certain assistance to the management system (management) to achieve the goals. The main task here is to analyze the development prospects, as well as the use of scientific and technical solutions, taking into account subject area and problems of each potential client.

What does a consulting company do?

It is impossible to say unequivocally what a consulting company does. There are as many areas of consulting as there are basic and additional features or departments in a large company. The main purpose of the functioning of such a company is to optimize, increase the effectiveness of the clients' business. The help of the company can be not only in the right advice, but also in practical assistance in the work of clients.

Types of consulting services

Each consulting firm provides the following range of services:

  1. Financial consulting is a set of services aimed at building an effective, reliable management system. Thanks to him, the calculation, explanation, evaluation of a group of material indicators that characterize the company's activities is carried out.
  2. managerial consulting - with its help you can timely detect weak sides and make them strong by adjusting the focus of the company.
  3. Accounting– advises on new methods of accounting and activities in computer programs, informs employees and managers about new things in accounting.
  4. Legal– provides timely and appropriate support to the organization during regular changes in legislation.
  5. Tax consulting- helps in working out the systematic payment of tax fees, avoiding violations in the field of taxation, eliminating the resulting errors.
  6. Marketing consulting - consultations for any branch of the operating business.
  7. Expert consulting - consulting services, implying the implementation and development of solutions for their implementation after diagnosing the company.

Management consulting

Management or as it is also called business consulting is an activity aimed at improving the forms of management and doing business. This type of consultation consists of providing recommendations and comprehensive customer support. It is understood as a certain set of services that are provided by specially trained and qualified people. They assist in the discovery and analysis of the problems of the organization.

Financial advisory

Experts say that financial consulting is the creation of a sustainable system financial management firm. It carries out:

  • qualified analysis and audit of all areas of work, manufacturing and investment;
  • advice regarding ;
  • development of ways to develop and strengthen the financial system.

Investment consulting is associated with the design, creation of specific plans and programs for investment activities. Strategic financial consulting is understood as consulting on the development of strategies, the choice of the optimal composition of capital and the increase in its value. This direction is associated with management accounting, which involves the creation of a financial, budget and investment management structure and an economic services department.

IT consulting

What consulting services are provided in the field of information technologies not only managers need to know. This term means project activities associated with information support various business processes. Thanks to it, it is possible to give an independent assessment of the effectiveness of the use of information technology.

HR consulting

exist different kinds consulting. One of them is personnel. It is no less important than the rest. HR consulting is commonly understood as a system of organizational and psychological measures regarding the diagnosis, correction of the organizational structure, or enterprise culture to improve production performance, optimize social and psychological climate, amplification .

Legal consulting

Legal or as it is also called legal consulting is the provision of services in the legal field and has a consulting character. Managers know that consulting is not only getting answers to certain questions, but also providing one-time or comprehensive assistance during problem solving. This includes helping company leaders develop complex and systemic solutions to problems.

Investment consulting

Under the concept of strategic consulting, it is customary to understand investment activity, which consists in substantiating effective areas for investing funds. It is based on a carefully considered investment policy. Managers and investors, when choosing schemes for investing and raising capital, pay attention to professional recommendations that provide investment consulting.

Logistics consulting

Concepts such as logistics and consulting are interrelated. Logistics consulting is understood as a certain type of management activities, which provides for the detection and analysis of problems in the logistics management system with the further development of measures to eliminate them. The success of this type of counseling will be necessary knowledge consultant, his ability to offer the customer reasonable approaches that can prevent the occurrence of difficult situations.

Thanks to the work of a professional consultant, it is possible to define and formulate one basic logistics ideology for the management of the organization, to discover a set of common key values ​​that will be both conscious and large-scale. Provided that the management of the enterprise and the consultant act purposefully, it is possible to achieve the set goals.

Environmental consulting

Many managers in the field of ecology know that consulting is such consulting services that are associated with environmental support for the work of construction and design firms, companies in all fields of activity, administrations of municipalities, regional entities, which consist in resource saving projects and projects to reduce pollution environment enterprises. Services in this area may include:

  1. Environmental certification of equipment, companies, enterprises, production and natural facilities and territories
  2. Integrated environmental and economic analysis functioning of current and planned industrial facilities.
  3. Advising on the environmental activities of organizations.
  4. Development of activities and evaluation of their activities.
  5. Improving the effectiveness of the waste management system.
  6. Selection of optimal technologies and equipment for environmental protection for organizations.

Restaurant consulting

For everyone who plans to catering business, and wants to calculate everything so as not to be left without money and time, it is advisable to ask about consulting what it is and contact a consulting agency. Often, the concept of "restaurant consulting" includes such important services provided:

  1. Full management of the restaurant under the contract.
  2. Support and implementation of the restaurant organization at all stages, from idea to opening.
  3. Analysis of an already functioning catering point.
  4. Implementation of new standards.
  5. Use of new concepts for business optimization.