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General Director Kozlov Igor Ilyich. Sitronics updated the board of directors

Kozlov Igor Ilyich



Igor Ilyich Kozlov was born in 1965 in Tashkent.

In 1987 he graduated from the Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Yakov Alksnis, in 1999 - from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 2006 he received an MBA from the University of Esslingen Business School.

From 1982 to 2003 he served in the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Upon completion of his service, he worked in top positions in Russian financial, industrial and investment holdings: ChTPZ Group, FC Uralsib, AFK Sistema. At the same time, he was a member of the Boards of Directors of large companies in the ICT sector and the military-industrial complex - OJSC Sitronics, OJSC RTI-Systems.


In November 2013, he was appointed Advisor to the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov. His responsibilities include the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts on corporate governance issues in industry joint stock companies With state participation and increasing the efficiency of the activities of federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the ministry.

On April 2, 2014, Igor Kozlov was elected to the Board of Directors of OJSC Rostelecom. The corresponding decision was made at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company, where the new composition of the Board was determined.

2016: Appointment as head of Ruselectronics

At the end of February 2016, it became known about the appointment of Igor Kozlov as CEO of Ruselectronics. He will replace Andrei Zverev, who has headed the Rostec subsidiary since 2009, Vedomosti writes with reference to the state corporation’s communications service.

The reasons for the change in the leadership of Ruselectronics are unknown. Andrei Zverev only said that he decided to change his place of work.

As Rostec told the publication, Igor Kozlov will have to restructure and close “a number of projects”, as well as remove non-core assets from Ruselectronics. Which ones exactly are not specified.

According to the industrial director of the radio-electronic cluster of Rostec Sergei Kulikov, the new head of Ruselectronics will have to focus on changing the strategy of the holding, since its growth rate does not correspond to the needs of the market and the dynamics of business development of global manufacturers.

Ruselectronics needs to focus on producing high-tech products with high added value, identify priority product areas and key products, and work with customers to determine real needs, Kulikov added.

Kozlov came to Ruselectronics from the post of adviser to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications. In this position, he oversaw the development of satellite technologies.

Guidelines laid down in new strategy Rostec until 2025 (as well as within the framework of the development of the Electronic Cluster), set new goals for the holdings. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to attract highly effective management with a different level of competencies.

On February 24, 2016, the Personnel Committee under the Supervisory Board of the Rostec State Corporation decided to appoint Igor Kozlov, who previously served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the holding (currently a member of the Board of Directors of Ruselectronics), as interim CEO of the Ruselectronics holding. This appointment must be approved by the Rostec Supervisory Board and be approved extraordinary meeting shareholders. At the same time, the HR Committee suspended the powers of Andrei Zverev, who previously headed the Ruselectronics holding.

The management team of Ruselectronics completed the tasks assigned to it to consolidate assets and form a unified management contour for the holding.

At the new stage of development, according to Strategy 2025, Ruselectronics should take its rightful place among the world's top companies in the field of electronics. The holding has enormous growth potential, which can be unlocked despite difficult macroeconomic and geopolitical factors. Realizing this potential and solving new problems requires attracting management with a more global vision of the market.

Ruselectronics will become a driver of development of domestic electronics and microelectronics. This task is assigned to the industrial director of the radio-electronic complex of Rostec Sergei Kulikov.

“The previous stage of the holding’s development was aimed at consolidating assets. At the same time, the growth rate of the holding did not correspond to the real needs of the market and the growth rate of global manufacturers. The next stage of development of Ruselectronics is associated with qualitatively new challenges and tasks that are presented in the Rostec Strategy - 2025. The holding has great growth potential, the implementation of which requires new highly effective management with a different level of competencies,” commented Sergei Kulikov on the appointment.

According to him, the general director has a goal to increase the holding’s revenue and reach a figure of more than 300 billion rubles by 2025. Similar aggressive growth must be achieved in terms of margins and EBITDA. The share of revenue in civilian products should increase to 50% by 2025 from the current 20%. To do this, it is necessary to work directly with the holding’s customers to increase the level of sales of products with high added value, harmonize the product portfolio, and build strategic marketing.

We face very ambitious tasks. First of all, this is fine-tuning the development vector of the holding, a multiple increase in production efficiency, and an increase in the share of civilian products


Ruselectronics is one of Rostec’s key assets, and we are faced with very ambitious goals. First of all, this is fine-tuning the development vector of the holding, a multiple increase in production efficiency, and an increase in the share of civilian products. Special attention will be focused on developing customer focus, producing products with the highest added value, as well as entering new markets with new high-tech products,” said Igor Kozlov, interim CEO of the holding.

In his opinion, today there are dozens of relevant innovative developments in the design bureau and scientific institutes of the holding, but until now insufficient attention has been paid to their commercialization. For example, being a world leader in the creation and production of vacuum microwave devices, the holding could become a supplier for medical industry enterprises producing tomographs, complexes for combating cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, this requires active interaction with medical institutes to conduct clinical trials and obtain the necessary certificates.

The key tasks within the holding will be:

1) effective audit and implementation of priority investment projects holding;

2) determining the holding’s place in the global market, key products, priority areas of development;

3) increasing production efficiency; active work to remove non-core assets from the holding’s perimeter;

4) increasing the capitalization of the holding company;

5) development of production of electronic components in demand by industrial enterprises;

6) building work directly with customers of the holding’s products to increase the level of sales of products with high added value;

7) increasing the share of final products. Creating rulers finished products For Russian market, and in the future also foreign. Ruselectronics plans to expand its product line within three years and offer its customers a comprehensive service. The holding's goal is to become a consumer partner at all stages life cycle manufactured products. This will allow us to provide comprehensive customer service and manage the quality of the product at all stages of its production;

8) Ruselectronics is also considering the possibility of M&A transactions. The holding plans to participate in the formation of areas of intensive development, for example, in Innopolis, Moscow and Moscow region technology parks, where a base of young companies of different levels of maturity is already concentrated.

Ruselectronics now includes more than 123 enterprises, each of which must undergo a focus and determine its strategic priorities in the market. Until mid-2016 this work will be completed in relation to the Electronic Cluster, and Ruselectronics in particular.

Ruselectronics will focus on producing electronic components, security systems, industrial electronics, and medical equipment. Particular attention will be paid to promising developments related to the field of technical vision. Russia, unfortunately, is now completely dependent on foreign suppliers. This is a critical technology, and in this sense its creation in Russia is in the interests of national security.

The most promising areas include the development of the IT sector of the holding. Already today, Ruselectronics is ready to offer interesting software products that, among other things, provide data transmission in the “secure communication channels” mode.

Igor Kozlov- Interim General Director of Russian Electronics JSC, member of the Board of Directors of Russian Electronics JSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Informatization (NCI), Actual State Advisor of the third class. NCI and the Ruselectronics holding (along with other holdings and companies: the United Instrument-Making Corporation, the Avtomatika concern, the Shvabe holding, RT-Inform, Yota Devices, the Central Research Institute of Electronics) are part of the Rostec Electronic Cluster, which is now is at the stage of formation.

Education: graduated from the Riga VVAIU named after. Alksnis with a degree in aviation equipment, as well as VVIA named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky with a degree in military and administrative management. He holds an MBA (executive) degree from Esslingen University Business School, Germany. Candidate of Technical Sciences (1996), Associate Professor (1998). Speaks English.


Born in 1965 in Tashkent.

1987-2002 - served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2002-2003 - director of international programs at the Kaskol group of companies. Oversaw the project to create the first Airbus engineering center in Russia (IKAR center).

2003-2005 - member of the board, director of corporate governance of the ChelPipe Group. In his position, he was responsible for the formation of a corporate governance system and the consolidation of the assets of the ChelPipe Group, the creation and implementation of the Group’s development strategy.

2005-2010 - Executive Director for Strategy, Investments and Communications at Uralsib Financial Corporation; was responsible for the development and implementation of the corporation's strategy.

2007-2013 - senior partner at Glavros Investments, LLC.

2010-2011 - member of the board of directors of OJSC Sitronics and OJSC RTI Systems, head of the strategy and audit committees.

2010-2012 - Executive Vice President, Portfolio Asset Management " High tech and industry."

May 2014 - May 2015 - member of the board of directors of OJSC Rostelecom, since July 2014 - chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Russian Investment Fund of Information and Communication Technologies (Rosinfocominvest).

Professional achievements: Igor Kozlov, in the rank of adviser to the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications, took part in solving problems to improve the corporate governance system and increase the efficiency of activities in industry joint-stock companies with state participation and subordinate federal state unitary enterprises; represented the Russian Federation as a member of the board of directors in the largest industry companies; supervised expertise in the field of corporate finance, investment management and M&A transactions from the ministry’s position; represented the ministry jointly with the Federal Property Management Agency in the implementation of the program for the privatization of industry assets. As executive vice president of AFK Sistema, he took part in the launch of the Sitronics-Nano project for the production of 90 nm microchips (the project company Rusnano and OJSC NIIME and Mikron), as well as in the formation of the project of the NIS GLONASS enterprise, which created the entire regulatory framework for the ERA GLONASS project (Russian satellite system navigation).

Rostec has decided on a management scheme for controlled structures in the field of radio electronics and IT equipment production. The state corporation decided to transfer the United Instrument-Making Corporation (UPK) under the management of Ruselectronics, subsequently creating one company on their basis. The candidate for the post of its leader is Grigory Elkin, general designer automated systems management and communications of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who previously headed the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

The board of Rostec decided to transfer control over the defense industry, which is also part of the state corporation, to Ruselectronics, a source familiar with the situation told Kommersant. At the same time, a united company will be created, which will be headed by the first deputy general director OPK Grigory Elkin, Kommersant’s interlocutor added. This information was confirmed by the press service of Rostec.

Grigory Elkin has been appointed acting CEO of Ruselectronics since February 7. Yesterday, a meeting was held at Rostec to discuss the strategy of the united company, the state corporation clarified. “The new manager is faced with the task of consolidating assets and ensuring the implementation of plans both for the implementation of the state defense order and the goals of the strategy,” Rostec said in a press release.

63-year-old Grigory Elkin has been in the military-industrial complex since 2015, at which time he became the general designer of automated control systems and communications of the RF Armed Forces. In 2014, Mr. Elkin was appointed general director of JSC Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Academician V. S. Semenikhin. In 2004–2014, Grigory Elkin headed Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology.

I decided on a management scheme for controlled structures in the field of radio electronics and IT equipment production. The state corporation decided to transfer the United Instrument-Making Corporation (UPK) under the management of Ruselectronics, subsequently creating one company on their basis. The candidate for the post of its head is Grigory Elkin, general designer of automated control and communication systems of the RF Armed Forces, who previously headed the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Yesterday, the board of Rostec decided to transfer control over the defense industry, which is also part of the state corporation, to Ruselectronics, a Kommersant source familiar with the situation said. At the same time, a united company will be created, which will be headed by First Deputy General Director of the defense industry Grigory Elkin, Kommersant’s interlocutor added. This information was confirmed by the press service of Rostec.

According to the press release of the state corporation, the board of Rostec approved the candidacy of Grigory Elkin for the post of general director, the candidate will have to be approved by the supervisory board of the state corporation. Yesterday, Grigory Elkin was appointed acting general director of Ruselectronics. “The new manager is faced with the task of consolidating assets and ensuring the implementation of plans both for the implementation of the state defense order and the goals of the strategy,” Rostec said in a press release.

63-year-old Grigory Elkin has been in the military-industrial complex since 2015, at which time he became the general designer of automated control systems and communications of the RF Armed Forces. In 2014, Mr. Elkin was appointed general director of JSC Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Academician V. S. Semenikhin. In 2004–2014, Grigory Elkin headed the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

At the beginning of the year, Kommersant reported on negotiations between Rostec and AFK Sistema on the consolidation of assets in the field of IT, radio electronics and microelectronics. Soon, preparations for personnel reshuffles and structural changes began at Rostec. Thus, it is assumed that the general director and chairman of the board of the military industrial complex, Alexander Yakunin, will leave his post and head the Sozvezdie concern, also part of Rostec. At the same time, the state corporation will have to resolve the issue with the appointment of Igor Kozlov, who now heads Ruselectronics. “Where will I work next? My homeland will determine my place in the ranks,” Igor Kozlov told Kommersant.

Transfer of powers of sole owner to Ruselectronics executive body The defense industry complex became the next step in the implementation of the radio-electronic cluster strategy, the state corporation told Kommersant. “One of the key goals of the merged company will be the creation of new products, including complex projects and “markets of the future,” noted Rostec. - Will there be system integration between manufacturers? sensors, communications and data transmission and control centers.” The creation of a new company will also reduce internal competition among the cluster companies, Rostec expects.

The press release of the state corporation also notes that on the basis of the united structure, competency centers of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster in the field of finance and investment, as well as product divisions, will be formed. Enterprises working in the field of automated control systems and communications of aircraft, radar systems, microwave products and other types of radio electronics will also be separated into separate segments, the Kommersant source clarified. According to the industrial director of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster Sergei Kulikov, at the next stage it is planned to attract investors. “We are currently considering various options for strategic investors,” he said.

How Rostec and AFK Sistema discussed the creation of a microelectronics holding

As Kommersant learned in November 2016, the structures of the state corporation Rostec and AFK Sistema of Vladimir Yevtushenkov discussed the merger of the former's Ruselectronics and the United Instrument-Making Corporation (UPK) with the latter's RTI and Mikron. The holding, in which Rostec was to gain control, is intended to strengthen the positions of the parties in the microelectronics and defense solutions markets, the volumes of which in 2015 exceeded 120 billion rubles. and 3.1 trillion rubles. respectively. But experts saw the consolidation as a risk of reducing the companies’ business efficiency. Read more

Kabanov Anatoly Ivanovich(born 1974)

Education: Moscow State Social University (1996 – 1999), Finance and credit; Russian Academy
Civil services under the President of the Russian Federation (2000)

Chairman of JSC RN-Neftegazsnab (1998 – 2000); Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Tekhoboronprom State Corporation (2006 – present)

Status: PKD No. 375 dated 12/25/09

Kabyshev Sergey Vladimirovich(born 1963)

Education: Saratov Law Institute named after. DI. Kursky, 1984, Jurisprudence; Canada School Of Public Service, 2009, Policy Development Study Tour

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Medical" Insurance Company"Med insurance"; Chairman of the Board of the NP "Russian Law-Making Society"; Member of the Board of the Foundation for Legal Problems of Federalism and Local Self-Government

Status: PKD No. 649 dated 10/15/2015

Kaverzov Mikhail Isakovich(born 1950)

Education: Pacific Higher Naval School (1967-1972), electrical engineer; Naval Academy (1980 – 1982); Academy of the General Staff (1993 – 1995)

Experience working in collegial bodies:

Status: PKD No. 354 09/18/2009

Kazanov Evgeniy Valerievich(born 1976)

Education: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, lawyer, 1999; Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, EMBA, 2014; Civil Registry Office under the President of the Russian Federation, Administrative Law, graduate school

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of JSC Kompomash Corporation, Member of the Council of Students and Alumni of Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, President, Chairman of the Presidium of the Federation of Powerboat Sports, President of the Organizing Committee of the Scientific and Technical Conference Renewable Energy Sources, President of the Organizing Committee of the International Engineering Competition SOLAR REGATTA

Status: PKD No. 634 dated 03/31/2015

Kazinets Leonid Alexandrovich(born 1966)

Education: Moscow Order of Lenin Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography, 1983-1989, specialty:
research engineer. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 2008-2010, Ph.D.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Barkli. Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Status: No. 448 from 10.29.2010

Kaysin Valery Yakovlevich(born 1956)

Education: Kuban Medical Institute (1973 – 1979), doctor; Clinical residency (1982 – 1984), Moscow Medical Institute named after. Sechenova I.M.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of MLS-Technologies LLC (2008 – 2010)

Status: PKD No. 402 dated 03/18/2010

Kalinin Mikhail Mikhailovich(born 1966)

Education: Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh (1994 – 1996), economist, diploma No. 021564; VSU (1999 – 2002), lawyer, IVS diploma No. 0234862

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of Vodmashoborudovanie OJSC, Pervomaiskhimmash OJSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Voronezhsky Distillery OJSC, Voronezhsky Distillery OJSC

Status: PKD No. 0274 02/27/2008

Kalmaev Pavel Sergeevich(born 1983)

Education: Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (2000 – 2005), state and municipal government; Master of Business Administration" (MBA) MIMB at the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Committee on strategic planning Board of Directors of Sheremetyevo International Airport OJSC, member of the audit commission of Aeroflot OJSC, TVEL OJSC; member of the audit commission of Channel One OJSC, Novorossiysk Shipping Company OJSC, Housing Mortgage Lending Agency OJSC, member of the board of directors of Koltsovo Airport OJSC (Ekaterinburg)

Status: PKD No. 0275 02/27/2008

Kamensky Alexander Mikhailovich(born 1982)

Education: Moscow State University. Lomonosov (2000 – 2005), jurisprudence, diploma with honors No. VSA 0215884 dated 05.16.05

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of LLC " Management Company MDM"

Status: PKD No. 0276 02/27/2008

Kamsky Petr Eduardovich(born 1971)

Education: State Academy of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkina (1989 - 1994), engineer-economist

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC URALSIB, CJSC NFK, OJSC Registrar Nikoil

Status: PKD No. 258 10/09/2007

Kapkin Alexey Mikhailovich(born 1966)

Education: Moscow Mining Institute, automation and telemechanics, 1988. The Center for Economics Research and Graduate Education, Prague, Czech Republic, 1996

Experience in collegial bodies: Alumni Advisory Board Member, The Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute. Partner at River and Mercantile Asset Management

Status: PKD No. 530 dated 06/05/2012

Karabashev Sergey Genrikovich(b. 1960)

Education: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, 1978-1984, specialty: metal physics. Ph.D.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of the International Fund for Technologies and Investments (09.2009-present); Member of the Supervisory Board of CJSC TsKP TRUST

Status: PKD No. 460 03/10/2011

Karpenko Irina Gennadievna(born 1963)

Education: Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy, 1980-1984, Finance and credit.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Far Eastern Registration Center, OJSC Investment company"INCOME" (since 04.2009)

Status: PKD No. 0269 11/30/2007

Karpov Dmitry Vladimirovich(born 1972)

Education: Kazan State University, Economist, geographer and mathematician; Postgraduate studies at Kazan State University, political economy.

Experience working in collegial bodies:—

Status: PKD No. 0032 12/08/2003

Kasyanova Tamara Aleksandrovna(born 1963)

Education: Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NINH), economist, 1984. Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov, accounting in industry, 1989. Ph.D. Moscow International Higher Business School "MIRBIS" (Institute), MBA, 2009

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of Engineering Company 2K LLC (2008-2011). Member of the audit committee of the supervisory board of OJSC AHML (2009-2011). Independent member of the board of directors, head of the audit committee of OJSC Kristall (2010-2011). Member of the Audit Committee at the Board of Directors of OJSC "VVTs" (2009-2011)

Status: PKD No. 0172 07/14/2006

Kataeva Elena Georgievna(born 1956)

Education: Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after. M.I. Kalinina, dynamics and strength of machines, 1979. Ph.D., doctor political sciences

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors: OJSC Vladimiroblgaz, OJSC Ivanovoblgaz, OJSC Kalugaoblgaz, OJSC Kostromaoblgaz, OJSC Rybinskgazservis, OJSC Smolenskoblgaz, OJSC Tverioblgaz, OJSC Yargazservice, OJSC Yaroslavl'oblgaz. Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie

Status: PKD No. 302 dated 09/10/2008

Katenev Vladimir Ivanovich(born 1955)

Education: Plant-technical college at the Leningrad Metal Plant, turbine engineering, 1979. North-Western Academy of Public Administration, state and municipal administration, 2003. Doctor of Economics.

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "WTC". Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Scientific Research Technological Institute of Power Engineering (JSC NITI Energomash). Member of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Member of the Presidium of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg. Member of the Supervisory Board of the ANO “Strategic Partnership for Economic and social development Northwestern Federal District". Member of the Supervisory Board of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

Status: PKD No. 585 dated 08.11.2013

Katyrin Sergey Nikolaevich(born 1954)

Education: Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (1974 - 1979), operating engineer road transport; School international business MGIMO (1990), foreign economic training

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Expocentre CJSC, since 2002.

Status: PKD No. 259 10/09/2007

Kachalov Oleg Viktorovich(born 1973)

Education: North Caucasus State Technical University, 1995, Materials and components of solid-state electronics

Experience in collegial management bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of JSC Concern Energomera

Status: PKD No. 664 dated 12/30/2015

Kashin Sergey Ivanovich(born 1956)

Education: Black Sea Higher Naval School named after. P.S. Nakhimova, 1973 - 1978, Electrical engineer

Experience working in collegial bodies:—

Status: KPKD No. 0044

Kashtanov Anatoly Nikolaevich(born 1965)

Education: Russian Academy Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, 2001-04, State regulation of investment and innovation activity; Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation: “Management in a large corporation”, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation: “Banking”, Keio University Business School (Japan): “ Strategic management»

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Kamchatsenergo, OJSC Avtozaravochnaya Tekhnika

Status: PKD No. 0118 04/07/2005

Kizilov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich(born 1961)

Education: Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, 1978 - 1984, engine mechanical engineer aircraft. Ural Polytechnic Institute, 1986 - 1987, organizer industrial production mechanical engineering. Moscow University of Consumer Affairs. cooperation, 1998-2000, lawyer

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC EOKB Signal named after. A.I. Glukhareva (2007 – present); Member of the Board of Directors of EPO Signal LLC (2008 – present)

Status: PKD No. 0252 07.25.07

Kirillov Oleg Vladimirovich(born 1970)

Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School, 1991. State Academy of Management named after S. Ordzhonikidze, 1996. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Russian Academy of Justice”, 2014

Experience in collegial bodies: CJSC "INVENT Group of Companies"

Status: PKD No. 618 dated November 5, 2014.

Klarin Mikhail Vladimirovich(born 1951)

Education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. Lenina (1969 – 1974), teacher of physics in English. ; Doctoral studies at the Academy of Pedagogics Sciences USSR/Russian. Academy of Education (1989 – 1992); Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2001, corporate governance

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member Supervisory Board Foundation for Educational Innovations, State University Higher School of Economics, Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC "NIKFI", OJSC "Great Russian Encyclopedia"

Status: PKD No. 0270 11/30/2007

Klokov Sergey Ivanovich(born 1964)

Education: Moscow State Institute of Culture, Library Science and Bibliography, 1976. Institute of Youth, social work, 1993

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of the Guild of Periodical Publishers. Member of the Print Media Council of the Russian MPTR. Member of the Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Field of Media and Book Publishing. Member of the Commission for the distribution of state support funds for print media

Status: PKD No. 606 dated 03/31/2014

Klyatskin Konstantin Valerievich(born 1965)

Education: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1982 - 1988, Aerodynamics and thermodynamics.

Experience working in collegial bodies: First Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC JSCB "UniverBank"

Status: PKD No. 0173 07/14/2006

Knyazev Oleg Anatolievich(b. 1968)

Education: All-Union Correspondence Accounting and Credit College of the State Bank of the USSR, accounting in credit institutions, 1989. Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, finance and credit, 1995. Russian Academy of Civil Servants under the President of the Russian Federation, state and municipal administration, 2011

Experience in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors: OJSC Bolshemurashkinsky Plant, OJSC Chiksky Plant, OJSC Vnierkh, OJSC UMPREO. Chairman of the Board of JSCB "Financial Initiative". Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC PZ "Druzhba", OJSC KB "National Standard", OJSC "Stroykompleks NPO PM", OJSC "VSSU "ENERGOHYDROMEKHANIZA-TSIYA". Chairman of the Republic of Kazakhstan OJSC RFK-Bank. Member of the Republic of Kazakhstan: CJSC Goznak-Leasing, OJSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification, OJSC Russian Lotteries

Status: PKD No. 594 dated 12/30/2013

Kobilev Alexey Gennadievich(born 1959)

Education: Novocherkassk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, Russian Academy of Management.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Central Committee of the Pedagogical Assembly of Russia; member of the commission for subsidizing the interest rate of the APO; member of the committee for appraisal activities of the ARO; member of the accreditation committee for ARO appraisers; member of the small business committee of the ARO, member of the board of rectors of the RO

Status: PKD No. 0105 11/18/2004

Kovalev Valery Pavlovich(born 1957)

Education: Moscow Power Engineering Institute, radio-electronic devices.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the boards of directors of OJSC Plastcard, CJSC FD Invest-Inform; Member of the Board of Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors, Member of the Corporate Governance and Development Committee of OJSC Caustic

Status: PKD No. 0073 07/14/2004

Kovalev Pavel Vyacheslavovich(born 1976)

Education: Moscow Energy Institute, 1980; Radioelectronic devices.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of LLC "Kaustic", CJSC FD "Invest-Inform"

Status: PKD No. 0226 12/22/06

Kovrov Evgeniy Borisovich(born 1956)

Education: Leningrad Electrical Engineering. inst. im. IN AND. Ulyanova (Lenin), 1973-79, Radioelectronics. devices; VMA named after. N.G. Kuznetsova, 1991-94, Engineering. operational tactics, ship armament; SGIEA, 1995-96, Enterprise management in a market economy, MGOU, 1998-01, Jurisprudence

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors: OJSC Special Design and Survey Institute (JSC SPII), OJSC Sendast. Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee, Chairman of the Audit Committee of JSC Dalmorneftegeofizika (JSC DMNG). Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC Kuban Express-Prigorod, OJSC Russian Railways.

Status: PKD No. 0198 10/23/06

Kodichev Vadim Anatolievich, 1963

Education: Moscow Aviation Technological Institute named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, 1985, Metallurgy and welding technology

Status: PKD No. 727 dated December 26, 2018

Kozhin Vladimir Nikolaevich(born 1976)

Education: Samara State Technical University, development and operation of oil and gas fields, 1999. Ph.D.

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the SamaraNIPIneft Board of Directors. Member of the committees: strategic planning, personnel and remuneration, audit of the Board of Directors of OJSC Samaraneftegeofizika

Status: PKD No. 595 dated 12/30/2013

Kozhurov Igor Nikolaevich(born 1967)

Education: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 1992, engineer-mathematician with a degree in Applied Mathematics; Moscow University of Consumer Cooperation, 2004, economist with a degree in Accounting, Analysis and Audit; Russian University of Cooperation, 2008, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Work experience in collegial management bodies: Member of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Sherotel CJSC, Aeromar CJSC

Status: PKD No. 665 dated 12/30/2015

Kozin Vladimir Vladimirovich(born 1970)

Education: Moscow State Law Academy, Jurisprudence.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Uralsvyazinform, CJSC Nizhegorodskaya cellular", CJSC Baikalwestcom, OJSC Tatinkom-T, OJSC Russian Telecommunications Network.

Status: PKD No. 0054 01/29/2004

Kozlov Denis Alexandrovich(born 1976)

Education: Moscow State University of Culture and Culture (1995 – 2000), Management

Experience working in collegial bodies:

Status: KPKD No. 57 dated 12/25/09

Kozlov Dmitry Vitalievich(b. 1960)

Education: Simferopol Higher Military-Political School (1978 – 1982), Officer with higher military-political education; Russian State University for the Humanities (1989 – 1992), economics and management

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of Engineering Consulting Center LLC (2005 – present); Monaco Life Check Technologies LLC (2008 – present)

Status: PKD No. 403 dated 03/18/2010

Kozlov Igor Ilyich(born 1965)

Education: Business School of the University of Esslingen (Germany) MBA; master's degree from the University of California UCLA
"Economics and strategic management"; Air Force Engineering Academy named after. prof. N.E. Zhukovsky, “Military and administrative management”

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Committees on Strategy, Investment and Finance, Audit: OJSC Sitronics, OJSC RTI Systems

Status: PKD No. 0071 04/28/2004

Kolankov Alexander Valerievich(born 1969)

Education: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, economist, Postgraduate School (Faculty of Economics) Moscow State University, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC EnergoRynok (2004 – present), member of the Board of the Professional Community of Corporate Directors (PSKD) (2005 – present).

Status: PKD No. 0133 10/26/2005

Kolesnikov Gennady Isaakovich(born 1955)

Education: VVMU named after Frunze, 1972 - 1977, Military engineer; Russian Academy of Civil Service, 2000-2003, Jurisprudence, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Northgas (February 2006 - present), Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee of OJSC CB SPBRR, CJSC Achimneftegaz (June 2006 - present), CJSC Synterra (November 2006 - June 2008 ), NOA "ARFI" (July 2008 - present), member of the Board of the Professional Community of Corporate Directors (PSKD) (November 2007 - present), ANO "IRFR" Chairman of the Board (May 2008 - present)

Status: PKD No. 0199 10/23/2006

Kolesnikov Dmitry Pavlovich(born 1976)

Education: Moscow State Law Academy (1993 – 1998), lawyer; Russian University of Cooperation, postgraduate study (1998 – 2002), economics and management of the national economy

Experience working in collegial bodies:

Status: KPKD No. 58 dated 12/25/09

Kolesnikov Sergey Anatolievich(born 1972)

Education: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), engineer-physicist, 1995

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors: CJSC KGM Plant TechnoNikol, LLC TECHNONICOLCHOVA. Member of the Board of Directors: JSC "AKSI", JV JSC "Krovlya" (Belarus), JSC "Krovlya" (Bashkortostan)

Status: PKD No. 479 dated June 28, 2011

Kolesnikov Yuri Vladimirovich(born 1952)

Education: Riga Flight Technical School of Civil Aviation, 1975, Technical operation ground-based aircraft navigation and landing aids; Order of Lenin Academy of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg. Command Faculty, 1984, Air Transport Operations; East European Institute of Psychoanalysis, St. Petersburg, 2004, Psychology, Clinical psychoanalysis, psychology teacher

Experience in collegial bodies: Independent director of JSC Novosibirsk Zonal Aviation Meteorological Center; Professional attorney at Tekhmorgeo JSC

Status: PKD No. 650 dated 10/15/2015

Kolestinsky Valery Vyacheslavovich(born 1951)

Education: Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva, Electronics Engineer; Ural Polytechnic Institute named after. CM. Kirov, Organizer of industrial production.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC GZOTsM SPLAV.

Status: PKD No. 0048 01/29/2004

Kolmogorov Alexey Alexandrovich(born 1983)

Education: Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law, lawyer, 2007; RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, State and municipal administration, 2013; Moscow International Higher Business School “MIRBIS”, Strategic management and business policy, 2013

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of the Express-Service Group of Companies (2009-present)

Status: PKD No. 627 dated 12/30/2014

Kolpakov Sergey Konstantinovich(b. 1949)

Education: Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman, aircraft engines, 1973. Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after. Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, command, tactical, 1975. Postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Defense, 1984. Candidate of Military Sciences.

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of JSC Aviakor. Member of the Strategy Committee of JSC IAC

Status: PKD No. 567 dated 03/29/2013

Kondakov Vladimir Lvovich(born 1962)

Education: Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University, international economic relations, 1985

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Management Board of CJSC JSCB RUSSLAVBANK. Member of the Board of Trade Finance Bank LLC

Status: PKD No. 560 dated 12/14/2012

Kondratyev Alexey Vladimirovich(born 1970)

Education: Moscow State Law Academy, Jurisprudence; Moscow State Linguistic University, translator-referent and teacher of English and Spanish.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Supervisory Board of JSCB Avtobank-NIKoil; Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Mosoblkapstroy NIKoil-Sberezheniya.

Status: PKD No. 0051 01/29/2004

Konosov Sergey Nikolaevich(born 1976)

Education: Ulyanovsk State University, research physicist, 1998. Ulyanovsk State University, jurisprudence, 2006. Ulyanovsk State Technical University, management, 2006

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Investment Committee of JSC United Aircraft Corporation. Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC National Aircraft Manufacturing Center. Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC Sukhoi Company, OJSC Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin", OJSC Tupolev, OJSC TANTK im. G.M. Beriev”, JSC “Flight Research Institute named after. MM. Gromov", OJSC MTS GA Aviatechsnab, OJSC UTC-Avia-22, OJSC NAZ Sokol, JSC KAPO im. S.P. Gorbunova, OJSC Irkut Corporation, OJSC TAVIA, LLC Volga Technoport. Member of the Audit Committee of OJSC Sukhoi Company. Chairman of the Audit Committee of JSC Flight Research Institute named after. MM. Gromov"

Status: No. PKD 443 dated 09/17/2010

Konstantinov Gennady Nikolaevich(born 1952)

Education: Irkutsk State University (1969 – 1974), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of JSC Legprommarket (2006 – present); Member of the Academic Council of the State University Higher School of Economics (2003 – present)

Status: PKD No. 0345 06.24.09

Konyuchenko Alexey Vadimovich, 1985

Education: Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky, 2007, Applied informatics; 2007, Organization Program entrepreneurial activity in the science and technology sector; 2007, Small Academy Government controlled; Higher School of Economics, 2009, Management

Experience working in collegial bodies: —

Status: KPKD No. 69 dated December 26, 2018

Kopyev Alexey Evgenievich(born 1966)

Education: Moscow Higher Technical School named after N.E. Bauman (1983 – 1989), power machines and installations; Moscow International Higher Business School "MIRBIS" (2006 - 2008); Institute of Corporate Governance and Strategic Studies (ROSSPA), 2008

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the audit commissions of OJSC Russian Telecommunications Network (2007 – present). Centertelecom Service CJSC (2007 – 2010), Operator Center CJSC (2009 – present); member of the audit commissions of CJSC Vladimir Teleservice (2008 - present), OJSC North-West Telecom (2004 - 2006), OJSC Dagsvyazinform (2004 - 2005), OJSC CenterTelecom (2004 - 2005), OJSC Svyazintek (2006 – 2007)

Status: PKD No. 404 dated 03/18/2010

Kopyev Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich(born 1954)

Education: MEPhI, 1977, Engineer, RAU, Law, 1993, Academy of Marketing and Management, 1994

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema Mass Media OJSC, VAO Intourist OJSC, Literaturnaya Gazeta OJSC. Member of the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema, VAO Intourist, OJSC Sistema Mass-Media, IA Rosbalt, OJSC Hotel Complex Cosmos, CJSC Stream-Content. Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors of Sistema JSFC

Status: PKD No. 0174 07/14/2006

Korkut Paul(b. 1949)

Education: Coventry University, CNAA External, BA from London University (1967 – 1971); School of Political Science, University of Lyon (1970), Associate Member of the Institute of Banking (ACIB), University of Westminster, LLB (1986 – 1988)

Experience working in collegial bodies:.

Status: PKD No. 0253 07/25/07

Korobova Elena Alexandrovna(born 1952)

Education: Moscow Aviation Institute, Radio engineer.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC NPP "Pyramid", member of the audit commission of CJSC TsPP "Vympel-Systems"

Status: PKD No. 0068 07/14/2004

Korolev Vitaly Alfredovich, 1962


Moscow Energy Institute, 1984, mechanical engineer-researcher; correspondence postgraduate course at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 1993, Economics and management of the national economy; Institute of World Economy and International Relations, 1993, specialist in securities; International Banking Institute, 2001, Crisis management; St. Petersburg State University, 2001, special economics department, Economics and enterprise management; Well " Corporate governance" (program " Legal issues and management issues in the energy sector") joint project Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Canadian Institute of Natural Resources Law and Southern Alberta Polytechnic Institute, 2001; Consortium Academy of National Economy (Moscow) and Institute of Economics and Management (St. Petersburg). Top Management course as part of the Presidential Management Training Program, 2002; Internship at the Bristol Management Center (UK) as part of the Presidential Management Training Program, 2003; IOD; The Role of the Company Director in the UK/US Listed Company, Certificate 2007 BBA UK. Course "Corporate Governance". Degree Doctor of Business Administration. Dissertation on the topic “Principles of modeling the corporate governance system of Russian non-public private companies in a transition economy”, 2014

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the United metallurgical company", independent member of the Board of Directors of JSC Giprogor

Status: PKD No. 728 dated December 26, 2018

Korolev Sergey Anatolievich(born 1963)

Education: VVMU named after. Frunze, Leningrad (1980 – 1985), officer, electrical engineer; Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (2005 – 2008), national economics, economist

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of commissions for internal audit and control of Lukoil-Resource LLC (2004 – 2008)

Status: PKD No. 355 09/18/2009

Korotkova Maria Vyacheslavna(born 1984)

Education: Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky, Organizational Management, 2006.

Experience in collegial bodies: Director of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Work Supply Department of the Kamensky Forestry Enterprise", Member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Design Bureau "Gorizont", OJSC "Agrobreeding plant "Perevozsky", OJSC "Profdisinfection"

Status: PKD No. 642 dated 08/27/2015

Korotovskikh Nadezhda Ivanovna(born 1969)

Education: St. Petersburg State Trade and Economic University (formerly Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade named after Engels), 1992, Economist; Higher Economic School of St. Petersburg State Economic University (formerly FINEK), 2007, Strategies sustainable development business; Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia, training center, Moscow, 2013, “Financial Director”; Institute practical psychology"IMATON", 2010,; “Use of the corporate competency model in management practice by human resourses"; EXECT Business Training, 2012, “Psychology of interaction and effectiveness of teamwork of generations X and Y”; Consulting company“Rules of the Game”, 2013, “Corporate mind management: how to agree and do it””; Consulting company NOVA Team, 2011, “Managing the uncontrollable”; SPbGUEF (formerly FINEK), 2010, “Fundamentals and optimization of taxation”

Experience in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Voight Industrial Services LLC

Status: PKD No. 651 dated 10/15/2015

Korypaev Valentin Alexandrovich(born 1976)

Education: State University of Education named after. S. Ordzhonikidze, financial management, 1998. ANCHIBDA, Executive MBA, strategic management, 2010

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC PPZ Kanashsky, OJSC Novonikolaevsk Poultry Hatchery Station

Status: PKD No. 461 03/10/2011

Kosolapov Igor Alekseevich(born 1971)

Education: Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (1988 – 1994), theoretical nuclear
physics; Modern Humanitarian University, Faculty of Law (1996 – 1998)

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Companies: LLC IC Energogarant-Invest Ltd (1997 - 2003), OJSC SAC Energogarant (2003 -
2006), OJSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (2008 - present)

Status: PKD No. 324 12/17/2008

Kostikov Igor Vladimirovich(born 1958)

Education: Leningrad State University, Economist; Postgraduate School of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia (2000 - 2004), member of the boards of directors of OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann Food Products (2006 - 2011), member of the audit committee of OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann Food Products (2 years), CJSC Mezhdunarodnaya St. Petersburg Stock Exchange (2006 – present);

Status: PKD No. 0100 11/18/2004

Kostina Inna Vladimirovna(born 1977)

Education: Russian Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov, Finance and credit, Exchange business and securities.

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Buturlinovsky Flour Mill, Yauza-Khleb, Tselinkhleboprodukt, Korma.

Status: PKD No. 0086 07/14/2004

Kotelnikov Oleg Ivanovich(born 1963)

Education: Perm Polytechnic Institute (1982 – 1987), automation and telemechanics

Experience in collegial bodies: Chairman of the boards of directors of OJSC Permkhleb, OJSC Khleb (since 2008); Member of the boards of directors of OJSC Talvis, OJSC SPI RVVK (2007, 2008); Chairman of the Supervisory Board of 9 subsidiaries of OJSC Yugokamsk Machine-Building Plant (2001 – 2002)

Status: PKD No. 0333 dated March 27, 2009

Kotikov Konstantin Viktorovich(born 1974)

Education: Moscow Energy Institute, 1991 - 1997, Electric stations; Moscow State Law Academy, 1998 - 2002, Jurisprudence

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Volgogradenergo, OJSC Tambovenergo, OJSC Lipetskenergo, OJSC Oryolenergo, OJSC Kurskenergo, OJSC Voronezhenergo, OJSC Smolenskenergo, OJSC Yarenergo; Chairman of the central competition commission of IDGC of Center, JSC

Status: PKD No. 0200 10/23/2006

Kravchenko Igor Viktorovich(born 1967)

Education: Chelyabinsk State Technical University, mechanical engineer, 1992. Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, economist, 2005

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors: OJSC "Maket-F", OJSC "Kyshtymkvartsamotsvety", OJSC "Road Supply Enterprise No. 223", OJSC "Special Blasting Works", OJSC "Central Pharmacy No. 72", OJSC "Chelyabinskgeosyemka". Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC "Vichuga City Electric Network", OJSC "Magnitogorsk Geological Enterprise", OJSC "Maket-F", OJSC "Kyshtymkvartssamotsvety", OJSC "Supply Road Enterprise No. 223№", OJSC "Special Blasting Works", OJSC "Central Pharmacy" No. 72", OJSC "Chelyabinskgeosemka"

Status: PKD No. 0138 10/26/2005

Krasnikov Maxim Yurievich(born 1976)

Education: MGADI TU, economist-manager, 1998

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC Samotlorneftegaz (2000-2001); OJSC TNK-Nizhnevartovsk (2000-2001); OJSC Nizhnevartovsk Oil and Gas Producing Enterprise (2000-2001); CJSC Media Holding Western Siberia (2000-2003); OJSC "Bauxites of Timan" (2004-2006); OJSC "TGC-5" (2007-2008); OJSC "TGC-6" (2007-2009); OJSC Kirovenergosbyt (2008-20010); OJSC "TGC-9" (2009-2010); OJSC "Orenburg TGC" (2009-2010); Chairman of the Audit Committee of OJSC TGC-9 (2008-2009)

Status: PKD No. 509 dated December 27, 2011

Krotovich Igor Nikolaevich(born 1951)

Education: Military Red Barracks Academy of Chemical Defense (1970 – 1975), Armament of chemical troops and means of protection

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of United LLC strategic consultants"(2007 – present)

Status: PKD No. 356 09/18/2009

Kruzhilin Pavel Yurievich(born 1970)

Education: MIPT, 1986-1992, applied mathematics; INSEAD, France, 1994-1995, MBA

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman, member of the board of directors of Pro-Invest, Strategy

Status: PKD No. 0249 07.25.07

Krylov Yuri Dmitrievich(born 1964)

Education: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 1985 - 1991, Law, RUDN Graduate School, 1991 - 1994, Securities Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of Depository and Corporate Technologies LLC

Status: PKD No. 0175 07/14/2006

Krylova Tatyana Borisovna(born 1956)

Education: Moscow State University (1972 – 1977), teacher of political economy, diploma with honors

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the NSFR Council, member of the management council of ZAO KPMG

Status: PKD No. 0278 02/27/2008

Kryuchkov Vladimir Ivanovich(born 1946)

Education: Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute, metallurgical engineer, 1969. Academy of Social Sciences, party and Soviet construction, 1989. University, Ohio State, international finance

Experience in collegial bodies: Chairman of the boards of directors of the Russian-Japanese joint venture Vostok Metal (1991–2000), Kristall insurance company (1995–2001), pension fund (1996–1998), Khabarovsk Construction Plant CJSC aluminum structures"(2001–present); member of the board of directors of OJSC Investvtortsvetmet (1992–2005), Rosleasingbusiness (1998–2003); independent director of OJSC Prioksky Non-Ferrous Metals Plant (2009–present)

Status: PKD No. 325 12/17/2008

Ksenchuk Evgeniy Vitalievich(born 1953)

Education: Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute (1970 – 1975), physical electronics; Siberian International Higher School of Banking (1992 – 1995), finance and credit

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Novosibirskrybkhoz"

Status: PKD No. 303 dated 09/10/08

Kudrin Vasily Vladimirovich(born 1978)

Education: Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 1995 – 2000, Finance and credit. Market valuable papers and stock trading

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Presidential Council of the Association of Alumni of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation; Council member Non-profit partnership"Institute of Internal Auditors"; Member of the Council of the Russian branch of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

Status: PKD No. 0246 03/21/07

Kudryavtsev Gennady Georgievich(born 1941)

Education: Moscow Polytechnic of Communications (1962), radio engineer; Moscow Institute of Communications, (1974), radio engineer; Academy of National Economy, Moscow, (1982)

Experience working in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Rostelecom, member of the board of directors of OJSC Sistema Telecom, OJSC UTK, OJSC Sibirtelecom. Freelance Advisor to the Minister information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation

Status: PKD No. 304 dated 09/10/08

Kuzin Denis Lvovich(born 1970)

Education: Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, Ryazan (1991), Special Intelligence
(reconnaissance and sabotage units of the GRU), translator-referent in English; Russian Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov
(2003), Presidential Management Training Program, Management (Russian MBA course), Specialist in Enterprise Management; Business School named after. Schulich York University, T. Toronto, Canada (2003), Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance Specialist

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors Machine-building plant for the food industry "FIS - Food Technologies" (Fryazino, Moscow Region)

Status: PKD No. 0034 12/08/2003

Kuzin Dmitry Vladimirovich(born 1954)

Education: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, economic cybernetics, 1976. Postgraduate course at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1979

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors: ZAO Smena, ZAO Literaturnaya Gazeta. Member of the rectorate of the non-state university ANOVPO Academy "International University in Moscow"

Status: PKD No. 531 dated 06/05/2012

Kuznetsov Sergey Vladislavovich(born 1971)

Education: Moscow State Aviation Institute (Technical University), 1994, Computer-aided design systems; Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 1996, Banking and insurance; University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, 2003, MBA

Experience in collegial management bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors of RedWings JSC, Member of the Board of Directors of Norilsk-Telecom JSC, member of the Management Board of AHML JSC, Federal Fund for Assistance to the Development of Housing Construction

Status: PKD No. 675 dated 04/11/2016

Kuznetsov Eduard Anatolievich(born 1967)

Education: Sverdlovsk Higher Military-Political School named after. L.I. Brezhnev, 1984-1988, History and social science;
All-Russian Correspondence Financial Economic Institute, 1996-1998, Finance and Credit

Experience working in collegial bodies: Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Krayinvestbank; Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Medical Insurance Company Sochi-Garant; Chairman of the Board of the Kubansky PPF Foundation Pension Fund"; Member of the Public Advisory Council under the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Krasnodar region Member of the Public Council for the Protection of Small and Medium Businesses under the Prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Supervisory Board of Monocrystal Holding NV, Ltd. Member of the Supervisory Board, member of the Audit Committee, member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of Energomera Concern OJSC

Status: PKD No. 0122 07/12/2005

Kulbakina Tatyana Anatolyevna(born 1973)

Education: East Kazakh State University, 1991 - 1995, Russian language and literature; Higher School of Law "Edilet", 1998 - 2000, Jurisprudence

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Recreation Center Energetik, OJSC Sanatorium-Preventorium Energetik

Status: PKD No. 0201 10/23/2006

Kunin Boris Lvovich(born 1962)

Education: Rostov Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, 1981-1986, Automation, telemechanics and communications railway transport., Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 01/22/01-10/26/01

Experience working in collegial bodies: Member of the Board, CJSC TransTeleCom Company, Member of the Board of Directors, CJSC Baikal-Transtelecom, CJSC Center-Transtelecom, CJSC Kavkaz-Transtelecom, CJSC Sib-Transtelecom

Status: PKD No. 0116 04/07/2005

Kupko Sergey Viktorovich(born 1965)

Education: Kharkov VVKIU RV named after. Krylova N.I., 1982-1987, radio engineer, IPPC of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 1995-1997, Economist on taxes and taxation, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2003-2004, Manager

Experience in collegial bodies: Chairman of the Board of Directors, member of the Board of Directors of JSC FSTC “Inversion”. Member of the Board of Directors: JSC Dalenergosetproekt, JSC Pyatigorskenergoproekt, Swiss SeeHotel Jaegerhof Hubertus AG

Status: PKD No. 0119 04/07/2005

Kurochkin Dmitry Nikolaevich(b. 1960)

Education: Minsk Institute foreign languages, translator-referent of English and French, 1982. Institute of Law, legal regulation foreign economic activity, 1995. University. Charles Montesquieu, Bordeaux (France), European banking law, 1998

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC International Trade Center

Status: PKD No. 547 dated 02.11.2012

Kuchin Alexey Sergeevich(born 1981)

Education: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tomsk State University", jurisprudence, 2003. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tomsk State University", postgraduate study at the Institute of Law, 2006, Candidate of Legal Sciences.

Experience in collegial bodies: Member of the Board of Directors: OJSC NPF FiBrA, OJSC NPF FiBr-Porolen (2007-2008); CJSC Agrarian Group, CJSC Eleonor, (2008-2010); CJSC FIG Tesaurum, (2008-present); CJSC Seversky GMZ, (2011–2013); JSC "Parus" (2013-present), Deputy Chairman of the SB of SPTPC "Village Milk" (2010-2014).
