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How to write a social project sample. Social design. How to write your project. Project implementation timeline

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What is a social project?

Social projects include proposals to reform the system social security, social protection, healthcare, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks.

Goals in such projects are set immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they do not differ much in the general mass, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

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Implementation period: indefinitely.

Example for youth #2

Example for youth #3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth company.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.



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Social projects in elementary school

Karmazina Galina Aleksandrovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU secondary school No. 46
Locality: town Chernomorsky Seversky district Krasnodar Territory
Material name: presentation
Subject: Social projects in elementary school
Publication date: 02.04.2016
Chapter: elementary education

Social projects in

primary school

One of the priority tasks of the modern school is to create the necessary full-fledged conditions for the personal development of each child, the formation of an active life position. Among the various areas of new pedagogical technologies, the leading place is occupied by design and research activities, namely, social design. The introduction of children into social design allows you to develop independence, initiative, creativity, competence, communication.

Presentation Search

Social project- this is, as a rule, a project aimed at implementing a significant idea, and the participation of children in competitions, festivals, creative games, holidays held as part of project activities, help them to realize the social significance of their activities.

Skills that

develop in children





Goals and objectives of the social

attracting the attention of schoolchildren to the actual social problems of this local community; the inclusion of students in real practical activities to resolve one of these problems by the students themselves.
raising the general level of culture of schoolchildren by obtaining additional information; strengthening teamwork skills; improving useful social skills and abilities (planning future activities, calculating the necessary resources, analyzing results and final results, etc.).

Stages of project activity:
development of a design concept (situation analysis, problem analysis, goal setting, planning); implementation of the design intent (implementation of planned actions); evaluation of the results of the project (new/altered state of reality).

Basic requirements for

social project
 Limited (in terms of time, goals and objectives, results, etc.)  Integrity  Consistency and coherence  Objectivity and validity  Competence of the author and staff  Viability

Expected results

social design
Increased social activity of students, their willingness to take a personal practical part in the implementation of the project. The real contribution of students to changing the social situation. Positive changes in the minds of schoolchildren, raising the level of the general culture of schoolchildren. The members of the project teams have the formed skills of teamwork in the preparation and implementation of a real socially useful work on their own. Obtaining social positive experience, awareness of one's importance. .

Practical work teachers
I widely use the project method in my work, both in class and in class. extracurricular activities. Much attention is also paid to social design. Through social design, it is possible to increase the degree of independence, initiative of students, to promote the development of social skills in the process of group interactions. A positive feature of the social project technology is the opportunity to realize the potential of children with different levels of training, which is one of the means of the teacher's educational activities.

Themes of social projects

in 2nd grade
In the course of children's project activities, such social projects have arisen: “We are together!”, “My family”, “My small homeland”, “The path to success”, which are long-term and are implemented throughout the year. And also short-term: “Sport in my life!”, “Farewell, autumn!”, “What the library will tell about”, “Favorite games and toys”, “Mom is the main person in my life”, “ Christmas toy for a school Christmas tree”, “Help the birds”, “Sending a soldier”, “Help a veteran”, “Grandfather’s victory is my Victory!”, “Learning to play in a team”, etc.

Themes of social projects

For elementary school
1 “My Family” 2 “My Motherland” 3 “Knizhkin House” 4 “On the Way of Kindness” 5 “On Friendship and Friends” 6 “Veteran Lives Nearby” 7 “Tea Festival”

Themes of social projects
8 "Mom is the main word in life" 9 "New Year's miracles" 10 "Road alphabet" 11 "Learning to play in a team" 12 " winter fairy tale" and etc.

Significance of social

design for





Getting the first experience of creating a project helps to form a micro-model of civil society; social design is focused on the activity study of various aspects of the functioning of society and is a good remedy involvement of students in social practice; social design helps schoolchildren defend their interests competently and constitutionally and become active and responsible citizens.

- the involvement of students in social design gives positive results and broadens their horizons in society, - allows the development of communicative, organizational competencies of students, - increases the level of formation of citizenship, a sense of responsibility and involvement in the public affairs of the school, village, district.

Project "My small homeland"

Project "My small homeland"

Project "Mother's Eyes"

Mother's Day Project

"Sport in my life!"

The project "Grandfather's Victory -

my Victory!

Project "We are together!"

"We are together" (Novorossiysk)

On the legendary ship

"Kutuzov", Novorossiysk

Memory watch in


On Malaya Zemlya


Rock "Cockerel"

Goryachiy Klyuch

Project "Farewell, autumn!"

Project "What can

tell library"

Project Protection

Project Protection

Protection of projects in the 2nd grade

Project "We are together"

(A trip to the city - the hero of Kerch)

On the ferry to Kerch

First time on the ferry

“A drop of thought about nature gives birth

mighty, full-flowing river of thought...

Essentially, this is where the

what all of us, teachers, aspire to…”.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Thank you for your attention

Teacher MBOU secondary school No. 46

Karmazina G.A.

To the education section

News and society

An example of a social project. Social projects for youth: examples

To solve some social problems, social projects are created, within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what it is. What are the characteristics of those that are aimed at young people? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or projects aimed at seniors? For example, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation already?

What is a social project?

A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a specific social problem or aimed at improving some aspect. social life. But in addition to the idea, he must offer more ways to implement it, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, who will be the main target group of the project. To help you understand what it is, an example of a social project, which will be published below. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to solve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). Usually there are 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from an entity with large financial capabilities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the system of social security, social protection, health care, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are set immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they do not differ much in the general mass, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

What are the features of projects aimed at young people?

The most important feature is that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation to be improved should be described in detail, as well as any specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.

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What should the project be?

The project must meet the following conditions:

  1. There should be no contradictions in the put forward ideas and methods of implementation.
  2. It must be possible to implement under the given conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say about social projects for schoolchildren, their examples should be able to interest these restless guys.
  4. It must give an answer to the social order that has arisen in society.
  5. The implementation plan must be effective and such that it will achieve the goal.
  6. This should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, will be of interest to young people.

How should a social project be formalized?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. Health, creativity, demographic issues, health improvement, scientific or cultural enlightenment, promotion of sports or a better relationship with other people can be chosen as a field of work. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the popularization of radio electronics, design, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a club of logical thought or an astronomical circle can be a specific goal.

After defining the goals, it is necessary to think about the tasks - the most concentrated goals. Examples of tasks might be: instilling the qualities that will enable troubled teenagers at risk to settle into life as a normal citizen, or help in finding a place to study / work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives are determined, then an action plan and implementation timeframes should be discussed, as well as a place where all the developments will receive life. The action plan should contain the most detailed list of actions that will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of ​​what is required of you, you can take a look at four social projects for young people.

Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects in the school. Let the examples be not very large-scale, but they will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is desirable to involve a school psychologist in the work.

Example of a social project for youth No. 1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Target. Reduce the number of people who get divorced after marriage by preparing and explaining the responsibilities and rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is, what duties and rights each of the spouses will have.
  2. Help distribute future responsibilities now so that there is no lapping later.
  3. Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine if they understand what it means.

We need a step-by-step plan, which describes all the actions and their sequence.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place of implementation: city such and such.

Example for youth #2

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth company.

Direction: support for motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Purpose: to provide charitable assistance to refuseniks and underage orphans who are being treated in a hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, financial assistance, toys and medicines for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore health in refuseniks and underage orphans.
  3. Raising funds from the state budget or from charitable foundations to improve refuseniks or orphans who are in medical institutions.
  4. Drawing attention to the problem of children without parents in order to persuade people to adopt children.

A detailed plan that describes the details of the search for funds and their transfer.

Place of implementation: Children's regional hospital of the city of Samara.

Example for youth #3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth company.

Direction: social adaptation of young people with congenital deficiencies and disabilities in universities.

Purpose: to achieve the socialization of physically distinct students.

  1. Promoting the usefulness of the socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that carry out social protection for such people.
  3. Assistance in social and cultural life.
  4. Help aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards young people with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
  7. Realization of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, testing and implementation of new methods of rehabilitation.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Location: University of such and such a city.

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Project for high school students

TARGET: support and development of youth social activity, creation of organizational, methodological, legal and informational conditions for youth self-realization, protection of their social rights and vital interests.

– determination of ways and forms of interaction of public youth organizations within the region;
– training of youth leaders, formation and development of the youth asset of the organization;
- involvement in public life of more youth;
— generalization and dissemination practical experience work in public youth organizations;
— identification of talented youth;
– support in the realization of their interests, as well as the needs of young people in self-realization and self-development;
- establishing warm and friendly relations through common activities between adolescents and their parents.

The project is aimed at active youth, students of grades 9-11, leaders, curators of youth public organizations, parents who are not indifferent to the fate of their children.

1. Regional Palace of Creativity, through the work of the regional Council of high school students.
2. City Houses of creativity through the activities of city Councils of high school students.
3. Schools - school Tips for high school students.
4. Parents' committees.

Social project "Kind heart"

The Regional Council of High School Students is a youth public organization, whose work is headed by the chairman of the Regional Council of High School Students, who is assisted by 2 of his deputies and 5 head. departments, which in general constitute the highest level of the structure of the Council of High School Students (Appendix 1).
Each department independently plans its work, develops and conducts activities in its own direction, in contact with curators and parents.

- the regional Council of high school students carries out its work during the academic year;
- at the first and last meetings, the asset (chairman, 2 deputies, head of departments, parent committee) must be present in full force.
— intermediate meetings are held by departments to carry out work according to the plan public organization.
- the organization plan must include regional events with the participation of representatives of city councils of high school students
- the plan of the regional organization should include joint events for the Council of High School Students and the Parents' Committee.

Involving young people in the planning and implementation of project activities is one of the main reasons for its success. Adults in this case play the role of curators. Usually there is no problem with this, because the subject of the project is closely related to their interests. Young people are happy to organize and hold both an entertainment event and scientific conferences, information days, charity events, actively participate in public life organizations, he feels his potential and understands that it can be useful to them.
- During general activities a special atmosphere of friendship, trust and support is created;
- the level of self-esteem, self-control and self-realization increases.
- improved relationships with adults
- socially useful work is carried out
— horizons of new prospects open up

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Tags: project activity at school, a project for schoolchildren, a project for grade 10

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Ministry of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and ANO Center for Innovations social sphere Nizhny Novgorod Region" announce the start of the regional stage All-Russian competition"The best social project of the year."

The competition is held according to the order of the Ministry economic development Russia and is aimed at supporting social entrepreneurship.

You are invited to participate in the competition individual entrepreneurs, commercial organizations and socially-oriented non-profit organizations of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The competition is aimed at developing competition in the social sphere, identifying the best social practices among socially oriented non-profit organizations and small and medium-sized businesses, promoting the exchange of experience in the development of social entrepreneurship, as well as solving or mitigating existing social problems and improving the quality of life of the population.

Social projects will be evaluated by the competition commission in the following seven categories:

1. "The best social project of the year in the field of employment, involvement in socially active activities of persons in need of social support."
2. "The best social project of the year in the field of social service persons in need of social support.
3. "The best social project of the year in the field of public-private partnership in the field of development and production technical means rehabilitation of disabled people, provision of rehabilitation services, selection and training in the use of technical means of rehabilitation for disabled people”.
4. "The best social project of the year in the region physical education and mass sports for persons in need of social support”.

An example of a social project. Themes, creation, support and implementation of social projects

"The best social project of the year in the field of additional education children."
6. "The best social project of the year in the field of cultural and educational activities."
7. Special nomination - "The best start-up of the year in the social sphere."

Projects submitted for participation in the Competition must meet the following requirements:

Be implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod region and contribute to the achievement of positive social change in society;
be aimed at solving/mitigating existing social problems; the emergence of long-term, sustainable positive social change;
contain an innovative approach to solving social problems;
have a financially sustainable business model;
have a social impact and effectiveness.

When evaluating projects, their social orientation, target need, and the social effect achieved as a result of the project implementation will be taken into account.

The winners of the competition will receive information, resource and mentoring support to promote their project, in addition, they will be awarded special diplomas from the hands of the first persons of the city and region and prizes from the partners of the competition.

The projects of the winners will also be nominated for participation in the All-Russian stage of the Best Social Project of the Year competition.

Applications for participation are accepted from September 24 to October 21, 2018 on the official website of the ANO "Center for Innovation in the Social Sphere of the Nizhny Novgorod Region"

The winners will be announced in December 2018 at the Annual Forum of Social Entrepreneurs of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, where all participants in the "Best Social Project of the Year" contest will be invited.

Regulations on the competition



1. Essence of social design and social project

2. Concepts of social design

3. Classifications of social projects




Social life is so complex and diverse that sometimes mechanisms are needed for its structuring and regulation, allowing to successfully solve emerging problems and attract all the resources necessary for this. One such successful mechanism is social design.

What is social engineering and when did it originate? Some researchers believe that social design has always existed, at least since antiquity, in this sense, Plato's "State" can be considered one of the first social projects. Others argue that it is possible to talk about social design only starting from the 20-30s of our century, when the design ideology was formed, within which the task of designing new social relations, a new person, socialist culture, i.e. what today is considered social activity. There is a point of view that social design is being formed only now, since at present there has been an awareness of social design and its samples are being formed, in which the ideology and methods of design, as well as the sociological approach, are being purposefully carried out.

In connection with the ongoing changes in society, more and more attention is being paid to social design, and, today, this topic is relevant, as the effectiveness of project technologies in managing social life is increasingly being realized.

When implementing a project, it is necessary to know clearly the strategy for its implementation and project management tactics. And for this, in turn, it is important to have a clear idea about the features and properties of this project, which can be done through knowledge of the classifications of social projects.

Based on the foregoing, the purpose of this essay is to describe the typology of social projects.

To achieve this goal, you need to do the following tasks :

1. Briefly characterize the essence of social design and social project;

2. Describe the main concepts of social design;

3. Describe the main classifications of social projects.

1. Essence of social design and social project

Let's turn to the essence of the concept « social engineering ». The activity of creating a project is called design. social engineering there is a way to express the idea of ​​improvement environment the language of specific goals, objectives, measures and actions to achieve them, as well as a description of the necessary resources for the practical implementation of the plan and specific deadlines for the implementation of the described goal. In the very general view social design is the construction of an action localized in place, time and resources, aimed at achieving a socially significant goal.

Social design is understood as the activity:

socially significant, having a social effect;

The result of such activity is the creation of a real (but not necessarily material) “product” that has practical significance.

A project is a description of a specific situation that needs to be improved and specific methods and steps to implement it. More project is a means of managing activities, the most down to earth, concrete and feasible form for an institution / organization.

Social project is a model of proposed changes in the immediate social environment in the form of:

a verbal description of the proposed actions to implement the specified changes;

Graphic image (drawings, diagrams, etc.);

· numerical indicators and calculations necessary for the implementation of the planned actions.

Project features:

The goal is to change the situation, solve the problem, the emergence of something new;

· Established start and end dates;

· Certain Resources;

The measurable product or result.

Project management is the process of managing all work on a project from inception to completion.

Management includes three main activities :

1. Planning:

— Determination of the desired outcomes of the project. Those. prescribing what you want to see after the implementation of the project.

— Development of an implementation strategy and a work schedule. All invented events, including the search for resources and sponsors (if any are needed), as well as various meetings, actions, and surveys and risks (problems that may arise during the implementation of the project) should be prescribed along with the deadlines and responsible .

— Calculation of the amount of required resources. Roughly speaking, everything that is needed for the development and implementation of the project (people, money, transportation costs, office expenses, etc.)

2. Organization: distribution of roles and responsibilities within the project team.

If one person in the project team develops a work plan, looks for sponsors, negotiates with the city or district administration, conducts surveys, is responsible for all activities, then most likely he will not do all his work or will do it poorly. And who needs it? Therefore, there is a division of labor, including in project activities. It will be necessary to understand who will do what and by virtue of their capabilities and abilities. Of course, in order to share responsibilities in a team, you first need the team itself.

3. Management: inclusion in the design of this type of activity will help to make the work in the project better, more efficient:

— Management of work and control of results (appointment of responsible persons and reports on the work done).

- Solving emerging problems. If problems arise during the implementation of the project that were not foreseen in the risks, they require the fastest resolution. Because if they are not resolved, they can adversely affect the progress of the project, and in the worst case, the goal will not be achieved. It's not all that scary though. It is still difficult to foresee all problems, but if they have arisen, you need to try to solve them.

— Exchange of information with stakeholders (depending on the problem that the project is aimed at solving).

2. Concepts of social design

As part of the disclosure of the main classifications of social projects, it will be useful to dwell on the main concepts of social design, since it is on the basis of them that one or another typology of projects is formulated.

Modern concepts of social and project activities are all in more they proceed from the fact that the human determinant of innovations is not some prerequisite for design, although it is an important, but still private aspect, but the very essence of a social project, its philosophical and sociological foundation. In this direction, the design of technical innovations has undergone a noticeable evolution. Systems engineering, of course, is not a thing of the past, but one cannot help but see that it is being pushed back more and more sociotechnical design, the concept of which proceeds from the fact that "the main attention should be paid not to machine components, but to human activity, its social and psychological aspects" . The humanization of sociotechnical design leads to the formation of a significant trend: “Design itself becomes a source of the formation of project topics and thereby enters the sphere of cultural and historical activity ... Sociotechnical design is design without prototypes, and therefore it is focused on the realization of ideals that are formed in the theoretical and methodological spheres or in culture as a whole.

Such characteristics seem to reflect an increasingly definite shift of the core (concept, performance evaluation) of social project activities into the value sphere. It is precisely because of this circumstance that an opportunity arises to look at the approaches to social design that have established themselves in our country from a new point of view.

Most common object-oriented approach to social design (the term of T. M. Dridze Social project, from the standpoint of this approach, aims to create a new or reconstruct an existing social object. The object can be some building, but also social ties, relationships.

According to the definition of Zh. T. Toshchenko, “social design is a specific activity associated with a scientifically based determination of options for the development of new social processes and phenomena and with a purposeful radical change in specific social institutions". Social design is considered as a specific planned activity, the essence of which is the scientifically based determination of the parameters for the formation of future social projects or processes in order to provide optimal conditions for the emergence, operation and development of new or reconstructed objects. Because of this, in particular, the range of social projects "completely coincides with the range of social forecasts and social innovations" .

The specificity of the object-oriented approach is the idea of ​​the natural nature of the project, of its scientific validity as objectivity. This is where the weakness of the concept comes to light. The problem lies in the interpretation of objectivity and scientificity in the social sphere. The determination of social innovations is variable. S. N. Bulgakov rightly remarked: “Although social politics is generally capable of being scientific, but this does not mean at all that only one system of politics necessarily follows from the given scientific premises, and it was precisely this system that was the only scientific one. On the contrary, different, but at the same time with the same degree of scientific validity, sound directions of social policy can follow from the same scientific data, in other words, different uses can be made from a given scientific tool. It is only through a misunderstanding of the nature of science and the limits of social determinism that the widespread notion that is possible only one scientific social policy”. The scientific validity of the designed object, therefore, is provable only in the most general provisions and controversial in relation to a specific management decision.

Municipal budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities

"Diveevo special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type"

607328 Nizhny Novgorod Region, Diveevsky district, Satis village, Moskovskaya street, 42



Sewing teacher

Kuznetsova Svetlana Yurievna

2011-2012 academic year

Project leader: Kuznetsova Svetlana Yurievna, sewing teacher

Creative Group:

Kuznetsova Svetlana Yurievna, sewing teacher

Sadovnikov Mikhail Alexandrovich, carpentry teacher

Sudarkina Ksenia, 9th grade student

Sudarkina Elena, 9th grade student

Kulikova Anna, 7th grade student

Klepikova Olga, 7th grade student

Tarasova Maria, 10th grade student

Schukina Victoria, 9th grade student

Ageeva Ekaterina, 6th grade student

Dmitrieva Elena, 8th grade student

Morozkina Olesya, 8th grade student

Arzhevitina Maria, 8th grade student

Ermakova Alena, 8th grade student

Gorenkova Julia, 9th grade student

Gorokhova Irina, 9th grade student

Project implementation period: 1 academic year

Direction of the project: "Social project"

Project type:





Formulation of the problem

In January 2011, our boarding school from the village of Diveevo was transferred to the village of Satis in the Diveevsky district. Having moved to a new building, we immediately decided that it was necessary to think about the design of the educational building.

In the old school we had a big wonderful exhibition children's creativity. The students proposed to decorate the walls of the corridor of the new building with their own works made in different circles.

Children need to be taught to feel, understand, appreciate and, most importantly, create beauty. We need to do everything necessary to make the school premises comfortable, because this is the home of our children, where they should be cozy and comfortable. Therefore, at our school a lot of attention is paid to the aesthetic design of the premises. This problem is relevant for the students of our school, since its solution forms in children an aesthetic taste, a sense of responsibility for doing their work and a desire to change the face of the school for the better, which will definitely be useful to them in independent life.

On September 1, 2011, we developed a project implementation plan with a group of children and started to work.

Objective of the project:

creation of aesthetically favorable conditions for education and recreation of pupils

Project tasks:

Providing pupils with the opportunity to test their strength in interior design;

Formation of skills of conscious perception of labor duty and a sense of social responsibility;

Development moral qualities through education by the aesthetics of the surrounding school reality;

Creation of conditions for the formation of the boarding school students' knowledge and skills that will be required in independent life;

Creating conditions for the formation of an understanding among pupils of the importance of their personal work for society;

Instilling aesthetic taste in students.

Job hypothesis

In the process of circle activities, we decided to use the method of creative projects, because this contributes to the development of individual abilities and the identification of the creative potential of students.

The essence of this work is that each of the members of the creative group will be able to express themselves in the form applied art which is closer to him. All participants can choose a work to their liking, independently choosing the size of the work, materials, all color combinations and, if desired, change them.

I see my task as follows: to help students make right choice compositions, taking into account their inclinations, interests, capabilities, age characteristics, as well as provide the necessary assistance directly during the performance of the work.
In each work, authorship is important, each work of art is an expression of the innermost "I". Performing work not on assignment, but at will, students put a piece of their soul into each

creation. Therefore, the interior that we decided to decorate should turn out to be very “warm”.

Originality of the project

When we first decided to start implementing this project, it was already clear that our idea would be original. After all, we want to decorate the interior not with factory paintings, but with works of applied art made by ourselves. Even if someone decides to repeat our project, it will be impossible. After all, each work is made at the discretion of the author, according to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe color scheme and is exclusive.

Project activity methods

There are many in the world creative people. There are also quite a few of them among children with disabilities. Without creativity, the world would be uninteresting and boring. The essence of the method of creative projects is to create something new, interesting, to develop a project, your own design, which you can’t “peep” anywhere. All people have the right to be different and see the world in their own way. The content of this system is the humanitarian and aesthetic culture and the possibility of art education for students by means of various kinds applied arts. It is the humanitarian mindset and the humanitarian style of activity that underlie the development of individual creativity students.

In a broad sense, a social project is a model of human activity itself, aimed at changing the social situation. Essence of social designconsists in constructing desired states of the future. Social design is a type of activity that is directly related to the development of the social sphere, overcoming various social problems in the education of the younger generation. Work on the project and its implementation in school institutions allows you to put the child in a position that allows you to put into practice knowledge, choose values ​​and a line of behavior, and perform legal and moral actions. These technologies form in children the understanding that not only their own well-being, but also the well-being of other people depends on their actions.

Project Implementation Plan

Project stage




Identification of the interests of children, formulation of the problem

September 2011

Kuznetsova S.Yu.

Choosing a Project Theme

September 2011

Formulation of the project goal and objectives

September 2011

Kuznetsova S.Yu.

Group formation

September 2011

Kuznetsova S.Yu.

Distribution of tasks for each group

September 2011

Kuznetsova S.Yu.

Setting project deadlines

September 2011

Kuznetsova S.Yu.


Selection of works

September 2011

Students (project participants),

Kuznetsova S.Yu.

Performing work in technology

"Counted Cross"

Gorenkova Julia

Sudarkina Ksenia,

Sudarkina Elena,

Kulikova, Anna

Klepikova Olga,

Schukina Victoria,

Dmitrieva Elena,

Ageeva Ekaterina,

Morozkina Olesya,

Arzhevitina Maria,

Ermakova Alena

Performing work in technology


Sudarkina Ksenia,

Sudarkina Elena,

Dmitrieva Elena,

Kulikova, Anna

Klepikova Olga,

Schukina Victoria,

Ageeva Ekaterina

Performance of work in patchwork technique


Gorokhova Irina

Performing work in technology

"Carpet weaving"

Tarasova Maria

Performing work in technology


Dmitrieva Elena,

Sudarkina Ksenia,

Sudarkina Elena,

Kulikova, Anna

Klepikova Olga,

Schukina Victoria

Performing work in technology

"Crochet "

Kulikova Anna

Preparation of the required number of frames for work

May 2012

Kuznetsova S.Yu., students (project participants)

Registration of works

May 2012

Kuznetsova S.Yu., students (project participants)

Installation of fasteners

May 2012

Sadovnikov M.A.

Placement of works

May 2012

Kuznetsova S.Yu., students (project participants)


May 2012

Kuznetsova S.Yu.


Project Protection

May 2012

Kuznetsova S.Yu., students (project participants)

Identification of new problems and determination of directions for further development.

May 2012

Kuznetsova S.Yu., students (project participants)

Hypothesis testing

At the very beginning of the work, the interests of the children were identified, the problem was formulated, the topic was chosen and the goal of the project was determined. The creative team formed quickly. All those wishing to take part in the project were approved. We assumed that the work would be done in various techniques, so the whole group was divided at will into 6 subgroups: Quilling, Quilting, Carpet weaving, Counted cross, Crochet, Isothread. Each subgroup had a different number of students. Some participants signed up for 4 groups at once in order to complete several works. Further, we decided that we should complete this project during the academic year, i.e. in May 2012 it should be ready.

Moving on to the practical stage, all participants chose the work that they would like to do. Then we picked up the necessary schemes, materials, chose color combinations and got to work.

In the process of work, something did not work out, something did not turn out at all the way we wanted. I had to redo and fix it. It is good that the mistakes and their correction did not affect the mood of the participants and the work was completed on time. Now it was necessary to formalize them, pick up the framework. This process also took some time. Some of the work required additional finishing materials.

When the works were ready in the amount of 37 pieces, it only remained to place them on the walls of the second floor corridor. We turned to M.A. Sadovnikov, a carpentry teacher, for help. who installed the necessary fasteners for the frames.

Placed creative works all together, amicably, consulting with each other.

After defending the project, we listened to the opinion of teachers and students of the school. All feedback was positive, which made the project participants very happy.

Conclusions of the project manager on the work done

The purpose of our creative project reached. We have really become participants in the creation of aesthetically favorable conditions for the education and recreation of pupils. It does not matter at all that we did not decorate the walls of the entire corridor, but only part of it. The main thing is that when we get down to business, we bring it to the end.

It is very important that the most important work was done by the students. With great pleasure they made their works for the interior design of the school. And we are all very pleased that not only students and employees, but also guests of our


Prospects for further development of the project

The project provides for its further development - carrying out activities in the direction of expanding the socio-cultural space of the institution, developing and implementing a comprehensive program of social design.

With the resumption of the project, steps are possible to increase the age range of involved pupils, to provide them with a greater share of independence at all stages of design, the scale of socially significant objects for improvement by the pupils of the boarding school.


  1. Kurbatova O. V. Forecasting, designing and modeling of social reality[ Text ] : Tutorial/ O.V. Kurbatova O.V. - Rostov n / a, 2003.
  2. Pakhomova N.Yu. Method educational project in an educational institution[ Text ] : a guide for teachers / N.Yu. Pakhomova.- M.: ARKTI, 2005.
  3. Rozhkov M. I., Baiborodova L. V. Organization of the educational process at school[ Text ] / M.I. Rozhkov, L.V. Bayborodov. - M.: Vlados, 2001.
  4. Organization of project activities at school[ Text ] / Auto-stat. S.G. Shcherbakova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Annex 1. Survey of students

Students surveyed - 88

Answered "like" - 42

Answered "do not like" - 0

Answered "very much" - 46

Annex 2. Photos and presentation

To solve some social problems, social projects are created, within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what it is. What are the characteristics of those that are aimed at young people? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or projects aimed at seniors? For example, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation already?


A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a certain or aimed at improving some aspect of social life. But in addition to the idea, he must offer more ways to implement it, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, who will be the main target group of the project. To help you understand what it is, an example of a social project, which will be published below. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to solve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). Usually there are 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from an entity with large financial capabilities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the system of social security, social protection, health care, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are set immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they do not differ much in the general mass, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

What are the features of projects aimed at young people?

The most important feature is that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation to be improved should be described in detail, as well as any specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.

What should the project be?

The project must meet the following conditions:

  1. There should be no contradictions in the put forward ideas and methods of implementation.
  2. It must be possible to implement under the given conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say about social projects for schoolchildren, their examples should be able to interest these restless guys.
  4. It must give an answer to the social order that has arisen in society.
  5. The implementation plan must be effective and such that it will achieve the goal.
  6. This should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, will be of interest to young people.

How should a social project be formalized?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. Health, creativity, demographic issues, health improvement, scientific or cultural enlightenment, promotion of sports or a better relationship with other people can be chosen as a field of work. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the popularization of radio electronics, design, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a club of logical thought or an astronomical circle can be a specific goal.

After defining the goals, it is necessary to think about the tasks - the most concentrated goals. Examples of tasks might be: instilling the qualities that will enable troubled teenagers at risk to settle into life as a normal citizen, or help in finding a place to study / work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives are determined, then an action plan and implementation timeframes should be discussed, as well as a place where all the developments will receive life. The action plan should contain the most detailed list of actions that will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of ​​what is required of you, you can take a look at four social projects for young people.

Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects in the school. Let the examples be not very large-scale, but they will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is desirable to involve a school psychologist in the work.

Example of a social project for youth No. 1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Target. Reduce the number of people who get divorced after marriage by preparing and explaining the responsibilities and rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is, what duties and rights each of the spouses will have.
  2. Help distribute future responsibilities now so that there is no lapping later.
  3. Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine if they understand what it means.

We need a step-by-step plan, which describes all the actions and their sequence.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place of implementation: city such and such.

Example for youth #2

Direction: support for motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Purpose: to provide assistance to refuseniks and underage orphans who are being treated in the hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, financial assistance, toys and medicines for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore health in refuseniks and underage orphans.
  3. from the state budget or from charitable funds to improve refuseniks or orphans who are in medical institutions.
  4. Drawing attention to the problem of children without parents in order to persuade people to adopt children.

A detailed plan that describes the details of the search for funds and their transfer.

Place of implementation: Children's regional hospital of the city of Samara.

Example for youth #3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth company.

Direction: youth with congenital disabilities and disabilities in universities.

Purpose: to achieve the socialization of physically distinct students.

  1. Promoting the usefulness of the socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that provide social protection for such people.
  3. Assistance in social and cultural life.
  4. Help aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards young people with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
  7. Realization of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, testing and implementation of new methods of rehabilitation.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Location: University of such and such a city.

Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them, you can choose to help disabled children who study in regular schools.

Social design. How to write your project?

Social project:

It is a versatile tool for clear strategic planning activities of your youth public association .

· This is the embodiment of any of your ideas into reality.

· This is an opportunity to calculate your steps towards the goal with an accuracy of days and hours;

· This is the ability to properly use the resources of your organization and attract resources from different sources.

· This is a solution to socially significant problems of the local community.

This is an image and financial stability your organization

Social design is a scientific, theoretical and at the same time substantive practical activity to create projects for the development of social systems, institutions, social objects, their properties and relations based on (based on social foresight, forecasting and planning social qualities and properties that are a significant social need, predictable, modeled and constructed qualities and properties of social objects make it possible to manage social processes and are an expression of that socially new that characterizes the trends of social development. Accordingly, social design is associated with innovative activities and introduction of social innovations.

Social design is a synthesis of scientific and theoretical, subject practical activities and an element of social education. As a scientific and theoretical activity, social design concerns, first of all, sociology, social work, social philosophy, political science, conflictology, regional studies, economics. As a subject-practical activity, social design is expressed in the creation of specific social projects, in planning and managing the development of territorial-industrial, economic, socio-cultural and other complexes.

Social design is a comprehensive development aimed at creating a scientifically based and vitally demanded model of the desired future with a view to its subsequent implementation in the process of practical activity, building specific social models, forecasts based on sociological research, economic calculations, administrative innovations, etc.

The term "design" comes from lat. “projectus” (thrown forward) is the process of creating a prototype, a prototype of an alleged or possible object, state, a specific activity, the result of which is a scientific, theoretical and practically justified definition of options for the predicted and planned development of new processes and phenomena. Design - component management, which allows you to ensure the implementation of controllability and controllability of a certain process.

What is a social project?

A social project is the most complex type of social design. This activity involves the creation during the implementation of the project of a new, previously non-existent, at least in the immediate social environment, a socially significant product. This product of activity is a means of resolving the contradiction between social difficulty, a problem perceived as personally significant, and the need of the individual, and the activity itself is a bridge connecting the society and the individual.

If you learn how to use this formula correctly,

consider that you are on the way to success!

Each stage is a logical step in building a social project. The problem must be substantiated by objective data identified through research. The goal (end result) should flow smoothly from the problem. Tasks should display step-by-step actions and have specific quantitative and qualitative results. Each method is a tool with which a problem is solved. The necessary resources are required for the implementation of each stage. In order to evaluate the result, a rating scale is needed.

The model of social design can be considered through the natural growth and development of a plant (tree). Let's say the soil is a social environment that you want to change in some way; Roots are the social problem you identified in the environment. Next, we set ourselves a clear goal - we set the direction of growth of the planning tree. Accordingly, we define clear tasks (concrete steps) and answer the question: “With the help of what methods (crown of the tree) will we achieve the solution of the tasks set?”. As a result, we get the fruits of our labor (results), which we must bring certain changes in the environment. In social engineering, this process is called the social effect. Given our example, we can put forward the statement: "A good fruit gives its roots."

This cycle is the process of strategic planning of youth activities. public association:

An example of a logical table for drafting a project. Questions to fill.

Project Components

Objective evidence (data, indicators, justifications)

External conditions (factors, prerequisites, assumptions)

Formulation of the problem

1. Why did the project need to be implemented?

2. Why is addressing this issue a priority?

What sources of information (statistical and analytical information, publications in the press, materials of conferences, decision of the administration, etc.) other than the applicant himself indicate that the problem exists and it is important to solve it?


1. What is the goal that the project is aimed at achieving? To what extent will its achievement solve or reduce the acuteness of the problem?

2. Who will benefit from achieving the project objective?

1. What are the means of verifying the achievement of the project goal?

2. How can the reviewing organizations/individuals be sure that the project has made the expected contribution towards the goal?

3. Does the project provide for the collection of information/data to measure progress towards the goal?

1. How realistic is the achievement of the set goal in the conditions of this region (the position of the administration, the presence legislative framework, availability of additional resources, availability of specialists, etc.)?

Tasks -

Expected results

1. What are the specific steps (stages) on the way to achieving the project goal?

2. What results (their nature and quantitative measurement) need to be obtained to complete the tasks?

3. How does the fulfillment of the assigned tasks bring the situation closer to the achievement of the stated goals?

4. What evidence, data and indicators confirm that the task has been solved?

5. What are the specific quantitative methods for measuring results that allow the reviewer to judge the progress of the project?

6. Does the project provide for the collection of data,

allowing to control and adjust the progress of work?

2. What events, conditions or decisions beyond the control of the project are necessary in order to:

the fulfillment of the tasks set contributed to the progress towards the set goal;

the achievement of the planned results would lead to the fulfillment of the tasks.

Methods(activities carried out during the project)

1. What methods will be used to solve the above tasks of the project?

2. How optimally (adequately) are the methods used leading to the results specified in the project?

7. Why were these methods chosen?

8. How can you justify the need (expediency) of using these methods?

9. From what set of methods was the choice made?

10.What quantifiable products will be obtained during the project implementation?

3. The application of the methods specified in the project (carrying out activities) would guarantee the expected results.

1. What resources - personnel, equipment, services, etc. - should be used to carry out the activities outlined in the project?

2. Where will these resources come from (executor, collaborating and supporting organizations, government, foundations, etc.)?

11. What indicators allow you to evaluate efficiency of use of funds?

4. The allocation of the necessary resources would lead to the implementation of activities (the application of these methods)

5. What are the possible obstacles at each stage of the project implementation?

Result - effect

1. What specific effect can be achieved during the implementation of the project, i.e. if the project is completed, what specific improvement or change should be expected in connection with the problem being solved within the project?

Now we will look at each item in even more detail.

Formulation of the problem. The most important section of the project. It should present the problem to be solved by the project and its analysis. When formulating a problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that problems are the absence of something, something negative, harmful, something that needs to be changed. Show the reasons for this. negative phenomenon and its consequences.

The statement of the problem should not be a simple description, but a concise analysis of its causes. The analysis of factors should be supported by quantitative indicators based on previous studies (it is necessary to use reliable sources of information). A well-designed project necessarily contains initial data - indicators, i.e. quantitative and qualitative indicators, which are the starting point for measuring the effectiveness of the project.

Describe whether the organization has attempted this type of activity and how successful they have been. Be sure to indicate how the project relates to the activities of the organization, its mission and objectives.

It is in this section that it is necessary to describe the category of beneficiaries - the target group, to which the project activities are directed and whose life will somehow improve as a result of the project. The organization must show knowledge of their problems and the availability of specialists who will work with this target audience.

The problem you are going to work on should be defined as specifically as possible.

Problem Purpose

Purpose and objectives of the project. Target - general description expected results and expectations, the highest point of achievement that the organization aspires to in the course of the project. The goal should be realistic, related to the problem, objectives, activities and resources of the organization. The intended goals should correspond to the highest level of result, i.e. significantly improve the situation described in the problem description. At the same time, the goal must be realistic. Do not include goals whose impacts on the situation cannot be quantified or qualitatively measured.

In fact, the goal is it is a unique solution to the problem by the organization, which has necessary knowledge, experience, resources, actions to eliminate the negative phenomenon or its causes. All components of the project are considered from the point of view of fitness for purpose.

Tasks that are supposed to be solved to achieve the goals. Tasks - a specific description of what will be done and achieved, particular results, stages on the way to achieving the goal. From the point of view of the design of the text of the project, it is better to formulate and list the tasks in the form of a list, rather than state and describe in a narrative form. Objectives are formulated as performance-based action statements that are performance-based and measurable in terms. If the project lists a number of tasks, then all of them must be interconnected and be necessary and sufficient to achieve the goal of the project. Signs of good tasks:

They are a logical consequence of the problem.

· Directly related to the project activity and aimed at solving the stated problem in order to achieve the goal (causation).

· Formulated clearly and specifically, expressed not in general terms, but in quantitative and qualitative indicators that can become indicators of the success of the project.

· Represent specific intermediate measurable results during the course of the project.

Project implementation methods. A method is a tool by which the goal of the project is achieved.

One of the most voluminous and detailed sections of the project. Description of how the project will be carried out.

This section describes the strategy and methods for achieving the set goals, as well as the mechanism for implementing the project. The organization must answer the questions: how the goals will be achieved, how the tasks will be carried out, who will carry out their implementation, what resources will be used. The most important thing is that the expert does not have any questions.

When describing methods, pay attention to the following:

· Compliance of strategies and mechanisms with the goals and objectives of the project.

· Compliance of the available resources with the planned activities.

· Conformity of activity to the declared results.

· Realism of activities, given the time frame and budget.

· Innovativeness / possible risk.

· Are the different functions defined and how they are distributed among the project staff and implementers.

· Are the project activities interrelated?

Calendar plan. The calendar plan is detailed description all types of activities and events with deadlines. In developing this section, attention should be paid to the following points:

Availability of a plan - a schedule for the implementation of the project or step by step description project (this can be done both in text format and in the form of a table).

· Realism, feasibility of the plan.

Availability of a sufficient number of employees and their professional experience; a description of who will be responsible for carrying out each activity, what types of activities, what resources are needed to carry it out.

· Ability to complete the project on time.

An example plan - schedule is shown below:







Expected results. Expected results are the specific results that are expected to be achieved during the implementation of the project in quantitative and qualitative terms. The description of the expected results must be approached very seriously and responsibly, as they are the criteria for the effectiveness of the project. Main characteristics of the results:

· Correspondence of the results with the goal and objectives of the project;

· Measurability (quantitative and qualitative indicators);

· Realism;

· Feasibility / achievability.

Project monitoring and evaluation. Strong and experienced organizations use monitoring and evaluation not only within individual projects, but also in ongoing activities to measure progress. In a full-fledged project, monitoring and evaluation are present in all sections. If a separate section is required, it should be a summary of the points already reflected in the application. The value of a separate section lies in the ability to show certain methodological evaluation systems, that is, how and by whom (an organization or an independent expert) the midterm and final evaluation will be carried out, what is the role of monitoring systems in project management, etc.

The evaluation plan should be well developed and its tools described. Evaluation criteria should be adequate to the results, quantitative and qualitative indicators (initial data for comparison) should be convincing and justified.

Budget, resources. An important stage in the creation of a social project is the description of the budget. Each stage of the project implementation requires a certain amount of money and resources. Therefore, after describing the methods and steps, it is important to accurately calculate how much each method and each step of your project will cost. In order for the expert not to ask a lot of questions, after describing the budget, give comments on the budget, i.e. explain what this or that amount is spent on.

project event


Organization has



Projective (or design) activity belongs to the category of innovative, creative activity, because it involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of an appropriate technology that can be unified, mastered and improved.


1. Antonyuk design. Minsk, 2007.

2. Antonyuk design and management of social development. Minsk, 2007.

3. Social construction of reality. Treatise on the sociology of knowledge. M., 2006.

4. Bestuzhev-, Namestnikova predictive development of social projects. M., 2006.

5., Petrov basics of forecasting and planning: Textbook. SPb., 2006

6. Kotlyarov basics of social design. M., 2006

7. Kryuchkov and methods of social design. M., 2006

8. Methodological problems of social forecasting / Ed. . L., 2006.

9. Workbook on forecasting. M., 2006.

10. Lain designing. M., 1982.

11. Management and creativity in systems design. M., 2005.

12. Shchedrovitsky object in systems engineering/ Selected works. M., 2006.

13. , . Social design. Rostov n / a., 2006

website- Suseeva Didana, a graduate of the FLEX program (student exchange program in the United States), spoke about the World Day of Youth Activism, when countries around the world organize social projects and events in mid-April. For the third year in a row, Kyrgyzstan occupies the 1st place (excluding the USA) in terms of the number of implemented projects. And FLEX graduates aged 16-28 have implemented 20 projects throughout Kyrgyzstan this year.

World Youth Activism Day is the largest charitable event in the world and every year millions of young people contribute to the betterment of their communities. Starting from mid-April, the young leaders of Kyrgyzstan began to implement social projects. All countries register projects on the site, and for the third year in a row, Kyrgyzstan (excluding the United States) ranks first in the world in terms of the number of implemented projects. Alumni of the FLEX program, together with the youth of the Kyrgyz Republic, organize social projects in all regions of the country.

"Clean and healthy village." Biyaly kyzy Bermet, NGO FRENDASIA in the village of Ivanovka - coordinator for children's education

From March 23 to April 17, 2016, a number of events were held in the village of Ivanovka within the framework of the Biyaly kyzy Bermet project "Clean and healthy village", main goal which was to attract the attention of residents to the problems of environmental pollution and a healthy lifestyle. Currently, housing and communal services workers do not have time to remove garbage from the streets, due to the large amount of solid waste, residents throw garbage in public places.

During the implementation of the project, pupils from schools in the village of Ivanovka and volunteers from the Korean Center "FriendAsia" and FLEX organized trainings, subbotniks and screenings of videos on the role of humans in environmental pollution in 6 schools and 3 kindergartens from April 11 to 17. The project participants installed not only 16 trash cans in the village, but also special boxes for collecting plastic. At the end of the project, on April 17, the guys organized a friendly football tournament to draw attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The youth of the village of Ivanovka assured that this project is just the beginning, and in the future they plan to implement other initiatives to keep the village clean and teach fellow villagers how to properly sort waste and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Pay it forward. Aizhan Zhumagulova, 3rd year student, KSUCTA

The fourth annual GYSD project takes place in Balykchy on April 22-24. Ten students from ten schools were trained in health, mental and physical health, yoga and self-defence techniques, and learned more about the benefits of volunteering. Also of great importance of this project is the desire to teach students to appreciate Kyrgyz traditions, Kyrgyz culture and our native language. After the end of the project, each school will have small missions based on the topics of the project.

"UPGRADE". Didana Suseeva, 1st year student, KRSU

From April 11 to April 17, within the framework of the global volunteer project, the “Upgrade” project was organized, which took place in the cities of Karakol, Tokmok, Naryn and the village. Besh-Koruk (Sokuluk district).

On April 11 in Karakol, the target audience was the youth of 8-11 grades and students of local universities. The main idea of ​​the project is to convey to the younger generation of the country the importance of preserving and caring for the environment. Statistics, educational videos, games and discussions were given. The organizers also held a number of games in the Karakol Victory Park. The tasks of the games were associated with the study of the history of the times of the Great Patriotic War. After the games, a community work day was held in the park and cleaning of monuments and memorials. The same action took place in Naryn. The name of the project “Upgrade” implies self-development, self-awareness and self-education, and pushes the younger generation to become better than their former selves.

HELP. Alenova Malika, 1st year student, KRSU

From April 15 to April 17, 2016, the HELP (Health Education and Lifestyle Partnership) project was held in the city of Jalal-Abad within the framework of world day Youth activities. The organizer was Malika Alenova, a graduate of the FLEX program.

According to the completed questionnaires, the organizers selected 20 students from grades 8 to 10. This project was designed for three days, in the first two days there was a training on the topics of health and lifestyle of today's youth. One of the trainers was a Peace Corps volunteer who led a first aid session. All participants were very active and also admitted that they would like to see more such projects where they can learn something new and develop their leadership skills. Also during the training, various funny Games. The third day was very useful not only for the participants, but also for the city. The organizers carried out a big cleaning of the road of the resort. The guys walked almost 5 km, collected about 50 bags of garbage.

"Just start with yourself." Eldiyar Amankulov, 1st year student, ATA-TURK

The charity run "Just start with yourself" was held on April 17 at 10:00 am in the botanical garden. The run was free. The purpose of this run is to promote a healthy lifestyle, as well as raise funds for children with autism.

Monopoly Simulation. Azat Toroev, 2nd year student, IUCA

The Monopoly Simulation project took place on April 24th. The participants were 40 schoolchildren who were taught the basics of economics. The participants took part in an educational game.

"Realize yourself in business." Sanira-Begim Mamatova, AUCA

On April 16, a training "Realize yourself in business" was held for the initiative youth of Bishkek, where young successful entrepreneurs shared their experience on the way to business and gave helpful tips. The participants also listened to a lecture on business modeling and learned about investor opportunities.

"Start locally, change globally". Aida Oktombekova and Sanira-Begim Mamatova, AUCA

Aida Oktombekova and Sanira-Begim Mamatova, as part of the Annual Youth Week of Kindness, organized an educational training "Start locally, change globally" for schoolchildren in the cities of Osh and Jalal-Abad to introduce them to the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic and foreign ones as well. Participants also learned about the SAT/IELTS/TOEFL exams and the FLEX program.

Book is life. Klimova Altynai, 2nd year student, KEU

The "Book is life" project is aimed at popularizing the reading of books and libraries in the country. This project is taking place in several stages. The first stage is the collection of books at universities.

Donated books will replenish the fund of the library. Bayalinov, and will also be sent to the country's regional libraries. The other part will go to the opening of a "new" type library at the Kyrgyz Economic University. Musa Ryskulbekov. This university starts new project"Read, share with others" where each student and faculty can exchange books for free. The project goes hand in hand with the "Book is life" project. The next stage of the project is the "Doors Open Day" in the Bayalinov Library. This event will take place at 10 o'clock in the library building. The program will include a mini show concert, in honor of the opening, various master classes will also be held, free lessons on English language t program for our young children. Also, pupils with disabilities will be presented with a charity fair of things made by their own hands. All the money received will be used for the treatment of Azhara, as well as for the children's oncology center.

"Mercy Cup" Akbermet Azizova, 1st year student, KTU "Manas"

Akbermet Azizova implemented the "Mercy Cup" project to spread knowledge about mercy and change the indifference of young people to those in need. To do this, she created a platform for discussion using debates. As a result, 18 teams debated on topics related to mercy, and only two reached the final. The goal of the project was to spread the benefits of volunteering and motivate young people to engage in social activities.

Eco Caravan. Valentina Khomenko, AUCA

Alumni of the FLEX program and volunteers of the Move Green Public Foundation visited the Uchkun and Svetly Put orphanages, as well as the Kelechek children's center. The main goals of the trip were to talk with the guys on the topic of the environment and the importance of taking care of it. The next stage of the project will be the production of eco-bags, the proceeds from the sale of which will be used to hold a six-day Eco Caravan camp on the southern coast of Issyk-Kul for children from orphanages in the summer of 2016.

"Culture is our common wealth." Aida Oktombekova and Tolgonai Turgazieva

From 16 to 17 April, the girls organized the project "Culture is our common wealth" for children from the orphanage of Kara-Balta. The aim of the project was to enrich the understanding of the culture and history of children. The project is dedicated to the year of history and culture of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Fun Recycling. Nadezhda Pak, 2010 FLEX graduate

The average Bishkek school is attended by 1400-2800 students. At least 40-45% of children buy drinks and use paper and generate huge amounts of paper waste every day. It is sad to assume that all this waste ends up in one trash can, usually placed outside the school. According to our survey, in several Bishkek schools, none of them recycled waste. We have chosen 4 schools where we will conduct our project. We aim to make recycling a daily thing for students and make it a habit so that students can pass it on to the next generations. Our project “Fun Recycling” aims to meet this goal. Four teams of volunteers visited 4 schools with a presentation on the importance of recycling plastic bottles and paper. During the presentation, we held trainings on the importance of recycling.

"The budget of the country-family". Zhamilya Klycheva, 2013 FLEX graduate

Another big project was held on April 16 at Vocational Lyceum No. 10. Country-Family Budget presents training and introduces the main aspect of the budget of the Kyrgyz Republic, provides useful tips on managing personal finances.

Green Leaf. Kanat Osmonov, AUCA

Kanat Osmonov, Elvira Zhumasheva and Azat Ismagilov implemented a large project "Green Leaf", which brought together about 80 students. Zelenstroy provided seedlings and shovels for the implementation of this project. In addition, there were professional instructors who guided people throughout the process.

"Unity is our strength." Nurgulya Irisova, KSMA

The main goal was to unite people, regardless of their nationality and religious views and beliefs, in order to strengthen their friendship and teach them to be tolerant towards each other and unite in order to work together for the development and prosperity of our society.

Let's revive the love of books.

The team visited the Svetlyi Put orphanage and presented the children with unusual books written by the children themselves. The idea is to create a story book that will be written by a child, and when completed, the children will exchange with friends and read! The project is aimed at developing the thinking of children in order to instill a love of reading and respect for others!

Debate. Aidai Amankulova

Aidai Amankulova organized a project in Talas. Students from different universities of the city took part in the debate and learned about various extracurricular activities.

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