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How the intensity of labor is divided into types of workload. Factors of the labor process, characterizing the severity and intensity of labor. Characteristics of emotional loads

Labor intensity (LT) is a characteristic of the work process. Determined based on a number of criteria. It is used at certification of a workplace.

What is labor intensity?

NT - value reflecting the load on the central nervous system during execution official duties. The indicator gives an idea of ​​the load on the nervous system, emotional condition, sense organs. It is especially indicative for managers, pilots and drivers. Representatives of these professions experience the greatest burden on the central nervous system. The factor of physical fatigue is not taken into account. Labor intensity is one of the criteria for professional selection. The indicator is also used in the arrangement of a comfortable workplace.

Labor intensity classes

Three classes of HT are considered:

  1. Optimal. Assumes a weak indicator of labor intensity. These conditions provide the best level of performance.
  2. Permissible. Assumes an average degree of tension. These conditions do not contradict the regulations. It is assumed that the accumulated voltage will be eliminated during the weekend. Second class NT should not cause harm to the health of the employee in the future.
  3. Tense. Assumes exceeding the established standards. this work characterized by the presence of harmful working conditions. The third class of labor intensity is an adverse effect on the employee's body in the future.

The third class is subdivided into three more categories:

  • 3.1 . There are deviations from accepted standards. They can provoke changes of a reversible nature, increase the risk of developing diseases.
  • 3.2 . Existing harmful conditions can lead to permanent disturbances. There is a high risk of developing diseases, the likelihood of a short disability. Perhaps the appearance of the first stage of occupational pathology.
  • 3 .3 . It has a high level of harmful effects. There is a very high probability of the appearance and development of pathologies.

The class of tension affects the organization of working conditions, the arrangement of the workplace.

Varieties of loads

Each of the loads is characterized by specific evaluation criteria.

Intelligent Loads

Allocate the following indicators:

  • The content of the work. Reflects the degree of complexity of the employee's activity. For example, one worker is engaged in solving a simple problem, and the other specializes in complex problems without using an algorithm. Workers who perform simple tasks are, for example, cleaners. Workers who solve complex problems - surgeons, employees of scientific centers, etc.
  • Data perception and evaluation. The first class involves work in which information is compared with norms. It includes, for example, machinists. The second class is the perception of information with a change in actions (laboratory assistants, accountants). The third class is the perception of information, a comprehensive analysis of all parameters (leaders).
  • The number of functions performed by one employee. The more functions an employee performs, the more intense his work will be considered. The nature of the functions is taken into account: simple, complex.
  • The nature of the work. Low NT - activity according to an individual plan, medium - work according to the accepted schedule. An increased NT score implies working within a tight time frame.

The assessment takes into account a whole range of parameters. Consider some of the signs of complicated tasks:

  • Reasoning is applied in the process.
  • Leadership has a common goal.
  • When solving a problem, you need to build a plan.
  • The task is divided into many stages.
  • The sequence of actions is chosen by the employee.

These are the characteristics of hard work.

Sensory loads

Sensory loads involve the load on the senses. The following options are highlighted:

  • Observation duration. It is expressed as a percentage of the duration of the shift.
  • Frequency of incoming signals (sounds, light) per hour. The greatest tension on this parameter is observed in such professions as an air traffic controller, a telegraph operator.
  • Number of objects subject to simultaneous observation. For each profession, the number of such objects will be different. For example, for air traffic controllers, the maximum number of objects is 13.
  • The size of the object to be observed. The smaller this object, the greater the load on the eyes.
  • Labor involving optical equipment (percentage of total shift time). The higher this percentage, the higher the load.
  • Terminal screen monitoring (number of hours per day). The duration of the screen is fixed.
  • It depends on the intelligibility of the incoming signals, the presence of "white noise". The noise level is also taken into account. The number of hours in which the employee talks (in connection with the performance of official duties) is counted.

A large number of parameters are determined in percentage terms.

For example, one shift of a worker is 10 hours. It's 100%. Direct eye loading lasts for 2 hours. That is, the sensory load is 20% of the shift.

Emotional loads

The following load values ​​are distinguished:

  • Responsibility for the results of your work.
  • The degree of risk to the life of the employee.
  • Responsibility for the safety of people.

The greatest emotional burdens are recorded in large managers.

Monotonicity of loads

The following parameters of load monotony are distinguished:

  • The number of monotonous methods for solving the problem.
  • Time to complete one task.
  • Duration active action(as a percentage of the entire shift).
  • The monotony of the process (assumes the duration of passive observation).

The greatest loads are observed among the participants of conveyor production.

Working mode

The following options can be distinguished:

  • Actual working hours.
  • Labor shift.
  • Availability of employee breaks and their duration.

Again, the totality of all parameters is taken into account.

How to assess the intensity of work?

Evaluation of labor intensity is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  • The working specialty is analyzed in terms of all given values. It is forbidden to use the given indicators selectively.
  • The class of working conditions is found for each of the given values.
  • In the event that a working specialty is devoid of one of the parameters (for example, an employee does not need to watch the screens), 1 class NT is assigned to it. You can't just skip the parameter.

Consider the criteria by which a certain class is assigned to a specialty:

  • Class 1 can only be assigned if 17 or more indicators of the specialty have received a similar class. However, if there is one value that belongs to the 3rd class, then the 1st class cannot be assigned.
  • Class 2 is assigned only if 6 or more values ​​belong to the second class, the rest - to the first. From 1 to 5 indicators can get class 3.1 and 3.2.
  • Class 3 is set if 6 values ​​deserve a grade of 3.1, the rest - to class 1 or 2. An alternative option - 3-5 indicators belong to class 3.1, and from 1 to 3 values ​​- to class 3.2.

These rules are fixed by the relevant hygienic standards.

Labor intensity- a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and the emotional sphere of labor.

Impact on the human body

Mental work is associated with the perception and processing of a large amount of information. Mental labor combines work related to the reception and transmission of information, requiring activation of the processes of thinking, attention, memory. This type labor is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity. The main indicator of mental labor is tension, which reflects the load on the central nervous system. Energy consumption during mental work is 2500 - 3000 kcal per day.

Picture 1

But energy costs vary depending on the working posture. So, in a working posture sitting, energy costs exceed the level of basal metabolism by 5–10%; standing - by 10 - 25%, with a forced uncomfortable position - by 40 - 50%. With intensive intellectual work, the brain's need for energy is 15-20% of the total metabolism in the body. The increase in total energy costs during mental work is determined by the degree of neuro-emotional tension. The daily energy consumption during mental work increases by 48% when reading aloud while sitting, by 90% when lecturing, by 90-100% - for computer operators. In addition, the brain is prone to inertia, because after the cessation of work, the thought process continues, which leads to greater fatigue and exhaustion of the central nervous system than during physical labor.

Mental work is associated with nervous tension, which depends on the significance, danger and responsibility of the work. With nervous tension, tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, an ECG change, and an increase in oxygen consumption occur. For the correct organization of mental activity, it is necessary: ​​gradually “enter” the work, observe the rhythm, systematicity.

This type of labor is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity (hypokinesia), which leads to cardiovascular pathology; prolonged mental stress depresses the psyche, impairs the functions of attention, memory. The main indicator of mental labor is tension, which reflects the load on the central nervous system.

Normalized indicators

All indicators have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads:

  • intellectual;
  • sensory;
  • emotional;
  • monotonous;
  • mode loads.

The intensity of the labor process should be assessed at each workplace. The assessment of labor intensity is based on the analysis of the labor activity of employees, job descriptions, chronometric observations (photographs of the working day) and expert assessment. Classes of working conditions must be determined according to all 23 estimated indicators presented in Table 18 of Guideline R 2.2.2006-05.

Classes of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process

Indicators of intensity of the labor processOptimal class of working conditions. Mild tensionPermissible class of working conditions. Medium tensionHarmful class 3.1Harmful class 3.2
1.Intelligent load
1.1Content of the workNo need to make a decisionSolution simple tasks according to instructionsSolving complex problems with the choice of known algorithms (work on a series of instructions)Heuristic (creative) activity requiring the solution of an algorithm, sole leadership in difficult situations
1.2 Perception of signals (information) and their evaluationPerception of signals, but no action correction requiredPerception of signals with subsequent correction of actions and operationsPerception of signals with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters with their nominal values. Final evaluation of actual parameter valuesPerception of signals followed by a comprehensive assessment of related parameters. Comprehensive assessment of all production activities
1.3 Distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the taskJob Processing and ExecutionProcessing, execution of the task and its verificationProcessing, checking and monitoring the execution of the assignmentControl and preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons
1.4Nature of work performedWork according to an individual planWork according to the established schedule with its possible correction in the course of activitiesWorking under time pressureWork in conditions of time and information deficit with increased responsibility for the final result
2. Sensory loads
2.1 Duration of focused observation (% shift time)up to 2526 – 50 51 – 75 over 75
2.2 Density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of workup to 7576 – 175 176 – 300 over 300
2.3 Number of facilities for simultaneous monitoringup to 56 – 10 11 – 25 over 25
2.4 The size of the object of distinction (with a distance from the eyes of the worker to the object of distinction of not more than 0.5 m) in mm with the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)more than 5 mm - 100%5 - 1.1 mm - more than 50%; 1 - 0.3 mm - up to 50%; less than 0.3 mm - up to 25%- 0.3 mm - more than 50%; less than 0.3 mm - 26 - 50%less than 0.3 mm - more than 50%
2.5 Working with optical instruments (microscopes, magnifiers, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (% of shift time)up to 2526 – 50 51 – 75 over 75
2.6 Monitoring the screens of video terminals (hours per shift):
with alphanumeric type of information displayup to 2until 3up to 4over 4
with a graphical type of information displayuntil 3up to 5until 6over 6
2.7 Load on the auditory analyzer (when it is necessary to perceive speech or differentiated signals)Intelligibility of words and signals from 100 to 90%. No interferenceThe intelligibility of words and signals is from 90 to 70%. There is interference against which speech is heard at a distance of up to 3.5 mThe intelligibility of words and signals is from 70 to 50%. There are interferences against which speech can be heard at a distance of up to 2 mThe intelligibility of words and signals is less than 50%. There is interference, against which speech is audible at a distance of up to 1.5 m
2.8 Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week)up to 16up to 20up to 25over 25
3. Emotional loads
3.1 The degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities. Significance of errorResponsible for the implementation of individual elements of tasks. It entails additional efforts in work on the part of the employeeResponsible for the functional quality of auxiliary work (tasks). Requires additional effort from senior managementResponsible for the functional quality of the main work (task). It entails corrections due to the additional efforts of the entire team (groups, brigades, etc.)Responsible for the functional quality of the final product, work, task. Causes damage to equipment, stop technological process and may be life threatening
3.2 Degree of risk to own lifeExcludedLikely
3.3 Degree of responsibility for the safety of othersExcludedPossible
3.4 Number of conflict situations caused by professional activity per shiftMissing1 –3 4 – 8 Over 8
4. Monotony of loads
4.1 The number of elements (methods) required to implement a simple task or in repetitive operationsover 109 – 6 5 – 3 less than 3
4.2 Duration (in seconds) of simple tasks or repetitive operationsover 100100 – 25 24 –10 less than 10
4.3 Time of active actions (as a percentage of the duration of the shift). The rest of the time - monitoring the progress production process 20 or more19 – 10 9 – 5 less than 5
4.4 Monotony of the production environment (time of passive monitoring of the progress of the technical process in% of the shift time)less than 7576 – 80 81 – 90 over 90
5. Mode of operation
5.1 Actual working hours6 – 7 h8 – 9 am10 – 12 hmore than 12 hours
5.2 Shift workOne shift work (no night shift)Two shift work (no night shift)Three-shift work (work in night shift) Irregular shifts with night work
5.3 Presence of regulated breaks and their durationBreaks are regulated, of sufficient duration: 7% or more of working timeBreaks are regulated, insufficient duration: from 3 to 7% of working timeBreaks are not regulated and of insufficient duration: up to 3% of working timeNo breaks

1. Intellectual loads

Example: the simplest tasks are solved by cleaners, loaders (class 1 of working conditions), and activities that require solving simple tasks, but with a choice (according to instructions) are typical for laboratory assistants, nurses, telephone operators, repairmen, storekeepers, track fitters, inspectors wagons, signalmen, electricians, etc. (grade 2). Complex tasks solved according to a well-known algorithm (work according to a series of instructions) take place in the work of managers (directors, heads of workshops), foremen, vehicle drivers, foremen, machinists, train compilers, station attendants, etc. (class 3.1.) . The most complex work in terms of content, requiring heuristic (creative) activity to one degree or another, was found among scientists, designers, surgeons, etc. (class 3.2.).

Figure 2

1.2. "Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation" - according to this factor of the labor process, the perception of signals (information) with subsequent correction of actions and operations performed belongs to the 2nd class (laboratory assistants, accountants, economists, turners, locksmiths, carpenters, cooks). Class 3.1 includes work when the performer must compare the signals (results of his work) with existing standards (norms), the values ​​​​of which he must keep in memory, bring the results of his own activity in line with these standards and make sure the work is correct. This type of work is characteristic of operator professions, locomotive drivers, craftsmen, electricians, etc. In the case when labor activity requires the perception of signals with a subsequent comprehensive assessment of all production parameters (information), then work by intensity belongs to class 3.2 (heads of enterprises (directors, heads of workshops), scientists, station attendants, etc.).

1.3. "Distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task" . Any labor activity is characterized by the distribution of functions between workers. Accordingly, the more functions assigned to the employee, the higher the intensity of his work. So, labor activity, containing simple functions aimed at processing and performing a specific task, does not lead to significant labor intensity. An example of such activity is the work of a laboratory assistant, cleaner, loader (class 1). Tension increases when processing, execution and subsequent verification of the task (class 2) is carried out, which is typical for such professions as an accountant, department engineer, nurse, driver, electrician, telephone operator, repairman, plumber, etc. In this case, verification means verification of the results of one's work (self-control). Processing, checking and, in addition, monitoring the performance of the task indicates a greater degree of complexity of the functions performed by the employee, and, accordingly, in more labor intensity is manifested (masters of enterprises, heads of departments, - class 3.1). The most difficult function is the preliminary preparatory work with the subsequent distribution of tasks to other persons (class 3.2), which is typical for such professions as business leaders (directors, heads of workshops), air traffic controllers, doctors, etc.

1.4. "The nature of the work performed." In the case when the work is carried out according to an individual plan, the level of labor intensity is low (grade 1 - laboratory assistants, cleaners, track fitters). If the work proceeds according to a strictly established schedule with its possible correction as necessary, then the tension rises (grade 2 - nurses, locksmiths, accountants, craftsmen, shop managers, etc.). Even greater labor intensity is characteristic when work is performed under time pressure (class 3.1 - drivers, locomotive drivers, duty officer at the railway station). At the same time, work should be characterized by a shortage of time in everyday activities, and not in emergency situations. The greatest tension (class -3.2) is characterized by work in conditions of lack of time and information. At the same time, there is a high responsibility for the final result of the work (surgeons, resuscitators, control engineers nuclear reactor, air traffic controllers).

2. Sensory loads

2.1. "Duration of focused observation (in % of shift time)". The greater the percentage of time devoted to concentrated observation during a shift, the higher the tension. The total time of the working shift is taken as 100%. Concentrated observation means that the employee looks at the object of observation without taking his eyes off. The longest duration of concentrated monitoring of the technological process is observed in operator professions: telephonists, air traffic controllers, drivers (more than 75% of the shift - class 3.2). A slightly lower value of this parameter (51 - 75%) is found among doctors, control panel operators, PC operators, accountants (class 3.1) (see Figure 4). From 26 to 50% of the value of this indicator fluctuated among nurses, chiefs and foremen of industrial enterprises, teachers, locksmiths (grade 2). The lowest level of this indicator is observed among directors, cleaners, loaders, track fitters (grade 1 - up to 25% of the total shift time).

Figure 3

2.2. "The density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of work" . The number of perceived and transmitted signals (messages, orders) allows you to assess the employment, the specifics of the employee's activities. The greater the number of incoming and transmitted signals or messages, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension. According to the form (or method) of presenting information, signals can be given from special devices (light, sound signal devices, instrument scales, tables, graphs and diagrams, symbols, text, formulas, etc.) and with a voice message (by phone, by radio, with direct direct contact of workers).

For example: the largest number of communications and signals with ground services and with aircraft crews is observed with air traffic controllers - more than 300 (class 3.2). The production activity of the driver while driving vehicles is somewhat lower - on average, about 200 signals per hour (class 3.1). The work of telegraph operators also belongs to this class. In the range from 75 to 175 signals are received by telephone operators within an hour (the number of serviced subscriptions per hour is from 25 to 150). For nurses and doctors of intensive care units (urgent call to the patient, alarm from monitors about the patient's condition) - class 2. The smallest number of signals and messages is typical for such professions as laboratory assistants, managers, craftsmen, carpenters, plumbers - class 1.

2.3. "Number of production facilities for simultaneous monitoring" indicates that with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases. For the operator type of activity, various indicators, displays, controls, keyboard, etc. serve as objects of simultaneous observation. The largest number of objects of simultaneous observation was found for air traffic controllers - 13, which corresponds to cash desk 3.1, this number is slightly lower for telegraph operators - 8 - 9 teletypes, for drivers of vehicles - 6 - 7 (2nd class). Up to 5 objects of simultaneous observation are noted among telephone operators, masters, managers, nurses, doctors, etc. (grade 1). For locomotive drivers, the objects of simultaneous observation are objects located in front of a moving locomotive (signals, track condition, contact wire condition, etc.), but their number, as a rule, does not exceed 8 - 10.

2.4. "The size of the object of distinction with the duration of focused attention (% of the shift time)" . The smaller the size of the object under consideration (product, detail, digital or alphabetic information, etc.) and the longer the observation time, the higher the load on the visual analyzer. Accordingly, the class of labor intensity increases. The categories of visual works from SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting" were taken as the basis for the size of the object of distinction.

For example, for a loader, we choose the size of the object of distinction more than 5 mm - class 1, for an accountant, when working with documents and a PC, the size of the object of distinction is 1 - 0.3 mm with an observation concentration of up to 50% of the shift - class 2, more than 50% of the shift - class 3.1 . The smallest size of the object of distinction - less than 0.3 mm - is chosen when working with a microscope.

2.5. "Working with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) with the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)". On the basis of chronometric observations, the time (hours, minutes) of working with an optical device is determined. The duration of the working day is taken as 100%, and the time of a fixed gaze using a microscope, magnifying glass is translated into%. The greater the percentage of time, the greater the load, leading to the development of tension in the visual analyzer.

2.6. "Monitoring the video terminal screen (hours per shift)". According to this indicator, the time (hours, minutes) of the direct work of the VDT user with the display screen during the entire working day is recorded when entering data, editing text or programs, reading alphabetic, numeric and graphic information from the screen. The longer the time of fixing the gaze on the screen of the VDT user, the greater the load on the visual analyzer and the higher the labor intensity. The greatest load will be for PC operators and programmers (6 - 7 hours). For an accountant, this is a maximum of 4 hours, because it also works with documents (the gaze moves from screen to document, from document to screen, i.e. the time of working with a PC can be conditionally divided in half, this will be the real time of fixed observation of the PC screen).

. The degree of tension of the auditory analyzer is determined by the dependence of the intelligibility of words as a percentage of the ratio between the level of speech intensity and "white" noise. When there is no interference, word intelligibility is 100% - 1 class. The 2nd class includes cases where the noise level is 70 - 80 dBA, and corresponds to the intelligibility of words equal to 90 - 70% or at a distance of up to 3.5 m. If the noise level is more than 80 dBA, then an assessment is already underway for class 3.1 or 3.2.

2.8. "Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week)" . The degree of tension of the vocal apparatus depends on the duration of speech loads. Overstrain of the voice is observed with prolonged, without rest, voice activity. The greatest loads (class 3.1 or 3.2) are noted among persons of voice-speech professions (teachers, educators of children's institutions, vocalists, readers, actors, announcers, guides, etc.). To a lesser extent, this type of workload is typical for other professional groups (managers, foremen, doctors, etc. - Grade 2). The lowest values ​​of the criterion can be noted in the work of other professions, such as laboratory assistants, turners, drivers of vehicles (grade 1).

3. Emotional loads

3.1. "The degree of responsibility for the result of one's own activities . The significance of the error. This indicator indicates the extent to which an employee can influence the result of his own work at various levels of complexity of the activities carried out. With increasing complexity, the degree of responsibility increases, since erroneous actions lead to additional efforts on the part of the employee or the whole team, which accordingly leads to an increase in emotional stress. For such professions, air traffic controllers, doctors, drivers of vehicles, a nuclear reactor control engineer, the highest degree of responsibility for the final result of the work is characteristic, and the mistakes made can lead to a shutdown of the technological process, the occurrence dangerous situations for people's lives (class 3.2). If the employee is responsible for the main type of task, and mistakes lead to additional efforts on the part of the whole team, then the emotional burden in this case is already somewhat lower (class 3.1): managers and foremen of industrial enterprises, foremen, shift supervisors, nurses. In the case when the degree of responsibility is related to the quality of the auxiliary task, and errors lead to additional efforts on the part of higher management (in particular, the foreman, shift supervisor, etc.), then such work according to this indicator is characterized by even less manifestation of emotional stress (grade 2): laboratory assistants, repairmen, equipment installers, electricians, cooks. The least significance of the criterion is noted in the work of a laboratory assistant, cleaner, loader, where the employee is responsible only for the implementation of individual elements of the product, and in the event of an error, additional efforts are only on the part of the employee himself (grade 1).

3.2. "The degree of risk to one's own life." The presence of a risk to one's own life is characterized only by those workplaces where there is a direct danger, when the risk is present subject to the observance of safety rules by employees, that is, potentially dangerous work and plots. Examples are work at height, work related to the maintenance of high voltage electrical equipment, work on railway tracks during train traffic, etc.

3.3. "Degree of responsibility for the safety of others" reflects factors emotional significance. A number of professions are characterized by responsibility only for the safety of others (air traffic controllers, resuscitators, surgeons, electric train drivers, foremen of industrial enterprises, if they issue work permits for special dangerous species work, etc.), or only for personal safety (tower crane operator, miner, electrician of high-voltage power lines, industrial climber etc.) - 3.2 class. But there are a number of categories of work where a combination of risk for oneself and responsibility for the lives of others is possible (infectious disease doctors, drivers of vehicles, assistant train drivers, etc.). In this case, the emotional load is significantly higher, so these indicators should be assessed as separate independent stimuli. There are a number of professions where these factors are completely absent (directors, heads of workshops, departments, laboratory assistants, accountants, telephone operators, cooks, nurses, massage therapists, etc.) - their work is rated as 1st class of labor intensity.

Figure 4

4. Monotony of loads

4.1. "The number of elements (techniques) necessary to implement a simple task or repetitive operations". The smaller the number of techniques performed, the higher the intensity of labor due to repeated loads. The highest intensity according to this indicator is typical for assembly line workers (class 3.1 - 3.2) (see Figure 6).

4.2. "Duration (in seconds) of simple production tasks or repetitive operations" . The shorter the time, the correspondingly higher the monotony of the loads. This indicator, as well as the previous one, is most pronounced during conveyor labor (class 3.1–3.2).

4.3. "Time of active actions (in% of the duration of the shift)" . Observation of the progress of the technological process does not refer to "active actions". The shorter the time to perform active actions and more time monitoring the progress of the production process, the higher the monotony of loads. The highest monotonicity in this indicator is typical for control panel operators. chemical industries(class 3.1 - 3.2).

4.4. "The monotony of the production environment (the time of passive monitoring of the progress of the technical process in% of the shift time)". The longer the time of passive observation of the course of the technological process, the more monotonous the work is. This indicator, as well as the previous one, is most pronounced for operator types of work working in standby mode (operators of control panels for chemical production, power plants, etc.) - class 3.2.

5. Mode of operation

5.1. "Actual working hours" . It is allocated in an independent heading unlike other classifications. This is due to the fact that, regardless of the number of shifts and the rhythm of work in production conditions, the actual length of the working day ranges from 6 to 8 hours (teachers, doctors, heads of enterprises and organizations, accountants, etc.; it is important to consider that irregular working hours , for example, for directors, heads of departments, is not taken into account, the calculation is based on 40 hours of the working week). A number of professions have shifts of 12 hours or more (doctors, nurses, security guards, watchmen, etc.). The longer the work in time, the greater the total load per shift, and, accordingly, the higher the intensity of labor.

5.2. "shift work" is determined on the basis of internal production documents regulating the work schedule at a given enterprise, organization. The highest class 3.2 is characterized by irregular shifts with night work (nurses, doctors, railway station dispatchers, train conductors long distance and etc.).

Figure 5

5.3. "Availability of regulated breaks and their duration (without a lunch break)" . Regulated breaks include only those breaks that are included in the working time regulations on the basis of internal production documents ( orders, internal labor regulations), or in accordance with the requirements of state documents (Labor Code Russian Federation, sanitary norms and rules, labor protection rules and other). They are provided for short-term rest and personal physiological needs and should be introduced for types of work when the performer, according to the accepted technology, cannot independently leave even for a short time. workplace (the majority of ticket tellers, hump operators during intensive work, operators of television surveillance posts, checkpoint controllers, etc.) or the continuation of high-quality work is possible only if there are breaks for rest ( work of computer operators, heavy physical work, work at low temperatures environment and etc.). For these purposes, it is considered optimal to have several regulated breaks with a total duration of at least 7% of the shift (the number and duration of breaks should depend on specific conditions).

General assessment of the intensity of the labor process

The overall assessment of the intensity of the labor process is carried out as follows:

  1. Regardless of professional affiliation (profession), all 23 indicators listed in Table 8 are taken into account. Guides. It is not allowed to selectively take into account any individual indicators for a general assessment of labor intensity.
  2. For each of the 22 indicators, a separate class of working conditions is determined. In the event that, due to the nature or characteristics professional activity if any indicator is not presented (for example, there is no work with the video terminal screen or optical devices), then this indicator is assigned 1st class (optimal) - labor intensity of a mild degree.
  3. In the final assessment of labor intensity:

3.1. "Optimal" (grade 1) is set in cases where 17 or more indicators have a grade of 1, and the rest belong to the 2nd grade. At the same time, there are no indicators related to the 3rd (harmful) class.

3.2. "Permissible" (grade 2) is set in the following cases:

  • when 6 or more indicators are assigned to class 2, and the rest - to class 1;
  • when 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to 3.1. and/or 3.2. degrees of harmfulness, and the remaining indicators have an assessment of the 1st and / or 2nd classes.

3.3. "Harmful" (grade 3) is set when 6 or more indicators are assigned to grade 3.

At the same time, intense labor of the 1st degree (3.1.) Is established in the following cases:

  • when 6 indicators have a score of only 3.1, and the remaining indicators belong to 1 and / or 2 classes;
  • when 3 to 5 indicators belong to class 3.1, and from 1 to 3 indicators belong to class 3.2.

Intense labor of the 2nd degree (3.2) is established in the following cases:

  • when 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.2;
  • when more than 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1;
  • when from 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to class 3.1, and from 4 to 5 indicators - to class 3.2;
  • when 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1 and there are from 1 to 5 indicators of class 3.2.

4. In cases where more than six indicators have a score of 3.2, the intensity of the labor process is rated one degree higher - class 3.3.

Methodology for assessing labor intensity

The methodology for assessing labor intensity is carried out in accordance with the “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions” R 2.2.2006-05 Appendix 16.

Measuring instruments

A stopwatch is used as a means of measurement (see Figure 6).

The assessment of labor intensity of a professional group of workers is based on an analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by chronological observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week. The assessment of the intensity of the labor process is carried out on the basis of taking into account all 23 indicators. At the same time, a class is first set for each assessed indicator, and the final assessment of labor intensity is established for the most sensitive indicator that received the highest degree of intensity:

  • class 1 (optimal) is set in cases where 17 or more indicators have a class 1 rating, and the rest belong to class 2. At the same time, there are no indicators related to class 3 (harmful);
  • class 2 (valid) is established in the following cases: when six or more indicators are assigned to class 2, and the remaining -

to class 1,

  • - when from one to five indicators are classified as hazard levels 3.1 and (or) 3.2, and the remaining indicators have an assessment of classes 1 and (or) 2;
  • class 3 (harmful) is set in cases where six or more indicators are assigned to class 3 - a mandatory condition.

Subject to this condition hard work of the 1st degree (3.1) installed:

  • when six indicators are rated only class 3.1, and the remaining indicators belong to classes 1 and (or) 2;
  • when three to five indicators are in class 3.1, one to three indicators are in class 3.2, and the remaining indicators are in classes 1 and/or 2.

Intense labor of the 2nd degree (3.2) installed:

  • when six indicators are assigned to class 3.2;
  • when more than six indicators are assigned to class 3.1;
  • when from one to five indicators are assigned to class 3.1, and from four to five indicators - to class 3.2;
  • when six indicators are assigned to class 3.1 and there are from one to five indicators of class 3.2.

In cases where more than six indicators have a score of 3.2, the intensity of the labor process is rated one degree higher - class 3.3.

Indicators of the intensity of the labor process are evaluated sequentially.

IN group of indicators "intellectual load" includes the following indicators: the content of the work, the distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of tasks, work according to instructions - work according to a series of instructions, the perception of signals (information) and their evaluation, the nature of the work performed.

Indicator " The content of the work" indicates the degree of complexity of the task: from solving simple problems to creative (heuristic) activities with solving complex tasks in the absence of an algorithm. The distribution of this indicator by labor intensity classes is as follows: “when performing a task, there is no need to make a decision” - class 1 (optimal), “solving simple problems according to instructions” - class 2 (admissible), “solving complex problems with a choice but known algorithms (work according to a series of instructions)" - class 3.1 (harmful 1st degree), "heuristic (creative) activity requiring a decision on an unknown algorithm, sole leadership in difficult situations" - class 3.2 (harmful 2nd degree).

In practice, when evaluating the “content of the work” indicator, you can use some fairly simple evaluation criteria - to divide into classes 2 and 3.1, you can use the evaluation criterion “solving simple (class 2) or complex problems with a choice of known algorithms (class 3.1)” or an evaluation criterion criterion "solving problems according to instructions (class 2) or working according to a series of instructions (class 3.1)".

In the case of applying the evaluation criterion "distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of tasks" you can use some of the characteristic features of simple tasks (do not require reasoning, have a clearly formulated goal, there is no need to build internal ideas about external events, the solution plan is contained in the instruction (instructions), may include several subtasks that are not related to each other or are connected only by a sequence of actions, the sequence of actions is known or it does not matter) and complex tasks (require reasoning, the goal is formulated only in general, it is necessary to build internal ideas about external events, the solution must be fully planned, includes the solution of logically related subtasks, and the information obtained when solving each subtask is analyzed and taken into account when solving the next subtask, the sequence of actions is chosen by the performer and is important for solving the problem).

Since any labor activity is characterized by the distribution of functions between employees, the more functional duties assigned to the worker, the higher the intensity of his work.

The distribution of the indicator "distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of tasks" by labor intensity classes is as follows: "processing and completing the task" - class 1 (optimal), "processing, completing the task and checking the result" - class 2 (permissible), "processing, checking and control over the fulfillment of the task" - class 3.1 (harmful 1st degree), "control and preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons" - class 3.2 (harmful 2nd degree).

When evaluating this indicator, it should be taken into account that labor activity containing simple functions aimed only at processing and performing a specific task does not lead to significant labor intensity. Therefore, such an activity is rated class 1.

Tension increases when not only the processing and execution of the task is carried out, but also the subsequent verification of the task. In this case, the indicator is assigned class 2.

At the same time, according to this indicator, class 2 (permissible) and class 3 (hard work) differ in two characteristics - the presence or absence of a control function and work on the distribution of tasks to other persons.

Class 3.1 evaluates work, a mandatory element of which is the control of the task by other persons. Processing, verification and, in addition, control over the execution of the task indicate a greater degree of complexity of the functions performed by the employee, and, accordingly, the intensity of labor is more pronounced.

Class 3.2 evaluates this indicator for such work, which includes not only control, but also preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons, since preliminary preparatory work with the subsequent distribution of tasks to other persons is the most difficult function.

When applying the evaluation criterion "work according to instructions - work according to a series of instructions" it should be borne in mind that sometimes the number of instructions characterizing the content of the work is not always a sufficiently reliable characteristic of intellectual loads. Therefore, attention should be paid to cases where general instruction, being formally the only one, contains many separate instructions, and in this case, it is necessary to evaluate the activity as work on a series of instructions.

When dividing into classes 3.1 and 3.2, only one evaluation criterion is used - tasks are solved using known (class 3.1) or unknown (heuristic techniques) (class 3.2) algorithms. The main feature in this case is the presence or absence of a guarantee of obtaining the correct result. An additional attribute of class 3.2 could be "one-man leadership in difficult situations." At the same time, it is necessary to consider only those situations that may arise suddenly, as well as in cases where the management of the actions of others in such situations is due to job description.

The main feature of the indicator "perception of signals (information) and their assessment” from the point of view of differences between the classes of intensity of the labor process, this indicator is the setting goal (or reference norm), which is adopted to compare the information received during work with the nominal values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary for the successful progress of the work process. The distribution of this indicator by labor intensity classes is as follows: “actions are not required to be corrected” - class 1 (optimal), “with subsequent correction of actions and operations” - class 2 (permissible), “with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters with their nominal values ​​and the final assessment of the actual values ​​of the parameters" - class 3.1 (harmful 1st degree), "with subsequent comprehensive assessment of related parameters and a comprehensive assessment of all production activities" - class 3.2 (harmful 2nd degree).

When evaluating the indicator "perception of signals (information) and their evaluation", the difference between classes 1 and 2 lies in the absence or presence of the need to correct actions and operations. At the same time, an action is understood as an element of activity, in the process of which a specific, not decomposable into simpler, conscious goal is achieved, and an operation is a completed action (or a sum of actions), as a result of which an elementary technological goal is achieved.

Class 3.1 evaluates the work associated with the perception of signals with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters (information) with their nominal required levels. Under the signals, interim or final production indicators can be understood, which are compared with the reference or planned ones. Correction (comparison with the standard) is carried out here according to the type of identification process, including the processes of decoding, information retrieval and information preparation of a solution based on thinking with the obligatory use of intelligence, i.e. mental abilities of the performer.

Class 3.2 evaluates the work associated with the perception of signals, followed by a comprehensive assessment of all production activities.

The main characteristics for assessing the indicator "nature of work performed" are the lack of time and information and increased responsibility for the final result. The distribution of this indicator by labor intensity classes is as follows: “work according to an individual plan” - class 1 (optimal), “work according to a set schedule with possible correction in the course of activity” - class 2 (permissible), “work under time pressure” - class 3.1 (harmful 1st degree), "work in conditions of lack of time and information with increased responsibility for the final result" - class 3.2 (harmful 2nd degree).

The criteria for attributing work according to this indicator to class 3.1 is work under time pressure. At the same time, the assessment of working conditions should be carried out when carrying out technological processes in accordance with the technological regulations. Therefore, class 3.1 in terms of the “nature of the work performed” should only evaluate such work in which the lack of time is its constant and integral characteristic, and at the same time, the successful completion of the task is possible only with the right actions in conditions of such a shortage.

Class 3.2 hard work characterizes such work that takes place in conditions of lack of time and information with increased responsibility for the final result. The concept of time deficit was defined above. The lack of information needs no further explanation. And the increased responsibility for the final result should be not only subjectively perceived, since at any workplace the performer must be aware of and bear such responsibility, but also by the job description assigned to the performer. The degree of responsibility should be high - this is the responsibility for the normal course of the technological process, for the safety of unique, complex and expensive equipment and (or) for the safety of people.

Characteristics of loads of an intellectual nature are presented in Table. 3.7.

Characteristics of intelligent loads

Table 3.7



Characteristic values

When performing a task, there is no need to make a decision

Solving simple problems according to instructions

Solving complex problems with the choice of known algorithms (work on a series of instructions)

Heuristic (creative) activity that requires a decision on an unknown algorithm, sole leadership in difficult situations

Perception of signals (information)

No action needed to be corrected

With subsequent correction of actions and operations

With subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters with their nominal values ​​and the final assessment of the actual values ​​of the parameters

Followed by a comprehensive assessment of related parameters and a comprehensive assessment of all production activities

Distribution of functions according to the degree of task complexity

Job Processing and Execution

Processing, executing the task and checking the result

Processing, checking and monitoring the execution of the assignment

Control and preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons

Nature of work performed

Work according to an individual plan

Work according to the established schedule with its possible correction in the course of activities

Working under time pressure

Work in conditions of time and information deficit with increased responsibility for the final result

The group of indicators "sensory loads" includes the following indicators: the duration of concentrated observation (as a percentage of the shift time), the density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average per hour of work, the number of production objects of simultaneous observation, the size of the object of distinction with the duration of concentrated attention (as a percentage of the shift time), work with optical instruments (microscope, moon, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (as a percentage of the shift time), watching the video terminal screen (hours per shift), the load on the auditory analyzer and load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week).

Indicator " duration of concentrated observation (as a percentage of shift time)" characterizes the degree of tension - the greater the percentage of time devoted to focused observation during the shift, the higher the tension. The total time of the working shift is taken as 100%. The main characteristic for this indicator is concentration, i.e. concentration of attention on any real or ideal object. This characteristic differs significantly from the passive nature of monitoring the course of the technological process, when the performer periodically, from time to time, controls the state of an object.

Long-term concentrated observation is necessary at workplaces, where the state of the observed object changes all the time, and the worker's activity consists in periodically solving a number of tasks that continuously follow each other, based on the received and constantly changing information.

When evaluating this indicator, two errors are most often encountered by this criterion. The first is that this indicator assesses such work when the observation is not concentrated, but is carried out in a discrete mode. The second mistake is that high indicators for the duration of concentrated observation are assigned a priori, only because this characteristic is pronounced in the professional activity of the employee.

Indicator " signal density (light, sound) and messages on average per hour of work» - the number of perceived and transmitted signals (messages, orders) - allows you to evaluate the employment, the specifics of the employee's activities. The greater the number of incoming and transmitted signals or messages, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension. According to the form (or method) of presenting information, signals can be given from special devices (light, sound signal devices, instrument scales, tables, graphs and diagrams, symbols, text, formulas, etc.) and with a voice message (by telephone and radio background , with direct direct contact of workers). In assessing this indicator, significant errors can be avoided if it is not assigned high values ​​in all cases and only because the perception of signals and messages is a characteristic feature of work.

The indicator "the number of production objects of simultaneous observation" (with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases) is characterized by the requirements for the amount of attention and its distribution as the ability to simultaneously focus attention on several objects or actions.

The main criterion for evaluating work on this indicator is the time spent from obtaining information from the objects of simultaneous observation to the actions performed. If this time is significantly short and actions must be performed immediately after receiving information simultaneously from all necessary objects (otherwise, the normal course of the technological process will be disrupted or a significant error will occur), then the work must be assessed as stressful in terms of the number of production objects of simultaneous observation. If the information can be obtained by successively switching attention from object to object and there is enough time before a decision is made and (or) actions are taken, then such work should be assessed according to this indicator as optimal or acceptable.

Indicator “the size of the object of distinction with the duration of concentrated attention"is characterized by the fact that the smaller the size of the object under consideration (product, part, digital or alphabetic information, etc.) and the longer the observation time, the higher the load on the visual analyzer. Accordingly, the class of labor intensity increases.

The categories of visual works from SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting" were taken as the basis for the size of the object of distinction. In this case, it is necessary to consider only such an object that carries the semantic information necessary to perform this work. In some cases, when the dimensions of the object are small, optical instruments are used to increase these dimensions. If optical devices are used occasionally, to clarify information, the object of distinction is the direct carrier of information. If the size of the object is so small that it is indistinguishable without the use of optical instruments, and they are used constantly, the size of the enlarged object should be recorded.

Indicator " work with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation. On the basis of timing observations, the time (hours, minutes) of working with an optical device is determined. The duration of the working day is taken as 100%, and the time of a fixed gaze using a microscope, a magnifying glass is converted into percentages - the greater the percentage of time, the greater the load leading to the development of tension in the visual analyzer.

Optical instruments include those devices that are used to increase the size of the object under consideration - magnifiers, microscopes, flaw detectors, or are used to increase the resolution of the device or improve visibility (binoculars), which is also associated with an increase in the size of the object. Optical devices do not include various devices for displaying information in which optics are not used - various indicators and scales covered with a glass or transparent plastic cover.

Indicator "monitoring the screen of the video terminal". According to this indicator, the time of direct work of the video terminal user with the display screen during the whole working day is recorded when entering data, editing text or programs, reading alphabetic, digital, graphic information from the screen. The longer the time of fixing the gaze on the screen of the video terminal user, the greater the load on the visual analyzer and the higher the labor intensity. This indicator should be used to characterize the intensity of the labor process at all workplaces that are equipped with means of displaying information both on cathode-beam and discrete (matrix) screens (displays, video modules, video monitors, video terminals).

The degree of tension of the auditory analyzer is determined by the dependence of the intelligibility of words as a percentage of the ratio between the level of speech intensity and "white" noise.

The distribution of this indicator by labor intensity classes is as follows: “intelligibility of words and signals from 100 to 90%. No interference” - class 1 (optimal); “intelligibility of words and signals from 90 to 70%. There is interference, against which speech is heard at a distance of up to 3.5 m ”- class 2 (permissible); “intelligibility of words and signals from 70 to 50%. There are interferences against which speech can be heard at a distance of up to 2 m" - class 3.1 (harmful 1st degree), "the intelligibility of words and signals is less than 50%. There is interference, against which speech is heard at a distance of up to 1.5 m ”- class 3.2 (harmful 2nd degree).

The indicator "load on the auditory analyzer" should characterize such work in which the employee, in conditions of increased noise levels, must hear speech information or other sound signals that guide him in the process of work.

The degree of tension of the vocal apparatus depends on the duration of speech loads. Overstrain of the voice is observed with prolonged, without rest, voice activity.

Characteristics of sensory loads are presented in Table. 3.8.

Table 3.8

Characteristics of sensory loads


Characteristic values

Duration of concentrated observation (as a percentage of shift time)

Density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for one hour of operation

Number of production facilities of simultaneous observation

The size of the object of distinction during the duration of concentrated attention (as a percentage of the shift time)

More than 5 mm - 100%

5-1.1 mm - more than 50%, 1-0.3 mm - up to 50%, less than 0.3 mm - up to 25%

1 -0.3 mm - more than 50%, less than 0.3 mm - up to 26-50%

Less than 0.3 mm - more than 50%


Characteristic values

Work with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (as a percentage of the shift time)

Observation of the screen of the video terminal (hours per shift) with alphanumeric (graphic) type of information

More BUT (6)

Intelligibility of words and signals from 100 to 90%, no interference

The intelligibility of words and signals is from 90 to 70%, there are interferences against which speech is audible at a distance of up to 3.5 m

The intelligibility of words and signals is from 70 to 50%, there are interferences in the foyer of which speech is heard at a distance of up to 2 m

The intelligibility of words and signals is less than 50%, there are interferences against which speech is audible at a distance of up to 1.5 m

The group of indicators "emotional loads" includes the following indicators: the degree of responsibility for the result of one's own activity, the significance of the error; degree of risk to one's own life; the degree of responsibility for the safety of others and the number of conflict production situations per shift.

Indicator " the degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities, the significance of the error" indicates to what extent an employee can influence the result of his own work at various levels of complexity of the activities carried out. With increasing complexity, the degree of responsibility increases, since erroneous actions lead to additional efforts on the part of the employee or the whole team, which accordingly leads to an increase in emotional stress.

This indicator assesses the responsibility of the employee for the quality of the elements of tasks of auxiliary work, the main work or the final product. In this case, the following classification should be used:

  • class 1 - responsibility for the quality of actions or operations that are an element of the labor process in relation to its ultimate goal, and the error is corrected by the worker himself on the basis of self-control or external, formal control of the "right - wrong" type;
  • class 2 - responsibility for the quality of an activity that is a technological cycle or a major element of a technological process in relation to its ultimate goal, and the error is corrected by a higher manager according to the type of instructions “how to do it right”;
  • class 3.1 - responsibility for the entire technological process or activity, the error is corrected by the whole team, if this does not entail more serious consequences;
  • class 3.2 - responsibility for the quality of products produced by all structural unit, or increased responsibility for the result of one's own mistake, if it can lead to a shutdown of the technological process, breakage of expensive or unique equipment, or danger to the lives of other people.

Indicator "degree of risk to one's own life." A measure of risk is the probability of an undesirable event occurring, which can be identified with sufficient accuracy from statistical data. occupational injury at this enterprise and similar enterprises in the industry. Therefore, at a particular workplace, the presence of traumatic factors that may pose a danger to the life of workers is analyzed, and a possible zone of their influence is determined. The “degree of risk to one's own life” indicator characterizes only those jobs where there is a direct danger, i.e. the working environment is fraught with the threat of a directly damaging reaction (explosion, impact, spontaneous combustion), in contrast to the indirect danger, when the working environment becomes dangerous due to incorrect and unforeseen behavior of the employee.

Indicator " degree of responsibility for the safety of others. When assessing tension, it is necessary to take into account only direct, and not indirect, responsibility (the latter is distributed to all managers), i.e. one that is imputed by the job description.

Indicator "the number of conflict production situations per shift." The presence of conflict situations in the production activities of a number of professions significantly increases the emotional burden and is subject to quantitative assessment. The number of conflict situations is taken into account on the basis of chronometric observations.

Characteristics of emotional loads are presented in Table. 3.9.

Table 3.9

Characteristics of emotional loads



Responsible for the functional quality of the main work (task); entails corrections due to the additional efforts of the entire team

Responsible for the functional quality of the final product, work, task; entails damage to the equipment, shutdown of the technological process, there may be a danger to life

The degree of risk to one's own life



Degree of responsibility for the safety of others



Number of conflict production situations per shift


In the group of indicators "monotonic loads" includes the following indicators: the number of elements (methods) required to implement a simple task or repetitive operations, the duration of simple production tasks or repetitive operations, the time of active actions (as a percentage of the duration of the shift), the monotony of the production environment (the time of passive observation of the progress of the technological process, as a percentage of shift time).

Indicator "number of elements (tricks), necessary for the implementation of a simple task or repetitive operations "- the smaller the number of performed techniques, the higher the monotony of the loads.

Indicator "the duration of the execution of simple production tasks or repetitive operations" - the shorter the execution time for simple production tasks, the higher the monotony of the loads.

The number of elements (techniques) required to implement a simple task or repetitive operations and the duration of simple production tasks or repetitive operations characterize the so-called motor monotony. The high values ​​of these indicators are most pronounced during conveyor labor (classes 3.1, 3.2).

Indicator "Active Time" Observation of the course of the technological process does not apply to active actions. The shorter the time for performing active actions and the longer the time for monitoring the progress of the production process, the correspondingly higher the monotony of the loads.

Indicator "monotonous work environment". Necessary condition to classify operations and actions as monotonous is not only their frequent repetition and a small number of techniques, which can be observed in other works, but also their monotony and, most importantly, their low information content, when actions and operations are performed automatically and practically do not require close attention, information processing and decision making, i.e. practically do not involve "intellectual" functions.

Characteristics of the monotony of loads are presented in table. 3.10.

Table 3.10

Characteristics of load monotonicity



The number of elements (techniques) required to implement a simple task or repeatedly repeated operations

The duration of simple production tasks or repetitive operations

Time of active actions (as a percentage of the duration of the shift)

20 or more

Monotony of the production environment (time of passive observation of the progress of the technological process, as a percentage of the shift time)

The group of indicators "mode of operation" includes the following indicators: the actual duration of the working day, shift work, the presence of regulated breaks and their duration (excluding lunch breaks).

Indicator " actual hours of work" allocated to an independent rubric, since regardless of the number of shifts and the rhythm of work, the actual duration of the working day ranges from 6-8 to 12 hours or more. The longer the work in time, the greater the total load per shift and, accordingly, the higher the labor intensity.

Indicator "shift work" is determined on the basis of internal production documents regulating the work schedule at a given enterprise, organization.

Indicator " presence of regulated breaks and their duration (excluding lunch breaks). Regulated breaks should include only those breaks that are introduced into the working time regulations on the basis of official internal production documents, such as a collective agreement, an order of the director of an enterprise or organization, or on the basis of state documents - sanitary norms and rules, industry rules on labor protection, etc. .

Insufficient duration or absence of regulated breaks exacerbates the intensity of work, since there is no element of short-term protection from the impact of factors of the labor process and the production environment.

The characteristics of the operating mode are presented in Table. 3.11.

Table 3.11

Characteristics of the operating mode



Actual duration of the working day, h

Shift work

One shift work (no night shift)

Two shift work (no night shift)

Three shift work (night shift)

Irregular shifts with night work

Availability of regulated breaks and their duration (excluding lunch breaks)

Breaks are regulated, of sufficient duration: 7% or more of working time

Breaks are regulated, insufficient duration: from 3 to 7% of working time

Breaks are not regulated and of insufficient duration: up to 3% of working time

No breaks



The intensity of the labor process is assessed in accordance with these “Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process”.

The assessment of labor intensity of a professional group of workers is based on an analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by chronometric observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week. The analysis is based on taking into account the entire complex production factors(stimuli, irritants) that create the prerequisites for the emergence of adverse neuro-emotional states (overstrain). All factors (indicators) of the labor process have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads: intellectual, sensory, emotional, monotonous, regime loads.

Example:the simplest tasks are solved by laboratory assistants* (1st class of working conditions* *), and activities that require solving simple problems, but with a choice (according to instructions) are typical for nurses, telephonists, telegraph operators, etc. (grade 2). Complex tasks solved according to a well-known algorithm (work according to a series of instructions) take place in the work of managers, foremen of industrial enterprises, vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers, etc. (class 3.1). The most complex work in terms of content, requiring heuristic (creative) activity to one degree or another, was found among scientists, designers, doctors of various profiles, etc. (class 3.2).

1.2. Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation”- according to this factor of the labor process, the perception of signals (information) with subsequent correction of actions and operations performed belongs to the 2nd class ( laboratory work). Perception of signals with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters (information) with their nominal required levels noted in the work of nurses, masters, telephonists and telegraph operators, etc.. (class 3.1). In the case when labor activity requires the perception of signals, followed by a comprehensive assessment of all production parameters (information), then labor in terms of intensity belongs to class 3.2 ( leaders industrial enterprises, vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers, designers, doctors, scientists, etc.)

* - As examples, the results of the assessment of some professional groups of performing, managerial, operator and creative types of work are given.

* * - Classes of working conditions in accordance with these “Hygienic Criteria” are indicated in brackets.

1.3. "The distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task." Any labor activity is characterized by the distribution of functions between workers. Accordingly, the more functions assigned to the employee, the higher the intensity of his work. So, labor activity, containing simple functions aimed at processing and performing a specific task, does not lead to significant labor intensity. An example of such an activity is the work of a laboratory assistant (class 1). Tension increases when processing is carried out, execution followed by verification of the task (class 2), which is typical for professions such as nurses, telephonists, etc. Processing, verification and, in addition, control over the performance of the task indicates a greater degree of complexity of the functions performed by the employee, and, accordingly, labor intensity is more pronounced ( masters of industrial enterprises, telegraph operators, designers, drivers of vehicles - class 3.1). The most difficult function is the preliminary preparatory work with the subsequent distribution of tasks to other persons (class 3.2), which is typical for such professions as heads of industrial enterprises, air traffic controllers, scientists, doctors, etc.

1.4. “Nature of work performed”- in the case when the work is carried out according to an individual plan, then the level of labor intensity is low (grade 1 - laboratory assistants). If the work proceeds according to a strictly established schedule with its possible correction as necessary, then the tension rises (grade 2 - nurses, telephone operators, telegraph operators, etc.). An even greater intensity of labor is characteristic when work is performed under conditions of time pressure (class 3.1 - masters of industrial enterprises, scientists, designers). The greatest tension (class 3.2) is characterized by work in conditions of lack of time and information. At the same time, there is a high responsibility for the final result of the work ( doctors, industrial leaders enterprises, vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers).

2.1. “Duration of concentrated observation (in % of shift time)”- the greater the percentage of time devoted to concentrated observation during the shift, the higher the tension. The total time of the working shift is taken as 100%.

Example.The greatest duration of concentrated observation of the course of the technological process is observed in operator professions: telephonists, telegraph operators, air traffic controllers, vehicle drivers (more than 75% of the shift - class 3.2). A slightly lower value of this parameter (51-75%) was found in doctors (class 3.1). From 26 to 50% of the value of this indicator fluctuated among nurses, masters of industrial enterprises (grade 2). The lowest level of this indicator is observed among the managers of the enterprise, scientists, designers (grade 1 - up to 25% of the total shift time).

2.2.“Density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour work” - the number of perceived and transmitted signals (messages, orders) allows you to evaluate the employment, the specifics of the employee's activities. The greater the number of incoming and transmitted signals or messages, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension. According to the form (or method) of presenting information, signals can be given from special devices (light, sound signal devices, instrument scales, tables, graphs and diagrams, symbols, text, formulas, etc.) and with voice messages (by telephone and radio background, with direct direct contact of workers).

Example.The largest number of communications and signals with ground services and with aircraft crews is observed with air traffic controllers - more than 300 (class 3.2) work of telegraph operators. In the range from 75 to 175 signals are received by telephone operators within an hour (the number of serviced subscriptions per hour is from 25 to 150). For nurses and doctors of intensive care units (urgent call to the patient, alarm from monitors about the patient's condition) - 2nd class. The smallest number of signals and messages is typical for such professions as laboratory assistants, managers, craftsmen, scientists, designers - class 1.

2.3. “Number of production facilities for simultaneous monitoring”- indicates that with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases.

Example.For the operator type of activity, various indicators, displays, controls, keyboard, etc. serve as objects of simultaneous observation. The largest number of objects of simultaneous observation was found for air traffic controllers - 13, which corresponds to class 3.1, this number is somewhat lower for telegraph operators - 8-9 teletypes, for drivers of vehicles (class 2). Up to 5 objects of simultaneous observation are observed among telephone operators, foremen, managers, nurses, doctors, designers, etc. (grade 1).

2.4. “The size of the object of distinction with the duration of focused attention (% of the shift time). The smaller the size of the object under consideration (product, detail, digital or alphabetic information, etc.) and the longer the observation time, the higher the load on the visual analyzer. Accordingly, the class of labor intensity increases. The categories of visual works from SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting” were taken as the basis for the size of the object of distinction.

2.5. “Working with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)”. On the basis of chronometric observations, the time (hours, minutes) of working with an optical device is determined. The duration of the working day is taken as 100%, and the time of a fixed gaze using a microscope, a magnifying glass is converted into percentages - the greater the percentage of time, the greater the load leading to the development of tension in the visual analyzer.

2.6. “Monitoring the video terminal screen (hours per shift)”. According to this indicator, the time (h, min) of the direct work of the VDT user with the display screen during the entire working day is recorded when entering data, editing text or programs, reading alphabetic, digital, graphic information from the screen. The longer the time of fixing the gaze on the screen of the VDT user, the greater the load on the visual analyzer and the higher the labor intensity.

The degree of tension of the auditory analyzer is determined by the dependence of the intelligibility of words as a percentage of the ratio between the level of speech intensity and “white” noise. When there is no interference, word intelligibility is 100% - 1 class. The 2nd class includes cases when the speech level exceeds the noise by 10-15 dBA and corresponds to the intelligibility of words equal to 90-70% or at a distance of up to 3.5 m, etc.

2.8.“Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week)”. The degree of tension of the vocal apparatus depends on the duration of speech loads. Overstrain of the voice is observed with prolonged, without rest, voice activity.

Example.The greatest loads (class 3.1 or 3.2) are noted among persons of voice-speech professions (teachers, educators of children's institutions, vocalists, readers, actors, announcers, guides, etc.). To a lesser extent, this type of workload is typical for other professional groups (air traffic controllers, telephone operators, managers, etc. - 2nd grade). The lowest values ​​of the criterion can be observed in the work of other professions, such as laboratory assistants, designers, drivers of vehicles (grade 1).

3.1. “The degree of responsibility for the result of one's own activity. Significance of error”- indicates to what extent an employee can influence the result of his own work at various levels of complexity of the activities carried out. With increasing complexity, the degree of responsibility increases, since erroneous actions lead to additional efforts on the part of the employee or the whole team, which accordingly leads to an increase in emotional stress.

Example.For professions such as managers and foremen of industrial enterprises, air traffic controllers, doctors, vehicle drivers, etc. the highest degree of responsibility for the final result of the work is characteristic, and the mistakes made can lead to a shutdown of the technological process, the emergence of dangerous situations for people's lives (class 3.2).

If the employee is responsible for the main type of task, and mistakes lead to additional efforts on the part of the whole team, then the emotional burden in this case is already somewhat lower (class 3.1.): nurses, scientists, designers. When the degree of responsibility is related to the quality of the ancillary task, and errors lead to additional efforts on the part of higher management (in particular, foreman, shift supervisor, etc.), then such work according to this indicator is characterized by an even lower manifestation of emotional stress (grade 2): telephonists, telegraph operators. The least significance of the criterion is noted in the work of the laboratory assistant, where the employee is responsible only for the implementation of individual elements of the product, and in the event of a mistake, additional efforts are only on the part of the employee himself (grade 1).

3.2 “Degree of risk to own life” and

3.3. “Degree of responsibility for the safety of others” reflect factors of emotional significance. A number of professions are characterized by responsibility only for the safety of others ( air traffic controllers, resuscitators, etc.) personal security (cosmonauts, pilots, etc.) - 3.2 class. But there are a number of categories of work where a combination of risk is possible, both for oneself and responsibility for the lives of others. (infectious disease doctors, drivers vehicles, etc.). In this case, the emotional load is significantly higher, so these indicators should be assessed as separate independent stimuli. There are a number of professions where these factors are completely absent ( laboratory assistants, scientists, telephonists, telegraph operators, etc.) - their work is estimated as 1st class of labor intensity.

4.1. “The number of elements (techniques) necessary to implement a simple task or repeatedly repeated operations” - the smaller the number of techniques performed, the higher the labor intensity due to multiple loads. The highest intensity according to this indicator is typical for assembly line workers (class 3.1-3.2).

4.1.1. “Duration (s) to perform simple production tasks or repetitive operations”- the shorter the time, the higher the monotony of the loads, respectively. This indicator, as well as the previous one, is most pronounced during conveyor labor (class 3.1-3.2).

4.1.2. “Time of active actions (in % of the duration of the shift)”. Observation of the progress of the technological process does not refer to “active actions”. The shorter the time for performing active actions and the longer the time for monitoring the progress of the production process, the higher the monotony of the loads, respectively. The highest monotonicity in this indicator is typical for operators of chemical production control panels (class 3.1-3.2).

4.1.3. “Monotonicity of the production environment (time of passive observation of the progress of the technological process in % of the shift time)” - the longer the time of passive observation of the progress of the technological process, the more monotonous the work is. This indicator, as well as the previous one, is most pronounced for operator types of work working in the standby mode (operators of control panels for chemical production, power plants, etc.) - class 3.2.

5.1. “Actual working hours”- it is allocated in an independent heading unlike other classifications. This is due to the fact that regardless of the number of shifts and the rhythm of work in production conditions, the actual length of the working day ranges from 6-8 hours (telephonists, telegraph operators and so on.) up to 12 hours or more (heads of industrial enterprises). A number of professions have shifts of 12 hours or more. (doctors, nurses, etc.). The longer the work in time, the greater the total load per shift, and, accordingly, the higher the intensity of labor.

5.2. “Shift work” is determined on the basis of internal production documents regulating the work schedule at a given enterprise, organization. The highest class 3.2 is characterized by irregular shifts with night work (nurses, doctors, etc.).

5.3 “Availability of regulated breaks and their duration (without a lunch break)”. With proper organization of labor, the introduction of regulated rest breaks at the expense of working time helps to improve the functional state of the worker's body and ensures high labor productivity. Insufficient duration or absence of regulated breaks exacerbates the intensity of work, since there is no element of short-term protection from the impact of factors of the labor process and the production environment.

Example.The existing modes of operation of air traffic controllers, doctors, nurses, etc. are characterized by the absence of regulated breaks (class 3.2), in contrast to foremen and managers of industrial enterprises, whose breaks are not regulated and are not long (class 3.1). At the same time, breaks take place, but they are of insufficient duration for designers, scientists, telegraph operators, telephone operators, etc. (grade 2).

6.1. Regardless of professional affiliation (profession), all 22 indicators listed in Table 4.11.9 are taken into account. It is not allowed to selectively take into account any individual indicators for a general assessment of labor intensity.

6.2. For each of the 22 indicators, its own class of working conditions is determined separately. In the event that any indicator is not presented by the nature or characteristics of professional activity (for example, there is no work with a video terminal screen or optical devices), then class 1 (optimal) is assigned for this indicator - labor intensity of a mild degree.

6.3. In the final assessment of labor intensity:

6.3.1. “Optimal” (1st class) is established in cases where 17 or more indicators have a grade of 1st class, and the rest belong to the 2nd class. At the same time, there are no indicators related to the 3 (harmful) class.

6.3.2. “Permissible” (grade 2) is set in the following cases:

when 6 or more indicators are assigned to class 2, and the rest - to class 1;

· when from 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to 3.1 and/or 3.2 degrees of harmfulness, and the rest of the indicators have an assessment of the 1st and/or 2nd classes.

6.3.3. “Harmful” (3) class is established when 6 or more indicators are assigned to the third class. At the same time, hard work of the 1st degree (3.1) in those cases:

· when 6 indicators are rated only class 3.1, and the remaining indicators belong to 1 and/or 2 classes;

· when from 3 to 5 indicators belong to class 3.1, and from 1 to 3 indicators belong to class 3.2.

Hard labor of the 2nd degree (3.2):

· when 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.2;

· when more than 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1;

· when from 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to class 3.1, and from 4 to 5 indicators - to class 3.2;

· when 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1 and there are from 1 to 5 indicators of class 3.2.

6.4. In cases where more than 6 indicators have a score of 3.2, the intensity of the labor process is rated one degree higher - class 3.3.


assessment of working conditions in terms of intensity of the labor process

FULL NAME. ___________ Sidorov V.G floor ___ m

Profession _____ master Production ____ Machine building plant

Brief description of the work performed ____ _ Supervises the work of the team, controls the quality of work, ensures the availability of materials and controls the efficiency of the use of equipment, performs work on machines and with measuring instruments, works with technical documentation, draws up reports, etc. ________________________________



Working condition class

1. Intelligent loads

2. Sensory loads

3. Emotional loads

4. Monotony of loads

5. Mode of operation

Number of indicators in each class

General assessment of labor intensity

Note: more than 6 indicators belong to class 3.1, so the overall assessment of the intensity of the foreman's work corresponds to class 3.2 (see clause 6.3.)

The intensity of the labor process is assessed in accordance with the “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions” R2.2.2006-05 Evaluation of labor intensity of a professional group of workers is based on the analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by chronometric observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week. The analysis is based on taking into account the whole complex of production factors (stimuli, irritants) that create the prerequisites for the emergence of adverse neuro-emotional states (overstrain). All factors (indicators) of the labor process have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads: intellectual, sensory, emotional, monotonous, regime loads.

The indicators of labor intensity and the criteria by which the class of working conditions is determined for each indicator are presented in Table 1.

Classes of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process

Table 1

Indicators of intensity of the labor process Classes of working conditions
Optimal (Mild labor intensity) Permissible (Intensity of labor of an average degree) Harmful (Hard work)
1st degree 2 degrees
1. Intelligent loads:
1.1. The content of the work No need to make a decision Solving simple problems according to instructions Solving complex problems with the choice of known algorithms (work on a series of instructions) Heuristic (creative) activity requiring the solution of an algorithm, sole leadership in difficult situations
1.2. Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation Perception of signals, but no action correction required Perception of signals with subsequent correction of actions and operations Perception of signals with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters with their nominal values. Final evaluation of actual parameter values Perception of signals followed by a comprehensive assessment of related parameters. Comprehensive assessment of all production activities

Table 1 continued

1.3. Distribution of functions according to the degree of task complexity Job Processing and Execution Processing, execution of the task and its verification Processing, checking and monitoring the execution of the assignment Control and preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons.
1.4. The nature of the work performed Work according to an individual plan Work according to the established schedule with its possible correction in the course of activities Working under time pressure Work in conditions of time and information deficit with increased responsibility for the final result
2. Sensory loads
2.1. Duration of focused observation (% shift time) up to 25 26 – 50 51 – 75 over 75
2.2. Density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour. Work up to 75 76 – 175 176 – 300 over 300
2.3. Number of production facilities for simultaneous monitoring up to 5 6 – 10 11 – 25 over 25
2.4. The size of the object of distinction (with a distance from the eyes of the worker to the object of distinction no more than 0.5 m) in mm with the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time) more than 5 mm - 100% 5 - 1.1 mm - more than 50%; 1 - 0.3 mm - up to 50%; less than 0.3 mm - up to 25% 1 - 0.3 mm - more than 50%; less than 0.3 mm - 26 - 50% less than 0.3 mm - more than 50%
2.5. Work with optical instruments (microscopes, magnifiers, etc.) with the duration of concentrated observation (% of shift time) up to 25 26 – 50 51 – 75 over 75

Table 1 continued

2.6. Monitoring the screens of video terminals (hours per shift): with alphanumeric type of information display: with graphic type of information display: up to 2 up to W up to 3 up to 5 up to 4 up to 6 more than 4 more than 6
2.7. The load on the auditory analyzer (when the production needs to perceive speech or differentiated signals) The intelligibility of words and signals is from 100 to 90%. No interference The intelligibility of words and signals is from 90 to 70%. There is interference against which speech is heard at a distance of up to 3.5 m The intelligibility of words and signals is from 70 to 50%. There is interference against which speech is heard at a distance of up to 2 m The intelligibility of words and signals is less than 50% There is interference, against which speech is audible at a distance of up to 1.5 m
2.8. Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week) up to 16 up to 20 up to 25 over 25
3. Emotional loads
H.1. The degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities. Significance of error Responsible for the implementation of individual elements of tasks. It entails additional efforts in work on the part of the employee Responsible for the functional quality of auxiliary work (tasks). It entails additional efforts on the part of higher management (foreman, foreman, etc.) Responsible for the functional quality of the main work (task). It entails corrections due to the additional efforts of the entire team (groups, brigades, etc.) Responsible for the functional quality of the final product, work, task. Causes damage to equipment, shutdown of the process and may be life threatening
3.2. The degree of risk to one's own life Excluded Likely
3.3. Degree of responsibility for the safety of others Excluded Possible

Table 1 continued

3.4. The number of conflict situations due to professional activities per shift Missing 1 – 3 4 – 8 Over 8
4. Monotony of loads
4.1. The number of elements (methods) required to implement a simple task or in repetitive operations over 10 9 – 6 5 – 3 less than 3
4.2. Duration (in seconds) of simple tasks or repetitive operations over 100 100 – 25 24 – 10 less than 10
4.3. Time of active actions (as a percentage of the duration of the shift). The rest of the time - monitoring the progress of the production process 20 or more 19 – 10 9 – 5 less than 5
4.4. The monotony of the production environment (the time of passive monitoring of the progress of the technical process in% of the shift time) less than 75 76–80 81–90 over 90
5. Mode of operation
5.1. Actual working hours 6 – 7 h 8 – 9 am 10 – 12 h more than 12 hours
5.2. Shift work One shift work (no night shift) Two shift work (no night shift) Three shift work (night shift) Irregular shifts with night work
5.3. Presence of regulated breaks and their duration Breaks are regulated, of sufficient duration: 7% or more of working time Breaks are regulated, insufficient duration: from 3 to 7% of working time Breaks are not regulated and of insufficient duration: up to 3% of working time No breaks

assessment of the intensity of the labor process

The intensity of the labor process is assessed in accordance with these "Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process."

The assessment of labor intensity of a professional group of workers is based on an analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by chronometric observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week. The analysis is based on taking into account the whole complex of production factors (stimuli, irritants) that create the prerequisites for the emergence of adverse neuro-emotional states (overstrain). All factors (indicators) of the labor process have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads: intellectual, sensory, emotional, monotonous, regime loads.

1. Intellectual loads

The differences between classes 2 and 3.1 practically come down to two points: “solving simple” (class 2) or “complex problems with a choice according to known algorithms” (class 3.1) and “solving problems according to instructions” (class 2) or “working from a series of instructions” (class 3.1).

In the case of applying the evaluation criterion "simplicity - complexity of the tasks to be solved", you can use the table, which shows some of the characteristic features of simple and complex tasks.

Some signs of the complexity of the tasks being solved

Simple Tasks Difficult tasks
1. Do not require reasoning 1. Require reasoning
2. Have a clear purpose 2. The goal is formulated only in general (for example, team management)
3. There is no need to build internal representations of external events 3. It is necessary to build internal representations of external events
4. The plan for solving the entire problem is contained in the instruction (instructions) 4. The solution of the whole problem must be planned
5. A task may include several subtasks that are not related to each other or are connected only by a sequence of actions. The information obtained when solving a subtask is not analyzed and is not used when solving another subtask 5. The task always includes the solution of logically related subtasks, and the information obtained when solving each subtask is analyzed and taken into account when solving the next subtask
6. The sequence of actions is known, or it does not matter 6. The sequence of actions is chosen by the performer and is important for solving the problem

For example, in the task of a laboratory assistant chemical analysis includes subtasks (operations): sampling (usually), preparation of reagents, sample processing (using chemical solutions, incineration) and quantitative assessment of the content of analytes in the sample. Each subtask has clear instructions, clearly formulated goals and a predetermined end result with a known sequence of actions, i.e., according to the above signs, it solves simple tasks (class 2). The job of a chemical engineer, for example, is quite different. First, he must determine the qualitative composition of the sample, using sometimes complex methods of qualitative analysis (task planning, selection of a sequence of actions and analysis of the results of a subtask), then develop a work model for laboratory assistants using the information obtained in solving the previous subtask. Then, based on all the information received, the engineer makes a final assessment of the results, i.e. the problem can only be solved using the algorithm as a logical set of rules (class 3.1).

When applying the evaluation criterion "work according to instructions - work according to a series of instructions", one should pay attention to the fact that sometimes the number of instructions characterizing the content of the work is not a sufficiently reliable characteristic of intellectual loads.

For example, a chemical analysis laboratory assistant may work according to several instructions, while the head of a chemical laboratory works according to one job description. Therefore, here one should pay attention to those cases where the general instruction, being formally the only one, contains many separate instructions, and in this case, evaluate the activity as work on a series of instructions.

The differences between classes 3.1 and 3.2 in terms of "work content" (intellectual load) are only in one characteristic - whether problem solving is used according to known algorithms (class 3.1) or heuristic techniques (class 3.2). They differ from each other in the presence or absence of a guarantee of obtaining the correct result. An algorithm is a logical set of rules that, if followed, always leads to the correct solution of a problem. Heuristics are some rules of thumb (procedures or descriptions), the use of which does not guarantee the successful completion of a task. Therefore, class 3.2 should evaluate such work in which the methods of solving the problem are not known in advance.

An additional feature of class 3.2 is "one-man leadership in difficult situations." Here it is necessary to consider only those situations that can arise suddenly (as a rule, these are pre-accident or emergency situations) and are of an emergency nature (for example, the possibility of stopping the process, breakdown of complex and expensive equipment, danger to life), and also if the management the actions of other persons in such situations is due to the job description in force at the certified workplace.

Thus, by class 3.1 it is necessary to evaluate such work, where decision-making takes place on the basis of necessary and sufficient information according to a known algorithm (as a rule, these are diagnostic or choice problems), and by class 3.2, it is necessary to evaluate work when decisions must be made in conditions of incomplete or insufficient information. (as a rule, these are solutions under uncertainty), and there is no solution algorithm. The constancy of solving such problems is also important.

For example, a power system dispatcher usually solves tasks assessed by class 3.1, and in the event of emergency situations, tasks of class 3.1, if the task is typical and encountered earlier, and class 3.2, if such a situation occurs for the first time. Since tasks of class 3.2 are much less common, the work of the dispatcher should be evaluated according to the criterion "content of work" with class 3.1.

Examples. The simplest tasks are solved by laboratory assistants (class 1 of working conditions**), and activities that require solving simple problems, but with a choice (according to instructions) are typical for nurses, telephone operators, telegraph operators, etc. (grade 2). Complex tasks solved according to a well-known algorithm (work according to a series of instructions) take place in the work of managers, foremen of industrial enterprises, vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers, etc. (class 3.1). The most complex work in terms of content, requiring heuristic (creative) activity to one degree or another, was found among scientists, designers, doctors of various profiles, etc. (class 3.2).

1.2. "Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation". Criteria in terms of differences between the classes of intensity of the labor process is the setting goal (or reference norm), which is adopted to compare the information received during work with the nominal values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary for the successful course of the work process.

Class 2 includes work in which the perception of signals involves the subsequent correction of actions or operations. At the same time, an action should be understood as an element of activity, in the course of which a specific, not decomposable into simpler, conscious goal is achieved, and an operation is a completed action (or a sum of actions), as a result of which an elementary technological goal is achieved.

For example, for a turner, the processing of a simple part is performed through a series of operations (fixing the part, processing the outer and inner surfaces, cutting ledges, etc.), each of which includes a number of elementary actions, sometimes called techniques. Correction of actions and operations here consists in comparison with certain simple and unrelated "standards", operations are separate and complete elementary constituent parts technological process, and the perceived information and the corresponding correction has the character of "correct-wrong" according to the type of identification process, which is characterized by operating with integral standards. Typical examples include the work of an inspector, a machine operator, an electric and gas welder, and most representatives of mass working professions, the basis of which is substantive activity.

"Standard" for works characterized by this indicator of tension class 3.1. is a set of information characterizing the current state of the object of labor during work, the basis of which is intellectual activity. Correction (comparison with the standard) is carried out here according to the type of identification process, including the processes of decoding, information retrieval and information preparation of a solution based on thinking with the obligatory use of intelligence, i.e., the mental abilities of the performer. Such works include most of the professions of the operator and dispatcher type, the work of scientists. The perception of signals with the subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters (information) with their nominal required levels is noted in the work of nurses, masters, telephone and telegraph operators, etc. (class 3.1).

Class 3.2 evaluates the work associated with the perception of signals, followed by a comprehensive assessment of all production activities. In this case, when

labor activity requires the perception of signals, followed by a comprehensive assessment of all production parameters (information), respectively, such labor in terms of intensity belongs to class 3.2 (heads of industrial enterprises, vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers, designers, doctors, scientists, etc.).

1.3. "The distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task." Any labor activity is characterized by the distribution of functions between workers. Accordingly, the more functional duties assigned to the employee, the higher the intensity of his work.

According to this indicator, class 2 (permissible) and class 3 (hard work) differ in two characteristics - the presence or absence of a control function and work on the distribution of tasks to other persons. Class 3.1 is characterized by work, a mandatory element of which is the control of the task. This refers to the control of the execution of the task by other persons, since the control of the implementation of their tasks should be assessed by class 2 (processing, execution of the task and its verification, which, in fact, is control).

An example of work that includes monitoring the implementation of tasks can be the work of an occupational safety engineer, an engineer in the production and technical department, etc.

Class 3.2 evaluates for this indicator such work, which includes not only control, but also preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons.

So, labor activity, containing simple functions aimed at processing and performing a specific task, does not lead to significant labor intensity. An example of such an activity is the work of a laboratory assistant (class 1). Tension increases when processing, execution and subsequent verification of the task (class 2) is carried out, which is typical for professions such as nurses, telephone operators, etc.

Processing, verification and, in addition, control over the execution of the task indicates a greater degree of complexity of the functions performed by the employee, and, accordingly, labor intensity is more pronounced (foremen of industrial enterprises, telegraph operators, designers, vehicle drivers - class 3.1).

The most difficult function is the preliminary preparatory work with the subsequent distribution of tasks to other persons (class 3.2), which is typical for such professions as industrial managers, air traffic controllers, scientists, doctors, etc.

1.4. "The nature of the work performed"- in the case when the work is carried out according to an individual plan, then the level of labor intensity is low (grade 1 - laboratory assistants). If the work proceeds according to a strictly established schedule with its possible correction as necessary, then the tension rises (grade 2 - nurses, telephone operators, telegraph operators, etc.). Even greater labor intensity is characteristic when work is performed under time pressure (class 3.1 - foremen of industrial enterprises, scientists, designers). The greatest tension (class 3.2) is characterized by work in conditions of lack of time and information. At the same time, there is a high responsibility for the final result of the work (doctors, managers
industrial enterprises, vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers).

Thus, the criteria for attributing work according to this indicator to class 3.1 (hard work of the 1st degree) is work under time pressure. In the practice of work, time deficit is usually understood as a heavy workload, on the basis of which almost any work is evaluated according to this indicator with a class of 3.1. Here it is necessary to follow the requirements of this

guidelines, according to which the assessment of working conditions should be carried out when carrying out technological processes in accordance with the technological regulations. Therefore, class 3.1 in terms of the “nature of the work performed” should only evaluate such work in which the lack of time is its constant and integral characteristic, and at the same time, the successful completion of the task is possible only with the right actions in conditions of such a shortage.

Hard work of the 2nd degree (class 3.2) characterizes such work that takes place in conditions of lack of time and information with increased responsibility for the final result. With regard to the lack of time, one should be guided by the above considerations, and as for increased responsibility for the final result, such responsibility should not only be subjectively realized, since at any workplace the performer is aware of and bears such responsibility, but also by the job description assigned to the performer. The degree of responsibility should be high - this is the responsibility for the normal course of the technological process (for example, the dispatcher, the driver of boilers, turbines and blocks at the power plant), for the safety of unique, complex and expensive equipment and for the lives of other people (foremen, foremen).

Let's take the work of doctors as an example of the degree of responsibility. The work of far from all doctors is characterized by the same level of tension by the nature of the work: for example, the work of emergency doctors, surgeons (operators), traumatologists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, no doubt, can be assessed according to the considered indicator class 3.2 (lack of time, information and increased responsibility for the final result), while the work of, for example, polyclinic doctors - therapists, oculists and others - does not meet such criteria, as well as the work of, for example, hygienists.

2. Sensory loads

2.1. "Duration of focused observation (in % of shift time)"- the greater the percentage of time devoted to concentrated observation during the shift, the higher the tension. The total time of the working shift is taken as 100%.

Example. The greatest duration of concentrated observation of the course of the technological process is observed in operator professions: telephonists, telegraph operators, air traffic controllers, vehicle drivers (more than 75% of the shift - class 3.2). A slightly lower value of this parameter (51-75%) was found in doctors (class 3.1). From 26 to 50% of the value of this indicator fluctuated among nurses, masters of industrial enterprises (grade 2). The lowest level of this indicator is observed among the managers of the enterprise, scientists, designers (grade 1 - up to 25% of the total shift time).

At the heart of this process, which characterizes the intensity of labor, is the concentration, or concentration of attention on some real (driver) or ideal (translator) object, therefore this indicator should be interpreted more broadly as “duration of concentration”, which manifests itself in deepening into activity . The defining characteristic here is precisely the concentration of attention, in contrast to the passive nature of monitoring the progress of the technological process, when the performer periodically, from time to time, controls the state of an object.

The differences here are defined as follows. Long-term concentrated observation is necessary in those professions where the state of the observed object changes all the time, and the performer's activity consists in periodically solving a number of tasks that continuously follow each other, based on the received and constantly changing information (surgeons during the operation, proofreaders, translators , air traffic controllers, drivers, radar operators, etc.).

There are two most common errors in this criterion. The first is that this indicator evaluates such works when the observation is not concentrated, but is carried out in a discrete mode, as, for example, for dispatchers at the control panels of technological processes, when they from time to time note the readings of instruments during the normal course of the process. The second mistake is that high indicators for the duration of concentrated observation are assigned a priori, only because this characteristic is pronounced in professional activity, as, for example, among drivers.

Thus, for drivers of vehicles, the duration of concentrated observation in the process of driving a vehicle, on average, is more than 75% of the shift time; on this basis, the work of all drivers is evaluated according to this indicator by class 3.2. However, this is not true for all drivers.

For example, this indicator is significantly lower among drivers of shift and fire trucks, as well as vehicles on which special equipment is mounted (drilling, steam installations, cranes, etc.). Therefore, this indicator must be evaluated in each specific case according to its actual value, obtained either with the help of timing or in another way.

For example, for welders, the duration of concentrated observation can be determined quite accurately by measuring the combustion time of one electrode and counting the number of electrodes used per work shift. For car drivers, it is easy to determine it by the indicator of shift mileage (in km) divided by the average speed of the car (km per hour) in this section, information about which can be obtained from the relevant department of the Russian Transport Inspectorate. In practice, quite often such calculations show that the total driving time and, accordingly, the duration of concentrated observation do not exceed 2-4 hours per shift. Good results are also obtained by the use of technological documentation, for example, process flow charts, workplace passports, etc.

2.2. "The density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of work"- the number of perceived and transmitted signals (messages, orders) allows you to evaluate the employment, the specifics of the employee's activities. The greater the number of incoming and transmitted signals or messages, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension. According to the form (or method) of presenting information, signals can be given from special devices (light, sound signaling devices, instrument scales, tables, graphs and diagrams, symbols, text, formulas, etc.) and with a voice message (by telephone and radio background , with direct direct contact of workers).

Example. The largest number of communications and signals with ground services and with aircraft crews is observed with air traffic controllers - more than 300 (class 3.2) work of telegraph operators. In the range from 75 to 175 signals are received by telephone operators within an hour (the number of serviced subscriptions per hour is from 25 to 150). For nurses and doctors of intensive care units (urgent call to the patient, alarm from monitors about the patient's condition) - 2nd class. The smallest number of signals and messages is typical for such professions as laboratory assistants, managers, craftsmen, scientists, designers - class 1.

Significant errors can be avoided if high values ​​of this indicator are not assigned in all cases and only because the perception of signals and messages is a characteristic feature of the work. For example, a city transport driver perceives about 200 signals per hour. However, this indicator can be significantly lower for drivers, for example, intercity buses, truck drivers, shift car drivers, or in cases where the traffic density is low, which is typical for countryside. In the same way, telegraph operators and telephone operators of a large city communication center will differ significantly in this indicator from colleagues working in a small communication center.

2.3. "Number of production facilities for simultaneous monitoring"- indicates that with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases. This characteristic of labor imposes requirements on the amount of attention (from 4 to 8 unrelated objects) and its distribution as the ability to simultaneously focus attention on several objects or actions.

A necessary condition for the work to be assessed by this indicator is the time spent from obtaining information from objects of simultaneous observation to actions: if this time is significantly short and actions must be performed immediately after receiving information simultaneously from all necessary objects (otherwise, the normal course of technological process or a significant error occurs), then the work must be characterized by the number of production objects of simultaneous observation (pilots, drivers, drivers of other vehicles, operators controlling robots and manipulators, etc.). If information can be obtained by successively switching attention from object to object and there is enough time before making a decision and / or performing actions, and a person usually moves from distribution to switching attention, then such work should not be assessed by the indicator “number of objects of simultaneous observation ”(on-duty electrician for instrumentation and automation, inspector-crawler, order picker).

Example. For the operator type of activity, various indicators, displays, controls, keyboards, etc. serve as objects of simultaneous observation. The largest number of objects of simultaneous observation was found for air traffic controllers - 13, which corresponds to class 3.1, this number is somewhat lower for telegraph operators - 8-9 teletypes, drivers of motor vehicles (grade 2). Up to 5 objects of simultaneous observation are noted among telephone operators, foremen, managers, nurses, doctors, designers and others (grade 1).

2.4. "The size of the object of distinction with the duration of focused attention (% of the shift time)". The smaller the size of the object under consideration (product, detail, digital or alphabetic information, etc.) and the longer the observation time, the higher the load on the visual analyzer. Accordingly, the class of labor intensity increases.

The categories of visual works from SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting" were taken as the basis for the size of the object of distinction. In this case, it is necessary to consider only such an object that carries the semantic information necessary to perform this work. So, for controllers, this is the minimum size of the defect that needs to be identified, for PC operators - the size of a letter or number, for the operator - the size of the scale of the device, etc. (Often only this characteristic is taken into account and another, equally necessary, is not taken into account - the duration of focusing attention on a given object, which is equivalent and mandatory.)

In a number of cases, when the dimensions of the object are small, they resort to the help of optical instruments that increase these dimensions. If optical instruments are resorted to, from time to time, to clarify information, the object of distinction is the direct carrier of information. For example, radiologists, when viewing fluorographic images, must differentiate obscurations up to 1 mm in diameter (class 3.1), and from time to time they use a magnifying glass to clarify information, which increases the size of the object and transfers it to class 2. However, the main work on viewing images is carried out without optical instruments, therefore such work should be evaluated according to this criterion class 3.1.

In the event that the size of the object is so small that it is indistinguishable without the use of optical instruments, and they are used constantly (for example, when counting blood cells, the dimensions of which are in the range of 0.006-0.015 mm, the laboratory assistant always uses a microscope) should be recorded the size of the enlarged object.

2.5. "Working with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)". On the basis of chronometric observations, the time (hours, minutes) of working with an optical device is determined. The duration of the working day is taken as 100%, and the time of a fixed gaze using a microscope, a magnifying glass is converted into percentages - the greater the percentage of time, the greater the load leading to the development of tension in the visual analyzer.

Optical instruments include those devices that are used to increase the size of the object under consideration - magnifiers, microscopes, flaw detectors, or used to increase the resolution of the device or improve visibility (binoculars), which is also associated with an increase in the size of the object. Optical devices do not include various devices for displaying information (displays) in which optics are not used - various indicators and scales covered with a glass or transparent plastic cover.

2.6. "Monitoring the screen of the video terminal (hours per shift)". According to this indicator, the time (h, min) of the direct work of the VDT user with the display screen during the entire working day is recorded when entering data, editing text or programs, reading alphabetic, digital, graphic information from the screen. The longer the time of fixing the gaze on the screen of the user of the VDT, the greater the load on the visual analyzer and the higher the intensity of labor.
