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Open your own pet store. What OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the sale of pet products. Pet store revenue and payback

According to the latest research, about 20 million dogs and 30 million cats live in Russian homes. In terms of the number of pets, our country is second only to the United States of America. Parrots, rodents, amphibians, and fish live in people's apartments. Already today, the turnover in the pet products market is more than 50 billion, while the amount increases by 20-30 percent annually. Impressive? In this article we will tell you how to open a pet store and what you need for this.

Before you decide to open a store, analyze the competition in your city. To do this, find out:

  • pricing policy of pet stores;
  • store locations;
  • filling with goods.

This analysis will help you understand where to locate the store, assess the overall demand for products, and find out the scarce categories of goods and animals. Without such research, the business will only bring you frustration and loss, so you need to take it very seriously.

After the analysis, it is necessary to register the future enterprise. Since you have to work with wholesale companies, and at long distances, it is better to register an LLC. Such an enterprise will have more confidence on the part of partners and suppliers, although fines in case of violations will be much more serious and the registration procedure will be more complicated.

Do not forget in the column "field of activity" in addition to the sale of goods at retail, add the provision of consultations and outreach trade. Many buyers prefer to order home delivery.

Remember: to sell live food, cat and dog food, medicines and animal vaccines, you must obtain a license and have a veterinarian on staff! To sell animals, you need to obtain permission to sell from the Committee of Nature, pass an inspection by the SES, veterinary and fire services.

Determining the scale of a pet store

Before proceeding with the search for premises, it is necessary to determine the scale of the future store. There are several types of pet stores:

  1. Mini shop. It is a small shop of the most necessary goods for animals: feed and care products. Brings little money, but it takes much less to open. For such activities, one seller and a trading place up to 10 square meters will be required. It is advantageous to place it on the first floors of multi-storey buildings, thus capturing a certain territory and customers.
  2. Medium store (up to 50 square meters). In such a pet store, you can allow to expand the range of goods and arrange places for small animals (rodents, turtles, birds).
  3. Large pet stores (from 80 square meters). Such a store can accommodate a wide variety of goods, as well as cages with animals. Popular with the right location, requires staff for several shifts and high costs for rent and purchase.
  4. Highly specialized pet supply stores. Designed for owners of certain types of living creatures. For example, a store with marine life: fish, turtles and others. Additional profit is obtained through the sale of aquariums, cleaning products and accessories.

Room search

Having decided on the scale of the pet store, you need to start looking for premises of the desired area. The hardest part is finding the right location. To do this, before renting, you need to study the area well, if there are any competitors nearby.

For medium and large stores, renting a place in mall, where due to the high traffic, you will definitely find your buyer.

For mini-shops, it is better to settle in the yards of high-rise buildings, where rent is cheaper, and all residents will have in mind.

Remember: before renting the premises, analyze the traffic around the planned trading place, even in shopping centers there are places where a person’s foot rarely steps.

But you don’t have to bother with the city district, since such stores are required both in the center and on the outskirts.

Remember: an online store with a delivery option will increase the profits of the pet store and increase the visibility of the chosen place.

Range selection

An important success factor when opening pet stores is the right assortment of goods. Absolutely every pet store must have:

  • pet food;
  • animal care products;
  • accessories;
  • animal medicines.

In addition to this list, pet stores offer clothes for pets, cages, houses, trays and other little things. You can also offer advice from a veterinarian who can diagnose and suggest drugs for the treatment of animals.

It is not at all necessary to trade animals in a pet store, there is a great danger of losing the “product” before it is sold (pets die even with proper care). Therefore, for small pet stores, selling animals is not profitable.

If you are planning to open a small pet store, it is better not to trade animals.

Possible risks

Any type of business with the wrong approach is dangerous with losses. Therefore, the miscalculation and analysis of possible business risks is an important component of future success.

  • Experiment.

It is possible to estimate the demand for pet products only due to periodic changes in the range of goods, brands of feed, medicines, and accessories. After a few months, it will be possible to identify hot items, thereby stabilizing your profits.

  • Staff.

Illiterate staff will alienate potential buyers. If the sellers do not understand the products offered, cannot advise a medicine or a convenient accessory, then a dissatisfied client will leave himself and will not advise others to go. Therefore, it is necessary to hire experienced salesmen and veterinarians without saving on wages.

  • Store atmosphere.

The buyer should have a desire to return to the store. Pleasant atmosphere, music, properly laid out goods, useful brochures and friendly sales assistants will make the client come back and make him come back again.

It has been proven that people are willing to overpay for goods and services, provided that they receive competent service and have a pleasant environment. This can be your trump card in the fight against competition.


For systematic work in a medium-sized pet store, it is recommended to organize work in two shifts. Each shift should have two sales assistants, one of whom should have a veterinary education. Thus, four employees with a fixed salary and a percentage of sales will be required.

It is undesirable to leave a large salary for the seller, since his interest in customers is falling, and interest is a good incentive to work. The recommended salary is 10 thousand rubles plus 10 percent of sales.

In order to motivate staff for productive work, it is recommended to allocate a large part of the salary to percentages of sales.

Cost items for opening a pet store

How expensive is it to open a pet store? Let's calculate the main items of expenditure.

  • Registration of LLC;
  • Obtaining licenses and permits;
  • Renting premises, cosmetic repairs;
  • Purchase commercial equipment: showcases, racks, counters, refrigeration equipment, animal cages;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Employee salaries;
  • Taxes.

Prices for each item vary in cities, and also depend on the size of the store. On average, opening a medium-sized pet store before the crisis required 1.5-2 million rubles, and almost half of the funds were pledged for the purchase of goods.

Example #1

Calculation of expenses for the year (for opening a store with an area of ​​50 square meters, including the purchase of animals)

NameAmount, rub.
1 Registration of LLC4 000
2 Obtaining licenses and permits2 000
3 Installation of air conditioners and fire alarms30 000
4 Retail store equipment200 000
5 Purchase of goods1 600 000
6 Employee salary960 000
7 taxes140 000
8 Rent840 000
TOTAL:3 176 000

The amount of revenue with this scale of the store is 200 - 300 thousand per month, in this scenario, the store will pay off in less than 1.5 years.


If, after all the calculations, you still decide to open your own pet store, then read a few of our tips:

  • Be original

Come up with an unusual but memorable name, make a large sign and pointers to the store.

  • Don't overprice

First you need to attract a client, this is possible with the help of discounts and promotions for opening, due to which a person will save significantly.

  • Allocate an advertising budget

Put yourself in the customer's shoes, where do you see or hear an advertisement for a pet supply store? IN public transport, in shopping centers, at bus stops. Use "guerilla marketing", hire a promoter and give out 200-300 discount cards with the name of the store and its address.

The key to success in any business is patience and daily work, so do not give up and develop your store, then it will start to bring good income.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are often looking for how to open a pet store from scratch. This is a very promising business area: the pet products market is growing by 20% every year. The article presents the advantages and disadvantages of such a case, a list permits, step-by-step instruction, as well as the calculation of investments for opening your own pet store.

Business features: pros and cons

Opening a pet store is a promising business that promises quick payback. Most pet supply stores return investment in 12-18 months, and some much faster. But short term return on capital is not the only benefit of trading in pet products.

Among the advantages is the growing demand: animals are kept in every third Russian family. In addition, most people, even in conditions of economic instability, do not reduce the level of spending on their pets. In this way, the store can count on a steady flow of customers even during adverse times.

For many, the trade in pet supplies provides an opportunity to do what they love and help animals. Nowadays, there are many manufacturers of pet products, so each store can form a unique competitive assortment. Another advantage of this business is a small list permits- it is much smaller than a standard grocery store.

Opening a pet store is a promising business area that promises payback in 12 months

As for the disadvantages, the main one is high competition. In most Russian cities, private and chain pet stores are already successfully operating. Feed and fillers are sold in grocery hypermarkets. In most cases, they cover demand. That is, a novice store will have to immediately indicate its competitive advantage: products from new manufacturers, low prices or promotions, self-service, online orders. Another disadvantage of the industry is the specific smell of animals and goods in the store. This may seem frivolous, but sometimes this factor affects the selection of personnel.

If the store sells live animals in addition to products for pets, you will have to bear full responsibility for their health and maintenance. Sick, neglected animals in an establishment can be a reason for litigation, not to mention permanently damaged reputation.

What documents and permits are needed

Any business in Russia must be conducted legally, trade in pet products is no exception. Therefore, in order to open and operate a store, an entrepreneur will need registration package of permits:

  1. Statutory documents: certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, certificate of TIN, letter of assignment of OKVED, lease agreement for premises.
  2. Permission of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  3. Fire department permit.
  4. Pharmaceutical license (for the sale of medicines for animals, including flea collars and tablets for worms). To obtain it, you will need to pay a state fee - 7,500 rubles.
  5. Veterinary certificates from Government controlled veterinary medicine, only if the store contains and sells live animals. A separate health certificate is issued for each animal.
  6. Program production control, an agreement on waste disposal, an agreement on disinfection and deratization, log books for sanitary measures - everything for Rospotrebnadzor.
  7. Staff documents: contracts, work books, medical books with medical examination and a mark on the passage of sanitary training.

Also, as in any other outlet, a fire evacuation plan should be placed in the pet supply store and a consumer corner should be formed. These documents are drawn up according to standard rules. The formation of the entire set of permits can take up to 6 months and will require 20-25 thousand rubles.

Careful placement of a diverse assortment attracts buyers with different income levels

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pet store

This section presents step-by-step instructions for opening a pet store. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to choose a location, what you need to know about the range of products and other important aspects of starting a pet products business.

Choice of location and premises

From right choice The location of the store largely depends on its success in the market. An outlet with goods for animals is best located in a place with high traffic of buyers. The best solution would be to rent space in a shopping center. There are always many potential customers here who can provide the store with a profit even on weekdays.

Which area to choose? The size of the store directly depends on its assortment. If an entrepreneur plans to sell several categories of popular food, medicines and toys, a room of 15-20 square meters is quite enough. But if the store offers customers a wide range of feed in different price categories, medicines and related products, as well as live pets, 50-70 square meters will be required.

Of course, the room must be connected to all communications and equipped with a good ventilation system. Poor ventilation will make it difficult to effectively deal with the specific smells of animals and feed. This problem is guaranteed to scare off buyers and provoke a conflict with neighboring outlets.

An important selection criterion is the ability to adjust the lighting: you need to strike a balance between bright light for customers and comfortable conditions for animals. The optimal solution to the issue with light is 200-300 lux in the counter area and 100-150 lux in the area with pets.

Name choice

After selecting the premises, you can choose a name for the store, order a company sign and print advertising posters. When choosing a name, follow two rules. Firstly, in the name of the store it is useful to make a reference to the animal world. This will help customers immediately understand that the outlet offers pet products.

Secondly, you cannot use names that are officially registered as trademarks. There is a penalty for this. You can check whether the name is registered as a trademark/company designation on the website of the tax service or through special online services.

If the store offers customers a wide range of feed of different price categories, medicines and related products, 50-70 square meters will be required.

Product range

The standard assortment of pet store products includes the following items:

  1. Food from different manufacturers, from economy class to prestigious brands.
  2. Fillers for toilets of various types, as well as for cages and aquariums.
  3. Bowls, drinkers.
  4. Medicines, medicines, vitamins, biological supplements.
  5. Trays, brushes.
  6. Accessories (collars, leashes, clothes).
  7. Carrying bags.
  8. Toys, houses, mattresses, scratching posts.
  9. Cages for birds or rodents.
  10. Aquariums and plants for them.
  11. Shampoos and other cosmetics.
  12. Rodents (rats, mice, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs).
  13. Birds (parrots, canaries).
  14. Rabbits.
  15. Fish.
  16. Turtles.


Most best option the pet store's working hours are twelve hours, that is, from 9 to 21 hours or from 10 to 22 hours. In this mode, employees work according to the "2 through 2" schedule. Depending on the range of products, 1 to 3 people will be required.

A good option for staffing is the principle of "1 person at the cash desk, 1 consultant in the hall." For employment in a pet store, special education is not required. Understand the range and work cash register possible in 2-3 days. However, having a veterinary education would be an advantage. Such a specialist will be able to competently advise buyers and create good reputation store. It is acceptable to hire senior students.

Before opening a pet store, all employees must undergo training from which to learn:

  • work schedule;
  • assortment of the store, differences between different varieties of feed;
  • rules for the use and prescription of medicines for animals;
  • rules for the care of animals in the store;
  • rules for working with cash registers.

The most popular items in pet stores are food and fillers

Calculation of financial investments (business plan)

Is it profitable to open a pet shop? Trade in pet products is quite profitable: the average trade margin for any product is 50%. So, the margin on food and medicine starts from 20%, on accessories - from 40%, and on toys and houses can exceed 100%.

Pet products are in stable demand, so you can recoup your investment in 12-16 months. Consider a pet store business plan with calculations:


Opening your own pet store is within the power of even novice entrepreneurs. This promising business because the demand for pet products is steadily growing. The amount of initial investment is 700,000 - 800,000 rubles. Before opening, it is important to obtain all permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the State Veterinary Inspectorate and the fire service. With a good organization of trade, investments will return after 12-16 months of work.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

700 000₽

Starting investments (mini-market)

200 000 - 300 000 ₽



From 6 months

Payback period

Pet stores have been and remain one of the most popular ideas for small businesses, with which small retail outlets can still oppose themselves to large chains. What does it take to open a pet store?

Owning a pet store is perhaps one of the most popular business ideas that aspiring entrepreneurs come up with. Opening a small pet shop requires comparatively small investments, and the business itself seems to be simple to organize and run compared to many other types of small businesses.

Increasing sales without investment!

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Resilience to crises is considered one of the main advantages of pet stores compared to other types of retail. Surprisingly, it is easier for owners to cut their own food costs than to switch to cheaper food for their beloved pet. Therefore, the unstable situation in Russian economy pet stores are going through easier than other types of retail.

How to register a pet shop

The most convenient organizational and legal forms for opening a pet store are individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. There is no consensus on which form is preferred. But for newcomers to the business who do not plan to work on a large scale and engage in, among other things, wholesale sales, the best option is IP. The fundamental difference between these two options is that in the event of debt obligations, all the personal property of the entrepreneur can be called upon to fulfill them. The owner of the LLC is solely responsible authorized capital legal entity, which is 10 thousand rubles (50% of them can be the funds of the project initiator, and the second half - the funds of the attracted investor).

The procedure for opening an IP does not require much time and money. Detailed information on IP registration can be found in this article. As a form of taxation, it is recommended to choose a simplified system (STS). An application to transfer it (by default, you are assigned the general taxation system) is submitted along with registration. If you're only going to drive retail, then during registration it will be possible to select the OKVED code 47.76.2 "Retail trade in pets and pet food in specialized stores".

As additional codes according to the latest classification (OKVED-2) for a pet store, you can choose:

    47.19 Other retail sale in non-specialized stores

    47.73 Retail sale of medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies)

    47.74 Retail sale of articles used for medical purposes, orthopedic articles in specialized stores

    47.78 Other retail sale in specialized stores

    47.89 Retail sale in non-stationary trade facilities and markets of other goods

    47.91 Retail sale by mail or via the Internet

    47.99 Other retail trade outside shops, stalls, markets

    53.20.31 Activities for courier delivery various types transport

To open a pet store in the selected premises, you will need to obtain permission from the SES and fire supervision. Also keep in mind that in order to sell medicinal products for animals, that is, veterinary drugs, you will need a license, as well as a secondary or higher veterinary education. The same license is used when opening a veterinary pharmacy. In connection with this requirement, small pet stores are often limited to the sale of feed and other pet products, the sale of which does not require licensing.

If you are going to trade animals, you will also need the appropriate veterinary certificates. All animals presented in the pet store will have to undergo an examination by a veterinarian, as a result of which a certificate is issued that confirms the absence of diseases in animals.

Choosing the format and premises of the pet store

The search for premises should be started even before the IP registration procedure, since registration is carried out within 3 days, while it may take more than one month to search for a place. First, decide on the format of your store. There is no clear classification of such, but it is conditionally possible to distinguish several types of outlets.

    kiosks and small counter-type pet stores with a narrow assortment. The most common pet store format. Most often, these are retail outlets with a minimum area (10-15 square meters), where consumer goods are sold - food for cats and dogs, pet care products and a minimum set of accessories.

    pet stores with a wider range of pet supplies- counter-type or self-service stores of a larger area (usually from 20 to 70 square meters), where not only consumer goods, but also rare and expensive feed, animals, veterinary drugs, etc. can be sold.

    highly specialized pet stores- shops focused on a certain type of animal, for example, goods for lovers of aquarium fish, amphibians and reptiles, rare and expensive food stores, etc. Shops with a narrow assortment are found only in the largest cities of the country, in small towns such points are unprofitable.

For the most part, pet supplies take up little space, so on an area of ​​​​20-30 squares you can easily place a fairly wide range of them. The amount of rent will depend on the region, location, area, conditions of the premises, traffic and many other factors.

Average rental value of commercial premises of various sizes in Russia, RUB*

*according to the analysis of ads on the Avito website as of 03/20/2019

The place must meet several requirements:

    convenient location;

    proximity to busy roads (and preferably to a veterinary clinic);

    high permeability;

    no competitors nearby.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Before you start looking for a space, study the density of competition in your city using online map services. As a rule, in the city center it will be the highest, but new residential areas may lack pet stores.

The most difficult thing for individual pet stores is to coexist and compete with chain stores: the prices in the latter will be much more preferable and lure customers away. But networkers are mainly concentrated in the largest cities of the country. For example, in Moscow, according to the 2GIS service at the end of March 2019, there are 975 pet stores, and more than 68% of them are chain stores - that is, those that have 2 or more outlets. Moreover, a little less than half of this number (423 points) falls on large retail chains, numbering from 20 pet stores. At the same time, if we compare the Moscow market with the Krasnodar market (169 pet stores), we can note that the share of chain pet stores does not exceed 38% (64 pet stores). Moreover, exactly half of this number (32 stores) falls on the two largest chains of the city.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In addition to the area, the location of your store is also important. It can be opened in a separate building (on the ground floor, in the basement) or in a shopping and entertainment center (SEC). The latter option would be ideal if it were not for the high cost of rent, as well as the increased risks of the emergence of competitors from among networkers, with whom it is difficult to compete in prices. But a pet store in a separate building has one advantage over a point in a shopping center: pet owners can enter it along with their pets. This is important if you are also going to be selling dog clothes that require you to try them on before making a purchase.

When choosing a place for a store, study the traffic (traffic is calculated on weekdays in the morning, afternoon and evening, as well as on weekends at different times). It also takes into account the presence of direct and indirect competitors, their range and pricing policy. If all conditions are satisfied, a lease agreement is concluded. The main thing that you should find out after you find the desired premises is why the previous tenants did not take root in the old place. Good places are usually not empty.

How to form the assortment of a pet store

A convenient location is undoubtedly a plus for your pet store, but it is far from the only condition for its success. People should find not only your store, but also the product they need in it. Therefore, carefully consider the range of products that will be presented in your store. Regardless of its format, product groups usually remain unchanged. These are food and various treats, animal care products (shampoos, brushes, nail clippers, etc.), accessories and medicines. Besides, good demand uses clothes and furniture for pets (mainly cat houses, scratching posts and dog beds).

What exactly will be included in a particular product category, which brands to choose and which price category to focus on depends on the area where your outlet is located. In this case, the preferences of the inhabitants of the area and the species diversity of animals are of decisive importance. It is almost impossible to predict in advance which food will “go” and which will not, as well as analyze how many bird, fish or rodent lovers live in your area.

Part of the approximate picture can be obtained by carefully studying the range of other similar stores located nearby, but this does not always work. As the entrepreneurs themselves note, in one area of ​​the city, for example, dogs of large breeds may prevail, and in another - small breeds (however, a relationship can be established here. For example, by counting the number of private houses in the yards of which large dogs are often kept for protection, and apartment buildings, whose residents usually keep small animals), residents of one area prefer to keep birds, and residents of another prefer rodents ...

Ready-made ideas for your business

Speaking in general, cats and dogs are in the first place in terms of popularity among Russian pets, there are about 30 and 20 million of them in Russia, respectively. However, there is a lot of competition in this segment. Much less common are rodents and birds. Feed and equipment for keeping amphibians, insects, reptiles and fish can also be included in the assortment, but these positions should not only not prevail, but also occupy some significant share of the assortment. They can become competitive advantage if a rare lover of such pets comes to you looking for something that he could not find in other pet stores in your area.

Pet products in high demand:

    dog food;

    cat food;

    cat litter;

    insect and tick repellents (including collars);

    shampoos for animals;

    "bones" and other delicacies, toys;

    ammunition for dogs;

    cat carriers, cages, etc.

The most popular items in the pet store are pet food and litter for toilets. Therefore, these positions sometimes account for up to 80% of the total assortment. But you won’t earn much on them, since the margin on them is less than on other positions.

Therefore, the optimal ratio between feed and accessories in the assortment outlet– 50% to 50% or even 60% to 40%. For feed, again, preferences may vary, so at the very beginning of work, do not try to save on the purchase of goods by purchasing feed in large packages right away. It is better to try to cover a larger assortment range, albeit in small quantities (this applies not only to packaging, but also to the number of positions). Let in the first weeks you have to go to the wholesale base more often or contact suppliers, but you will not accumulate illiquid assets, which will later be difficult to get rid of. You can also consult on the selection of the assortment from suppliers, having found out the list of the goods most purchased from them.

To identify the preferences of your customers, do not forget to ask your store visitors what kind of pets they have, what kind of food they prefer. Offer them the services of purchasing large packages of food on order, which will be more profitable for them than buying food in bulk or in small packages. Keep in mind that large-sized feeds are usually purchased by owners of adult dogs and puppies of large breeds. But cat lovers and owners of small dogs prefer to take food in small bags, because, in their opinion, in large bags it quickly disappears. Inside the store, observe the principle of separation of goods, showcases for cats and dogs should be decorated separately.

If your store is located in the city center, in the shopping and entertainment center (whose visitors are usually more solvent) or near the beauty salon for animals (there are such specialized establishments in large cities), then you can also include a small amount of premium goods-stylish clothes for small dogs of the chihuahua, toy-terrier, spitz, spitting bags-transpondumure Ave. But still, these categories are best brought to order, offering customers to choose their things that interests them.

As for suppliers, it is better not to focus on the goods of one company, but to buy products from different companies, choosing where prices are cheaper and the range is wider. The store owner should go to negotiations with suppliers himself in order to evaluate the goods and agree on better conditions.

Pet Shop Staff: Requirements and Salary Level

In a store that sells exclusively feed and accessories, there are no requirements for staff. However, if veterinary drugs are traded, then you need to have a certified specialist in the field of veterinary pharmaceuticals with a higher or secondary veterinary education and work experience of at least 3 years. In any case, experience in sales and working with people is also highly desirable.

The sales assistant must know almost everything about animals in order to help the buyer with the choice of feed, medicines, vitamins and flea remedies. Since most pet owners are amateurs, the sales assistant should be able to recommend in time to buyers the goods necessary for their pets, which the former often forget about, for example, flea remedies - anthelminthic remedies. Most often, the duties of sales assistants in small pet stores are quite wide: they are engaged in the display of goods, and work with the cash register, and advise customers, and keep order.

Wage pet store employees are usually formed according to the “salary plus percentage of sales” scheme. On average in Russia, judging by the ads on the website, employers offer pet store employees a salary of 27,000 rubles.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, salaries can be 2-2.5 times higher. The number of employees and their schedule is determined depending on the size of the store and the mode of operation. For a small pet store, even two sellers are enough. It is possible to reduce the cost of wages when the store owner himself becomes behind the counter. In addition to paying salespeople, you need to consider the cost of an accountant, who is best hired for outsourcing. For a wide-format store, it is worth thinking about separating responsibilities and hiring an administrator, sales assistants, a cleaning lady, etc.

Pet Store Franchises: Pros and Cons

Opening a pet store franchise can be a beneficial step not only for aspiring entrepreneurs, but also for those who are looking to save on purchases. One of the key benefits of buying a pet store franchise is the opportunity to receive discounts and chain privileges. Due to the fact that the chain purchases large volumes of pet products, it has a solid discount from suppliers. Often, pet store chains are opened by distributors themselves.

Typically, companies offer approximately the same franchise package. In addition to exclusive terms of delivery, it includes assistance in the selection of premises and the formation of an assortment, the rules for laying out goods, promotional materials, and a staff training program. Thanks to the franchise, the issue of documents for the trade in veterinary drugs and animals is resolved much faster and easier, since the parent company already has some of the papers. Often, the franchisee has the opportunity to connect to a ready-made online store.

Since cooperation with big company usually involves a large lump sum Not everyone is ready to buy a franchise. Do not attach excessive importance to the branding of the company. The most appropriate acquisition of a franchise will be only if there are chain stores in your city, and the chain itself is popular with the population. Otherwise, a brand from another city will mean absolutely nothing to a local buyer.

We calculate the income and expenses of the pet store

What investments will need to be made?

To open a small counter-type shop with an area of ​​​​10 square meters. meters in the region, it will take 400-500 thousand rubles. It will take about 700 thousand rubles to open in the mini-market format. If we talk about opening a pet store with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. meters on average will require from 1.5 million rubles, and big store with an area of ​​100 square meters or more - at least 2.5 million rubles.

Starting expenses, in addition to the purchase of goods, include repairs (the design of pet stores does not play a big role, so investments in this article are not large), shelving, display cases, cash equipment and software. Racks are selected depending on the types and dimensions of your products. Keep in mind that food in large packages take up a lot of space. They are usually placed on the floor in order to save space. Feed in small packages is displayed on the racks, and various small items are displayed on the showcase (toys for animals, medications, treats, accessories, etc.). It is also desirable to include rent for 2 months in the amount of starting costs.

For the purchase of commercial equipment for a room of about 50 square meters. meters will require about 100-150 thousand rubles. Glass showcases can be made to order. One glass box will cost 10-15 thousand rubles, but in any case it will be more profitable than installing anti-theft equipment, which costs at least 70-80 thousand rubles plus materials for marking each heading.

The daily revenue of mini-stores in practice rarely exceeds 10-15 thousand rubles, while larger stores can sell 30-80 thousand rubles a day. The average markup on products sold is 50% (depending on the product category, it can vary between 35-65%). For the most popular items (popular food and toilet fillers), the margin is usually less (15-25%), and for less popular items, it can sometimes reach up to 200%. The optimal commodity stock is determined by the value of commodity balances in the amount of two-month proceeds at purchase prices.

It is easy to calculate that a pet store, for example, with an area of ​​30 square meters, working with two employees and an outsourced accountant, will not go into the red if the revenue exceeds at least 150 thousand rubles per month. The key costs of the main period will be salaries to employees (about 90 thousand rubles including deductions) and rent (about 30 thousand rubles). Pet stores, regardless of formats, begin to pay off no earlier than after six months of work. The profitability of a business in the trade in pet products is usually at the level of 20-25%.

According to the owners of pet stores, you should not hope for a big profit from one point. Having decided on the assortment, having worked out the sales technology, having received the most favorable conditions from suppliers, entrepreneurs, as a rule, open the next similar store in another district of the city. good profit will bring at least three to five outlets located around the city.

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Many families have a pet, and sometimes more than one. Each pet requires special care - there is always a pet store for their needs. In such a case, establish own store enough pet supplies profitable idea. It is necessary to carefully consider how to open a pet store and develop detailed plan. The global market for pet products is about $2 billion a year. With such a turnover in the city, entrepreneurs can open from ten to fifteen pet stores without fear of competition.

Classification of pet stores in the city

What does it take to open a pet store at minimal cost? Initially, the entrepreneur must decide on the type of premises. There are several types of pet stores:

  • Mini-shop, area 10 sq. meters - consists of essential products: various food, accessories for animal care.
  • Pet stores, 50 sq. meters - a wide variety of goods are available, including feed and care products, accessories and medical preparations.
  • Supermarkets - trading platforms, with the most diverse range of products for animals - are in demand in million-plus cities.
  • A highly specialized pet store is a business aimed at selling certain goods or products for certain types pets. It makes sense to open such a point with a specific demand for products.

It is recommended to open a business in a room of 50 square meters. It has enough space for pet supplies, aviaries, terrariums, aquariums, etc. A pet supply store can be established anywhere in the city - preferably near veterinary hospitals. Before opening a business, it is advisable to conduct a survey of the population in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store to find out about consumer preferences. It should be remembered that each type of animal in the pet store should have its own separate corner. Pets that make sounds should be in separate corners so as not to create a lot of noise.

The issue of financial costs

When considering how to open a pet store from scratch, the required investment should be considered. Main costs:

  • Rental and renovation of premises.
  • Pet shop supplies (racks, showcases, cash machine, scales, cages, refrigerators).
  • Advertising.
  • Purchase of pet supplies and other supplies.
  • Employees' salary.

An interesting business pays off within 2 years. According to research, the income from a pet store is about 1.5 million rubles, observed in a city with a population of more than 350 thousand people. It will take about 10-15 thousand dollars to open a business.

Store Success: Great Choice

In a pet store, in addition to standard pet products: feed (make up 50-60% of purchased products), tray fillers and medicines, you can sell accessories and furniture for animals (20% of all purchases). It diverges well in big cities, where people do not skimp on household items for pets. Furniture and items for pets are of several types:

  • Mattresses.
  • sofas.
  • Houses.
  • Sunbeds.
  • Equipment for jumping and running.
  • Claws.
  • Trays, bowls for water and food.

The furniture should be finished inside with soft material, and on the outside a special design pattern is made, suitable for the interior. It is preferable to create universal furniture. Few people think of opening a business for making furniture for animals, and the idea should bring a good income. The payback of such a case is 100%. There should always be a stock of goods in stock in the warehouse - after all, there may be a shortage of pet supplies in competing stores. This will always be a big plus.

We must not forget that in order to trade in medical products for animals, you need to open a license.

Legislation and business registration

You can open a business by registering an IP ( individual entrepreneur). This will reduce tax payments, facilitate bookkeeping and reporting. To open an individual entrepreneur, an entrepreneur must be a pharmacist by education. When registering an LLC, it is enough pharmaceutical education one of the employees. If the entrepreneur is not going to sell medicines (anthelmintics, anti-flea drugs) and animals, then there is no need for a license. Otherwise, open a store without required documents will not work. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia regularly conducts regulatory and legal regulation. If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy in residential buildings, certain requirements must be met. When a pharmacy is located in a separate room, there are accepted standards for lighting, microclimate and drinking water.

Veterinarians will need a specialist certificate obtained from the Union of Animal Business Enterprises. And to sell pets you need:

  1. Obtain a veterinary certificate No. 4 - issued at any clinic.
  2. Pass inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station, veterinary and fire service.

After sending all the documents to the authorities, a commission comes to the pet store, with a check in accordance with the State Standard. Tax regime - UTII ( single tax on imputed income). After official registration, you can safely open a store and start trading.

According to Russian law, it is forbidden to sell animals to children without the presence of parents and to people in a state of intoxication.

Necessary PR for business

The business does not require special advertising. A bright sign and posting ads in places where potential customers pass (veterinary pharmacies, parks for walking dogs, zoo exhibitions) are enough. A pet store with a small area should have a special feature to attract customers: exotic animals or interesting interior details. A person will stop by to look at an overseas iguana sitting in an ultra-modern terrarium with lights, and buy branded cat food. The promotion of the store will be helped by small promotions. Even the usual cleaning of a large aquarium turns into an interesting mini-presentation. For regular customers, when buying pet products, you need to enter discounts and storage cards. At the opening of the pet store, you can give out small gifts and flyers. It is necessary to create a pleasant atmosphere in the pet store (music, helpful staff, beautiful decoration pet supplies, etc.). Then the visitor will definitely come back.

Own staff

By law, a pet store must have veterinarian, capable of independently dispensing goods and accepting four-legged patients in the store.
Two shifts of salesmen will be required - two people per shift. The seller must understand the range of goods and be able to give advice to the buyer. It is proved that the buyer is ready to overpay for products with good service. It is better to pay sellers a fixed salary and additional interest. It’s good if the director independently deals with the sale of pet products - he will always be aware of hot commodity and customer claims. Also, the pet store will definitely need a cleaning lady.

Features of a business idea

Instead of the usual pet store, you can establish an online store. It is easier to open it than usual, but taxation cannot be avoided. There are only two types of taxes for online trading:

  1. USN (simplified taxation system) - is used for stores with a turnover not exceeding 45 million rubles for nine months.
  2. DOS (common system).

Delivery of goods from pet stores will attract additional customers, which means more profit.
It is better to buy products in large regional centers. Delivery of pet supplies to the store should be carried out only from trusted sources and purchased from honest suppliers. The entrepreneur necessarily checks the goods for quality and expiration date. All pet care products, toys and accessories must be certified. Animals for sale are taken in nurseries or from hands. Additionally, you can conclude an agreement with suppliers. Profitable business is possible only if there is a large assortment, experienced staff and a flexible system of discounts.

The amount of initial investment is 1 565 617 rubles.

The break-even point is reached in the sixth month of work.

The payback period is from 15 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

You need to understand that there are several formats of pet stores:

  1. The simplest and budget decision there will be an idea to open a small pet store that will sell food, accessories, pet care products, etc. In this case, you do not need to obtain a license and prepare a package of permits, and in addition, a small room of 15 sq. m.;
  2. The next type involves not only the sale of products for animals, but also the sale of the animals themselves. In this case, requirements are put forward for the area, staff, assortment of the pet store. It is also necessary to prepare a package of documents for obtaining a license;
  3. The third format is a highly specialized store. For example, it could be a business that specializes in aquarium fish. At the same time, the assortment will include not only fish, but also aquariums, food, veterinary drugs, books. Sales consultants must have an appropriate level of education and have excellent knowledge of all information related to the breeding and keeping of fish. in number additional services you can include the manufacture of aquariums to order, their maintenance. As a rule, the margin in highly specialized stores is higher than in general stores due to the uniqueness of the goods provided and the comprehensive advice of sellers.

This business plan will consider the opening of a wide-ranging pet store offering customers the largest range of goods and services. Let's define the main activities of the pet store:

  • Sale of animals:


Guinea pigs;



  • Sale of animal feed;
  • Sale of cages, aquariums and terrariums;
  • Sale of medicines;
  • Sale of toys and accessories for pets;
  • Sale of fillers and trays.

Pet shop opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 21:00.

3. Description of the market

In order to serve the customer well, you need to understand who exactly uses the services of pet stores.

The main consumers are:

Pensioners. According to the Levada Center, this type of client most often gets outbred cats and dogs, as well as fish, so it is most likely that they will purchase food and medicine for their pets;

Working people buy animals for themselves and for their children, mainly cats, dogs, rodents, parrots, aquarium fish;

Exotic lovers who hunt for rare species of domestic animals (for example, snakes). You may not have them in stock, but it is desirable to have contacts of suppliers who, in case of ordering an exotic beast, will deliver it to you, and you will be able to satisfy the visitor's requests.

Depending on the needs of customers, it can be segmented as follows:

Buyers who came for a certain type of pet;

Customers who need medical supplies for pets;

Buyers who came for food;

Customers who need accessories for their animals.

As a percentage of your needs target audience look something like this:

In addition, you can segment your customers based on how they found out about you:

Customers who live in the neighborhood of your store, who are attracted primarily by geographic proximity;

Customers who found out about you through Internet resources and are ready to come to you if something attracted them to your establishment (for example, promotions);

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Let's outline the main stages of launching a pet store.

1. Registration in government bodies and obtaining a license

Due to the fact that pharmaceuticals will be sold in your pet store, you must obtain a license from your territorial body of Rosselkhoznadzor. In order to do this, you need to decide what legal form your organization will belong to. To obtain a license, an individual entrepreneur must have a higher or secondary veterinary education, so if you do not have it, then it is more expedient to open an LLC. All calculations in this business plan will be made based on the fact that the pet store is registered as an LLC. The package of documents for obtaining a license is as follows:

  • Charter;
  • Certificate of registration of the legal entity with the tax authority (TIN);
  • Certificate of state registration legal entity (OGRN);
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises. If the premises are leased, then, in addition to the contract, you must provide a copy of the certificate of ownership from the landlord;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with license requirements;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Diploma of education of the employee appointed responsible for the sale and storage of veterinary drugs. If there are several employees, all the documents indicated below are submitted for all;
  • Certificate of Specialist in the field of veterinary pharmaceuticals;
  • Diploma (certificate) on completion of advanced training courses;
  • Job description of the employee. The duties must clearly indicate that he is engaged in the storage and sale of veterinary drugs;
  • Instructions for the disposal (return) of identified medicinal products with an expired sale period, falsified or illegal copies;
  • Copy work book to confirm work experience;
  • Order of the director on the appointment of a person / persons responsible for the storage and sale of veterinary drugs.

To sell animals, you must obtain veterinary accompanying documents issued for all types of animals in order to confirm their health, identification and epizootic well-being of the territory from which they are exported for presentation by their owners during transportation and at the point of destination.
Veterinary certificate No. 4 must be for animals purchased within the city, and veterinary certificate No. 1 for animals brought from other regions of Russia. Each of these certificates is stored in the store and issued to a group of animals, i.e. it can list many species (for example, rabbits 10pcs, budgerigars 20pcs). State veterinary clinics are required to issue such certificates free of charge, but they will certainly take money not for a certificate, but for examining animals or tests. Animals that have not entered the store (for example, born in your establishment) may not be accompanied by certificates. Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Fire Department is also required, and permission from the Department of Commerce is required to open a retail outlet. Since the package of documents is quite extensive, it is advisable to contact a specialized organization that will deal with their execution and submission, the cost of services will be about 60,000 rubles.

2. Search for premises and repair

For a pet store, you can choose a room on the basement or first floor of the house. Due to the fact that there will be trade in animals, minimum size for the premises - 80 sq. m. You need to make sure that there is a platform near the store where you can walk with animals from cages, as they need fresh air. To rent such a room, pledge at least 70,000 rubles. Most likely the premises will need a fresh renovation, as well as modern system ventilation, because food and animals can emit an unpleasant odor. The cost of repairs is 150,000 rubles.

3. Search for suppliers

Suppliers of pet products are found in wholesale warehouses, markets, on the Internet, in directories of enterprises in your city. You may be able to take the product directly from the manufacturer's factory if it is available in your area or from an official supplier imported goods in Russia. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the product, and the prices will be lower than those of dealers. Often, animals for sale in the store are taken from nurseries that breed certain individuals. If there are no nurseries in your city, you can search in other cities. Strive to work with trusted suppliers and reliable nurseries, so you protect yourself from possible claims about low-quality products or late deliveries.

4. Purchase necessary equipment and inventory

To open a pet store, you need the following equipment and inventory:



Price for 1 piece

total amount

Retail store equipment

Scales for the sale of loose feed

Cash machine

exhibition aquarium

Exhibition cage

Product containment equipment

Refrigerator for storing medicines

fish storage tank

Turtle storage tank

Rodent cage

Parrot cage

Feed storage vessel

Animal Water Storage Tank

Furniture and equipment for staff



Electric kettle


5. Personnel search

First of all, you need to find qualified specialists who will consult buyers and sell your product. It is best to search for employees through specialized portals, as they provide access to resumes, reviews and other useful information. Registration on the portals as employers is paid, the cost is not less than 15,000 rubles. You can limit yourself to bulletin boards (for example, Avito), it will be cheaper. You will also need a cleaner and an accountant, you can search for them both on paid sites and on free resources (groups in social networks).

6. Marketing policy

6. Organizational structure

7. Financial plan

Investments in opening a pet store are as follows:



The cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Equipment and inventory

LLC registration

Contribution to the authorized capital

Making a seal, opening a cash register

Obtaining a license, execution of other documents

Registering a cash register

Promotion of the group in the social. networks

Creation and promotion of the site


1 327 220

*Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis over 3 years.

The total amount of the initial investment is 1,565,617 rubles.

Sales will be carried out in the main areas: animals, feed, medicines, equipment for animals, accessories. The range of goods presented in a pet store can be represented as follows:

Let's imagine a sales plan for the main areas:



