Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The cost of installation supervision is determined by the calculation. Estimate for work - sample, form and example of compilation. The inventory of these buildings includes

OST 108.002.128-80

Group E08




Introduction date 1981-01-01

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the order of the Ministry of Power Engineering dated 03.03.80 N YuK-002/1654. By order of the Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR dated May 27, 1980 N 197, it was extended to enterprises (organizations) of the USSR Ministry of Energy

CONTRACTOR - NPO CKTI: V.V.Sapelov, N.D.Markozov, Yu.G.Vasiliev, R.I.Oksman, Z.P.Shulyatieva, B.M.Beilinson

INTRODUCED Amendment N 1, approved and put into effect by the order of the Ministry of Power Engineering dated 18.02.86 N SCh-002/1781 from 01.07.86

Change #1 was made by the database manufacturer

This industry standard applies to supervised installation of head and serial and chief commissioning * of head power thermal and hydromechanical equipment manufactured in the USSR by enterprises of the Ministry of Power Engineering (Minenergomash).
* This standard deals with the commissioning of power equipment, which is part of the complex, the commissioning of which is carried out after final installation at the customer's site.

The provisions of this standard also apply to overhaul during the middle and overhaul the above equipment at the customer's (consumer's) facilities.

This standard can be extended to other types of equipment for which the enterprises-manufacturers of the Minenergomash carry out supervised installation and commissioning.

The standard establishes the procedure for relations between enterprises - manufacturers of power equipment of the Ministry of Energy and Machinery and customers in the implementation of supervised installation and commissioning at power facilities of the USSR and determines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the supervisory staff, introduces standard contracts for installation supervision and commissioning. The standard is obligatory for all enterprises and organizations involved in supervised installation and commissioning of power equipment.

By order of the Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR dated May 27, 1980 N 197, it was extended to enterprises (organizations) of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).



1.1. The terms used in this standard are given in reference annex 1.

1.2. The purpose of installation supervision is to ensure compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation during installation, storage of equipment at the customer’s site during installation supervision, commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment through technical guidance and control by the manufacturer’s supervisory staff, as well as qualified and prompt resolution of issues that arise during the installation of the equipment.

1.3. Installation supervision should be carried out by the external installation unit (bureau, department) of the manufacturer, which belongs to the industrial production or design and technology group and reports to the chief engineer or chief designer, respectively. The number of this subdivision should be sufficient to conduct supervised installation at all facilities under construction, for which the manufacturer supplies power equipment.

1.4. The scope of installation supervision works is assigned in the scope of supply of the manufacturer (see recommended Appendix 2)*.

Installation supervision of equipment at the customer's site is carried out from the beginning installation work until the end of the testing.

1.5. The purpose of commissioning supervision is to ensure the achievement of equipment indicators provided for by the technical conditions or standards of technical conditions for this equipment.

1.6. The scope of commissioning works is determined by mutual agreement between the manufacturer and the customer (see recommended Appendix 3)* in the scope of the manufacturer's supply.
* The lists specified in appendices 2 and 3 are taken as a basis by the manufacturer when choosing specific works included in contracts for installation supervision and commissioning supervision for each sample of power equipment, and can be supplemented at its discretion.

1.7. Commissioning is mandatory for head equipment*. Commissioning is carried out by the manufacturer, as a rule, by its commissioning department, which reports to the chief designer; if necessary, the manufacturer, on a contractual basis, may involve third-party specialized organizations in the commissioning of its equipment, but in all cases, the manufacturer is responsible for the commissioning.
* If necessary, the manufacturer, by agreement with the customer, can carry out commissioning and commissioning of serial samples of some types of power equipment, as well as equipment that has come out of a major or medium repair, on which supervision is carried out.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

1.8. Commissioning begins with the stage of preparatory and pre-commissioning work. At this time, the commissioning staff develops, together with the head commissioning organization, programs for carrying out the planned scope of commissioning, finishing work and testing of equipment within the scope of the manufacturer's supply.

The commissioning staff participates in the acceptance of equipment in order to check its initial condition before adjustment and testing.

The chief commissioning ends with the issuance of a conclusion, together with the head commissioning organization, on the compliance of the actual indicators of the head power equipment with the warranty and adjustment, together with the commissioning organization, of the equipment operating instructions based on the obtained test and commissioning results. The manufacturer sends the customer a report on the commissioning of the equipment within the agreed time frame.

1.9. Installation supervision and commissioning supervision are carried out under separate contracts concluded by the customer with the manufacturer.

The cost of installation supervision and commissioning supervision is included by the manufacturer in the scope of sales (these costs are not included in the cost of equipment).

1.10. The subdivisions of external installation and commissioning of the manufacturer are obliged to:

provide management of work on supervised installation and supervised adjustment;

solve production and financial issues, if necessary, involving the relevant divisions of the manufacturer;

carry out technical training of the chief staff and be responsible for their qualifications;

participate in bench tests of head equipment at the manufacturer;

supervise the activities of the chief staff at the customer's facilities;

seek from the management of the manufacturer to take (at the request of the heads of the chief teams) timely and effective measures to eliminate the identified defects in the equipment, to complete it with missing or requiring replacement parts and products in the scope of the manufacturer's supply;

require the customer to comply technical requirements manufacturer to the conditions of storage, installation, commissioning and maintenance of equipment;

report immediately in due course Technical management Minenergomash about the facts of non-compliance with the requirements of the chief staff on the rules for conducting installation work and operation of equipment, as well as major defects and equipment failures;

submit quarterly reports on the progress of installation, commissioning and fine-tuning of prototype power equipment to the Technical Department of the Ministry of Energy and Machinery.

The activities of external installation and commissioning subdivisions should be determined by the regulations on these subdivisions, approved by the manufacturer's management.

1.11. The number of supervisory staff at the customer's site must ensure that the entire scope of work under the contracts is completed within the scheduled time frame in accordance with the installation work schedule.

1.12. In their work, the supervisor should be guided by:

this standard;

contracts (plans-orders) for supervised installation and commissioning;

design, installation, operational and other technical documentation of the manufacturer for the supplied equipment;

orders and instructions of the Ministry of Energy and Machinery, orders of the manufacturer;

job descriptions;

state and industry standards;

guiding technical materials and specifications;

the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR;

construction norms and rules of the USSR Gosstroy;

technical operation rules power stations and networks of the USSR Ministry of Energy (PTE);

a standard regulation on the procedure for testing pilot and prototype models of new types of equipment, approved by the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology;

other applicable directive materials that are binding on the Ministry of Energy and Machinery and the customer ministry;

legislation in force in the USSR.

1.13. During the period of adjustment and development of the head equipment, production, research and production associations, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Energy and Machinery and the corresponding enterprises of the customer ministry conduct a complex of research and development (R&D) and experimental work to assess the effectiveness of new technical solutions embedded in the head equipment, and also develop measures to further improve the technical and economic level and quality of power equipment.

The volume of research and experimental work according to the agreed coordination plan, the implementation of measures to improve the technical and economic level of equipment, as well as the sources of their financing are determined by joint decisions of the ministries and departments concerned.

The relationship between the chief team of the manufacturer with the teams conducting research and other work on the equipment of the main power units should be regulated by the provisions approved in the prescribed manner by the Ministry of Energy and Machinery and the customer ministry.

1.14. Financing of adjustment work and testing of the head equipment, carried out by the manufacturer, the customer and specialized organizations, is carried out by the customer.


2.1. The customer, no later than 6 months before the start of installation (adjustment) of the equipment, must send the manufacturer a proposal to conclude a contract and inform the approved dates for the start and end of equipment installation and commissioning, no later than 2 months - send a schedule of construction, installation and commissioning works.

The manufacturer, within a month after receiving the customer's proposal, must send a draft contract for supervised installation and (or) supervised adjustment (standard contracts for supervised installation and supervised adjustment are given in mandatory appendices 4 and 5).

2.2. The customer must draw up contracts for supervised installation and (or) supervised adjustment and send them to the manufacturer and to the financing bank.

In case of disagreement with the draft contract, the customer must send the manufacturer a justification for the reasons for the impossibility of fulfilling certain points by him. The manufacturer must consider the customer's claims and send him his decision. Pre-contractual disputes between the customer and the manufacturer must be resolved in the prescribed manner and within the time limits stipulated by the regulation approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the procedure for presenting and considering claims by enterprises, organizations and institutions and settling disagreements on economic agreements.

2.3. After concluding contracts for installation supervision and commissioning supervision and agreeing on a start date for work in accordance with the customer’s application, the manufacturer, upon receipt of the customer’s written notification of the preparation of work and the creation of material and technical conditions for their implementation, including the readiness of the construction part (see Appendix 1), must to send the chief staff to the customer's facility within the time limits stipulated by the contract; The supervisory staff must arrive at the site no later than a week before the start of work. Prior to the installation supervision, the customer must submit to the responsible representative of the manufacturer an act on the readiness of the construction part for the installation of equipment*.
* Installation supervision of the equipment pre-assembly into mounting blocks, by a joint decision of the customer and the manufacturer, can be started before receiving the certificate of readiness of the construction part.

2.4. The quantitative composition of the supervisory staff is determined by the manufacturer depending on the type of equipment, while the manufacturer, if necessary, has the right to change the number and composition of the seconded specialists without prejudice to the fulfillment of contractual obligations and notify the customer; at the same time, the terms and cost of the work specified in the contract remain unchanged.

2.5. From among the seconded supervisory staff, the manufacturer must appoint responsible persons under contracts for installation supervision and (or) supervision supervision, who must manage these works and must be authorized to sign all the necessary documentation at the work site. In all cases, the authority to represent the manufacturer at the customer's site must be vested in one person, whose name must be communicated to the customer in writing.

2.6. To ensure uninterrupted installation and commissioning work and prompt resolution of all issues with organizations involved in the installation (adjustment) of equipment, the customer must appoint his responsible representatives.

The relationship between the chief staff of the manufacturer, on the one hand, and installation, commissioning organizations and operating personnel, on the other hand, are regulated by the customer.

2.7. The customer and its contractors must carry out organizational, technical and economic management installation and commissioning works and be responsible for the safety of equipment, the quality of work and their timing, for ensuring safe working conditions, strict observance of the technical requirements of the manufacturer and the instructions of the supervisory staff in accordance with the requirements of the documents listed in clause 1.12.

Responsibility for ensuring fire prevention measures, labor protection and safety, radiation safety (for nuclear power plants), industrial sanitation and the rules of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor is borne by the customer, who is responsible for instructing the supervisory staff with their execution in accordance with the rules.

2.8. During the period of commissioning and acceptance tests, which should be carried out only after signing the necessary documentation confirming the readiness for start-up, the equipment is serviced by the customer's operating personnel, who is responsible for the correct maintenance. During the period of acceptance tests, the supervisory staff must monitor the operation of the equipment, and, if necessary, must give instructions that are binding on the customer's personnel, if these instructions do not contradict the rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks, safety regulations, and the rules of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.

2.9. The manufacturer guarantees the correctness and proper quality of supervised installation (supervised commissioning) in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation.

The responsibility of the manufacturer for the unsatisfactory quality of supervised installation and supervised adjustment is determined by the current legislation and regulatory documents on the liability of enterprises and organizations for the fulfillment of tasks and obligations.

2.10. The manufacturer does not bear legal and material responsibility for the consequences that may arise as a result of the customer's failure to comply with the requirements of the manufacturer or the instructions of the chief staff.

In this case, the guarantees of the manufacturer, with appropriate justification, may be withdrawn in whole or in part.

2.11. Warnings, requirements and instructions, as well as claims for the fulfillment of obligations under the contract for installation supervision and commissioning must be drawn up in writing.

2.12. The supervisory staff should contribute to the implementation of installation and commissioning schedules at the customer's site.

Programs and schedules of pre-commissioning and commissioning works for the commissioned power unit (facility) are compiled with the participation of the chief staff and are agreed with them.

2.13. The customer does not have the right to use the chief staff for work not provided for by the contract for installation supervision (supervised commissioning).


* If for a certain type of work the category of supervisory staff performing them is not indicated in brackets, then the work is common to all supervisory personnel.

3.1. The responsibilities of the chief staff include:

checking the readiness of equipment and building structures for the start of installation work in order to prevent the installation of equipment on unprepared construction sites, on poorly executed foundations, in conditions that contradict the technical requirements and instructions for installing the equipment of the manufacturer (carried out by installation supervisors);

consideration of all issues related to the manufacturer, on the supplied power equipment and decision-making;

checking the storage conditions of equipment in warehouses and open areas of the customer during the installation supervision period in accordance with the technical requirements of the manufacturer (carried out by installation supervision);

carrying out supervised installation and supervised adjustment in accordance with paragraphs 1.4 and 1.6 (duty of supervised installers and supervised adjusters according to the ownership of the work);

control over compliance with the technology and conditions for the production of installation and commissioning works in full, provided for by the technical documentation;

participation in the examination of equipment and the signing of acts for all the main installation, pre-start and start-up operations and covert work performed by the customer (its installation organization) on the equipment of the manufacturer;

participation in the execution and signing of other documentation for the installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and commissioning work provided by the manufacturer and the customer: magazines, forms, passports, protocols, technical solutions, regime cards, financial acts under the contract for installation supervision and commissioning, etc. ;

participation in all audits, measuring control of equipment;

technical management of the fitting work provided for by the documentation for the installation of equipment, and the signing of the relevant acts and forms (the duty of the installation supervisors);

participation in the preparation and signing of acts fixing the detection of defects in the supplied equipment, its conservation and packaging (duty of installation supervisors); the acts must indicate reliably established or probable causes and nature of defects (factory, as a result of improper storage, transportation or operation, etc.), estimated labor costs, as well as technical instructions for correcting defects;

drawing up bilateral acts fixing the non-compliance by the customer (its installation or commissioning organization) with the technical requirements of the manufacturer and the instructions of the supervisory staff;

written notification of the management and responsible persons of the customer about all cases of non-compliance with the instructions of the supervisory staff by contracting construction and installation, commissioning organizations or the customer's personnel (duty of the responsible representative of the manufacturer);

control over the implementation of the full scope of pre-launch work, over the commissioning of the standard instrumentation, automation and technological protection equipment provided for by the technical documentation, additional control circuit devices for testing and researching equipment in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer;

drawing up and sending to the manufacturer's address a monthly report on the progress of work and all documents provided for by job descriptions (duty of the responsible representative of the manufacturer);

timely execution of documents and information from the manufacturer about the facts of downtime and delays in work both due to the fault of the customer and the fault of the manufacturer, about cases of non-compliance by the customer with the terms of the contract for installation supervision or commissioning, as well as about the customer's claims against the manufacturer (duty responsible representative of the manufacturer);

drawing up a technical report on all the work done by the supervisory staff and submitting it to the management of the manufacturer for approval (the responsibility of the person responsible for commissioning);

strict observance by each member of the chief team of safety rules, industrial sanitation, fire safety, rules of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, radiation safety rules (for nuclear power plants), passing the briefing conducted by the customer *.
* Control over the safe conduct of installation and adjustment work is not the responsibility of the chief staff.

3.2. The duties of the head and individual members of the supervisory team should be determined by job descriptions approved by the management of the manufacturer and drawn up taking into account the requirements of this standard.

3.3. The staff is responsible for:

for the correctness and completeness of instructions issued by him to the customer (his contracting installation and commissioning organizations), for the timeliness of solving emerging issues in the scope of installation supervision to equipment commissioning supervision;

for non-fulfillment of their duties and non-use of their rights, including for failure to present requirements to eliminate violations of the conditions of storage, installation of equipment, requirements of programs and test methods and instructions for maintenance equipment;

for non-compliance with the rules of safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety, radiation safety (for nuclear power plants), the rules of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor (personally each member of the chief team).

3.4. The staff has the right:

require the customer, its contracting construction, installation and commissioning organizations to comply with state and industry standards, norms and rules for the relevant types of work, as well as fulfill all the conditions of contracts for installation supervision and commissioning of equipment, all technical requirements of the manufacturer for the equipment supplied and the requirements of this standard;

prohibit installation and commissioning, require the customer to stop testing or operating equipment to eliminate identified violations and deviations in the conduct of these works, and, if necessary, also to revise the equipment, up to opening the largest assembly units, cutting pipes, collectors and other works if the identified violations entail the risk of damage to the equipment or reduction of its warranty indicators;

if necessary, require the customer to ensure the protection of equipment during periods of critical installation and commissioning;

require the customer to repeat the required mode during commissioning and testing, if this test (or part of it) was carried out with a deviation from the test program and methodology or with unrepresentative measurements of parameters;

directly supervise the actions of the customer's personnel, installation and commissioning organizations in the performance of some of the most critical technological, pre-start and start-up operations; the list of the most important technological, pre-launch and start-up operations is established by the responsible representative of the manufacturer, depending on the specifics of the equipment and the nature of the work performed, and is transferred to the customer* under his signature;

use the materials of commissioning, development and research work at all stages of their implementation;

apply to the management of the manufacturer to resolve issues arising during installation supervision and commissioning supervision, for permission to stop installation supervision (adjustment supervision) and visit the manufacturer (without such permission and notifying the customer about it, the responsible representative of the manufacturer is prohibited from leaving the customer’s facility);

call the manufacturer's specialists to the place of installation (adjustment) work for prompt resolution of issues that are not within the competence and functions of the supervisory staff (elimination of shortcomings, reconstruction, special tests of the supplied equipment, etc.);

write down your technical instructions and requirements in the journal of the installation organization, in the operational journal and in the journal of orders for the customer's on-duty personnel;

enjoy free access to the block control room and other workrooms to monitor the operation of the equipment and resolve emerging issues regarding the installation and operation of the manufacturer's equipment.
* The list may include hidden work, testing and testing of equipment, other special technological operations, the correct implementation of which requires the personal participation of the chief staff.


4.1. The chief staff is subject to the internal regulations of the customer's enterprise.

4.2. Based on the functions of the supervisory staff and the duration of installation and adjustment work, the customer is obliged to provide the supervisory staff with working and living conditions in accordance with standard contracts for installation supervision and commissioning supervision (see Annexes 4 and 5).

4.3. At enterprises with harmful working conditions, including at nuclear power plants, as well as at enterprises where regional or other wage coefficients have been introduced, all the benefits used by the customer’s personnel should apply to the supervisory staff, while the cost of a man-day of the supervisory staff should increase accordingly and the amount of the contract.

4.4. When preparing by the customer ministry provisions for economic incentives for employees of its ministry for the commissioning and development of new energy capacities, they should also be extended to the chief personnel of manufacturing enterprises.

4.5. Bonuses to the chief personnel of manufacturing enterprises and teams of production associations (enterprises) and research institutes of the Ministry of Energy and Machinery of Energy, which carry out work on the installation, commissioning and debugging of the head power equipment and research work related to the debugging of this equipment at facilities, should be carried out in accordance with the current provisions on bonuses for the specified categories of work.

4.6. Regulations on the working conditions of the chief staff should also apply to specialists from research institutes, associations, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Energy and Machinery and the customer ministry conducting research and development work at energy facilities.


5.1. The contract for supervised installation (supervised commissioning) is the main legal document that defines mutual obligations and relationships between the customer and the manufacturer.

5.2. Contract forms are printed by the manufacturer on the basis of the attached standard contracts (see Appendices 4 and 5), taking into account the specifics of a particular type of equipment and working conditions.

5.3. Settlements with the customer for the work performed must be made according to bilateral acts in accordance with the cost of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) at the current price tags for installation (adjustment) of equipment or at the prices of the manufacturer's planned cost estimate.

The cost of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) is determined on the basis of the duration of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) of this type of equipment, the composition of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) personnel and the cost of a man-day of supervision personnel approved by the Ministry of Energy and agreed with the customer ministry, calculated according to the existing methodology of the USSR State Construction Committee.

The duration of supervision is determined by:

normative terms of installation of the equipment of the ministry-customer;

the duration of assembly of equipment into enlarged blocks (40% of the standard duration of installation);

the duration of the stay of the chief staff in the preparatory and commissioning works, as well as in the preparation of technical documentation (20% of the standard duration).

The cost of a man-day of the chief staff is determined on the basis of the sizes existing at the time of the conclusion of the contract wages supervisory staff, general factory overheads, social security contributions and savings.

An example of an estimate for supervised installation is given in the recommended Appendix 6. An estimate for supervised commissioning is compiled similarly to that indicated in Appendix 6, taking into account the specifics of commissioning work.

5.4. The basis for the calculations are the invoices of the manufacturer with the application of bilateral acts on the performance of work.

The forms of the intermediate and final acts for the performance of work under the contract, as well as the act for the performance of work by the supervisory staff on a one-time (not stipulated by the contract) call of the customer are given in the recommended appendices 7 and 8.

5.5 Payment for repeated calls of the supervisory staff, as well as for days of downtime and delays not due to the fault of the manufacturer and its supervisory staff should be made at the prices of the manufacturer's planned cost estimate.

5.6. The basis for financial documents is the time sheet of the chief staff or technical acts (interim for work performed, completion of installation or commissioning of equipment), which are drawn up in any form depending on the specifics of the equipment.

5.7. If it is necessary to extend the period of supervised installation and commissioning, the contracting parties may conclude an additional agreement for the continuation of work, according to which the customer pays the contractor for expenses in excess of the amount stipulated in the contract. The supplementary agreement enters into force after its adoption by the relevant financial authority.

5.8. Payment of the manufacturer's invoices must be made by way of acceptance within the time limits specified in the current regulatory documents of the USSR Ministry of Finance.


6.1. The procedure for resolving mutual claims of the parties regarding the execution of contracts for supervised installation and supervised adjustment, provided for by the current legislation, is specified in Annexes 4 and 5.

6.2. Sanctions for non-fulfillment (delay) of contractual obligations of each of the parties are determined by the contract (see Annexes 4 and 5) on the basis of the current legislation.

APPENDIX 1 (informative). TERMS





An enterprise (organization) that concludes contracts for supervised installation and commissioning of equipment


An enterprise (production association) that manufactures and supplies equipment to the customer and which (within the framework of the relationship under this standard) under the contract undertakes the obligation to carry out installation supervision (supervision) of the equipment supplied by it

Installation organization

Specialized organization (contractor of the customer) carrying out installation work

Adjustment organization

A specialized organization (contractor) performing work on setting up and testing equipment

Installation work

Works on the installation of equipment (including pre-assembly from parts and assembly units at the installation site), as well as pre-start operations (flushing, blowing, equipment testing)

Commissioning works

Works that ensure the preparation and commissioning of the installed equipment

Logistics conditions

Availability of a project for the production of installation work, completed, agreed and approved in accordance with the requirements of building codes and rules of the USSR State Construction Committee (CHiP), part III;

Availability of complete documentation for the production of works;

Availability of qualified work force for uninterrupted assembly work;

readiness storage facilities and equipment storage areas;

Readiness of the construction part of the facility for the start of equipment installation in accordance with the requirements of the work organization project (WOR);

Readiness of living and working premises for the chief staff

Readiness of the construction part

The combination of the following conditions:

Readiness of buildings or structures for the performance of work in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, Part III and the project for the organization of work;

Readiness of foundations and bases for the installation of the main and auxiliary equipment;

Readiness of floors, platforms, fences, stairs, provided for by the POR;

The readiness of lifting mechanisms, documented in the bodies of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor or by the customer's inspector in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes", approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor;

Readiness of lifting ways and mechanisms for the delivery of equipment from the place of unloading (warehouse) to the place of installation;

The readiness of the premises necessary for the placement of technical and maintenance personnel, for the storage of technical documentation, tools and auxiliary materials;

Readiness of the workshop, as well as premises for monitoring incoming devices, automation and regulation;

The readiness of the power and lighting electrical networks (the illumination of equipment installation sites, corridors and passages for personnel must comply with SN 81-70 "Guidelines for the design of electrical lighting for construction sites of the USSR State Construction Committee"), compressed air supply systems at a pressure of at least 6 kgf / cm, technological and drinking water, as well as communication systems

Supplied equipment (scope of delivery)

Equipment supplied to the customer directly from the manufacturer in accordance with specifications or specifications standards

installation supervision

Technical guidance and architectural supervision carried out at all stages of installation work, control over compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer, as well as the solution of all technical issues that arise in the process of working on equipment in the scope of delivery of the manufacturer, with the execution of relevant technical documentation


Technical management of a set of works to ensure the operability of equipment in the scope of supply of the manufacturer, its fine-tuning and adjustment in order to confirm the warranty technical and economic indicators in accordance with the standards of technical conditions or specifications, as well as field supervision of pre-start and start-up operations, equipment testing and its development at the customer's site in accordance with the manufacturer's documentation


Specialists of the manufacturer, seconded to the customer's facility to carry out supervised installation and commissioning

Control exercised by the developer or manufacturer over the correct performance of the work regulated by the technical documentation, as well as issuing the necessary clarifications to organizations (enterprises) that carry out the specified work, resolving technical issues at the work site, making the necessary adjustments to the technical documentation

Technical guide

Issuance of qualified technical instructions for the installation, commissioning, commissioning and operation of equipment in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of the organization (enterprise) that developed this documentation, monitoring their implementation and compliance with the methods and sequence of work

serial equipment

Equipment manufactured under conditions of mass production in periodically repeating series according to design documentation, refined based on the results of manufacturing and testing of the prototype


Technical consulting, architectural supervision and solving technical issues in the process of performing medium and major repairs on equipment supplied by the manufacturer with the execution of relevant technical documentation

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).



1.1. Acquaintance with the project of organization and production of works.

1.2. Assistance to the customer in completing the technical documentation for the equipment supplied by the manufacturer.

1 3. Control over the storage of equipment by the customer, checking its condition before installation.

1.4. Control over the installation of anchor parts, supporting and load-bearing structures, checking the readiness of foundations and building structures for equipment installation.


2.1. Installation of steam turbine condensers

2 1.1. Control over the assembly and welding of capacitor cases.

2.1.2. Supervision of installation and rolling of condensate pipes.

2.1.3. Supervision of connection of condensers to LPC exhaust pipes, installation of atmospheric valves, connection of turbine and station pipelines to the condenser.

2.2. Installation of steam and gas turbines, turbochargers and superchargers

2.2.1. Supervision of the installation of foundation frames and their pouring with concrete.

2.2.2. Control over the enlargement of assembly units of the turbine unit (from supply units).

2.2.3. Control over the installation and alignment of cylinders and bearing housings.

2.2.4. Technical management of all fitting work.

2.2.5. Technical guidance for the installation of diaphragms and seals.

2.2.6. Technical guidance on the installation and alignment of the turbine rotors and turbocharger, supercharger (for gas turbines and gas compressor units), checking the clearances of the flow path, checking the alignment of the turbine with the generator (drive machine).

2.2.7. Technical guidance for the assembly and closing of cylinders and bearings, the installation of a barring device.

2.2.8. Technical guidance for the installation of shut-off and control valves, shut-off valves (flaps), bypass pipes and receivers.

2.2.9. Control over the installation of combustion chambers of gas turbines.

2.2.10. Control over the connection to the turbine unit of the steam lines for the extraction and reheating of steam turbines, the piping of gas turbines and blowers, including the air intake device.

2.2.11. Supervision of the application of thermal insulation, the installation of cladding and the implementation of noise suppression measures.

2.2.12. Supervision of conservation and de-preservation of assembly units and parts of the turbine unit.

2.3. Installation of the control system

2.3.1. Supervision of the installation of oil pumps.

2.3.2. Technical guidance for the installation of regulators, servomotors.

2.3.3. Supervision of turbine protection installation.

2.3.4. Technical guidance for the revision of shut-off, control and shut-off valves.

2.3.5. Supervision of the installation of devices in the scope of supply of the manufacturer.

2.4. Installation of the oil system and hydraulic lifting of the rotors

2.4.1. Control over the installation of equipment (tanks, pumps, oil coolers).

2.4.2. Manufacture and installation of oil pipelines.

2.4.3. Participation in hydraulic testing, cleaning and pumping of oil pipelines.

2.5. Installation of other auxiliary systems of steam turbines

2.5.1. Supervision of the installation of equipment for the regeneration system (HPV, HDPE, condensate coolers), as well as deaerators, network water heaters, gas-cooling water coolers for the power generator.

2.5.2. Control over the installation of ejectors and pipelines of the vacuum system, heating systems for flange connections and seals of the turbine unit.

2.5.3. Supervision of the installation of superheater separators, condensate and separator collectors, pipelines of the steam reheating system (for NPP turbines).

2.6. Installation of auxiliary systems of gas turbines, turbochargers, superchargers

2.6.1. Supervision of installation of fuel preparation and fuel supply systems for gas turbines.

2.6.2. Supervision of the installation of air coolers for turbochargers and gas coolers for pumping units.

2.6.3. Supervision of the installation of the gas blower sealing system.

2.7. Adjustment and testing

2.7.1. Supervision and technical management of flushing (pumping) and purging of pipelines and bypass pipes.

2.7.2. Technical guidance for steam turbine vacuum tightness test and vacuum test kit.

2.7.3. Technical guidance for the commissioning of a steam turbine condensing unit.

2.7.4. Technical guidance on setting up and turning on the barring device.

2.7.5. Technical guidance on setting up the oil system and hydraulic lifting of the rotors and oil quality control.

2.7.6. Technical guidance for the adjustment and testing of the control system for steam, gas, fuel distribution, turbine protection, axial shift relay.

2.7.7. Supervision of the adjustment of the regeneration system and the steam reheating system (for NPP turbines).

2.7.8. Inspection of the air supply path of the gas turbine before its start-up.

2.7.9. Technical guidance for the adjustment of non-standard instrumentation and automation.

2.7.10. Adjustment of nozzles of combustion chambers of gas turbines.

2.7.11. Technical management of testing the turbine unit at idle and under load, checking and adjusting vibration to PTE standards, participation in checking the noise level.

2.7.12. Technical guidance for testing the turbine during the 72-hour integrated testing of the block.


3.1. Preparatory work

3.1.1. Control over the installation and concreting of foundation and embedded parts.

3.1.2. Assembly of the impeller.

3.2. Turbine installation

3.2.1. Control over the installation and concreting of the volute and impeller chamber.

3.2.2. Control over the assembly of the guide vanes and the installation of the impeller.

3.2.3. Technical management of fitting works.

3.2.4. Control over the installation of the oil pressure unit and the control system.

3.2.5. Control over the installation of protective devices, automation and instrumentation.

3.2.6. Control over the installation of turbine gates, conduits and other auxiliary equipment.

3.3. Commissioning works

3.3.1. Technical guidance for the adjustment and testing of the oil pressure unit, as well as the control and protection system.

3.3.2. Technical management of the adjustment and testing of all auxiliary mechanisms and automation equipment.

3.3.3. Technical guidance for trial runs of the turbine.

3.3.4. Checking load shedding, adjusting the synchronous compensator mode.

3.3.5. Determination and adjustment of the optimal combinatorial characteristics of rotary-blade turbines.

3.3.6. Control over the operation of the hydro turbine during a 72-hour comprehensive testing.

3.3.7. Checking the condition (revision) of individual assembly units and parts of the turbine, flow path, auxiliary equipment.


4.1. Installation of boiler units

4.1.1. Technical management of pre-assembly into mounting blocks and control over it.

4.1.2. Technical guidance and control over the installation of a screen system with burners and stiffening belts.

4.1.3. Technical guidance for the installation of screen heating surfaces, ceiling screen, surfaces of the transition gas duct and control over it.

4.1.4. Technical guidance and control over the installation of convective heating surfaces and suspension systems.

4.1.5. Technical guidance and control over the installation of air heaters, bypass ducts and seals.

4.1.6. Technical guidance and control over the installation of drums and assembly of intra-drum devices.

4.1.7. Technical management of the installation of pipelines within the boiler unit, including the ignition unit, and control over it.

4.1.8. Technical guidance for the installation of pulse-safety devices of the boiler unit.

4.1.9. Technical management of the installation of the bypass system and control over it.

4.1.10. Technical guidance for the installation of devices for controlling the temperature of superheated steam and control over it.

4.1.11. Technical guidance for the installation of fittings, devices for cleaning heating surfaces and air heaters, ash collecting and slag removal devices and their control.

4.1.12. Control over the connection to the boiler unit of steam, water, gas-air, fuel, purge, drainage and other communications, mounted according to the project of the general designer of the unit.

4.1.13. Technical guidance and control over the installation of the frame and metal structures of the boiler unit and regenerative air heater.

4.1.14. Control over the installation of stairs and platforms for the boiler unit and RVP.

4.1.15. Control over the implementation of brickwork and insulation works.

4.2. Features of installation of high-pressure steam generators CCGT

4.2.1. Control over the assembly of the VPG from the supply blocks and the installation of the drum.

4.2.2. Control over the installation of pipelines for piping of the VPG and the connection of recirculation pumps.

4.3. Installation of draft machines (smoke exhausters, fans, superchargers)

4.3.1. Control over the installation of anchor parts and support frame.

4.3.2. Chassis installation control.

4.3.3. Supervising the assembly and installation of the rotor.

4.3.4. Monitoring the alignment of the rotor of a machine with an electric motor (or a drive turbine).

4.3.5. Bearing assembly control.

4.3.6. Control over the installation of the oil system and the cooling water system.

4.3.7. Supervision of the application of heat and sound insulation.

4.3.8. Control setting (guide vanes).

4.3.9. Control over trial runs and operation of the draft machine during a 72-hour complex testing of the unit, participation in checking vibration and noise level.

4.4. Installation of coal grinding equipment (mills, fan mills, etc.)

4.4.1. Control over the installation of anchor parts and supporting structures.

4.4.2. Control over the installation and assembly of the main elements of the coal-grinding plant (electric motor, gearbox, mill itself, bearing blocks, separators), over the alignment of the rotors.

4.4.3. Checking the operation of the coal grinding plant according to the following criteria: coal grinding fineness, power consumption, coal and drying agent productivity, noise and vibration levels, metal consumption of wear elements per ton of ground coal.

Checking repair operations to replace wear parts (on prototypes).

4.4.4. Supervision of the installation of raw coal feeders and other equipment for pulverizing systems supplied by enterprises of the Ministry of Energy.

4.5. Testing of the boiler unit (steam generator)

4.5.1. Participation in trial and inspection hydraulic tests of the boiler unit.

4.5.2. Participation in post-assembly washing of pipe elements of the boiler unit (steam generator) and control over its quality.

4.5.3. Technical guidance for checking the gas density and trial runs of the boiler unit (steam generator), adjusting the pulse safety devices. Control over thermal expansion of elements of the boiler unit (steam generator).

4.5.4. Technical supervision and control over RVP trial runs, participation in the adjustment of its seals.

4.5.5. Control over the operation of the boiler unit (steam generator) during a 72-hour complex testing of the unit and participation in its commissioning.


5.1. Works on the shaft volume of the reactor

5.1.1. Technical management of the installation of embedded and supporting parts of the mine volume and control over it.

5.1.2. Technical management of the assembly, welding and installation of the supporting metal structure of the reactor and control over them.

5.1.3. Technical management of the installation of thermal insulation of the lower part of the reactor and control over it.

5.1.4. Technical management of the installation of channels and drives of ionization chambers (IC) and control over it.

5.2. Installation of the reactor pressure vessel and internal devices

5.2.1. Participation in the inspection of the reactor vessel before its installation and control over its installation.

5.2.2. Technical guidance and control over welding of nozzles and internal parts to the reactor pressure vessel.

5.2.3. Technical guidance and control over the installation of biological protection and thermal insulation of the nozzle area.

5.2.4. Technical management of the installation of internal devices and control over it, checking the straightness of the channels of the reactor control and protection system (RCS).

5.3. Installation of the upper unit and CPS drives

5.3.1. Participation in the revision and testing of CPS drives on a special slipway.

5.3.2. Technical guidance and control over the installation of the upper unit, checking the straightness of the CPS channels.

5.3.3. Technical guidance on the installation of CPS drives and position sensors, connection of the cooling system of drives, installation of the temperature control system and control over them.

5.3.4. Technical guidance and control over the installation of the thermal insulation of the upper block and the pressure ring.

5.4. Commissioning work on the reactor

5.4.1. Technical management of sealing the main connector of the reactor and control over the operation of equipment during circulation washing, hydrotesting and hot testing of the primary circuit.

5.4.2. Participation in equipment audits.

5.4.3. Control over the operation of equipment during physical and power start-ups of the reactor.

5.5. Installation of equipment for reactor refueling, fresh fuel preparation and spent fuel soaking

5.5.1. Technical guidance for the installation of nests in the shaft for the revision of internals and the upper unit, in the spent fuel pool, control installation of equipment in these nests and control over them.

5.5.2. Technical guidance for the installation and control of spent fuel storage grates in the spent fuel pool.

5.6. Installation of steam generators (SG) and volume compensators (KO)

5.6.1. Technical management of the installation of embedded parts of SG and KO supports and control over it.

5.6.2. Technical management of the installation of SG, KO and control over it.

5.6.3. Technical management of welding of pipelines to SG and KO, blocks of electric motors to KO and control over it.

5.6.4. Participation in internal inspections and hydrotests of SGs and KOs, in a special leak test welds SG heating surfaces.

5.6.5. Technical management of the installation of thermal insulation and cladding of the zone of electric heater blocks KO and control over it.


* See clause 1.7 of this standard.

(steam turbine for thermal and nuclear power plants, gas turbine and hydro turbine)

1.1. Author's supervision of the temperature state of the steam inlets, turbine housings and bearings, the relative expansion of the rotors and cylinders of steam and gas turbines, the vibrational state of all types of turbines.

1.5. Participation in the testing of new elements, mechanisms and non-standard devices.

1.6. Debugging, static and dynamic testing of the control system for all types of turbines.

1.7. Correction (together with the commissioning organization) of the operating instructions for the turbine and its start-up and shutdown schedules (based on the results of commissioning and testing of the prototype), linking them with the operating conditions of the turbine as part of the unit.


2.1. Participation in the adjustment of the furnace regime and the preparation of temporary regime maps.

2.2. Participation in checking the temperature state of heating surfaces (radiation and convection).

2.3. Participation in checking the hydraulic stability of once-through boilers or the reliability of circulation in the circuits of drum boilers.

2.4. Technical guidance for the adjustment and testing of devices for cleaning heating surfaces.

2.5. Participation in the development of start-up and shutdown modes of the boiler unit.

2.7. Technical guidance for the adjustment of RVP.

2.8. Participation in determining the actual resistance of the gas-air path of the boiler unit.

2.9. Participation in the adjustment and testing of the main coal-grinding equipment.

2.10. Participation in the adjustment and testing of separation devices for drum boilers.

2.11. Correction (together with the commissioning organization) of the operating instructions for the boiler unit (steam generator) and its start-up and shutdown schedules (based on the results of commissioning and testing), linking them with the operating conditions of the boiler as part of the unit.


3.1. Technical guidance for the control assembly of the reactor at the customer's site.

3.2. Technical guidance for testing CPS drives at the customer's stand and checking their performance at the reactor.

3.3. Technical guidance for checking the operability of the mechanisms for moving ionization chambers.

3.4. Technical guidance for ensuring the operability of: in-reactor control systems; wrench for sealing the main connector of the reactor; volume compensators; capacities of the emergency cooling system of the reactor core; filters of the bypass cleaning system of the primary circuit.

3.5. Technical assistance in setting up electrical equipment: reactor, wrench for sealing the main connector, universal traverse, volume compensator electric heaters.

3.6. Technical assistance in commissioning and testing of steam generators.

3.7. Participation in the review of the results of the revision and control of metals of the equipment of the reactor plant.

3.8. Tenso- and thermometering of the vessel and other elements of the reactor.

3.9. Technical assistance in hydrotesting and circulation flushing of the primary circuit.

3.10. Technical assistance in carrying out the first revision of the reactor.

3.11. Technical guidance for the preparation of the reactor for cold and hot trials of the primary circuit, technical assistance in carrying out the run-in.
An error has occurred

The payment was not completed due to a technical error, cash from your account
were not written off. Try to wait a few minutes and repeat the payment again.

The preparation and subsequent filling of the estimate is deservedly considered the most important stage of any construction or repair work. In most cases, the design of a building or structure is completed with the execution of estimate documentation. In the case of performing small amounts of work, for example, repair or finishing, when the project is not being developed, an estimate is also necessary. This is due to the fact that it serves as the initial information for the development of many related necessary and important for effective organization works of documents, in particular, the calendar plan for the execution of works and the schedule for the supply of necessary materials and mechanisms.

Budgeting will become a much easier process if you entrust this business to professionals.

Form and sample estimate for work

In essence, the document in question consists of two parts:

  • calculation of direct costs, which are determined on the basis of 2001 prices and are converted into current prices by multiplying by the corresponding appreciation index, set quarterly. Direct costs consist of the following elements:
    • Cost of materials;
    • the main salary of workers;
    • the costs of EMM (operation of machines and mechanisms necessary for the performance of work), including the salary of machinists;
    • calculation of overhead costs and estimated profit, made taking into account the standards in force at the time the estimate was made.

disadvantage this method is that the 2001 prices applied when using it quite often do not take into account the realities of today, since at the time of compilation many technologies and materials simply did not exist. However, in the construction of budget facilities and most private large-scale construction projects, there is no alternative to the base-index method today.

How to make a budget for work

As an example of a simplified form of an estimate for the repair of a room, the following table can be given.

Name of works

Price per unit

Cost of work

Dismantling of partitions

Dismantling the balcony door

Construction of partitions from foam blocks

Plastering of partitions and walls

Puttying, priming and painting of plastered surfaces

Balcony door installation

Plastering doors and windows

Puttying, priming and painting window and door slopes

TOTAL according to the estimate

139 080=

The importance of good budgeting and budgeting

As already noted, filling out an estimate allows you not only to get an approximate amount that will cost construction or a certain amount of work. This value is necessary to determine the contract price of an object or stage of work, both for the customer or investor, and for the contractor, that is, the direct manufacturer.

But in addition to this direct functional purpose, a competent and modeled design of the estimate will allow you to plan the work in such a way that they are done as quickly as possible and at a lower price. In addition, the estimate also helps determine the need for necessary materials, which, in combination with the work schedule, will make it possible to develop a schedule for their delivery.

The main tasks of the estimate

The development and filling of the estimate allows you to solve three most important tasks at once, which are always faced by any contractor and customer:

  • determination of the cost of construction or any work. In modern conditions, the estimated price is the most important parameter, vital for all participants in the construction process. It is interesting for the customer not to overpay, and for the contractor - to receive a worthy reward for the work. A well-designed estimate allows you to take into account the wishes of both parties and get an amount that suits everyone;
  • scheduling development. The timing of the construction of a building or the performance of any work is often no less important for the customer than their cost. The timely delivery of the object and, of course, the receipt of remuneration, possibly with a premium, depend on this. The estimate for work, made according to the model, provides the builders with all the necessary information for the development of the calendar plan;
  • development of a schedule for the supply of materials. With the correct filling of the estimate, the need for materials and mechanisms becomes clear, which, in combination with the calendar plan, makes it possible to draw up another important document for the uninterrupted work of builders - the schedule for the supply of materials. Efficient construction organizations do not purchase materials for the entire facility at once - this simply freezes money that is much more efficient to spend on something more important in this moment, and also requires significant costs for warehousing, etc. Also, any downtime of equipment and workers is extremely unprofitable, which is fraught with no less serious additional costs.

As a result, we can say the following: the preparation of an estimate allows not only to understand the cost of construction or a separate stage of work, but also to effectively plan their implementation.

Basic-index method for compiling and filling out estimates

There are several different cost estimation methods. When erecting large objects, when filling in the estimate takes place as part of the development of the project, the base-index method is almost always used. In this case, the estimated standards of 2001 and the conversion indices to current prices are used for the calculation.

Simplified form of estimate

Quite often, especially when construction or repair is carried out by the household method or at small facilities, a simpler estimate form is used, which consists only of calculating direct costs. It contains a listing of the scope of work and prices for them, which can be divided into the same components as in the option described above: the RFP of workers, the cost of materials and, if necessary, the cost of machines and mechanisms. In this case, the estimate form, after its execution and filling, looks like the one shown in the following photo:

When compiling and filling out such a simplified version of the estimate, the contractor's profit is established on the basis of his negotiations with the customer or the construction investor.

The form of an object estimate for the performance of work

Quite often, especially during the construction of large objects, several so-called local estimates are compiled at once, that is, separate calculations for each type of work performed. In this case, to obtain the total cost of construction, they are combined into a general object estimate, a sample form of which is shown in the following photo.

Object estimate

Drawing up and filling out an object estimate allows you to bring together all the information about the object under construction, even when the individual stages of its construction are performed by different contractors. Often, local estimates are also calculated by them. Therefore, the generalization of all disparate data is extremely important for any customer or investor.

Programs for drawing up and filling out estimates

Currently, there are many programs that are used in the preparation of estimates. They can be roughly divided into two groups:

Free. Placed on the network on thematic resources. They are freely available.

Professional. Used by professionals. To use it, you need to purchase a distribution kit of a service product.

In the first case, there is no particular need to describe programs, since they appear almost constantly, while having similar parameters:

  • the ability to perform the most simple calculations;
  • lack of updating of regulatory frameworks (if they exist at all);
  • minimal functionality.

Professional estimate programs are used much more actively, since without them it is almost impossible to draw up high-quality documentation for any large object. The most popular products at the moment are the following:

GRAND Estimate

According to experts, the most widely used budgeting program. Its advantages are the ability to automate the entire range of cost estimates, the speed of making changes to regulatory framework and effective technical support of the product.

The only program that really competes with the GRAND Estimate described above. The main advantage of the product is its ease of use, which allows you to work with it without having the professional knowledge of an estimator.

1C: Contractor (or 1C: Construction Organization Management)

These programs are not purely budgetary. However, they are quite popular due to the fact that 1C is used to maintain accounting at the vast majority of Russian enterprises, including construction ones. The software products under consideration help to compile the necessary estimate documentation; as a bonus, they were integrated into single system management of the company.

turbo meter

An easy-to-learn and use program, which at the same time has quite serious functionality. It is not used as often as compared to GRAND Estimate and

WinSmeta, Rick and Bagheera

Software products whose peak popularity is in the past. However, a certain number of professional surveyors still continue to use them, which is explained by a number of undoubted advantages: wide functionality, editing, adjustment, etc.

The main mistakes in budgeting

There are several main types of errors that occur in the preparation and execution of estimates in practice. The most typical are the following:

Mistake 1. Insufficient detailing or excessive enlargement of the estimate. Any well-designed budget must contain complete list and the volume of work performed and, accordingly, the prices for them. In practice, often the customer and the contractor, having found out that the price level suits both parties, agree on the cost of a stage of work, for example, the repair of one room. As a result, in fact, a situation is obtained when the actual volume of any work performed does not coincide with the initially estimated one. The result is a conflict situation, since it is not clear how to evaluate the rise in price or reduction in the cost of work;

Error 2. Inaccurate accounting of volumes. The basis for the construction estimate must necessarily be a competently and accurately drawn up statement of volumes, in the case of repairs - a defective statement. In both situations, the result of the budget execution also depends on the correctness of their preparation. An error at the beginning can lead to a rather serious distortion of the final cost of the calculation, since in most cases there is a multiplication by various indices and prices, so the error value increases all the time;

Mistake 3. Incorrect application of prices contained in HPES and TERs. One of the main problems of the basis-index method, the most common in real life, which was mentioned above, is the discrepancy between the existing types of work and those that are encountered in practice. Therefore, quite often it is necessary to use the available prices "as applicable". This is a special term coined by estimators for such a situation. The more "applicable" prices are used when filling out the estimate, the more likely it is that the final figure will be incorrect. Naturally, this should take into account the fact that customers are trying to use low "applicable" prices, and contractors, on the contrary, are the most profitable.

In any case, the preparation and execution of estimates should be considered an important and extremely necessary preparatory stage in modern conditions for any construction. It is better to entrust its implementation to professional and trained estimators, which will allow not only to form the optimal cost of work for the customer and contractor, but also to organize their effective implementation in as soon as possible and at the lowest possible cost.

Estimate for supervised installation (Estimate for equipment repair)

Estimate form for installation supervision


equipment identification

LLC "West Ural Crane Plant"

and the manufacturer

Initial data, rationale,

calculation, cost items


Normative installation time

Based contract No. 37 dated 01.01.2011


approved customer document

Duration preparatory work on

installation supervision (preparation of technical documentation,

coordination of schedules, etc.), 40% of the standard duration.


The duration of commissioning and

delivery works with paperwork, 20% of the standard duration.


Total duration of installation supervision

(based on paragraphs 1, 2, 3,)


5. The number of supervisory staff, taken on the basis of the type of equipment and having the experience of installation supervision of the enterprise by category:

chief team leader

team leader

Art. chief engineer

chief engineer

6. Cost (based on price tags or

departmental unit prices for installation)

one man-day of seconded chief staff:

chief team leader

team leader

Art. chief engineer

chief engineer

7. The total duration of work on which no

the presence of the chief staff of the relevant categories is required:

chief team leader

team leader

Art. chief engineer

chief engineer

O H = H D

O H = H D


O W = W D

8. The cost of participation of the chief staff in the chief

chief team leader

team leader

Art. chief engineer

chief engineer

At H = C H O H

At H = C H O H


At W = C W O W

9. Total cost of installation supervision

I=U H +U H +



The bridge crane as a whole is a system that consists of non-restorable and recoverable elements. The first in case of failure cannot be restored during operation (for example, a steel rope, a rolling bearing), the second after a failure can be restored and put into operation again (for example, brake linings, gear half-couplings).

Reducing the repair time and simplifying the maintenance of cranes occurs due to: standardization and normalization of components and parts; the use of more durable and wear-resistant materials; simplification of the crane design; installation of safety and warning devices; highly qualified and industrial training service personnel.

Reconstruction, repair and installation of a crane using welding, as well as adjustment of safety devices, must be carried out by organizations that have a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies.

An organization that performs repair, reconstruction and installation using welding must have technical specifications containing instructions on the metals and welding materials used, methods for controlling the quality of welding, rejection rates for welded joints and the procedure for accepting individual assemblies and finished products, as well as the procedure for issuing an operational documentation.

When supplying equipment, the specialists of Neftegazengineering LLC perform work on supervised installation and supervised adjustment of electrical equipment and automation devices. Installation chief and commissioning chief are a set of organizational and technical services aimed at carrying out necessary work taking into account the features of the construction site and the specifics of the equipment supplied by the contractor.

All work is carried out in accordance with:

  • OST 108.002.128-80 "Supervision of installation and commissioning of power thermal and hydromechanical equipment. Basic provisions and standard contracts (with Amendment No. 1)"
  • GOST R 56203-2014 "Energy thermal and hydromechanical equipment. Installation supervision and commissioning supervision. General requirements"

This type of work is designed to provide technical indicators equipment and checking the correctness of carrying out all the necessary work by the Customer or the contractor.

Among the main purposes of carrying out supervision of installation and commissioning of equipment can be listed:

  • verification of compliance of the supplied equipment with the technical specification of the Customer, operating manuals and permits RF
  • control over compliance with the correct sequence of all works and their quality
  • training of the Customer's personnel in the rules of equipment operation
  • preparation of accompanying technical documentation for equipment and the automation system as a whole

A distinctive feature of these works from installation and commissioning works is that all works are carried out by a third-party contractor or the Customer's specialists. At the same time, it is very important for the subsequent reliable and safe operation object to perform all the work correctly, with high quality, and it is the specialists who developed, designed, manufactured and supplied the equipment of automation systems that understand this like no one else.

In this way, scheme of installation chief and commissioning chief operates as follows:

The customer concludes an agreement with Neftegazengineering LLC for the supply of equipment. In accordance with the technical specification of the Customer, our employees supply equipment and instruments to the facility. Further, all equipment must be assembled, installed and adjusted. In the case of the conclusion of the contract, the chief of equipment adjustment, all work is carried out by the Customer or the contractor (if the contractor performs the functions of the general contractor).

At the same time, the duties of the employees of Neftegazengineering LLC include work * on the management of all installation and commissioning works, namely:

  • acceptance and verification of the initial state of all delivered equipment for installation and commissioning
  • development and coordination of the work program, their stages and deadlines
  • solution for production and financial work at all stages
  • technical staff training
  • participation in commissioning and operating tests and comprehensive testing
  • elimination of identified defects
  • supervising the activities of personnel involved in the installation and commissioning of equipment
  • quality control over compliance with installation and commissioning technologies, as well as over the implementation of the full scope of pre-commissioning work
  • inspection of equipment required documents
  • drawing up a technical report, acts of work performed, as well as a conclusion on the compliance of the actual equipment indicators with the specifications and requirements of the Customer

More information on this topic HERE.

GESNm collections are integral part pricing systems and estimated rationing in construction, operating in the territory Russian Federation. GESNm are designed to determine the need for resources (labor, technical, material) during the installation of equipment and are used to draw up cost estimates (estimates) for the installation of equipment using the resource method. GESNm are the initial standards for the development of unit prices for the installation of equipment at the federal (FER), territorial (TER) and industry (OER) levels, individual and aggregated estimated norms (prices) and used in determining the estimated cost of equipment installation.

The resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESNm can also be used in the development of construction organization projects (POS) and work execution projects (PPR) to determine the duration of work and draw up technological documentation.

Estimated norms provide for the performance of work on the installation of equipment in normal conditions, not complicated external factors, at a positive ambient temperature.

In the production of installation work in more complex working conditions compared to those provided for in the collections of GESNm (during reconstruction, technical re-equipment, expansion operating enterprises, buildings and structures, in the aftermath of accidents, natural disasters, etc.), as a result of which the productivity of workers decreases, it is necessary to apply the coefficients given in MDS 81 to the labor costs of assembly workers, machinists and the time of using construction machines and mechanisms -35.2004 as amended. dated 06/01/2012 and Letter No. AP-3230_06 dated 06/23/2004 to MDS 81-35.2004 /

Additional resource consumption (labor costs of workers, time of operation of machines and consumption of material resources) associated with the implementation of installation work at negative air temperatures is taken into account by the estimated norms provided for by the Collection of estimated cost norms for the production of construction and installation works in winter, approved by the decision of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 19.06.01 No. 62.

GESNm reflect the industry average level of organization construction industry, techniques and technologies for performing work on the installation of equipment and can be used by all customer organizations and contractors, regardless of their affiliation and form of ownership.

It is not allowed to adjust the estimated norms depending on the method of work, with the exception of cases provided for by these Instructions, as well as the technical parts and introductory instructions of the collections.

The GESNm collections contain equipment that requires installation, which can be put into operation only after the assembly of its individual parts and installation on foundations or other bases and supports.

In the process of drawing up the estimate documentation, it is necessary to be guided by the classification of equipment by its types, functional purpose, conditions of manufacture and delivery, given in Appendix D to the Code of Rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design estimates documentation (SP 81-01-94).

In the following, various types of equipment, technical means, technological pipelines, etc. are referred to as "equipment".

The collections of GESNm contain the technical part, introductory instructions for departments and sections, tables of estimated norms and necessary applications.
The technical parts of the collections contain provisions regarding the composition and procedure for the application of all the norms of this collection, specifying the provisions of these Instructions or differing from them. The introductory instructions to the departments and sections of the collections contain information on the procedure for applying the standards of this department or section, due to the peculiarities of the installation of the corresponding equipment. It is not allowed to apply introductory instructions to the estimated norms of other departments or sections.

The technical parts and introductory instructions of the GESNm collections contain provisions due to the peculiarities of the installation of certain types of equipment that must be taken into account when using the corresponding collections.

The technical part of the collection includes general provisions related to all the norms of this collection, including:

  • purpose and scope of GESNm;
  • list of works recorded in GESNm. characteristic of the collection as a whole;
  • distances of horizontal and vertical movement of equipment, taken into account in the norms;
  • clarifications on the procedure for accounting for the costs of work related to the installation of equipment, but not taken into account in the GESNm;
  • the procedure for using HESNm in the event of a change in the conditions for performing installation work;
  • links to the applications available in the collection of GESNm;
  • other necessary data.

GESNm are developed on the basis of the following conditions:

  • the equipment is delivered for installation in good condition, complete, painted, passed the factory unit or general assembly and running, bench and other tests in accordance with the technical specifications for its manufacture and delivery:
  • overall - assembled with a protective coating, on permanent gaskets;
  • oversized - disassembled or as enlarged assemblies (blocks) that do not require fitting operations during installation, with mating flanges on fittings, as well as fasteners (connecting studs, bolts) and anchor bolts;
  • for the installation, there are prepared sites, installation sites or foundations brought to the design marks (with a foundation pit filled around them) or other bases for equipment and subfloors.

GESNm tables are compiled, as a rule, for several standard sizes or types of equipment (works) that have a common or similar name, purpose, composition of installation work, but differ in specific parameters and resource consumption. The designations (codes) of the norms, the names and technical characteristics of the equipment are placed directly above the table of estimated norms. The code of the norm consists of the code of the table with the addition of the ordinal number of the norm in this table (two characters).

In the tables of GESNm, the names and technical characteristics of the equipment contain the main features that characterize the equipment or types of work.
The parameters of individual characteristics (mass, length, capacity, diameter, etc.) given with the word "up to" should be understood inclusively, and with the word "from" - excluding the indicated value, i.e. over.

The scope of work on the installation of equipment, taken into account in the estimated norms, is given in the tables of GESNm (under the name of the table), or in the technical parts and introductory instructions of the collections.

In a short list of the scope of work taken into account by the norms, small and secondary related operations, as a rule, are not mentioned, but are taken into account by the norms.

The estimated norms take into account the consumption of resources for the implementation of a set of works for the installation of equipment established by regulatory and technical documents for the supply and installation of equipment, as well as the relevant chapters of the 3rd part of the SNiP "Organization, production and acceptance of work", including:

  • acceptance of equipment for installation;
  • moving equipment: loading at the on-site warehouse, horizontal movement, unloading, lifting or lowering to the installation site;
  • unpacking of equipment and removal of packaging;
  • cleaning equipment from preservative lubricants and coatings, technical inspection;
  • revision in cases stipulated by the technical specifications or installation instructions certain types equipment (disassembly, degreasing, flushing, parts inspection, lubrication and reassembly). Equipment supplied with the seal of the manufacturer or in a hermetic version with gas filling should not be subject to revision;
  • pre-assembly of equipment supplied as separate assemblies or parts, for installation in the most enlarged blocks within the load capacity of the assembly mechanisms;
  • acceptance and verification of foundations and other foundations for equipment, marking of equipment installation sites, installation of anchor bolts and embedded parts in foundation wells;
  • installation of equipment with alignment and fixing on a foundation or other basis, including the installation of individual mechanisms and devices that are part of the equipment or its complete delivery: fans, pumps, feeders, electric drives (mechanical part), ballasts, metal structures, pipelines, fittings, oil lubrication systems and other devices provided for by the drawings of this equipment;
  • welding work performed during the assembly and installation of equipment, with the preparation of edges for welding;
  • filling with lubricants and other materials of equipment devices;
  • installation quality control, including individual tests (idle, and, if necessary, under load), hydraulic, pneumatic and other types of tests specified in the technical parts or introductory instructions of the collections.

The estimated norms for the installation of equipment, as a rule, do not take into account the costs (consumption of resources) determined by individual collections of GESNm, including for:

  • electrical work - according to the collection No. 8 "Electrical installations";
  • installation of devices and means of automation - according to the collection No. 11 "Devices, means of automation and computer technology";
  • quality control of field welded joints - according to the collection No. 39 "Control of field welded joints", taking into account clause 2.5. these Instructions;
  • horizontal and vertical movement of equipment and materials in excess of the distances taken into account in the GESNm - according to the collection No. 40 "Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of those provided for in the collections of state elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment", taking into account clause 2.4 of these Instructions.

The costs of the listed works are taken into account in the estimated calculations (estimates) additionally as part of the equipment installation work.

The estimated norms do not take into account the costs of certain types of construction work related to the installation of equipment, determined according to the relevant collections of HPES for construction work:

  • installation of technological metal structures that are not included in the equipment supply, including their painting;
  • priming of pipelines and their subsequent painting;
  • painting of overhead crane bridges;
    the necessary color and distinctive coloring of the equipment, as well as explanatory and warning labels;
  • arrangement and dismantling of inventory scaffolding, the need for which is established by the project for the production of works in cases where scaffolding installed for construction and other works cannot be used for the installation of equipment;
  • preparation of equipment for anti-corrosion coatings and work on these coatings;
  • lining equipment with refractory and protective materials;
  • laying furnace furnaces, dryers and their drying;
  • earthworks for digging trenches for cable lines;
  • grouting foundation slabs, pouring foundation bolts and embedded parts in wells.

The costs of these works are taken into account in the estimates (estimates) for the installation of equipment in the "Construction works" section or in a separate estimate.

In the collections of GESNm, the composition of the machines and mechanisms used is given without specific brands (the type and main characteristics of the machine are indicated). When drawing up estimates, the brands of construction machines are accepted on the basis of project documentation: a project for the production of works (PPR) or a construction organization project (POS). At the same time, the norms for the operation time of machines (machine-hours) do not require adjustments.

The norms of machine time for mechanisms with a manual drive (winches, hoists, chain hoists, etc.) take into account the time for their installation, movement and removal.

The time spent on the operation of these mechanisms, taken into account by the overhead rates, is not taken into account by the estimated rates.

The tables of GESNm show the consumption of material resources:

  • the main ones that remain in business (lining and cushioning materials, bolts, nuts, electrodes, metal, etc.);
  • auxiliary, not remaining in business, for the manufacture and installation of devices necessary for the production of installation work (logs, beams, boards, sleepers, etc.), taking into account their turnover;
  • auxiliary, not remaining in use, used for individual testing of installed equipment, drying and other purposes (electricity, gas, steam, water, air, fuel, degreasing agents, washing process pipelines, etc.).

In separate collections of GESNm (No. 6 "Heat power equipment", No. 7 "Compressor installations, pumps and fans", No. 12 "Technological pipelines", etc.), these material resources are not given in tables of estimated norms, but in annexes to the corresponding collections.

In cases where the collection of GESNm takes into account idle testing of equipment, and the project requires testing under load, the necessary additional consumption of energy resources is taken on the basis of calculated data.

The tables of estimated norms do not take into account material resources, the consumption of which depends on design decisions (cable, wires, pipes, metal structures, etc.). The list of these materials, products and structures is given in the technical parts, introductory instructions or annexes to the relevant collections of GESNm.

When compiling the estimate documentation, the consumption of these material resources is determined by design materials - specifications, drawings, etc.

Materials and products for industrial purposes that are not included in the lists given in the technical parts, introductory instructions and annexes to the TESNm collections should be classified as equipment.

The tables of estimated norms also do not provide the consumption of auxiliary non-standardized material resources for the production of installation work (cleaning - rags, ends, paper, etc.; flushing - kerosene, gasoline, lubricating oil, grease, grease, etc.).

The costs of these materials are taken into account in the development of unit prices and in the preparation of estimates using the resource method as a percentage of the estimated cost of materials taken into account by the standards, and are included in the total cost of material resources as part of the estimated direct costs for the installation of equipment.

When developing unit prices, the standard for calculating the cost of auxiliary materials is adopted:

  • for federal unit prices (FERm) - 2%;
  • for territorial unit prices (TERM) - up to 5% in accordance with the decision, adopted body executive power subject of the Russian Federation;
  • for industry unit prices (OERm) - up to 5% in accordance with the decision taken by the ministry, department or other industry structure. When making estimates using the resource method, the cost of auxiliary materials can be accepted in the amount of up to 5% as agreed with the customer.

The tables of estimated norms do not show the consumption of electricity used in the operation of construction machines and mechanisms, which is taken into account as part of the cost of operating machines (in the cost of machine-hours).

The consumption of material resources given in the tables of GESNm is determined on the basis of production norms for the consumption of materials, technological documentation, calculated and other initial data.

Materials, products and designs are presented in the tables of estimated norms according to the generalized nomenclature, as a rule, without indicating brands, types and additional technical characteristics.

When drawing up estimates, it is necessary to accept specific material resources based on project data.

The consumption rates of material resources are averaged and cannot serve as a basis for their write-off.

Determining the cost of moving equipment

The estimated norms take into account the consumption of resources for the horizontal and vertical movement of equipment and material resources necessary for installation, from the on-site warehouse (or on-site workshop) to the installation site at distances given in the technical parts or introductory instructions of the GESNm collections.

The estimated rates, depending on the type of equipment, take into account the movement of:

  • horizontal: at a specific distance indicated in the collection; "to the place of installation";
  • vertical: ±1 m - for equipment that can be installed at different levels - depending on the project;
  • vertical: lifting or lowering to the height indicated in the collection - for equipment installed at certain, always the same marks;
  • vertical: "within any floor";
  • vertical: "to design marks".

In cases where the installation of equipment requires its movement from the on-site warehouse to the installation site at distances smaller than those provided for in the collection, the estimated norms for installation are not adjusted.

Additional accounting in the estimates are subject to costs for:

  • horizontal movement of equipment from the on-site warehouse to the installation site in excess of the distance taken into account in the estimated rate, except for cases when the estimated rate takes into account the movement "to the place of installation", but in total not more than 1500 m, except for linear structures (cableways, etc.);
  • vertical movement (ascent or descent) of equipment to marks above or below those taken into account in the estimated norms, except for cases when the norm takes into account the movement “to the design marks”. In the event that the movement is taken into account “within any floor”, the lifting of the equipment from the zero mark (ground level) to the floor mark of the corresponding floor should be additionally taken into account.

The resource consumption for moving equipment and material resources over distances in excess of those taken into account in the collections of GESNm should be determined according to the Collection of GESNm No. 40 "Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of that provided for in the state elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment."

Additional movement of equipment at a distance of less than 50 m is not taken into account.

For linear structures (ropeways, etc.) with a length of more than 1000 m, the movement of an additional distance should be taken into account on the basis of individual standards.

The costs of moving equipment over distances of more than 1500 m (with the exception of linear structures) are related to transportation costs and are taken into account in the estimated cost of equipment.

Determination of costs for the control of field welded joints

Expenses for the control of field welded joints (including preparation for the control of welded joints and heat-affected zone, control of field welded joints by non-destructive methods, preliminary control of materials and equipment and operational quality control of welded joints) are taken into account in the relevant standards for the collections GESNm-2001-06 "Teplosilovoe equipment”, GESNm-2001-12 “Technological pipelines” and GESN-2001-13 “Nuclear power plant equipment”, which is recorded in the Technical Parts, introductory instructions to departments or sections of collections.

For other types of equipment, the costs of monitoring field welded joints of equipment, pipelines and fittings in the collections of GESNm are not taken into account.

In cases where, in accordance with the design and technical documentation, it is necessary to carry out work, the consumption of resources should be determined in the estimate documentation according to the estimate standards of the Collection of GESNm No. 39 "Control of Field Welded Joints".

Methods and scope of control are adopted on the basis of the current rules, guiding technical materials and instructions for the control of field welded joints, other regulatory and technical documentation.

The costs of control of field welded joints by destructive (laboratory) methods and the production of samples for testing are not additionally taken into account in the estimates (they are provided as part of the overhead costs of contractors).

Determining the cost of installation supervision of equipment

The need for installation supervision is established by the manufacturer for especially complex equipment in order to ensure its correct assembly and normal operation during operation.

Supervised installation is carried out by engineering and technical personnel traveling to the place of equipment installation. The duration of installation supervision and the composition of the team of installation supervision personnel (engineers and technicians) are established by an agreed decision of the customer and the equipment manufacturer or a specialized organization carrying out installation supervision.

When compiling the estimate documentation, the costs of supervised installation are included in the cost of equipment.

Determination of estimated norms for the installation of equipment not provided for in the collections of GESNm

Estimated norms for the installation of equipment, including imported equipment, similar in technical characteristics, terms of delivery and complexity of installation with the equipment provided for in the GESNm collection, but differing from it in mass, should be determined:

  • if the difference in equipment weight (taking into account the mass of electric motors and drives) is not more than 10% of the mass of similar equipment presented in the Collection, according to the estimated norms of the closest similar equipment in terms of mass;
  • with a difference in mass of more than 10% - applying the coefficients given in the table to the estimated norms of the equipment closest in mass.

To take into account the features of equipment installation (MDS 81-37.2004 p.p.4.3.1. Table 2)

Equipment weight change factor Equipment mass change factor Coefficient of change in estimated norms
0,3-0,4 PZ = 0.7 1,21-1,3 PZ = 1.15
0,41-0,5 PZ = 0.75 1,31-1,4 PZ = 1.2
0,51-0,6 PZ = 0.8 1,41-1,5 PZ = 1.25
0,61-0,7 PZ = 0.85 1,51-1,6 PZ = 1.3
0,71-0,8 PZ = 0.9 1,61-1,7 PZ = 1.35
0,81-0,9 PZ = 0.95 1,71-1,8 PZ = 1.4
0,91-1,1 PZ = 1 1,81-1,9 PZ = 1.45
1,11-1,2 PZ = 1.1 1,91-2 PZ = 1.5


  1. The coefficients of change in the norms given in table. 2, apply to the norms of consumption of material resources for individual testing of equipment and other purposes that are not in the tables of GESNm and are given in the annexes to the relevant collections.
  2. If the weight is given with the word “up to” in the technical characteristics of the equipment, the adjustment of the estimated weight norms is allowed only in excess last mass, and if "from" and "to" - beyond the extreme limits.
  3. Adjustment of estimated norms by weight is not made for electrical installations (Collection No. 8), communication equipment (Collection No. 10), instruments, automation and computer equipment (Collection No. 11), as well as for equipment for which the estimated norms in the collection have a meter "T".

In cases where the material from which it is made is not indicated in the technical characteristics of the equipment, it is assumed in the collections that the equipment is made of carbon steel or gray cast iron.

Estimated norms for the installation of equipment made of other materials, coated with special anti-corrosion protection, or with thermal insulation applied, must be determined in accordance with the instructions contained in the relevant collections of GESNm, and in the absence of such instructions, on the basis of individual estimated norms.

Estimated norms for the installation of equipment, technical specifications, the terms of delivery and the method of installation of which differ significantly from those provided for in the collections, the estimated norms for installation should be determined on the basis of individual estimated norms.

Individual estimated standards should be developed in accordance with the Guidelines for the development of state elemental estimated standards for the installation of equipment (MDS 81-26.2001), put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated February 28, 2001 No. 13.

Individual estimated standards for the installation of equipment that meet the necessary methodological requirements are approved by the customer as part of the design and estimate documentation.

Copies of individual cost estimates with supporting materials must be submitted by customers to the Central Research Institute of State Construction of Russia for consideration, systematization and subsequent inclusion as an addition to the collections of GESNm.

For types of equipment for which there are no corresponding collections of GESNm-2001, it is allowed to use collections of resource estimated norms (RSN) for the installation of equipment put into effect by the State Construction Committee of Russia in the period 1993-1995. When using them, correction factors should be applied to the norms of labor costs of assembly workers and machinists and to the norms of the operating time of machines and mechanisms - in accordance with methodological recommendations on the use of differentiated correction factors for the operating time of construction machines and mechanisms and the determination of correction factors for the labor costs of construction workers, put into effect by the letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 10/19/99 No. NZ-3605/10. At the same time, correction factors of a similar purpose to the norms of labor costs and the operating time of machines and mechanisms, given in the last paragraph, should not be applied. technical parts collections of RSN.

The procedure for determining estimated norms for the dismantling of equipment

If there are no instructions in the collections of GESNm on the procedure for determining the estimated norms for the dismantling of the relevant types of equipment, the costs of dismantling should be determined depending on the characteristics of the equipment, the features of its installation, as well as on the further purpose of the dismantled equipment.

For lightweight, large-sized equipment supplied to the construction site in assembled form, during the installation of which there is no welding work, the dismantling costs are determined by applying to the estimated labor costs of workers and the operating time of machines and mechanisms given in the collections of GESNm (the consumption rates of material resources are not taken into account ), average coefficients depending on the purpose of the dismantled equipment:

  • equipment is subject to further use, with removal from the installation site, necessary (partial) disassembly and conservation for the purpose of long-term or short-term storage - 0.7;
  • equipment is subject to further use without the need for storage (moves in the workshop to another installation site, etc.) - 0.6;
  • the equipment is not subject to further use (intended for scrap) with disassembly and cutting into parts - 0.5;
  • the same, without disassembly and cutting - 0.3.

For complex, large-sized and heavy equipment, assembled from separate blocks and assemblies using welding operations, the dismantling costs should be determined on the basis of individual estimated standards.

Individual estimated norms for the dismantling of equipment are developed taking into account rational technologies provided by the project for the production of works (PPR) for the dismantling of equipment. This should take into account:

  • conditions for the performance of dismantling works in existing, as well as partially or completely stopped workshops and industries;
  • the possibility of using existing technological handling machines and mechanisms or the need to use special means of mechanization and special devices;
  • the need to lower or raise equipment during dismantling;
  • ways to move dismantled equipment outside the workshop, etc.

Individual cost estimates developed on the basis of the ENiR and VNiR should take into account the labor costs of workers and drivers, the operating time of the relevant machines and mechanisms, as well as the consumption of material resources necessary for cutting equipment, conservation, etc.

Individual estimated norms are also being developed for new types of equipment that are not in the collections of GESNm. Upon agreement with the customer, individual cost estimates for dismantling can be drawn up for lightweight, overall equipment, supplied assembled.
Individual estimated norms for the dismantling of equipment are approved by the customer as part of the design and estimate documentation.

In some cases, in the absence of the initial data necessary for the preparation of an individual estimated norm, the costs of dismantling complex, large-sized and heavy equipment mounted from separate blocks or assemblies can be determined in agreement with the customer, using average coefficients.

Determining the cost of equipment, furniture and inventory as part of estimates and estimates

When preparing estimates and estimates, it is recommended to separately determine the cost of:

  • equipment intended for production needs;
  • tools and inventory of industrial buildings;
  • equipment and inventory intended for public and administrative buildings.

Estimated calculations and estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures take into account the cost of the equipment provided for by the project (mounted and not requiring installation), designed to ensure the functioning of the enterprise, building and structure and subdivided according to its purpose into:

  • technological, energy, hoisting and transport, pumping and compressor and others;
  • instruments, means of control, automation, communications;
  • engineering equipment of buildings and structures;
  • vehicles, including the rolling stock accepted on the balance of the developer for the carriage of goods on the railway tracks provided for by the project, as well as special railway rolling stock and other types of vehicles for the transport of bulk and non-mass cargo;
  • machines for cleaning workshop areas;
  • fire extinguishing equipment;
  • equipment for computer centers, laboratories, workshops for various purposes, medical offices;
  • equipment for the initial equipping of newly commissioned dormitories, public utilities, education, culture, healthcare, and trade.

In the process of preparing estimate documentation, it is recommended to use the classification of equipment according to its types, functionality, conditions of manufacture and delivery, given in Appendix No. 5 to MDS 81-35.2004, as amended. From 01.06.2012

The indicated prices consist of the purchase price of equipment from a supplier (intermediary organization), transportation costs, intermediary and storage costs, taken in the preparation of construction estimates.

The components of the estimated cost of equipment can be:

  • free (market) purchase price of equipment;
  • cost of spare parts;
  • the cost of containers, packaging and props;
  • transportation costs and services of intermediaries or supply and marketing organizations;
  • assembly costs;
  • procurement and storage costs;
  • other costs related to the cost of equipment.

When equipment is supplied not in assembly, but in bulk, its cost can be reduced, and the cost of installation, respectively, can be increased.

Free (market) prices for the purchase of equipment

The underlying basis for determining the cost of equipment in construction estimates is the prices at which it was purchased from suppliers.

The purchase price of equipment may be determined based on information provided by domestic and foreign equipment suppliers.

It is allowed to determine the cost of equipment at the base price level using wholesale price lists of the corresponding period, and in the absence of wholesale price lists - by selecting an indicator of the cost of analogue equipment with subsequent recalculation of the base cost into the current (forecast) price level according to the corresponding indices of price changes for technological equipment .

It is recommended to index the cost of equipment to the current price level using the appropriate indices. statistical observation reported in due course.

During the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises (workshops), the need for equipment can be met at the expense of dismantled equipment suitable for operation.

Estimated calculations (cost estimates) for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures take into account the estimated cost of the tool provided for by the project or RD, production and household equipment necessary for the initial equipment of buildings and structures of newly built, reconstructed or expanded enterprises.

Funds to cover the cost of tools, fixtures and mechanisms for equipping technological processes and production equipment in the estimate documentation are given in the column of the estimated cost of "equipment, furniture and inventory", and the cost of household equipment - in the column "other costs".

The equipment of public and administrative buildings may include standard sets of technological and laboratory equipment, instruments and apparatus provided for (RD).

The listed buildings include:

  • production inventory, i.e. production items that create conditions for the implementation and facilitation of technological operations (work tables, workbenches, equipment that contributes to the implementation of labor protection measures, cabinets, racks, etc.);
  • household inventory, i.e. office and other furniture and furnishings (tables, chairs, cabinets, hangers, wardrobes, etc.), as well as household and official items and interior decoration, fire fighting equipment, office equipment, etc.

The quantity and composition of production and household equipment are determined by the design data.

Funds to cover the cost of equipment and inventory of public and administrative buildings in the estimate documentation are given in the column of the estimated cost of "equipment, furniture and inventory".

Spare parts cost

The estimated cost of the equipment takes into account the cost of purchasing spare parts that ensure the operation of the equipment during the warranty period. The range and quantity of spare parts are recommended to be determined by the developer of technical documentation for equipment.

Spare parts, as a rule, are included in the equipment delivery set, and their cost is included in the purchase price of the equipment. In the case when spare parts are not included in the equipment delivery set, their cost is taken into account additionally based on the specification for spare parts at contractual prices.

If there are no specifications for spare parts, then the cost of spare parts in estimates can be determined as a percentage of selling prices for equipment in accordance with the standards of the relevant federal executive authorities. In the absence of specific standards, the cost of spare parts can be taken in the amount of up to 2% of the selling prices for equipment.

Cost of containers and packaging

The cost of tare and packaging, if it is not included in the purchase price of equipment, is additionally taken into account in the estimate documentation.

In the absence of specific data on the characteristics of containers and the type of packaging, their cost may be determined as a percentage of the cost of equipment in accordance with the standards of the relevant federal executive authorities.

In the absence of these standards, they are accepted in the following sizes:

  • for large technological equipment - from 0.1 - to 0.5%;
  • for machine tools - up to 1%;
  • for electrical equipment, instrumentation, tools - up to 1.5%.

The cost of transport costs and services of intermediary and marketing organizations

The estimated cost of the equipment takes into account all the costs of its delivery to the on-site warehouse of the enterprise under construction, building, structure or to the installation area.

When calculating the cost of transportation costs, the current tariffs for freight transportation are taken into account various types transport.

The initial data for determining transport costs may include:

  • type of free, included in the purchase price of equipment;
  • the name of the point of departure and destination (railway station, pier, port);
  • the shortest distance, determined according to the reference data and schemes of railways (by river and by sea), from the departure station (pier, port), taking into account the free type accepted in the selling price, to the destination station (pier, port) of the cargo;
  • conditions for the delivery of equipment from the railway station (pier, port) of destination to the on-site warehouse (type of vehicles, the cost of transportation along the construction line or other enterprises, the distance of transportation along the access railway lines and by car);
  • tariff characteristic of the equipment (number of the tariff scheme for wagon shipment in batches, class, variety and group for loading and unloading operations in road transport);
  • other data affecting the cost of transportation of equipment (oversized, etc.).

If it is impossible to determine transportation costs on the basis of costing, these costs can be determined by aggregated indicators.
In aggregated figures, transportation costs are usually given in rubles per 1 ton of equipment or as a percentage of the selling price of equipment for certain construction sites or areas.

In the absence of departmental standards, transportation costs can be taken in the amount of 3 - 6% of the selling price of equipment.

The transportation costs for the transportation of large oversized types of equipment in an unassembled form by water and road transport include the costs of adapting vehicles to the conditions of transportation, arranging special berths, strengthening bridges, straightening roads, moving obstructing buildings, etc.

Fulfillment cost design work on the development of methods for the transportation of unique types of oversized equipment is charged to the cost of the equipment.

Upon receipt of equipment from intermediary organizations, a supply and sales margin is taken into account, which is set as a percentage of the selling price of the enterprise - the manufacturer of equipment in the amount of up to 5%. The specified mark-up, as a rule, includes transportation costs for the delivery of equipment to the consumer's warehouse, intermediary services and other costs.

Equipment set-up costs

The cost of completing equipment can be included in the estimated cost if the equipment is completed by a contractor or other organization on behalf of the customer-builder.

Procurement and storage costs

Procurement and storage costs include costs associated with the placement of purchase orders, acceptance, accounting, storage of equipment in a warehouse, revision and preparation of it for installation, as well as its transfer to installation. They are included in the estimated cost of equipment. The amount of procurement and storage costs may be determined by a separate calculation.

For construction projects financed with the involvement of funds from the state budget of all levels and targeted off-budget funds, the standard for procurement and storage costs is taken at a rate of 1.2% of the cost (estimated cost) of equipment for a free-of-charge warehouse at the current price level.

Other costs attributable to the cost of equipment

In accordance with the technical specifications for the manufacture and supply of equipment, the cost of equipment may include the costs of:

  • acquisition of technological equipment, tools and production equipment for the initial equipment of industrial buildings and structures (if the above is not included in the equipment delivery set);
  • supervised installation carried out by representatives of enterprises - manufacturers of equipment or, on their behalf, by specialized organizations that have a license to perform supervised installation of equipment, control over compliance with the requirements and special conditions in the production of installation work;
  • fine-tuning at the installation site of large metallurgical, coal, mining and other equipment, carried out in the process chain together with other equipment or due to the economic inexpediency of building expensive and rarely used reusable benches and test stations at manufacturing plants;
  • additional manufacturing (refining and pre-assembly) under construction conditions of equipment, usually large-sized and heavy, shipped to the construction site by the manufacturer in the form of separate units and parts (with the exception of additional manufacturing carried out as part of installation work);
  • pre-assembly inspection of the equipment in connection with the violation of the warranty period or the conditions of its storage in the customer's warehouse, organized and paid by the customer at the expense of the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs;
  • design of equipment individually manufactured according to special specifications for which there are no standards and industry norms;
    production of special equipment in individual design, necessary for the installation of large-sized, heavy-weight or technically complex equipment in the production of work.

The cost of installation supervision is determined by the relevant prices or calculation and takes into account all the costs associated with its implementation.

The cost of additional manufacturing and pre-assembly revision of equipment, as well as the design of individual equipment, the manufacture of special equipment for the installation of equipment is determined by the cost estimate.

Determining the cost of tools and inventory of production facilities

Estimated calculations and estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures take into account the cost of the tool provided for by the project or RD, production and household equipment necessary for the initial equipment of buildings and structures of newly built, reconstructed or expanded enterprises.

The estimated cost is determined separately for the tool, production equipment and household equipment based on standard sets of tools, fixtures and equipment for technological processes, production and household equipment and free (selling) prices, taking into account transportation and procurement and storage costs.

Funds to cover the costs of acquiring tools, fixtures and mechanisms for equipping technological processes and production equipment in the estimate documentation are taken into account in the column of the estimated cost "equipment, furniture and inventory", and the cost of household equipment - in the column of the estimated cost "other costs".

Determination of the cost of equipment and inventory of public and administrative facilities

Estimated calculations and estimates for construction take into account the amounts of funds for equipment and inventory necessary for the initial equipment of newly built, as well as expanded buildings for public and administrative purposes.

The estimated cost of equipment and inventory for the initial equipping of newly built, as well as expanded public and administrative facilities is determined on the basis of the current standard sets of equipment and inventory and free (selling) prices, taking into account transportation and procurement and storage costs.

The composition of typical sets of equipment and inventory can be adjusted to meet modern requirements for equipping the relevant buildings and structures and agreed in the prescribed manner.

From the composition of typical sets of equipment, apparatus and instruments, equipment that requires installation is distinguished, and accordingly, in the prescribed manner, the costs of its installation are provided using collections of prices for equipment installation or collections of resource estimated norms for equipment installation.

Typical sets of equipment and inventory, as a rule, do not include:

  • built-in furniture (the cost of installing built-in furniture is recommended to be included in the construction and installation works);
  • expensive items of interior decoration (carpets, paintings, etc.);
  • soft inventory and small household items (tableware, stationery, etc.);
  • special clothing for service personnel, the book fund of newly created libraries, etc.

Funds to cover the cost of equipment and inventory of public and administrative facilities in the estimate documentation are given in the column of the estimated cost of "equipment, furniture and inventory".

When compiling technological maps of installation

V technological maps installation of equipment, the names of the installation processes performed from the moment the equipment is received at the on-site warehouse to its individual testing after installation, the physical volumes of work for the accepted units of measurement for each installation process, the names and consumption of resources and the corresponding justifications (references to paragraphs ENiR, VNiR, TNR, etc.).

When compiling technological maps of installation, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • 1. Resource consumption (labor costs of assembly workers and machinists, time of operation of machines), determined on the basis of local standards, is applied without a correction factor of 0.9.
  • 2. The operating time of mounting machines and mechanisms is taken according to the standards given in the ENiR and VNiR collections. In the absence of these norms, the operating time of machines and mechanisms is calculated by dividing the norm of time according to ENiR or VNiR (excluding the norms of time for operations in which the corresponding machine or mechanism does not participate) by the number of workers in the link.
    • The time of operation of machines and mechanisms established by this method is corrected according to the data of the project for the production of works, taking into account the simultaneous installation of several pieces of equipment on one installation site.
    • Installation flow charts provide for the time for installation, movement and removal of manual mechanisms (winches, hoists, chain hoists, etc.) if the indicated costs are not taken into account by ENiR and VNiR.
    • The time spent on the operation of these mechanisms, taken into account by the overhead rates, is not taken into account in the installation flow charts.
  • 3. The consumption of material resources in the technological maps of installation is accepted according to the approved standards. In the absence of these standards, the consumption of material resources is determined on the basis of projects for the production of work, working drawings or calculated data.
    • The consumption of auxiliary material resources is accepted taking into account their turnover according to the initial conditions.
  • 4. The average category of work is established based on the qualification composition of the link (team) of workers performing a specific type of work, taking into account specific gravity labor costs for each class.
  • 5. Labor costs for small (hard to account) work are accepted in the amount of 5% of labor costs calculated according to the ENiR, VNiR and TNiR.

Classification of equipment used in the preparation of construction estimates

1. Equipment may include:

  • technological lines, machine tools, installations, devices, machines, mechanisms, devices and other devices that perform various technological processes, as a result of which energy is produced, a semi-finished product, a finished product is produced or their movement is provided, as well as their accompanying processes that provide automation of technological process control , communication and control functions;
  • sanitary equipment related to the operation of technological equipment and technological processes;
  • strapping pipelines supplied with the main equipment, pipeline fittings, metal structures, cable lengths with cut ends;
  • the initial fund of tools, technological equipment and inventory necessary for the operation of enterprises, buildings and structures that are being put into operation;
  • spare parts for equipment.

2. According to the functional purpose, when designing an enterprise, building or structure, equipment is divided into mass-produced or individually manufactured main technological and energy equipment with a long manufacturing cycle, as well as engineering (in residential and public buildings) and general-purpose equipment.

The main types of technological and power equipment may include:

  • blast-furnace, steelmaking, rolling, sintering, coke and processing equipment;
  • mine hoisting machines, cone crushers with a cone diameter of 2200 mm or more, large (size 3.2 x 4 m or more) ball and rod mills;
  • metallurgical cranes, as well as overhead electric cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons and more, single-bucket (with a bucket with a capacity of 4 cubic meters or more) excavators, complexes of mining and transport equipment of continuous operation, steam, gas, power and hydraulic turbines and generators for them, steam and hot water boilers for industrial and heating boilers, special equipment for nuclear power plants, power (IV and above dimensions) transformers, stationary belt conveyors (with a belt width of 1600 mm and above), bridge loaders for ore and coal, complete technological lines (installations, aggregates), oil equipment, paper-making equipment, for processing polymer materials, for the manufacture of chemical fibers, for the cement industry;
  • large special compressors and pumps, refrigeration compressor centrifugal superchargers, oxygen plants with a capacity of 1000 cubic meters. m and above, heavy and unique metal-cutting machines;
  • automatic and semi-automatic machine, forging and stamping lines, as well as lines for foundry and woodworking;
  • electrothermal equipment (furnaces) of individual design, electrical machines.

The main types of engineering equipment include:

  • lifting and transport devices (elevators, escalators, conveyors, etc.);
  • power and heat distribution devices, devices for water exchange and air exchange, etc. (power boards and cabinets, power cables, heat control units and thermal curtains, equipment for moving stages, curtains, arenas, canopies for water exchange in pools and pipelines to them, air conditioners, etc.).

3. According to the manufacturing conditions, all used equipment is divided into serial and individual, manufactured in factory or construction conditions.

Serial equipment includes equipment manufactured by the industry (or subject to production) in small, medium or large batches according to the current design documentation, norms, standards, technical specifications.
Individual equipment includes equipment manufactured on a one-time basis, according to special specifications, used only by virtue of special technical solutions in a construction project, as well as equipment that deviates from the normalized standard sizes provided for by standards or specifications, manufactured at the special request of the customer, according to single orders.

4. Delivery of equipment is carried out in accordance with the established requirements in a complete set, when all the necessary parts and details of this equipment are supplied to the construction site, ensuring its normal operation.

The exception is cases when the delivery of this equipment without separate components is provided.

According to the terms of transportation, the equipment is divided into:

  • overall, the dimensions of which are less than the limiting external outlines that determine the possibility of transportation along railway, and the mass is less than the limiting mass, determined in the prescribed manner;
  • oversized, the dimensions or weight of which is greater than established norms, even if it can be transported water transport or road transport without disassembly.

The equipment is supplied as a rule:

  • dimensional - in assembled form, after passing the tests provided for by standards or technical conditions at the factory, with the necessary protective coating (lead plating, gumming, etc.);
  • oversized - the most enlarged nodes (blocks), after passing the control assembly at the manufacturer, and in necessary conditions- run-in, bench and other tests in accordance with the technical specifications for its manufacture and supply.

5. The cost of certain types of equipment and machinery, which are mobile transport units not related to production technology, is not taken into account in construction estimates. These include:

  • by industry" Railway transport": rolling stock (locomotives, wagons of all modifications), including wagons for subways under construction and existing ones, containers, railway cranes, mobile traction substations and repair units, track machines and mechanisms;
  • on branch "Air transport": planes, helicopters, engines to them, aviation equipment of civil air fleet;
  • by branches "Sea transport" and "River transport": sea and river vessels of all types, containers, ferries, floating docks and cranes, dredgers and dredgers, lifeboats and boats, rigging, electrical navigation equipment (ERNO);
  • for the Glavgidrometsluzhba branch: special vessels and other vehicles of the hydrometeorological service;
  • in the industry "Motor transport": freight and cars, buses, trailers, rolling stock for joint railway-automobile enterprises, road facilities vehicles;
  • in the "Fishing industry" branch: ships and containers of the fishing industry fleet;
  • for the Utilities sector: trams, buses, trolleybuses, machines for cleaning and watering streets, as well as other utility vehicles;
  • in the branch "Construction": construction machines, mechanisms and vehicles of construction and assembly organizations;
  • for the "Agriculture" industry, as well as for agricultural enterprises and organizations that are part of other industries: tractors, combines and other sowing, soil-cultivating and harvesting machines, vehicles of agricultural enterprises and organizations;
  • in the field of "Communication": motor vehicles and other vehicles for the transport of mail, postal railway cars;
  • in all industries: power trains, mobile diesel power plants;
  • drilling equipment (including drilling rigs), geophysical equipment and equipment of drilling, exploration and survey organizations.

Terms and their definitions used in the guidelines for the application of state elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment (GESNm-2001)

Guarantee period - the period during which the supplier of the equipment guarantees the good quality of the supplied products with proper storage and operation in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and is obliged to eliminate the identified defects or replace the products free of charge, except in cases where the defects were formed not through his fault.

Hydraulic test - testing of steam-water fittings, pipelines, tanks, equipment, equipment or its individual parts by filling them with liquid (water, anti-freeze mixture, etc.) with the subsequent creation of a test pressure exceeding the working pressure in the sizes provided for in the relevant chapters of the 3rd part of SNiP and THAT.

Dismantling - dismantling of equipment with its removal from the installation site and, if necessary, conservation in order to move it to another installation site or replace it with new equipment during the period of reconstruction, expansion or technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures.
Dismantling of equipment with or without removal from the installation site for repair (correction or replacement of worn parts) does not apply to the dismantling of equipment.
The scope of work on the dismantling of equipment depends on the further purpose of the dismantled equipment. Dismantling of equipment intended for further use may include complete or partial dismantling of equipment and conservation of its components or parts in case of expected long-term or short-term storage. Dismantling of equipment that is not subject to further use due to its unusability (intended for scrap) includes, as a rule, work, as a result of which it must be destroyed.

Equipment finishing - improvement of performance indicators with the elimination of design flaws, minor defects, imperfections and bringing to design capacity, carried out in conditions close to operational, in operating modes, at the stands of manufacturers in accordance with the technical specifications for manufacturing.
If it is impossible for the manufacturer to ensure the finishing of the equipment in conditions close to operational, the finishing can be transferred directly to the operating conditions.

Equipment conservation - preparation of equipment with measures to protect it from corrosion (coating with anti-corrosion lubricants) and damage (wrapping and packaging) for long-term storage warehouses and construction sites.

Mounting (working) area - a site where work is underway to install the equipment in the design position, within which the “Uniform Norms and Prices” (ENiR) takes into account the movement (lifting, lifting and lowering) of the equipment being installed, installation materials and fixtures. The dimensions of the radius of the installation area are specified in the relevant ENiR and, as a rule, do not exceed 25 m from the dimensions of the equipment.

Installation work - the main work on the assembly and installation in the design position of machines, units, devices and other equipment with fixing it, attaching various communications to it, supplying raw materials, water, steam, electricity, finished products, means of control and management.

Accessories - supplied separately or together with the main unit of equipment, auxiliary units, assemblies and mechanisms mounted on the main equipment or next to it, without which it is impossible to use the equipment for its intended purpose.

Installed (requiring installation) equipment - equipment that can be put into operation only after the assembly of its individual components and parts, installation on foundations or supports, attachment to the floor, interfloor ceilings and other load-bearing structures of buildings and structures.
Non-mountable equipment is equipment that does not require pre-assembly, installation and fixing on foundations or supports (cars, tractors, cars, etc.) for commissioning.

Non-standardized equipment - equipment for which there are no state and industry standards, specifications and manufactured individually according to the drawings of design organizations.

Non-standard (non-standard) equipment - equipment manufactured by the industry in series, but ordered according to special specifications with a partial change in characteristics, with special components, with a change in structural materials or designs of individual parts, the possibility of manufacturing and supply of which requires prior agreement with the manufacturers.

Overall equipment - equipment, the dimensions of which are smaller than the maximum external outlines that determine the possibility of transportation by rail, and the mass is less than the maximum mass established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia.

Oversized equipment (oversized) - equipment, the dimensions or mass of which are greater than the norms established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, even if it can be transported by water or road transport without disassembly.

Equipment delivered disassembled - equipment supplied in the most enlarged units, packed in several places, the assembly of which is carried out during installation at the place of its installation.

Equipment delivered assembled- equipment supplied in a fully finished form, packed (or unpacked) in one place; installation of which consists in installation with fixing on supporting structures and testing.

Piping piping - pipelines mounted on equipment for connecting individual devices, machine assemblies and assemblies to each other.

Degreasing - cleaning of oil with special compositions of oxygen and other equipment (devices, tanks, oxygen pipelines, compressors, pumps, etc.) in order to prevent explosions from the combination of oxygen with oil, accidents during work on chemical protection of equipment, etc.

Pre-installation revision of equipment - revision of equipment stored in warehouses for a long time (in excess of the warranty period) to bring it into a usable condition. The revision of equipment, provided for by the technical specifications or instructions for the installation of certain types of equipment, is an integral part of the installation technology.

Onsite warehouse - a place for storing equipment and materials intended for one specific construction object; provided for by the approved construction organization project (COS), to which the transportation costs for the transportation of equipment and materials from the manufacturer or supplier are calculated. Further transport from the on-site warehouse to the installation site is taken into account by the standards for equipment installation.

Technological metal structures - rolled metal products that have a technological purpose, but are not involved in technological processes.

Technological equipment - machines, devices and installations that produce industrial products and carry out automatic control technological processes.

Process pipelines - pipelines intended for transportation within industrial enterprise or a group of these enterprises of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, auxiliary materials, providing technological process and operation of equipment (steam, water, air, gases, refrigerants, fuel oil, lubricants, emulsions, etc.), production wastes with aggressive effluents, as well as circulating water supply pipelines.

  • pipe blanks - conditional names in the manufacture of nodes and other elements of pipelines at manufacturing enterprises, production bases and pipe workshops:
  • detail - an elementary part of the pipeline that does not have a connection (a pipe section, a tee, a branch, a flange, etc.), or individual products included in the pipeline design (hardware, compensators, hangers, supports, brackets, steam-water fittings, etc.);
  • pipe element - a part of a pipe assembly consisting of two or three parts connected by welding or threading (a pipe with a flange, a pipe with a branch, a pipe with a tee, a branch with a flange. a tee with a valve, a branch with a valve, a branch with a transition, a pipe with two flanges , a pipe with a flange and a branch, etc.);
  • pipeline assembly - limited by transport dimensions, part of the pipeline line, consisting of several elements and fittings, assembled on detachable or permanent connections, which, in size and configuration, can be installed in the design position;
  • pipeline section - a rectilinear assembly unit, consisting of several labors of the same diameter, limited by transport dimensions;
  • pipe block - several nodes and elements of the pipeline, enlarged before installation on the installation site;
  • pipeline line - a section of the pipeline connecting devices and installations, workshops and facilities.

installation supervision - technical guidance and supervision of representatives of equipment manufacturers (or employees of specialized organizations licensed for this species works and performing installation supervision on behalf of the equipment manufacturer) for compliance with technical requirements and special conditions for the installation of complex equipment.

Reference literature

  • MDS 81-27.2001;
  • MDS 81-26.2001;
  • MDS 81-35.2004;
  • SP 81-01-94;
  • GESNm-2001.