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Morozov documentation of management activities Textbook. V.A. Tsygankov, N.S. Morozova documentation of management activities Textbook Distribution of study time by sections and topics

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Koroleva T.A. Documentation management activities. Educational

allowance. – St. Petersburg: ed. SPbSUKiT, 2013. – 94 p.

Mastering this discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and

skills in working with organizational, administrative and information reference documentation regulating the activities of officials of the organization, functions and processes of personnel management of the organization. For students of the Faculty of Mass Communications studying in specialty 031600 “Advertising and Public Relations”, as well as students of the Faculty of Management studying in specialty 080500 “Management” and 080100 “Economics”.

In addition, the textbook may be useful for students of other faculties when studying the disciplines “Office Management and Correspondence”, “Management Information Technologies”, “Business Culture”, etc.

Reviewer: Head of the Department of Information Management and accounting, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Yu. Smirnov.

© SPbSUKiT, INTRODUCTION Documentation of the activities of organizations of any form of ownership is regulated by legislative and regulatory acts. Requirements for the design and preparation of documents are constantly growing.

Control modern organizations faces not only the numerous types and varieties of documents, the complexity of their composition, the requirements for giving documents legal force, for storing and archiving documents, but also with the need to constantly update the knowledge of employees in the field of office work in accordance with constantly updated legislative and regulatory acts.

Under the influence of economic factors, the legal significance of documents increases, which makes it urgent to revise approaches to document management. The development and implementation of documentation support for management as an effective system solves the issues of enterprise success in its own market segment, contributes to the efficiency and quality of organization management.

Documentation is the recording of information on various media according to established rules. Article 11 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149 Federal Law “On Information, information technology and information protection"

establishes that “in federal executive authorities, documentation of information is carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Rules for office work and document flow established by others government agencies, local government bodies within their competence, must comply with the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation in terms of office work and document flow for federal executive authorities.”

Documents are the basis for acceptance management decisions, serve as evidence of their execution and a source for generalization and analysis, material for reference and search work. In management activities, a document acts both as an object of labor and as a result of labor.

Office work is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

Modern office work is not a set of technical operations performed with documents, but a system information support management activities.

Recently, “documentation support for management” (DOU) has become synonymous with the term “office work”. The appearance of this term is associated with the awareness of changes occurring in office work and, above all, in connection with the use of automated information technologies in management systems.

1. HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN ACCEPTANCE The practice of documenting management actions dates back to ancient times. Data obtained by archaeologists and linguists, as well as written documents, show that already in the 10th century. In the Old Russian state there was a culture of writing documents. An example is the treaties with Byzantium in 911 and 945, which, in addition, mention the practice of drawing up other documents - written wills and travel documents for merchant ships.

Already during the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in Kyiv - the capital of the Old Russian state (978 - 1015) - there was educational institution for children of boyars and senior warriors. From the graduates of this school, applicants were selected for the positions of “printers” - custodians of the princely seal, as well as judicial secretaries, scribes and clerks for princes and other large feudal lords.

Since the 14th century the term “deacon” was assigned to all persons conducting office work.

Almost until the end of the 14th century. The main material for writing in Rus' was parchment (specially prepared calf, lamb or goat skin), called “charter” or simply “veal” in documents. The oldest form of document was a charter - a separate sheet of parchment about 15 cm wide. The dimensions of the document could be different by gluing the following sheets. Documents that had lost their value were cleaned off, and expensive material was used again.

Documents were kept in treasuries along with jewelry, as well as in churches and monasteries. These were, as a rule, central city churches dedicated to saints chosen as the patrons of a given city. Often the very storage in the temple gave the document legal force. For example, in Pskov, written documents were kept at the Trinity Cathedral in chests.

State or church acts that were approved at the veche were placed in the “Chest of the Holy Trinity,” thereby giving them legal force.

Gostiny dvors and monasteries were also centers for maintaining documentation and storing it, since the church had broad legal competence. The monastery itself is quite large economic enterprise documented his judicial and economic activities, sometimes using free space in spiritual books for this.

In those days, there were a large number of documents - charters, deposits, deeds of sale: loans, bonded mortgages, recording the loan of money, hagiographic records - for the urgent hiring of workers;

full certificates - when sold into slavery;

leave certificates, etc. However, the office management system has not yet developed.

The system of state office work began to take shape in the mid-15th century. during the formation of the Russian centralized state. The Moscow Grand Dukes managed to create a strong centralized management system, in which the most important administrative functions were performed by the Boyar Duma and the orders (places with a permanent staff of people involved in office work). The origin of orders is connected with the practice of personal instructions (orders) of the Grand Duke to his immediate circle - princes and boyars to resolve certain issues government controlled. That is why the period from the XV to the XVII centuries. it is customary to call the order period - after the name of the first government agencies- orders.

During this period, some of the orders were bodies territorial administration, and some were in charge of individual industries. At the head of the order was an order judge, appointed from the Duma ranks. He was in charge of clerks from one to ten. The clerks were in charge of clerks, who, in accordance with their work experience, were divided into “senior”, “middle” and “young”

(younger ones). In large orders, clerks were united into “tables” - structural divisions on a territorial basis. Administrative activities belonged to the clerks, clerks and clerks were engaged in organizing and maintaining records. To enforce decisions, there were special positions - interpreters, pipe-makers, etc. They delivered correspondence of orders according to their belonging, summoned litigants to court, etc.

Locally, the orders were voivodes, who governed the territory and carried out the instructions of the central authorities. The governors had their own office - the official hut and assistants - “lesser” governors and clerks. The official hut was divided into tables.

In the 15th century expensive parchment was replaced by paper, originally imported from Western European countries, and from the second half of the 15th century. - domestic. In those days, paper was made from rags, and ink was made from iron salts and tannins extracted from ink nuts - growths on oak leaves.

This text has hardly faded, which is why archival documents from that time are still quite readable.

The type of documents in writ proceedings was small:

letters - royal decrees sent from orders to places, orders from the king to governors and other local commanders, formal replies and reports received by orders from governors, memories - letters between orders, petitions - appeals of citizens to the central government.

In writ documents, most of the details have not yet been separated from the text, i.e. the address, addressee, date, author’s designation and the actual content of the document constituted one continuous text. As a rule, the document began with the address, date and designation of the author and addressee, and then the essence of the issue was stated. The final part indicated the date and place where the document was written.

In 1720, Peter I approved the General Regulations, which became the legislative basis for the reform of office management. This document introduced a “collegiate” system of office work, taking its name from a new type of institution - collegiums. The boards included: president, vice-president, advisers and assessors. Decisions in these institutions were made predominantly collegially, to which Peter I attached special importance, noting that “all the best arrangements happen through councils.”

This legislative act separates the duties of the presence as a decision-making body from the office work, which is concentrated in the office headed by the secretary. Under the leadership of the secretary worked: a notary, an actuary, a registrar, clerks, copyists, translators, interpreters (for interpretation) and a sergeant (a guard for security).

The notary kept minutes of meetings and a register of unresolved cases, the actuary was responsible for the safety of documents and prepared office supplies, the registrar performed a new function for office work - he registered all incoming and outgoing documents in special books.

Each board had a prosecutor who monitored the legality and procedure for resolving cases. A serious innovation was the introduction of the signature of the head of the office among the members of the board on the document that they discussed. Solved cases were handed over to the archive, headed by an archivist.

A large number of new documents, positions and terms that define them have emerged in the collegiate office management system. From there the concepts of “decree”, “regulations”, “resolution”, “instruction”, etc. came to us.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century. a new reform took place in the system of public administration and office work. Instead of collegiums, new ministry institutions appeared, led by ministers on the principles of unity of command.

Ministries were divided into departments, and those, in turn, into tables.

The legislative act defining the entire system of ministerial structure and office work was the “General Establishment of Ministries”. The very concept of office work at that time denoted the activities of not only the office, but also the entire institution, and by “case” was meant not a folder with documents, as in modern office work, but the issue being resolved; to denote a concept similar to modern office work, there was the term “writing” .

Authors " General establishment ministries" clearly separated two aspects of office work: the forms of documents and the order of their movement, the basis of which is the procedure adopted in the institution for considering issues or, in modern terminology, the process of making management decisions.

During the period of ministerial office work, the form of documents also changed - forms with corner details appeared. Forms were printed or written by hand. The set and arrangement of details differs practically little from the modern form. A large amount of specialized literature appears, including theoretical literature, in which the classification of documents is formulated for the first time. Special letter books are regularly published - collections of sample documents intended both for officials and for private individuals who have to contact government agencies.

At the end of the nineteenth century. first in the military department, and then in civilian ministries, typewriters began to be used, which led to the acceleration of the work of the office and made it possible to make several copies of a document at once. In addition, typewritten text has become more compact, resulting in a reduction in the volume of documents. Appearance typewriters was a truly technical revolution in office work and is comparable only, perhaps, with the advent of the computer.

The October Revolution of 1917, aimed at radically demolishing the old state apparatus and involving the broad working masses in its activities, radically changed the state apparatus in form.

For direct control The country created the first Soviet government - the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom), and to manage individual industries - 13 people's commissariats (People's Commissariats).

To legislatively formalize the activities of power structures and streamline documenting processes, on October 30, 1917, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree “On the procedure for approving and publishing laws,” and on March 2, 1918. Resolution “On the form of forms of state institutions”. During development new technology management used the work experience of their predecessors, for example, a similar document from the military department of 1911 was taken as the basis for the “Regulations on Writing and Office Work.” Much attention was paid to simplifying and rationalizing office work.

In the 1920s, research was organized in the field of management, scientific organization of labor and office work, and the most important regulatory documents in the field of documentation support for management were published.

Organizational and scientific activities on optimization in the field of management were consolidated by regulatory documents and the creation of a whole network of public organizations, institutes and laboratories dealing with issues of scientific organization of labor and office work. To coordinate work throughout the country, the Council for the Scientific Organization of Labor, Production and Management was formed in 1923, and in 1926, the State Institute of Management Technology (ITU).

ITU has prepared a draft “General Rules for Documentation and Document Flow”, which uses the results of the latest foreign and domestic developments in this area.

In the 1930s, a rigid centralized administrative-command management system was formed and strengthened, excluding the possibility of alternative approaches to the office management system. As a result, almost all major research centers that dealt with issues of scientific organization of labor and office work are being liquidated. At the same time, maximum efforts are aimed at enslaving the country's population through legal methods, for which the system of recording Soviet citizens is being improved.

In some large departments, work was carried out to improve the system of accounting and personnel documentation, and some success was achieved. However, on a national scale, there was inconsistency in the field of management and office work.

To overcome this shortcoming, radical measures were needed, which were supposed to be taken based on the results of the 1941

intersectoral meeting on office equipment. The program adopted at this meeting contained issues of creating an organizational and methodological center, developing a regulatory framework, mechanizing labor in office work, etc.

The practical implementation of this program was prevented by the Great Patriotic War, and then years of restoration of the destroyed national economy.

A renewed increase in interest in issues of documentation support for management was observed in the 1960s. Since 1958, the Main Archive Directorate under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (GAU) became competent to control the production of the documentary part of the records management of enterprises and organizations, and in 1966, within the framework of the Archive Service, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Document Management and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD) was created.

This organization, together with other departmental institutions, developed the Unified State Documentation System (USDS), in which its authors summarized the best practices of their time and proposed the optimal technology for performing management operations and documenting them.

The new edition of this document is called the State Documentation Management System (GS DOU) and fills the gaps in the Unified State Database in terms of new information technologies. This document was approved by the head of the Main Archival Department in 1988. In the 1970-1980s, GOST standards for management documents (GOST 6.38-72, etc.), all-Union classifiers (OKUD, OKPO, OKONKH, etc.), unified documentation systems ( USD) and a series of state standards for these unified systems.

In 1993, the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation was published, in 1997 - the new GOST R 6.30-97 (Requirements for document preparation), in 1998 - GOST R 51141-98 (Office work and archiving.

Terms and Definitions). The latest regulatory documents reflect changes in documentation and document flow, which were the result of changes in social relations and the emergence of new forms of ownership. In 2000, changes were made to GOST R 6.30-97, and in 2003 it was replaced by a new one - GOST R 6.30-2003.

Computer programs for preparing documents that have become widespread usually include sets of document templates adapted into Russian. Unfortunately, these templates completely ignore domestic regulations and traditions in the field of creation and execution of documents.

2. LEGISLATION REQUIREMENTS IN THE FIELD OF DOCUMENTATION The regulatory and methodological base of office work is a set of laws, regulations and methodological documents regulating the technology of creation, processing, storage and use of documents in the current activities of the institution, as well as regulating the work of the office work service - its structure, functions , staffing, technical support and some other aspects.

The general principles of organizing documentation support for the activities of individuals (citizens) and legal entities are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the types of documents used during creation, registration and liquidation legal entity, determines the types and form of contracts, etc.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating labor Relations, establishes the types and content of employment contracts, the nomenclature and procedure for processing documents for the hiring, dismissal, transfer, and advanced training of employees of the organization.

The fundamental act in working with documents is the federal law“On information, information technologies and information protection” dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ, which establishes legal regime creation, storage and use of information resources. The law establishes the procedure for documenting information, ownership of individual documents and arrays of documents in information systems, categories of information according to the level of access to it, the procedure for legal protection of information.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” dated November 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ is closely related to the previous law. The law regulates the processes of formation, organization of storage, accounting, use of archives, as well as liability for violation of the law.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On State Secrets” dated July 21, 1993 No. 5485 (with amendments and additions dated November 8, 2011 No. 309-FZ) regulates relations arising in connection with the classification of information as state secrets, their declassification and protection in the interests of security security concerns of the Russian Federation.

The grounds for classifying information as confidential are contained in Art. 139 Civil Code Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation): “Information constitutes an official or commercial secret in the case when the information has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknown to third parties, there is no free access to it on a legal basis and the owner of the information takes measures to protect its confidentiality.”

No. 5154-1 sets legal basis standardization in the Russian Federation, mandatory for all government bodies, enterprises and entrepreneurs, public associations. The law establishes the procedure for carrying out standardization work, the types of standardization documents and their application, the exercise of state control over compliance with state standards and liability for violation of the provisions of the law.

The law entrusted the Russian Federation Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Gosstandart of Russia) with the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of standardization.

The Federal Law “On Participation in International Information Exchange” dated July 4, 1996 No. 85-FZ is aimed at creating conditions for Russia’s effective participation in international information exchange within the framework of a single world information space. The law establishes ownership of information products, restrictions on international information exchange (export restrictions), the use of means of international information exchange (protection of confidential information) and other issues of international information exchange.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Electronic Digital Signature” dated January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ defines the basic concepts in the field electronic document management and requirements for a legally significant electronic document.

The basic concepts, principles and basic rules of record keeping are set out in State Standards.

There is an independent set of standards for unified documentation systems and the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical and Economic Information GOST 6.01.1-87. one system classification and coding of technical and economic information.

GOST 6.10.3-83. Unified documentation systems. Recording information from unified documents in a communicative format.

GOST 6.10.4-84. Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions.

GOST 6.10.5-87. Unified documentation systems. Requirements for creating a sample form.

GOST 6.10.6-87. Unified system of foreign trade documentation.

Sample form.

GOST 6.10.7-90. Unified system of foreign trade documentation. Check.

GOST 7.32-91 (2000). System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Research report. Structure and design rules.

GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions.

In order to reduce the number of documents, reduce labor and time costs for their preparation for processing, and achieve information compatibility of automated databases, unified documentation systems (UDS) are being created - a set of interconnected unified forms of documents that provide documented representation of data in certain types of economic activities, means of their management, normative and methodological materials for their development and application.

Currently there are eight USD in operation:

unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;

unified system of banking documentation;

unified system of financial, accounting and reporting documentation budgetary institutions and organizations;

unified system of reporting and statistical documentation;

unified system of accounting and reporting accounting documentation of enterprises;

unified labor documentation system;

unified documentation system Pension Fund Russian Federation;

unified system of foreign trade documentation.

At the same time, classifiers of technical, economic and social information, providing automated processing of data contained in the USD. Classifiers of technical, economic and social information are normative documents containing a systematic set of names of objects presented as classification groups and codes assigned to them.

Currently there are 37 all-Russian and all-Union classifiers that continue to operate. Depending on the area of ​​application, classifiers are divided into all-Russian, industry and enterprise classifiers.

In terms of content, classifiers are divided into three groups:

1. Classifiers of information about management documents, tasks solved in automated systems management, types of activities, economic and social indicators - All-Russian Classifier of Standards (OKS), All-Russian Classifier of Currencies (OKV), All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD), etc.

2. Classifier of information about organizational structures All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO), All-Russian Classifier of Sectors of the National Economy (OKONKH), All-Russian Classifier of Bodies state power and management (OKOGU), etc.

3. Classifiers of information about the population and personnel - All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO), All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and tariff categories(OKPDTR), etc.

For example, OKUD contains information about unified documentation systems and forms of documents permitted for use. The code consists of seven digits and is entered in accordance with GOST R 6.30- “Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents” in unified document forms.

The most complete intersectoral document on the organization of documentation support for management is published in 1990.

State system documentation support for management - GSDOU.

GSDO is a set of principles and rules that establish uniform requirements for documenting management activities and organizing work with documents in government bodies, enterprises (associations), institutions and public organizations.

The provisions of the State Budgetary Educational Institution are being introduced into the practice of documentation support through the development industry standards, instructions from ministries and departments on office work, various instructions.

An example of such documents is the instruction put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 N 536 “On the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 27, 2006 N 7418) /6/, as well as instructions for office management, developed directly in the organization.

Specific operations of office work technology and methods of organizing the documentation support service of management (DOU) are regulated by the working documents of the organization - an order on the organization of office work, an order on classifying information as confidential, instructions on office work, job descriptions, etc.

2. DOCUMENT 3.1. DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS Documents are sources and carriers of information. They serve as the basis for decision-making, reference and information work, having legal force, and are evidence. History considers the document as historical source. In management activities, a document is the subject of labor and the result of labor.

The word "document" comes from the Latin "documentum" proof. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a document was considered as “a business paper that serves as evidence of something, confirming the right to something” /16/. Currently, a document is considered primarily as a carrier of information. According to the Oxford Dictionary, “a document is a text or image that has informational value,” and according to GOST R 51141-98, “a document is information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified” /7/.

The document can be received different ways: through writing, drawing, graphics, photography, sound or video recording. Having recorded (displayed) information, he thereby ensures its preservation and accumulation, the possibility of transferring it to another person, repeated use, and return to information over time.

Correct decision-making requires complete, prompt and reliable information. This General requirements to the document as a source of information.

The completeness of information is characterized by its volume, which should be sufficient to make a decision.

Information must be prompt, i.e. such that during its transmission and processing the state of affairs does not change.

The reliability of information is determined by the degree to which its content corresponds to the objective state of affairs.

In addition, on workplace For a manager or performer, information must be provided in a form that facilitates its perception and processing. IN large companies information received by the manager, as a rule, the most important and urgent, is presented in a condensed form.

Each document should be judged primarily on the information it contains. The Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” determines that “documentation of information is a mandatory condition for including information in information resources.

Documentation of information is carried out in the manner established by government bodies responsible for organizing office work and standardizing documents...”

It is the documents, i.e. Information recorded on a tangible medium that has legal force serves as the main evidence of a particular fact when resolving economic disputes with business partners in an arbitration court or labor conflicts with enterprise employees in a people's court.

In order for a document to have legal force, it must meet the following requirements:

Do not contradict the laws of the state;

Be within the powers of the authority that issued it;

The form of the document must comply with state standards.

How many losses do enterprises incur due to accidentally or intentionally incorrectly drawn up documents? Disorder in storing documents can result in the risk of losing valuable information, which can negatively affect the activities of the enterprise.

Errors in maintaining personnel documentation that records the employee’s labor relations with the enterprise and confirms his salary and length of service are a violation of the requirements Labor Code Russian Federation and can cause material losses for employees (for example, in case of incorrect calculation of pensions) or the enterprise itself when a court decides to compensate the employee for damages from unfair, in his opinion, dismissal.

Thus, knowledge modern rules paperwork and organization of office work will help you work without external (with government agencies and partners) and internal (with subordinates) conflicts, focusing on solving problems of production and economic activities.

3.2. CLASSIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS According to GSDO, documents are classified according to a number of criteria.

1) According to the method of recording information, documents are divided into written, graphic, photo, film, video, and acoustic documents.

Written (or handwritten-printed) include all documents created by handwriting or typewriting, as well as those produced on a computer, duplicating machines, and printing.

Graphic documents include drawings, graphs, maps, drawings, diagrams, plans. Photo, film and video documents are recorded using special equipment on special media. They allow you to capture objects and phenomena that are difficult or impossible to capture by other means.

Acoustic documents make it possible to accurately record and transmit audio information; they are widely used in the work of a secretary when recording meetings, conferences, meetings, etc.

H) A large number of documents are distinguished by name. These are orders, regulations, protocols, instructions, instructions, letters, statements, etc.

4) By type of documents there are standard, approximate, individual and stencil.

Standard documents are developed in advance by higher authorities for subordinate organizations with homogeneous functions and are mandatory.

Sample documents are also developed by higher authorities for organizations in their system, but are of an approximate, recommendatory nature.

Individual documents are developed by specific organizations for internal use.

Screen documents are produced using a printing method, with a permanent part of the text of the document printed on printing machines, and free spaces are left for variable information. Such documents save time on their preparation and increase the general culture and literacy of documents.

5) According to the degree of complexity, a distinction is made between simple documents containing one question and complex ones containing several questions. Simple documents are preferable, as they are easier to process, control execution, search, and store.

6) Based on the place of preparation, documents are classified into internal and external. Internal - documents drawn up to solve their internal problems and do not go beyond the organization. External - incoming and outgoing correspondence of the enterprise.

7) According to the deadlines for execution, documents are divided into urgent and non-urgent. An indicator of this characteristic is the deadline for the execution of the document, which is established by law and the relevant legal acts, as well as telegrams, telephone messages, documents marked “urgent”. All other documents are executed within the deadlines established by the administration and are considered non-urgent.

8) By origin, documents can be official and officially personal (registered). The first group includes those created in institutions, organizations and enterprises on issues of their activities, the second group concerns specific individuals, i.e. registered (statements, letters, complaints, etc.) 9) According to the degree of publicity, ordinary, secret documents and for official use (DSP) are distinguished. On secret documents and DSP documents are stamped to restrict access to the document. The stamp means that a strictly defined circle of people can familiarize themselves with this document. For the disclosure of information from documents classified as secret, as well as for their loss, the perpetrators are held accountable.

10) According to their legal force, they distinguish between genuine and forged documents.

Documents are considered authentic if they are issued in accordance with the procedure established by law in compliance with all rules; forged are documents whose design or content does not correspond to the truth.

Authentic documents are in turn divided into valid and invalid. A document becomes invalid if it has lost its legal force for any reason (for example, the expiration of a power of attorney).

11) According to their purpose (stages of creation), documents are divided into originals (originals) and copies.

An original is an original document containing original information and properly executed. As a rule, the creation of a document is preceded by a draft stage - a document in a preliminary edition.

A copy is an exact reproduction of the details of the original, in the right corner of the upper field of which the word “copy” is affixed. The copy has no legal force. To give the copy legal force, it is certified accordingly. It is necessary to distinguish between such types of copies as extract and duplicate. An extract from a document is a copy of part of a document, and a duplicate is a second copy of a document issued due to the loss, for example, of the original. The duplicate and the original have the same legal force.

12) Based on storage periods, documents are divided into three main groups: permanent storage, temporary storage period over 10 years and temporary storage period up to 10 years.

At different enterprises and institutions, the composition and number of documents created are not the same and are determined by:

The range of issues resolved in the process of activity;

The scope and nature of competence;

The procedure for resolving issues (based on unity of command or collegiality);

The volume and nature of relationships with other entities.

The relationships between divisions of an enterprise and individual enterprises and organizations are stable and regulated by various legal norms, as a result of which all information flows have a stable “programmed” character.

A consequence of the stability of the organization’s functions is the thematic limitation of the tasks it solves. These functions can be described, classified, and regulated. Thus, the range of issues on which management documents are created is quite stable, reflecting the functional activities of the organization.

Let's consider the influence of an enterprise's information connections on the volume and range of its documentation. Figure 1 shows a simplified structure commercial enterprise and its internal and external information links.

Enterprises suppliers Board of founders Enterprises co-executors Board of founders General Enterprises General director Secretary buyers director Tax Production Accounting inspection department Accounting department Production Banking personnel department Government institutions Fig. 1. Simplified structure of the enterprise and its information links The collegial activities of the board of directors (founders) are recorded in the minutes, the administrative activities of the director are recorded in orders and instructions on the main activities and personnel. In addition, the management of the enterprise plans financial and economic activities, which is reflected in the planning documentation. After completing certain stages of work or after the calendar deadline, reporting documentation is drawn up.

The HR department (or HR manager) deals with personnel selection, employee development, incentives, certification and retraining of personnel. In accordance with this activity, the service prepares regulations, instructions, submissions, draft orders and deals with the preparation of other documents for personnel. Sometimes these functions are performed by a secretary.

The production and economic activities carried out by the production department are reflected in agreements, contracts, commercial correspondence, etc.

Accounting prepares financial and accounting documents (balance sheets, annual reports, acts of audits and inventories, plans, estimates, accounts, cash books, etc.).

An enterprise may receive documents from state and municipal organizations that regulate various issues of its activities (taxes, security environment and so on.). These documents form a separate group - regulatory documents of higher authorities.

In addition, employees of the enterprise write, if necessary, statements, autobiographies, issue receipts and personal powers of attorney, i.e.

draw up official and personal documents.

All of the listed documents relate to management and organizational and administrative documents (ORD). The exception is financial and accounting documents that have specific features of preparation and processing.

Depending on the objective (profile of the enterprise) and subjective (requirements of the head of the enterprise and business partners) factors in any group of documents may predominate or be insignificant.

Thus, all documents created at an enterprise or organization can be divided into the following groups /14/:

1) system of constituent documents;

2) a system of organizational documents;

3) system of administrative documents;

4) system of documents for personnel;

5) system of financial and accounting documents;

6) system of reference and information documents;

7) system of planning documents;

8) system of reporting documents;

9) system of official and personal documents.

Below we will look at the rules for preparing documents used in almost every enterprise, regardless of its specifics.

3.3. GENERAL RULES FOR FORMATING DOCUMENTS Documents are integral part image of the enterprise, its business card. Modern design of the form, your own form style, high-quality paper, a complete set of information about the enterprise, their correct location on a sheet of paper are especially important for a beneficial impact on business partner. Forms are produced by printing or using a personal computer. The exception is the forms of organizations with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are printed products subject to accounting.

Drawing up, processing documents and documenting the activities of organizations and departments are regulated by legislative and normative and methodological acts. The document must be factual and contain specific proposals and instructions.

Compliance with uniform rules for document preparation ensures:

1) legal force of documents;

2) prompt and high-quality preparation and execution of documents;

3) organizing a quick search for documents.

In office work, there are uniform requirements and rules for the preparation of documents, which are established by GOST R 6.30-2003.

The standard establishes two main formats for document forms - A4 (210*297 mm) and A5 (148*210 mm). Most of the company's documents are drawn up on A4 forms. For small letters and certificates, A5 format forms are used. AZ format forms (297* mm) intended for business plans are used much less frequently. accounting reports, graphs, and A - for reference /8/.

All documents must have fields. The standard specifies the minimum margin size in mm:

left - right - top - bottom - For the convenience of filing documents, the recommended left margin size is 30 mm.

As a result of centuries of development in formal business style such linguistic means and ways of expressing content have been developed.

which allow you to most effectively record management information. The specificity of business style is expressed in certain stylistic features that distinguish it from other functional styles of language (literary, scientific, colloquial) and make it the most convenient tool business communication.

Main features of business style:

Neutral tone of presentation;

Accuracy and clarity of presentation;

Conciseness of the text.

A neutral tone of presentation is the norm for official business communication.

Management information is official in nature, which indicates the business basis of the relationship between the author and the addressee of the document, emphasizes their non-personal nature, and the presence of a certain distance between them. In addition, participants in business communication act on behalf of institutions, organizations, enterprises, i.e. on behalf of legal entities.

Because of this, the personal, subjective element in the texts should be reduced to a minimum. Words that have an emotional connotation (words with diminutive and affectionate suffixes, interjections, etc.) are excluded from the language of documents.

Accuracy of presentation presupposes an unambiguous understanding of the content of the document, eliminating ambiguity and ensuring the adequacy of the perception of the text by the author of the document and its addressee.

Precision of presentation is achieved by the use of terminological vocabulary, the use of stable phrases - language formulas, the absence of figurative words and expressions, limited compatibility of words, etc. The clarity of the text is determined by the correctness of the compositional structure of the text, the absence of logical errors, and clarity of wording.

Laconic presentation of the text is achieved by the economical use of linguistic means, excluding speech redundancy.

Each document consists of its individual constituent elements, which are called details (signature, seal, text, etc.). Initially, the word “requisites,” derived from the Latin “requisitum” (need), meant a set of formal elements of a document, the absence of which deprives it of legal force, and then came to mean all elements of the document.

The set of details located in a document in a certain way constitutes its form. A form specific to a certain type of document is called a standard form.

A sample form is developed when creating a documentation system and represents a graphic model or diagram of document construction. It sets formats, field sizes, and location of details.

GOST R 6.30-2003 establishes the maximum set of details for any of the management documents and their location on paper. A total of 30 details have been installed. Since some of them are mutually exclusive and some of the details depend on the type of document, there will be much fewer of them on a specific document.

The following details have been established:

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

03 - emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark);

04 - organization code;

05 – main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity;

06 – taxpayer identification number/reason code for registration (TIN/KPP);

07 – document form code;

08 - name of the organization;

09 – reference information about the organization;

10 – name of the document type;

11 - document date;

12 - registration number of the document;

14 - place of compilation or publication of the document;

15 - addressee;

16 - document approval stamp;

17 – resolution;

18 - title to the text;

19 - control mark;

20 – text of the document;

21 - mark about the presence of the application;

22 – signature;

23 - document approval stamp;

24 - visa document approval;

25 – seal impression;

26 - mark on certification of the copy;

27 - mark about the performer;

28 - mark on the execution of the document and its sending to the file;

29 - mark on receipt of the document by the organization;

30 – identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

The location of the details on a standard sheet of paper and the sizes of the fields allocated for them are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.

20 73 88 01 02 03 16 08 09 10 04 05 06 11 12 18 21 22 23 24 28 30 Fig. 2. Location of details on A4 format corner form 20 01 02 03 16 17 01 73 08 09 04 05 06 11 12 13 18 18 20 21 22 22 24 40 28 30 Fig. 3. Location of details on the A4 format of a longitudinal form Requisite 01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation The State Emblem is placed on the forms of documents of state bodies and institutions in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”. Forms with the image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation can be produced only by printing in the manner established in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1995 “On streamlining the production, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” (as amended by the decree dated 08.06 .2001 No. 450). The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is placed on documents of ministries, departments, as well as government bodies: courts, prosecutors, higher authorities management, etc.

Props 02 - Coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation The coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation will be placed on document forms in accordance with the legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is advisable to indicate on the document form the name of the state - “Russian Federation”.

On document forms, duly approved images (coats of arms) of territories and populated areas can also be reproduced. Requisite 03 - Organization emblem or trademark The enterprise emblem is a symbolic graphic image. As a rule, a trademark is used as an emblem. It is not allowed to replace the name of an enterprise or institution with an emblem. The emblem is placed in accordance with the charter (regulations of the organization) at the level of the name of the organization or on the top field of the document. The emblem must be registered and must not appear on a document unless the organization has official permission. The emblem is also not reproduced when placing coats of arms on the organization’s letterhead.

Requisite 04 - Organization code All registered enterprises have a code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO). It is a kind of confirmation of the competence of the organization - the author of the document.

Requisite 05 - Main state registration number of a legal entity The main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity is affixed in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities.

Requisite 06 - Taxpayer Identification Number/Reason Code for Registration (TIN/KPP) The Taxpayer Identification Number/Reason Code for Registration (TIN/KPP) is entered in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities.

Requisite 07 - Document form code For the purposes of unification and standardization of organizational and administrative documentation, there is an All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD), which establishes the classification of specific forms of documents. The OKUD code is affixed only to unified documents, the name of the forms of which is included in the classifier of management documentation. For example, 0222152 - staffing table, 0276030 - vacation schedule, etc.

Requisite 08 - Name of the organization The name of the organization that is the author of the document must correspond to the name enshrined in the constituent documents.

Above the name of the organization indicate the abbreviated name, and in its absence - the full name of the parent organization (if any).

All these names are given in the nominative case. The abbreviated name of the organization is given in cases where it is enshrined in the constituent documents of the organization. The abbreviated name (in parentheses) is placed below or after the full name, for example:


(SPbGUKiT) The names of organizations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have, along with Russian as a state language, a national language are printed in two languages.

The name of the organization in the state language of the subject of the Russian Federation or another language is located below or to the right of the name in Russian.

Name of the branch, representative office, territorial office, structural unit organizations are indicated if they are the author of the document and placed below the name of the organization.

Detail 09 - Reference information about the organization This detail is indicated only in letters. Mandatory reference data are mailing address and telephone numbers (legal address). At the discretion of the organization, additional reference data may be indicated - fax numbers, address Email etc. Bank details are required only on letterheads regarding settlement and monetary transactions, for example on letters of guarantee.

The postal address is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the postal regulations of the Ministry of Communications, i.e. the street, house number, city, postal code are indicated.

Attribute 10 - Name of the document type This attribute is one of the most important, since it allows one to judge the purpose of this document, determines the composition of the details and the structure of the text. The name of the type of document is regulated by the charter (regulations of the organization) and is affixed to all documents except letters.

The exception is letter of guarantee, which indicates the name of the document. The name of the document type must correspond to the types of documents provided for by OKUD (class 0200000).

The name of the document type is printed in capital letters, for example:


Detail 11 - Document date Date is one of the main details of a document that ensures its legal force.

The date of the document is the date of its signing or approval, for the protocol - the date of the meeting (decision making), for the act - the date of the event.

Documents issued by two or more organizations must have the same (single) date.

The date of the document is written in Arabic numerals in the following sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and month are written in two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot;

year – in four Arabic numerals. For example, the date February 12, 2013 should be entered as: 02/12/2013.

It is allowed to format the date in the following sequence: year, month, day of the month. It corresponds international standards and is commonly used in international correspondence. In addition, a verbal-numeric method of formatting the date is allowed (without quotes), for example: February 12, 2013.

Requisite 11 - Registration number of the document Registration number is symbol document under which it is entered into the organization’s information retrieval system.

The designation can be digital, alphabetic or combined.

For internal documents (orders, protocols, instructions, etc.) this is usually a serial number from the beginning of the year. In educational institutions, internal documents can be numbered by academic year, i.e. From september.

The letter number usually consists of the serial number of the letter itself according to the registration journal, the index of the structural unit (or official) that prepared the document, and the case number in which a copy of the sent document is filed.

For example: No. 150/22-01, where 150 is the serial number in the registration journal, 22 is the unit index, 01 is the case number. Sequence numbers are assigned separately to incoming and outgoing letters.

The registration number of a document compiled jointly by several organizations consists of the registration numbers of the document of each of these organizations, separated by a slash in the order in which the authors are indicated in the document.

This detail is placed from the border of the left margin under the details “document date” and “document registration number”.

Requisite 14 - Place of compilation or publication of the document The place of compilation or publication is indicated in each document, except for a letter that has a postal address.

The details are located below the date and registration number of the document.

When registering the details, the administrative-territorial division of the country is taken into account, for example: “city. Priozersk, Leningrad region.” It should be remembered that before indicating the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as cities whose names end in “-grad” and “-burg”, the letter “g.” not installed. The names of other settlements are preceded by the abbreviated designation of the city, town, etc.

Requisite 15 - Addressee The addressee can be organizations, their structural divisions, officials or individuals. The name of the organization and its structural unit is indicated in the nominative case, the position and surname of the person to whom the document is addressed - in the dative case, the initials are indicated before the surname, for example:

JSC "Videotekhnika"

Accounting Or General Director of JSC "Videotekhnika"

V.A. Belov If a document is sent to several homogeneous organizations or to several structural divisions of one organization, then they should be indicated generally, for example:

Administrations of the districts of St. Petersburg The document should not contain more than four addresses. The word “COPY” is not indicated before the second, third, fourth addresses. If there are more recipients, a document distribution list is created.

If necessary, the “Addressee” details may include a postal address. Address elements are indicated in the sequence established by the Postal Rules.

If the letter is addressed to an organization, indicate its name, then the postal address, for example:

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archiving Profsoyuznaya st., 25, Moscow, To the address to an individual indicate the recipient's last name and initials, then the postal address, for example:

Beglov K.V.

st. Sadovaya, 80, apt. 4, St. Petersburg, If the letter is addressed to a scientific organization or higher educational institution and the addressee has an academic title, it is indicated before the last name, for example:

Rector of St. Petersburg state university cinema and television to Professor A.D. Evmenov It is allowed to center each line of the “addressee” attribute in relation to the longest line.

Requisite 16 - Document approval stamp The document is approved by an official (officials) or a specially issued document. When approving a document by an official, the approval stamp must consist of the word APPROVED (without quotation marks), the title of the position of the person approving the document, his signature, initials, surname and date of approval, for example:

APPROVED by Director of JSC Kino

A.V. Stepanov 20_ It is allowed to center prop elements relative to the longest line.

When a document is approved by several officials, their signatures are placed at the same level.

When approving a document by resolution, decision, order, protocol, the approval stamp consists of the word APPROVED (APPROVED, APPROVED, APPROVED) (without quotation marks), the name of the approving document in the instrumental case, its date and number, for example:

APPROVED by the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders dated February 15, 2013 No. The approval stamp is located in the upper right corner of the document.

Approximate list of documents subject to approval /12/:

TASKS (for the design of facilities, technical structures, capital construction, technical, etc.);

INSTRUCTIONS (official, office work, safety, internal labor regulations, etc.);

STANDARDS (consumption of raw materials, supplies, electricity, number of employees, etc.);

REPORTS (on production activities, business trips, scientific research work Oh);

LISTS (positions of employees with irregular working hours;

standard documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods, etc.);

PLANS (production, construction and installation work, scientific research work, work of the scientific and technical council, etc.);

REGULATIONS (on organization, structural unit, bonuses, etc.);

PRICES (for work, etc.);

COST ESTIMATE (for the maintenance of the management apparatus, the use of funds from the enterprise fund, for capital construction, etc.);

STANDARDS (state, industry, technical conditions);



FORMS of unified documents;

Props 17 - Resolution The resolution is written on incoming and internal documents reviewed by management, in the upper right part of the document between the addressee and the text on the first sheet of the document. The resolution includes the surnames and initials of the executors, the contents of the order, the deadline for execution, signature and date, for example:

N.V. Morozova, K.P. Stepanova Please prepare a draft agreement with JSC NORD

by 15.02. Personal signature 02.02. If the resolution indicates several executors, the first executor indicated in the list is responsible for execution.

If it is necessary to write the second and subsequent resolutions, they are located on any free space on the front side of the document.

It is allowed to write the resolution on a separate sheet.

Props 18 - Title to the text Title to the text - summary the main meaning of the document text. The title is grammatically consistent with the title of the document, for example:

ORDER on the reorganization of an enterprise or JOB INSTRUCTIONS for the secretary-assistant On documents in A5 format, it is allowed not to indicate the title to the text.

Detail 19 - Control mark This detail is affixed only on documents whose execution has been taken under control. The mark includes the letter “K” or the word “CONTROL”, stamped with a colored felt-tip pen (pencil) or a special stamp.

The mark is placed in the upper right corner of the document.

Requisite 20 - Text of the document The text of the document is drawn up in Russian or the national language in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation on state languages.

The texts of documents are written only in Russian when sending them to federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to enterprises not under the jurisdiction of a given constituent entity of the Russian Federation or located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The text of the document in terms of structure, accepted wording, stable phrases and syntactic structures is directly related to the type of document. However, in office work practice, general requirements have developed that apply to the texts of most management documents:

Conciseness and accuracy of presentation of information, eliminating double interpretation;

Objectivity about the reliability of information;

Drawing up, if possible, simple documents, i.e. containing one question, to facilitate and speed up work with them;

Structuring the text of the document, dividing it into such semantic parts as introduction, proof, conclusion;

Widespread use of template and standard texts when describing recurring management situations.

Brevity is achieved by using simple sentences, excluding repetitions and unnecessary details. Texts of letters and faxes should not be more than one page. If a document contains more than one page of text, the pages are numbered starting from the second. The page number is placed in the middle of the top field without dashes or dots.

The accuracy of the presentation of the essence of the document depends on the correct use of words and phrases. When compiling documents, you should more often refer to dictionaries (explanatory, spelling, foreign words).

Large texts are usually divided into sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, using Arabic numerals with dots after them:

HR services widely use application form documents that contain constant information in the form of questions and space for variable response information, where answer options can be placed for selection.

Questionnaire forms are often used in marketing documents.

Texts in the form of tables are used in planning, financial, reporting and other documents. A heading is placed above the table, reflecting its contents. Columns and rows of the table must have headings expressed by a noun in the nominative case. If the table is printed on more than one page, the table columns must be numbered; on subsequent pages only column numbers are printed. If there are several tables, then above the table on the right write the word “Table” and indicate its serial number (without the No. sign). The text of the document must contain links to all tables contained in it.

Requisite 21 - Mark on the presence of an attachment If the document has an attachment specified in the text, then a mark on the presence of the attachment is drawn up in an abbreviated form:

Application: 4 l. in 2 copies.

The word Appendix, regardless of the number of attached documents, is always used in the singular and is located after the text from the border of the left margin.

If a document has attachments that are not named in the text, they are listed indicating the name, the number of sheets in each attachment and the number of copies, for example:

Appendix: 1. Certificate of acceptance of work under contract No. 1 dated January 18, 2013, 4 pages. in 2 copies.

2. Certificate of acceptance of work under contract No. 124 dated 05.23.2013 on l. in 1 copy.

If the attachment to the document is in a single copy, then the number of copies is not indicated. If applications are bound, the number of sheets is not indicated.

In the appendix to the administrative document, on its first page in the upper right corner, write “Appendix No.” indicating the name of the administrative document, its date and registration number, for example:

Appendix No. to the order of the director of OJSC “Kino” dated 02.12.2013 No. If another document is attached to the document, which also has an attachment, a note about the presence of the attachment is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: letter of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated January 12, 2013 No. 02-6/172 and its appendix, 20 pages in total.

If the application is not sent to all the addresses specified in the document, then a note about its availability is issued as follows:

Application: for 5 l. in 1 copy. to the first address.

It is allowed to print the word “APPENDIX” in capital letters, and also to center this expression, the name of the document, its date and registration number relative to the longest line.

Detail 22 - Signature The “Signature” attribute includes: the title of the position of the person who signed the document (full if the document is not executed on a form, and abbreviated for a document executed on a form);

personal signature;

decryption of the signature (initials, surname), for example:

Director of JSC "Nord" Personal signature I.L. Sidorov Or on the form:

Director Personal signature I.L. Sidorov When drawing up a document on an official’s letterhead, the position of that person is not indicated.

When signing a document by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other in the sequence corresponding to the position held, for example:

General Director Personal signature A. A. Kotov Chief Accountant Personal signature of K. I. Bykov When signing a document by several officials of equal positions, their signatures are placed at the same level, for example:

General Director General Director of OJSC Kino OJSC Videoservice Personal signature G.V. Sidorov Personal signature K.V. Vasiliev When signing a joint document, the first sheet is not drawn up on letterhead.

The documents drawn up by the commission do not indicate the positions of the persons who signed the document, but their responsibilities as part of the commission, for example:

Chairman of the commission Personal signature A.A. Grigoriev Members of the commission Personal signature I.V. Golubev Personal signature A.S. Petrov Personal signature V.O. Belyakov The document can be signed by an acting official indicating his actual position and surname. It is not allowed to put the preposition “For”, the handwritten inscription “Deputy” or a slash before the title of the position.

Requisite 23 - Document approval stamp Approval is a preliminary consideration of the issues contained in the draft document. Coordination can be external and internal. External approval is issued with an approval stamp, internal approval - with a visa.

The document approval stamp consists of the word AGREED, the position of the person with whom the document is being approved (including the name of the organization), personal signature, transcript of the signature (initials, surname) and the date of approval, for example:

AGREED Deputy Chairman of Gosstandart Personal signature of V.V. Kotov 05.02. If approval is carried out by letter, protocol, etc., the approval stamp is drawn up as follows:

AGREED Minutes of the trade union committee meeting dated 02/21/2013 No. Requisite 24 - Document approval visas Internal approval is issued with a “visa”, which contains the endorser’s signature, a transcript of the signature (initials, surname) and date. If necessary, indicate the position of the visa holder, for example:

Head of Legal Department Personal signature N.V. Gorokhov 21.02. If there are any comments, they can be drawn up on a separate sheet with the indication “Comments are attached” when approved.

Visas are affixed on the last sheet of the first copy of the administrative document, in outgoing documents - on the last sheet of the copy that will be left with the organization.

It is allowed, at the discretion of the organization, to endorse the document and its attachments page by page.

Requisite 25 - Seal imprint A seal imprint certifies the authenticity of an official’s signature on documents provided for by special regulations certifying the rights of persons recording facts related to financial assets.

The seal impression is affixed in such a way that it captures part of the job title of the person who signed the document, part of his personal signature and is clearly readable.

Documents are certified with the seal of the organization. In government organizations, the official seal is used for this purpose; in non-governmental organizations, a company seal is used, which is equivalent to the official seal.

Approximate list of documents certified by the official seal (or seal of the organization) /12/:

ACTS (acceptance of completed objects, equipment, work performed, write-off, examination, etc.);

POWERS OF ATTORNEY (for receiving inventory, conducting business, etc.);

CONTRACTS (on financial liability, supplies, contracts, rent, work, etc.);

TASKS (for design, capital construction, technical, etc.);

APPLICATIONS (for equipment, inventions, etc.);

APPLICATIONS (for a letter of credit, refusal of acceptance, etc.);

CONCLUSIONS AND REVIEWS of organizations on dissertations and abstracts;



SAMPLES of seal impressions and signatures of employees entitled to conduct financial and economic activities;

SUBMISSIONS and petitions (for awarding orders and medals of the Russian Federation);

LETTERS (guarantee on the performance of work, services, etc.);

ORDERS (banking, budget, payment, etc.);

REGULATIONS (on ministries, departments);

PROTOCOLS (approvals, supply plans, etc.);

REGISTERS (checks, budget orders);

ESTIMATED (costs for maintaining the management apparatus, for costing under the contract, for capital construction);

CERTIFICATES (on accrued wages, payment of insurance amounts, use of budget allocations, etc.);

STAFF SCHEDULE and changes to it.

Detail 26 - Mark on certification of the copy When certifying that a copy of a document corresponds to the original, below the “Signature” detail, put the certification inscription “True”, the position of the person who certified the copy, a personal signature, a transcript of the signature (initials, surname), and the date of certification, for example:

True Secretary-referent Personal signature A.S. Sergeeva 22.02. It is allowed to certify a copy of the document with a seal determined at the discretion of the organization.

Requisite 27 - Mark about the executor The surname and initials of the executor of the document and his office telephone number are placed on the front or back side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner, for example:

S.I. Novikov 545 25 Requisite 28 - Mark on the execution of the document and sending it to the file A mark is placed on executed documents that are subject to write-off to the file for subsequent storage and use for reference purposes.

The mark includes: brief information about the execution (if there is no document evidencing execution), if there is a document - a link to the number and date, the words “For file”, the case number in which the document will be stored. The mark must be signed and dated by the executor of the document or the head of the structural unit in which the document was executed, for example:

In case 4/ The issue was resolved but by phone with Ch. accountant of OJSC "UNI-PRINT"

02/22/2013 II signature Requisite 29 - Mark on receipt of a document by the organization The mark on receipt contains the serial number and date of receipt of the document (if necessary - hours and minutes) and is affixed to incoming documents by hand or using a special registration stamp.

The registration stamp includes the name of the organization, a place for the date of receipt of the document and a place for its incoming number, for example:

JSC "Nota"

Date_In. number Requisite 30 - Identifier of the electronic copy of the document The identifier of the electronic copy of the document is a mark (footer) placed in the lower left corner of each page of the document and containing the name of the file on computer media, the date and other search data installed in the organization.

4. DOCUMENTATION SYSTEMS 4.1. System constitutive documentation The enterprise begins its existence from the moment of its state registration as a legal entity. Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that “non-compliance of the constituent documents with the law entails refusal of state registration of a legal entity” /4/.

How does the law interpret the concept of “constituent documents”? Clause 1 of Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation names the documents on the basis of which legal entities act.

These documents define legal status legal entity and are called constituent, because they are a necessary prerequisite for the emergence of legal entities /4/.

Most legal entities operate on the basis of an individual charter, for example joint-stock companies, public organizations, etc.

The charters of many legal entities must be developed on the basis of by-laws - standard (model) charters approved by government bodies. For example, there is a standard provision on educational institution, which is the basis for the development of charters of such institutions.

For other groups of legal entities, the law provides for both the existence of a constituent agreement and a charter, for example, for a company with limited liability(LLC), association, union, etc. Some legal entities act only on the basis of a constituent agreement. This - business partnerships(full and on faith) (Articles 70 and 83 of the Civil Code).

“The constituent agreement of a legal entity is concluded, and the charter is approved by its founders (participants),” says Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The different procedures for adopting the memorandum of association and charter indicate the different legal nature of these documents. The memorandum of association for the creation of a legal entity is civil contract of a multilateral nature, which is concluded by drawing up one document signed by all its participants. By general rule it is mandatory for the founders, as well as for the legal entity created on its basis.

The charter, by its legal nature, is a special local normative act, which is approved by the founders. At the same time, for each type of organization a certain approval procedure is established: for example, a charter consumer cooperative must be approved general meeting its members, charter joint stock company- by the constituent assembly with three-quarters of the votes.

The charter is binding not only for the legal entity itself and its founders, but also for all third parties entering into civil and other relations with it. Arbitration courts in their decisions proceed from the fact that the provisions of the charter, if they diverge from the terms of the constituent agreement, have greater legal force.

Legislators directly provide for cases when a legal entity is created by one founder and has only a charter approved by him as a constituent document.

Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the constituent documents determine “the name of the legal entity, its location (legal address), the procedure for managing the activities of the legal entity, and also contain other information provided by law for legal entities of the corresponding type.

Thus, the content of the constituent documents is determined by Article 52 “Constituent documents of legal entities”, as well as special articles on legal entities (Article 70 for a general partnership, Article 83 for a limited partnership, Article 89 for a limited liability company, Art. 98 for a joint stock company, Article 116 for a consumer cooperative) and relevant laws (Law on Banks, Law on Exchanges, Law on Public Organizations, etc.).

The charter of a legal entity consists of several sections:

1) General provisions(indicate the full name, founders and address of the legal entity).

2) Property of a legal entity.

3) Types of activities.

4) Structure of the legal entity.

5) Rights and obligations of a legal entity.

6) Management and control over financial economic activity.

7) Reorganization and liquidation of a legal entity.


Information is presented on the procedure for the development and execution of management documentation, on the organization of office work services, technology
registration, accounting and storage of documents, the role, functions and specifics of the work of the manager’s secretary.

Special attention paid to the preparation of details of organizational and administrative documents. Samples of the most important types of management documents are provided.

The manual is intended for students of specialty 270115 - examination and management of real estate, studying documentation in management
activities, as well as for practitioners management.

The textbook is an electronic version of the book:
Documentation in management activities: textbook. manual / K. A. Volkov, A. N. Prikhodko, T. A. Rasina, I. M. Shutova; SPbGASU. – St. Petersburg, 2009. – 140 p.

1. Basic requirements for the preparation of management (organizational and administrative) documents
1.1. Basic provisions for documenting management activities
1.2. Unification and standardization of management documents
1.3. Types of documents and their classification
1.4. Rules for the preparation of management (organizational and administrative) documents
1.5. Paper sizes used in documentation
1.6. Rules for registering details
2. Organization of document flow and transmission of correspondence. Work with documents
2.1. Concept and principles of document flow organization
2.2. The procedure for processing incoming documents
2.3. The procedure for processing sent and internal documents
2.4. Accounting for the number of documents
3. Rules for registration and indexing of documents
3.1. Concept and systems of document registration
3.2. Forms and procedure for registering documents
3.3. Document execution control
3.4. Analysis of data on document execution
4. Drawing up nomenclatures and current storage of files
4.1. Drawing up lists of cases
5. Preparing files for filing in the archives
5.1. Examination of the value of documents
5.2. Registration of cases and transferring them to archival storage
6. Organization of office work
6.1. Organizational structure and office management functions
6.2. Regulatory regulation of the work of the office work service
6.3. Instructions for documenting management activities
6.4. Table of document forms used in the organization
6.5. Technical means, used in office work
7. Work with personnel documentation
7.1. Filling out applications for personnel
7.2. Drawing up an order (instruction) for employment
7.3. Maintaining work book and personal cards of workers and employees
7.4. Decor employment contract
7.5. Characteristics design
7.6. Preparation of autobiography and resume
8. Work with organizational and administrative documentation
8.1. Organizational documentation
8.2. Administrative documents
9. Documentation of information and reference materials
9.1. Inquiries
9.2. Reports and explanatory notes
9.3. Acts
9.4. Protocols
10. Formatting business letters
10.1. Business letter and its functions
10.2. Types of business letters
10.3. General structure business letter
Recommended reading

The preparation of documents and the implementation of document flow is called office work, and documents sent to or received from any address are called correspondence.

The purpose of the discipline “Office work and correspondence” is to study the technology and organization of office work to ensure an effective system for preparing documents (correspondence), working with them, storing and destroying them (after the expiration of the storage period).

Objectives of the discipline:
- know the basic rules for preparing documents and document flow, working with documents (correspondence), their storage and destruction;
- know the structure of departments and functional responsibilities of officials involved in the preparation and work with documents;
- know organizational and electronic computer technology and means of communication, used in preparing and working with documents;
- master the preparation of documents;
- be able to organize the timely delivery and reception of correspondence, accurate work with officials’ documents, their proper storage and destruction (after the expiration of storage periods), making extensive use of the capabilities of organizational and electronic computer technology and communications;
- have an idea of ​​the prospects for the development of technology and methods of organizing office work with the constant expansion of the use of the latest organizational and computer technology, as well as promising means of communication (up to space).

Record keeping as an objective need of society was formed simultaneously with the advent of writing. When people learned to record their thoughts, in particular oral speech, various kinds of documents appeared. These include private letters, promissory notes, government decrees and orders, and diplomatic correspondence.

The first specialized bodies of the Russian state
authorities - orders - were formed in the 15th–16th centuries. due to the need for centralized management. They were created in Moscow and were intended to manage the economic activities of the Moscow administrative chambers and huts, which exercised state power locally and were subject to central orders. Numerous administrative and reporting documents functioned between orders and executive chambers and huts as bodies of central government. This is how order paperwork arose. At the head of the orders were the boyars and landowners, that is, officials carrying out administrative office work. They came from the serving nobility and clergy, were called clerks, clerks and were divided into senior, middle, and junior.

A number of orders dealt with the construction and reconstruction of numerous cities that were built to consolidate the lands being developed after the collapse of the Tatar khanates (in the steppe regions of European Russia, in the Volga region, on the Kama, in the Urals and Siberia). The main role among them belonged to the Discharge Order, which was in charge of the construction of fortified cities in the southern border regions and the Volga region, as well as the reconstruction of old cities. The Siberian order dealt exclusively with Siberia due to the vast territories of this land.

In particularly important cases during execution construction work A special city order was established. Urban planning and the allocation of sites for construction were carried out by the Local, Zemsky and Detective orders.
A special construction institution in Russia of this period was the Stone Prikaz, formed in 1584, which was engaged in stone construction and procurement building materials, concluding construction contracts and distributing craftsmen of all professions.

The most important task of the Razryadny, Kamenny, Siberian orders was the creation of a drawing business, the development of which was facilitated by foreign specialists in Russian service.

At the beginning of the 18th century. To replace the outdated system of orders, Peter I approves the General Regulations of State Collegiums, according to which in 1718–1720. 12 collegiums were created (military, admiralty, foreign affairs, state revenue, state expenditure, mining and factory industry, spiritual - synod, audit, etc.). Subsequently, the number of boards increased to 16.
(Currently, the State University is located in the building of twelve colleges of St. Petersburg.)

The process of centralization and bureaucratization of the state apparatus occurred throughout the 18th century. IN early XIX V. Peter's collegiums were replaced by ministries.

In 1812, offices were organized under the ministries to carry out official correspondence between ministries and prepare current documentation. The office accepted correspondence for the minister only from the supreme power and from other ministries.

During this period, the number of officials increased sharply. This influenced the increase in the volume of documentation and the increase in the number of instances for its passage. Resolution of important government issues was delayed, and sometimes even lost in the paper stream.

After 1917, on the territory of the former Russian Empire The system of state power was represented by the Councils of People's Deputies, the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The highest executive body of state power was the Council of Ministers of the USSR - the Government of the USSR. Until 1991, the Council of Ministers included about 50 ministries and various committees at the rank of ministries. Many of them had analogues in the councils of ministries of each union and autonomous republic, in the administrative apparatus of territories, regions, and districts
and cities. All this led to the formation of a huge army of apparatus
governing a country that requires large financial expenditures.
Currently, the head of state (RF) is the president, the legislative body is the State Duma, consisting of the lower and upper houses. The executive body is the Council of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister.

Currently, the solution to the problem of document management in developed countries consists of two main stages. The first stage – 1970–1980. At this time, most authors believed that traditional methods working with documents has become outdated, that paper documents will be replaced by documents on electronic media. However, in the mid-1980s it became clear that, despite the abundance of computers, the “paper” flow was increasing, and it was concluded that the coexistence of traditional office work with computer information processing would be very long. In the United States, for example, it is recommended that written paper documents be retained indefinitely along with computer media.

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Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher vocational education

"Omsk State Technical University"

V.A. Tsygankov, N.S. Morozova documentation of management activities Training manual

Omsk 2006

UDC 651.51.8 (075.8)

BBK 65.050ya 73


V.A. Tsygankov, N.S. Morozova

C Documentation of management activities: Textbook. allowance. Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2005. 49 p.

The training manual describes the main types of organizational and administrative documentation, as well as the requirements for their preparation and organization of document flow.

The methodological material has been prepared in strict accordance with the legislative acts and normative and methodological documents in force in the Russian Federation on the issues of documentation and documentation support for the management activities of an enterprise.

This textbook is intended for students of economic specialties studying documentation of management activities.

UDC 651.51.8 (075.8)

©Omsk State Technical University, 2006

1. Basic requirements for the preparation of management documents

1.1. Basic provisions for documenting management activities

The term " office work“characterizes the branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with documents.

Documentation– a regulated process of recording information on various media according to established rules.

The concept " document» information is defined that is recorded in any way on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified.

Carrier– a material object used to secure and store information.

Electronic document– a document in which information is presented in electronic digital form.

The main functions of the document are:







The set of documents created at the enterprise is determined by:

    range of issues resolved in the course of the enterprise’s activities;

    the nature and scope of the institution’s competence;

    the procedure for resolving issues (unity of command or collegiality);

    the volume and nature of relationships with other institutions.

The procedure and rules for documenting management actions are provided by the following regulatory materials:

The State System of Documentation Support for Management (GSDMOU), which is a set of rules and principles that establish uniform requirements for documentation;

    a unified documentation system (UDS), which is a set of interconnected documents created according to uniform rules and characteristic of a certain field of activity;

    industry classifier of technical and economic documentation (OKTED).

1.2. Unification and standardization of management documents

Unification- bringing something to a unified system. Unification of documents– establishment of a unified set of types and varieties of documents for similar management situations and uniform rules for working with documents.

Unification is carried out in order to reduce the number of documents, typify their forms, which reduces the complexity of their processing, and more efficient use of computer technology. Thus, unification is aimed at creating stencil texts.

Work on document unification includes:

    development (USD, which is carried out by ministries and departments responsible for the relevant documentation systems;

    implementation of intersectoral DSD within the framework of republican and sectoral DSD:

    implementation of USD and OKTED in order to maintain the reliability of information and its further development;

    development of complexes of industry unified forms of documents reflecting the specifics of the industry and included in the USDD, as well as their state registration;

    development of industry classifiers of technical and economic information that reflect the specifics of the industry.

Standardization– the process of establishing and applying standards by which a standard or sample is determined, taken as the initial one for comparison of other objects with it.

Standardization documents are a form of legal confirmation of the unification carried out and the level of its mandatory nature.

The following categories of standards have been established:

    state standards (GOST);

    industry standards (OST);

    republican standards (RST).

The purpose of implementing standards is to achieve effective documentation of management activities.

Organizational and methodological management of the unification and standardization of documents, coordination of relevant work and control is carried out by the head organization for the implementation and maintenance of USD and OKTED in the republic, and at the industry level this work is carried out by the lead organization for the implementation and maintenance of USD and OKTED in the industry.

State supervision of compliance with SD in the public sector is entrusted to standardization and metrology bodies, and in the non-state sector - to local executive authorities.

After reading this textbook, you will become familiar with the organization of work with management documents in accordance with the national standard GOST R ISO 15489.1-2007 “Document Management”, and also get an idea of ​​the modern concept of document management. In addition, it describes the design rules various types documents, ways and methods of operational work with documents, their current storage, the basics of working with correspondence. Close attention is paid to computer systems and management documentation technologies. A special advantage of the textbook is that it contains not only the usual practical tasks, but also includes computer tests, posted in EBS Yurayt (

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    Federal State Educational Institution

    higher professional education


    Educational and methodological management

    Department of Agricultural Production Management


    (Training and work programs, teaching materials)

    Specialty 080502 - Economics and enterprise management ( agro-industrial complex)


    The educational and methodological complex for the discipline “Documentation of management activities” is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal component for the mandatory minimum content and level of training of a certified specialist in the cycle of general professional disciplines of the state educational standard of higher professional education, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on March 17, 2000 No. 238 eq/ joint venture based on the approximate program of the discipline “Documentation of management activities”, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and taking into account work program academic discipline approved at ChSAU for specialty 080502 Economics and management of enterprises (agro-industrial complex) dated March 20, 2003.

    The educational complex is intended for students obtaining the qualification “economist-manager”.

    Compiled by Art. teacher

    Department of Agricultural Production Management V. A. Okunev

    The educational and methodological complex was discussed at a meeting of the department of management of agricultural enterprise “____” ___________ 2006 (minutes No. ____).

    The educational and methodological complex was approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Economics “____” __________ 2006 (protocol No. _____).

    State Standards of Higher Professional Education requirements for the mandatory minimum

    specialist training………………………………………………………………...

    Training program…………………………………………………….

    Goal and tasks……………………………………………………

    Working programm…………………………………………………….

    Scope of discipline and types academic work……………….

    Distribution of study time by sections and topics.

    Methodological materials…………………………………………………………….

    Educational and methodological developments…………………………..

    Terminological minimum……………………………..

    Requirements for credit………………………………………………………...

    Questions for testing…………………………………………………………….

    Material and technical support of discipline…………...

    1. State Standards for Higher Professional Education requirements for the mandatory minimum

    specialist training

    In the state educational standard of higher professional education (State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education) specialty 080502 - Economics and management of an enterprise (agricultural complex) dated March 17, 2000. No. 238 eq/sp the following content of the discipline is given:

    Name of disciplines and their main sections

    Total hours

    Documentation of management activities:

    Document and documentation systems; management documentation: requirements for compilation and execution, sample form, composition and location of details; drawing up and execution of basic documents: agreements, contracts, orders, memos, protocols, acts, certificates and documents of personal origin; organization of document flow; systematization of documents, nomenclature for their formation and storage; modern methods and document creation techniques; business and commercial letters: classification, structure, standard phrases and expressions; rules and forms of commercial correspondence with foreign partners; correspondence related to periodic events and other correspondence; organizing work with documents containing confidential information.

    2. Curriculum

    2.1. Goal and tasks

    2.1.1. Place of academic discipline in the educational process

    and its importance in the formation of an economist-manager

    Knowledge of theory and mastery of the skills of drawing up and processing management documents is the basis of the discipline “Documentation of management activities” and occupies an important place in the preparation of an economist-manager.

    2.1.2. The purpose of the academic discipline

    The purpose of teaching the discipline is to provide the knowledge necessary for the correct preparation and execution of documents created in the process of making and implementing management decisions, to master the generally accepted vocabulary and style of business correspondence.

    2.1.3. Objectives of the academic discipline

    Objectives of studying the discipline:

      introduce students to general principles documentation support for the activities of an agro-industrial complex enterprise, with the procedure for documenting information;

      teach students to organize information into separate categories;

      to acquaint students with the organization of rational movement of documents at an agro-industrial complex enterprise;

      teach students the rules and forms of business correspondence.

    2.1.4. Requirements for the level of student preparation

    As a result of studying the discipline, students must:

      have an idea

      about the history of the development of the state records management system in Russia;

      on the organization of work with documents at an agro-industrial complex enterprise;

      on the organization of the movement of documents at an agro-industrial complex enterprise.

      GOST R 6.30 – 97. USD. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. – M.: Standards Publishing House, 1997;

      regulatory documents on standardization in the field of office work, valid on the territory of the Russian Federation;

      documentation systems, requirements for the preparation and execution of documents, modern methods and techniques for creating documents;

      rules and forms of business correspondence.

      competently develop management documents used in the activities of agricultural enterprises;

      use applied software and office equipment in your activities.

      have skills

      drawing up management documents at an agro-industrial complex enterprise;

      work on a PC to prepare electronic documents.

    Section 1.Organization of work with documents at an agro-industrial complex enterprise

    1.1. History of the development of the public office system in Russia

    Office work in the ancient Russian state. Order paperwork. College records management systems. System of ministerial office work. History of management and office work in the period after October 1917 to the present.

    1.2. General rules preparation of management documents

    Documentation support for agricultural enterprises. Classification of documents. State standards for documentation. Requirements for enterprise document forms. Composition of document details, requirements for their execution.

    1.3. Organization of document flow at an agro-industrial complex enterprise

    The concept of document flow. Reception and primary processing of documents. Distribution of received documents. Registration of documents. Control over the execution of documents. Sending documents.

    1.4. Systematization and current storage of documents. Processing for subsequent storage

    Nomenclature of cases. Formation and current storage of files. Examination of the value of documents. Registration of cases. Archival storage of documents.

    1.5. Protection of document information

    Composition of confidential information. Directions for protecting document information. Classes for restricting access to information. Sources and channels for disclosing confidential information. Measures to protect document information.

    Section 2. Drawing up and execution of basic management documents

        Organizational documents of the agro-industrial complex enterprise

    Purpose and composition of organizational documentation. Organizational documents of enterprises of various organizational forms. Staffing table. Job Descriptions workers. Rules.

        Administrative documents of the agro-industrial complex enterprise

    Purpose and composition of administrative documentation. The procedure for issuing administrative documents. Drawing up and execution of documents issued in a collegial environment. Drawing up and execution of documents issued on the basis of unity of command.

        Reference - informational and reference - analytical documents of the agro-industrial complex enterprise

    Purpose and composition of reference and analytical documentation. Types of correspondence, rules for preparing official letters, telegrams, telephone messages, faxes, electronic messages. Registration of acts.

        Documents on the personnel of the agro-industrial complex enterprise

    Employment documents (application, questionnaire, autobiography, resume) and rules for their preparation. Labor contracts. Specifics of issuing orders for personnel.


    1) Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation.1994 - 1997

    2) GOST R 6.30 – 97. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1997

    3) Change No. 1 GOST R 6.30 – 97. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents” with an effective date of April 1, 2000.

    4) GOST 6.01.1 – 87. Unified system of classification and coding of technical and economic information. – M.: Standards Publishing House, 1987.

    5) GOST 6.10.4 – 84. Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on typewritten media and typograms created by computer technology. Basic provisions. – M.: Standards Publishing House, 1984.

    6) GOST 6.10.5 – 87. Unified documentation systems. Requirements for the construction of a sample form. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1987.

    7) GOST 6.10.7 – 90. Unified system of foreign trade documentation. Form - sample. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1990.

    8) GOST 16487 –83. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1983.

    9) All-Russian classifier of management documentation. .- M.: Standards Publishing House, 1994.

    10) State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions, general requirements for documents and documentation support services. – M.: VNIIDAD, 1991.

    11) Standard instructions on office work in ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. – M.: Rosarkhiv, 1994.

    12) Andreeva V.I. Office work: a practical guide, 7th edition, - M.: JSC Business School “Intel-sintez”, 2000.

    13) Andreeva V.I. Office work in the personnel service. Practical guide with sample documents, 2nd edition, corrected. supplemented.- M.: JSC Business School “Intel-sintez”, 1998.

    14) Andreeva V.I. Samples of documents in office work: requirements for document flow of a company (based on GOSTs of the Russian Federation). - M. Business School “Intel-sintez”, 1997.

    15) Basakov M.I. Fundamentals of office work in questions and answers: a textbook for students of colleges and universities. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997.

    16) Basakov M.I. Office work and correspondence in questions and answers, a textbook for students of economic universities and colleges - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000.

    17) Bondareva T.M. Secretarial work: practical. allowance. – M.: Higher School, 1989.

    18) Verkhovtsev A.V. Office work in the personnel service. –M.: INFRA – M., 1999.

    19) Kirsanova M.V. Modern office work in the personnel service. – M.: INFRA – M., 2000.

    20) Kuznetsova T.V. and others. Office work (organization and technology of documentation support for management): a textbook for universities. – M.: UNITY – DANA, 2000.

    21) Documents and office work: reference manual / Kuznetsova T.V. and others/ - M.: Economics, 1991.

    22) Koltunova M.V. Business letter: what the writer needs to know. - M. Delo, 1998.

    23) Kudryaev V.A. Organization of work with documents: textbook M.: INFRA - M., 1998.

    24) Kudryaev V.A. Organization of work with documents: textbook M.: INFRA - M., 1999.

    25) Pechnikova T.V., Pechnikova A.V., Documentation support for the activities of the organization. Tutorial. – M.: “Tandem” – EKMOS, 1999.

    26) Pechnikova T.V., Pechnikova A.V. Practice working with documents in an organization. Tutorial. - M.: Tandem - ECMOS, 1999.

    27) Stenyukov M.V. Samples of documents on office work: Guidelines for compilation according to the new standard GOST R 6.30 - 97.- M.: PRIOR, 1998.

    28) Stenyukov M.V. Secretary's Handbook. – M.: PRIOR, 1998.


    1) Andreeva V.I., Batyuk S.N. Instructions for documentation support of company activities: practical work. manual for non-state actors. –M.: JSC "Technolux - 2", 1995.

    2) Veselov P.V. Modern business writing in industry. – 3rd edition revised. and additional – M.: Standards Publishing House, 1990.

    3) Veselov P.V. You are a secretary. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1993

    4) Jay Ross. How to write proposals and reports that bring results / trans. from English/. Mn.: Amalthea, 1997.

    5) Dobson N. How to write business letters: a practical guide for everyone. /per. from English / - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 1997.

    6) Job descriptions. . – M.: PRIOR, 2000.

    7) Zagorskaya A.P. etc. Letter book for business correspondence: in Russian and English. languages ​​- M.: Moscow worker, 1992.

    8) Kuznetsova A.N. Typewriting and office work. – 2nd ed. – M: DOSAAF, 1987.

    9) Tepper R. How to master the art of business writing: 250 letters and notes to help the manager: trans. from English – M.: UNITY, 1994.

    10) Feller M.D., Poltorak Yu.L. Drawing up text production documents. .- M.: Standards Publishing House, 1990.

    11) Felser A.B., Misserman M.A. Office work. Reference manual. – K.: Higher School, 1990.

    12) Encyclopedia of the office: practical. manual for the secretary /comp. I.V. Samykina/.- M.: BINOM, 1995.

    3. Work program

    3.1. Scope of discipline and types of academic work

    The total labor intensity of the academic discipline is distributed among the main types of academic work and semesters in accordance with the working curriculum approved by the Academic Council of ChSAU on May 10, 2001, as follows.

    Type of educational work

    Total, hours

    Including by semester

    Total labor intensity of the discipline

    Auditory lessons


    Practical lessons

    Independent work



    Final control


    3.2. Distribution of study time by sections and topics

    Name of section and topic

    Classroom lessons, hour

    Independent work student, hour

    Prak-tich. zan.

    Section 1. Organization of work with documents at an agro-industrial complex enterprise

    History of the development of the public office system in Russia

    General rules for drawing up management documents

    Organization of document flow at an agro-industrial complex enterprise

    Systematization and current storage of documents. Processing cases for later storage
