Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Information support for small and medium-sized businesses

The Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory is a non-profit organization created to implement state federal, regional and municipal programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. The Fund provides financial support to various categories of entrepreneurs.
Mission of the Fund: Effective assistance to the development of small business.
The main objectives of the Foundation:
- increase in the number of successful entrepreneurs who started a business with the support of the Fund;
- increase in the share of entrepreneurs operating in priority areas for the economy of the region, who used the services of the Fund;
- provision High Quality and efficiency of the services provided.
Financial support is provided as part of the implementation of the state target program Khabarovsk Territory "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory for 2013-2020."
The Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory currently provides the following financial opportunities for business development:
Microloan: microloan up to 1 million rubles from 8.25% to 12% per annum for up to three years for enterprises, regardless of the registration period.
"Unsecured" microloan: microloan up to 1 million rubles without collateral at 10% per annum for up to one year for enterprises operating for more than one year.
Loan "Social": a loan of up to 1 million rubles at 4.125% per annum * for a period of up to three years for individual entrepreneurs who are people with disabilities, or legal entities providing employment for people with disabilities.
One of the types of financial support for entrepreneurs is the program of providing a guarantee (guarantee) for bank loans to entrepreneurs. The program is designed for entrepreneurs who take a large loan from a commercial bank, but do not have sufficient collateral. You can learn more about guarantees (guarantees) on the official website of the Guarantee Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory

This year, the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory will be 23 years old. It is safe to say that during this time it has reached the level of the most important infrastructural element state support small and medium-sized businesses, has become a reliable organization that effectively acts for the benefit of people and society.

A bit of history

On December 3, 1992, by the decision of the Small Council of the Khabarovsk Regional Council of People's Deputies, the Khabarovsk Regional Fund for State Support of Entrepreneurship was established. Four years later, on its basis, appeared State Fund support for small businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory. Soon this independent non-profit organization received a license to carry out educational activities in areas related to entrepreneurship from accounting and pre-tax audit and banking.

One of the first programs of the Fund was the micro-crediting of small businesses "Working Capital - Russia", the development of which, unfortunately, was prevented by the 1998 default.

Since 2001, the Foundation has been implementing regional programs to support and develop small businesses. In 2007, the organization created the Business Development Center, which is engaged in consulting and training entrepreneurs. The Foundation provided various support, including the organization of various exhibitions, conferences, seminars, and training courses for beginner entrepreneurs.

Last year, all the theoretical training of entrepreneurs in the Khabarovsk Territory passed into the hands of Non-profit partnership, and the Fund, wholly devoted its activities to the financial support of small businesses.

As of June 1, 2015, for the entire period of activity, the Fund has supported 1806 projects for almost one and a half billion rubles.

More entrepreneurs - good and different

Almost half of the entrepreneurs who apply to the Fund for support , are engaged wholesale and retail trade. This specificity is typical for the whole country, because small business is mainly engaged in this area.

The share of production workers is 13%. In total, support for construction and agricultural projects is 9%.

Agriculture it only intensified this year,” says Yulia Sirotina. – The appearance of the Territorial Fund in the southern agricultural regions of the region played a role. At the beginning of spring, many took money for the sowing campaign, banks simply did not give loans. From the beginning of the year to May, the Fund has issued microloans for 136 projects, 12 of them are agricultural.

Up to 7% among entrepreneurs who offer the population domestic services: repair of household appliances, vehicles, hairdressing salons. About 4% - passenger and cargo transportation. Basically, they take a microloan to purchase a vehicle or to repair it. For example, taxi companies have applied to the Fund more than once.

AT recent times The Fund has significantly expanded its influence in the region, not only at the expense of farmers. With the availability of financial resources in the municipalities, things are difficult. Banks, if present, issue only expensive consumer loans. The presence of representatives of the Fund in the districts, who help local entrepreneurs to collect the necessary package of documents for obtaining a microloan, is a significant and real support. Businessmen do not need to be nervous, spend time and money on trips to the regional capital.

“Today, the Fund does not cover only two hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas - Ayano-Maisky and Tuguro-Chumikansky,” said Yulia Sirotina. “But entrepreneurs from there constantly turn to us when they come to the regional capital for goods. A representative of the Fund works in the Okhotsk region, from where several entrepreneurs consistently turn to us for support in the summer to purchase goods - once a year, the “northern delivery”.

If we talk about the original areas of business, which today is interested in the Fund's funds, we can single out the creation by entrepreneurs of a salt room, a crematorium for animals, and hostels.

For example, an individual entrepreneur Vera Gora, using a microloan received from the Fund, organized a Center for pregnant women and young mothers. For such a business, it was important to initially create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. Therefore, the main funds were spent on the renovation of the premises, the purchase of furniture and equipment, including for the yoga room.

“It is convenient that the Fund gives a deferred payment, the main burden of payments begins only after three months,” the entrepreneur said. - With such support, it is much easier to develop your business.

Her colleague, Victoria Sazhina, using the funds of a non-repayable grant, as well as two microloans from the Foundation, opened a retail and online store for children's educational products.

“Banks generally refused me loans, although that was two years ago, and there was no crisis,” the businessman explained. – In the Fund, the idea was found promising, they rented a room with these funds, purchased goods, created a website. True, it was hard with the return, but I coped with the sin in half. Still, I took a loan for a year - this is very little for payback.

Getting a loan is easy

At present, the volume of the credit port The Fund's fund is 385 million rubles. For financial assistance, funds are allocated from the regional budget. In addition, the Fund periodically participates in the competition for co-financing under the federal program in the ratio of 1 to 4.

“Today, a microloan is considered to be an amount of up to one million rubles,” says Yulia Sirotina, Deputy Director of the Fund. “But now this amount is not enough for many entrepreneurs, they have to take additional loans from banks. Therefore, at the federal level, the issue of increasing the amount of the microloan to 3 million rubles is being discussed. In this case, formed on this moment The fund's portfolio is not enough to provide planned support to entrepreneurs of the region.

The conditions here are really very tempting. When at the beginning of the year the key refinancing rate rose to 17%, in the Fund it remained the same - from 8.25 to 12%. As a result, entrepreneurs began to actively apply to the Fund for microloans. So, if last June 245 applications were submitted to the Fund, then this year there are already 280. And you say - a crisis.

The increased popularity of the Fund among entrepreneurs can also be explained by the fact that last year the period for which it is necessary to repay the borrowed funds was extended. Now the Fund can receive up to one million rubles for up to three years on the security of property and the guarantee of a solvent individual.

“Long-term loans are much more attractive for an entrepreneur,” says Sergey Korchevoi, the owner of the Khabarovsk Sugar and Bagel Factory, who used the Fund's services last year. - None of the banks have such return conditions that were offered here. With these funds, we purchased new equipment for production: an oven, a proofer, two bagel machines. Production volumes have increased, but, most importantly, the quality of products has improved, the plant has become more competitive.

To obtain a microcredit, first of all, an entrepreneur must meet the criteria for a small or medium-sized business, limited by the amount of revenue and the number of jobs. The procedure for issuing a microloan in the Fund takes an average of about three weeks.

On the one hand, it is easier for many entrepreneurs to contact the bank. But many are willing to wait. A potential borrower, his business opportunities and collateral are carefully checked.

Documents to be collected are divided into three types. The first is an application, questionnaires, a feasibility study of the project. Further constituent documents: certificate of registration, TIN, Charter, copies of tax returns and financial statements, as well as pledge documents - PTS on vehicle, an extract from the cadastre and a certificate of ownership of real estate. And for completeness, the docs from tax office- a certificate of no debts and an extract from unified register, but the Foundation can order them itself.

In practice, many entrepreneurs collect a complete package of documents in one to two weeks.

According to the requirements of federal law No. 209, those who produce and sell excisable goods - alcohol, tobacco, engine oils - cannot receive state support. The presence of a negative credit history of an entrepreneur in the past is also a reason for refusing to issue a microloan. Specialists check only the last three years of the entrepreneur's activity. But if earlier the applicant had penalties through the court on loans, then he will most likely be denied support. Current debt to the bank is also not welcome. And, of course, if the entrepreneur does not pass the assessment of financial flows.


In the total mass of entrepreneurs who applied to the Fund for support, start-ups account for 12%. In fact, this is a lot. That is, thanks to the Fund in the Khabarovsk Territory, at least 35 start-up entrepreneurs appear every year. And that's great.

According to the conditions, the beginner the recipient can borrow one million from the Fund for up to three years. At the same time, if a loan is taken for a period of up to two years, the rate for it is minimal - 8.25% per annum, up to three years - 10%. The package of documents that needs to be collected is standard, with the exception of a feasibility study - there is no business yet .. A business plan may also be requested as an additional document in order to understand the opportunities and risks of the enterprise.

On average, novice entrepreneurs take up to 700 thousand rubles to organize a business. And they can, by the way, receive a non-refundable grant in the amount of 300 thousand rubles within the framework of the regional program to reimburse these costs.

What you can and cannot spend

The Fund's funds can be used to purchase fixed and working capital. It is not forbidden, corny, to buy chewing gum. Trade basically takes microloans for "turnover". But to get a loan, you can declare and purchase commercial equipment and paying rent.

What is not allowed is to send funds for payment wages, debt obligations. In a year, the entrepreneur must report to the Fund in which areas he spent the microloan.

Risk guarantee

Of course, entrepreneurship is risky. Therefore, collateral for lending is a necessary requirement. The collateral must cover the loan amount with interest for the entire term. Movable and immovable property can serve as collateral. Real estate is not only apartments, but also land plots, buildings. Movable - cars, special equipment.

A pledge will be a prerequisite for start-up entrepreneurs. After all, start-up is a riskier period of business. And the entrepreneur must provide for his risks.

By the way, it is still possible to get an unsecured loan from the Fund. It will be one million for one year. To do this, the company must operate for more than a year, and the entrepreneur needs two guarantors plus the guarantee of all the founders of the legal entity.

Another opportunity to obtain an unsecured loan is to take an amount of up to 150 thousand rubles, with the support of one guarantor. Such microloans are popular in the regions of the region, in the outback.

But, according to experts, cases when entrepreneurs did not pay microloans and lost collateral are extremely rare. No wonder the possibilities of their business are so carefully analyzed.

Of course, the existence in the Khabarovsk Territory of such a structure as the Small Business Support Fund contributes to the development of business and the involvement of new participants in its orbit. After all, as you know, any help is especially valuable for its timeliness.

Vlad Serebrennikov


a brief description of activities of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory

2 Organizational and functional structure of the Khabarovsk Territory Small Business Support Fund

Research of the activities of the Fund for Support of Small Business of the Khabarovsk Territory in the field of support of small innovative entrepreneurship in the Khabarovsk Territory

2 Analysis of the activities of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory on the basis of empirical data collected on the basis of practice in the field of support for small innovative entrepreneurship in the Khabarovsk Territory

State support for the potential of innovative entrepreneurship in the Khabarovsk Territory


Bibliographic list


Relevance. Research practice for undergraduates is aimed at ensuring the relationship between the theoretical knowledge obtained during the assimilation of the master's program in the framework of the direction "State and municipal management" and practical activities for the application of this knowledge in the process of research work.

Research practice is interdisciplinary. Based on provisions training course disciplines taught to undergraduates.

The purpose of research practice is to form a holistic view of the system of principles, methods and procedures of research activities in the direction of a master's thesis. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge by students, acquisition of practical skills scientific research.

The objectives of the research practice are mastering the following competencies by undergraduates:

General cultural competencies:

Competence of possession of research tools. Ability to use modern means receipt, storage. processing and presentation of information, willingness to use research tools to solve the tasks.

Competence scientific work. The ability to create new knowledge, to correlate this knowledge with existing domestic and foreign research. The ability and willingness to use knowledge in the implementation of expert work, in order to practical application methods and theories.

Creativity competence. Skills for self-reliance, creative work. Ability to organize your work. The ability to generate new ideas, find approaches to their implementation.

Competence of self-development. Ability and readiness for self-improvement, for expanding the boundaries of their scientific and professional-practical knowledge. Ability to use methods and means of knowledge, various forms and methods of teaching and self-control, new educational technologies, for their intellectual development and raising the cultural level.

Professional competencies:

Possession of methods and specialized tools for analytical work and scientific research.

Possession of methods for analyzing the economy of the public sector, macroeconomic approaches to explaining the functions and activities of the state.

Possession of methods and tools that contribute to the intensification of cognitive activity.

Thus, in the process of passing the research practice, the undergraduate must:

to study the methods, techniques, technologies of research activities in a professional environment for the development of their scientific and professional orientation;

to develop and consolidate stable skills of practical application of professional knowledge gained in the process of theoretical training;

acquire the skills and abilities of independent research activities, the formation of databases, the assessment of their completeness and quality, the use of these data for an expert assessment of real management situations (within the topic of a master's thesis);

apply computer technology, information and communication technologies, mathematical and statistical methods when solving managerial problems, for the purpose of information support of the state and municipal government(in the direction of the master's thesis);

develop the skills of a structured written presentation of the results of scientific research.

Thus, the main task of the practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the field of methodology of scientific research in the professional field, as well as the selection necessary materials to perform the final qualifying work - master's thesis.

The object of research during the passage of research practice is the activities of the Fund for Support of Small Business of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The subject of the study is the activities of the Khabarovsk Territory Small Business Support Fund to support small innovative businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Methodological basis. In the study, the following methods of scientific knowledge were applied: analysis, observation, a systematic approach, the method of studying documents and sociological research.

Regulatory - legal framework studies served the constitution Russian Federation; Civil Code Russian Federation; Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On non-profit organizations"; Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation"; Federal Law of July 2, 2010 No. 151-FZ "On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Khabarovsk Territory.

Chronological framework of the study: 2011-2014.


1 Purposes of creation, types of activities, organizational and legal status, rights and obligations of the Fund for Support of Small Business of the Khabarovsk Territory

The Fund in the course of its activities does not pursue the goal of making a profit. The Fund's income received as a result of carrying out the types of activities provided for by this Charter is spent only to achieve the statutory goals and cannot be distributed among its founders. Incomes received from microfinance activities are directed to the implementation of microfinance activities and its support, including the repayment of loans and (or) loans received by the Fund and interest on them, for other social, charitable, cultural, educational or scientific purposes.

The Fund is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, owns separate property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The Fund has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in rubles and foreign currency, a seal with its name. The Fund has a round seal, stamps, forms with its name in Russian and (or) any foreign language, its own emblem and other symbols registered in the manner prescribed by law. The Fund acquires the status of a microfinance organization from the date of entering information about it in the state register of microfinance organizations and loses the status of a microfinance organization from the date of deletion of the specified information from this register.

The Fund organizes its work in cooperation within its competence with executive and legislative authorities, local government municipal districts and urban districts, small business support funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, commercial and non-profit organizations, individual entrepreneurs of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Russian Federation, foreign states.

The Fund has the right to create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to create commercial and non-profit organizations or participate in them.

The main goal of the Fund is to provide a range of services aimed at supporting and developing small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the formation and comprehensive development of a microfinance system as an effective mechanism for the development of small businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory.

To achieve the main goal of the Fund:

participates in the development and implementation of federal, regional and municipal programs for the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses, projects in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, development of competition, saturation of product markets, creation of new jobs;

carries out microfinance activities;

provides financial support to small and medium-sized businesses, organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, in the form of loans, including microloans, subsidies, grants and in other forms that do not contradict the current legislation, by accumulating budget funds allocated to support entities small and medium-sized businesses, income from their own activities, voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities, including foreign ones;

guarantees, guarantees and secures, including collateral, the obligations of small and medium-sized businesses, organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, arising from the loan agreements they conclude, loan agreements, leasing and other agreements provided for by the current legislation, and also provides services related to financial intermediation;

exercises control over the intended use by small and medium-sized businesses of financial resources allocated by the Fund or received by them with the assistance of the Fund, suspends financing in case of violations by small and medium-sized businesses of the targeted use of these funds;

provides consulting, information, legal, accounting, marketing, training and other services to small and medium-sized businesses on their creation, development of business proposals and business plans, as well as their practical activities;

organizes and conducts research, including marketing and scientific, conferences, forums, seminars, meetings, exhibitions, fairs and other events, including international ones, in the field of support and creation of favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses;

carries out, in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation, foreign economic activity, participates in the implementation of international programs and projects in the field of small and medium-sized businesses;

supports foreign economic activity small and medium-sized businesses, including assistance in the development of their trade, scientific, technical, industrial, information relations with organizations of foreign states;

carries out the development and publication of information and methodological materials in the form of magazines, teaching aids, brochures, booklets and similar publications, including on electronic media, in order to develop and support small and medium-sized businesses;

organizes internships for specialists in the country and abroad, as well as business trips of domestic and reception in the country of foreign specialists and other persons related to the activities of the Fund;

shapes information bases and databanks on the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses;

carries out activities to raise funds from extrabudgetary sources, including foreign programs and grants, to provide support and create favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

The Fund has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities that comply with the statutory goals and necessary to achieve them.

To entrepreneurial activity includes any activity of the Foundation on:

provision of loans (microloans) to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

provision of services related to other financial intermediation;

leasing the Fund's property;

financial lease (leasing);

implementation wholesale trade products manufactured by the Foundation;

provision of consulting, information, legal, accounting, marketing, training and other services not prohibited by law;

organization of exhibitions and fairs;

acquisition valuable papers and earn income from them.

To carry out its statutory activities, the Fund enters into agreements with individuals and legal entities, acquires, disposes and alienates property in the manner prescribed by the current legislation and this Charter, independently sets prices and tariffs in rubles for manufactured and purchased goods, products, services, except for cases established by current legislation, and also places temporarily free funds of the Fund on deposit accounts in serviced banks.

The Fund maintains accounting records, provides accounting and other reports in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Fund is responsible for the reliability and completeness of all forms of accounting and reporting, the safety of documents subject to long-term storage; stores and uses in accordance with the established procedure documents on the personnel of the Fund.

1.2 Organizational and functional structure of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory

The structure of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory is shown in Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1 - Structure of the Fund for Support of Small Business of the Khabarovsk Territory

The governing bodies of the Fund for the Support of Small Business of the Khabarovsk Territory are the Board, CEO.

supreme body Management of the Fund is the Board. The Management Board consists of the Chairman, his Deputy and members of the Management Board. The first composition of the Board is elected general meeting founders of the Fund in the amount of at least three and no more than seven people. In the future, the Board is formed by co-opting new members into it. The work of the Board is organized by the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Management Board is elected by the members of the Management Board from among the members of the Management Board by a majority vote.

The Chairman of the Board convenes meetings of the Board and presides over them, signs the minutes of the meetings. In the absence of the Chairman of the Board, his functions are performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Meetings of the Management Board are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Extraordinary meetings are held at the suggestion of the General Director or at the request of at least two members of the Management Board.

The procedure for convening and holding meetings of the Management Board, as well as the adoption and execution of its decisions are determined by the regulations of the Management Board.

The Board is authorized to make a decision if more than half of the total number of members of the Board is present at the meeting.

The exclusive competence of the Board includes:

election of the Chairman of the Board;

determination of priority areas of the Fund's activity, main directions of spending funds and approval of the Fund's activity plans;

amendments and additions to the Charter of the Fund, including the adoption of the Charter in new edition;

approval of transactions related to the alienation or the possibility of alienation of property owned by the Fund or otherwise entailing a decrease in the book value of the Fund's property by 10 (ten) percent or more of the book value of the Fund's assets, determined according to the financial (accounting) statements for the last reporting period;

making decisions on filling vacancies in the Management Board;

appointment of the General Director of the Fund and early dismissal of him from office;

structure approval, staffing the apparatus of the Fund and the total amount of expenses for its maintenance;

consideration of reports of the General Director on the activities of the Fund;

making decisions on the placement of temporarily free funds of the Fund, on writing off uncollectible debts;

establishing the procedure for the use of borrowed funds by the Fund for the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses;

review and approval annual report, including the annual balance sheet;

approval of the annual financial plan Fund and making changes to it;

approval of the conclusion based on the results of the audit;

control over the use of the Fund's resources in accordance with the goals and main activities of the Fund;

making a decision on the Fund's entry into associations and unions in order to achieve the goals stipulated by the Charter;

approval of the procedure for the formation and use by the Fund of reserve, insurance, guarantee and other funds;

making decisions on the Fund's participation in the creation of commercial and non-commercial organizations;

appointment of representatives of the Fund to the management bodies of economic entities formed with the participation of the Fund;

making decisions on opening branches and representative offices, approving regulations on them;

approval of the regulations for the work of the Board;

formation and approval of the composition of the Board of Trustees;

approval of the regulation on the Board of Trustees;

making a decision on the reorganization of the Fund;

approval of the rules for providing financial support to small and medium-sized businesses at the expense of repayable funds.

Issues related to the exclusive competence of the Board cannot be transferred for decision to another body of the Fund. The Board has the right to accept for its consideration any issue related to the activities of the Fund.

The sole executive body of the Fund is the General Director. The General Director is appointed by the Board. The term of office of the General Director is determined by the decision of the Board.

The General Director is accountable to the Board and manages the day-to-day activities of the Fund. The competence of the Director General includes the solution of all issues that do not constitute the exclusive competence of other management bodies of the Fund, as defined by laws.

The General Director organizes the activities of the Fund and is responsible for its results, ensures the implementation of decisions of the Board and the Board of Trustees, including the use by the Fund of borrowed funds received from the federal budget, the budget of the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as other sources to finance projects of small and medium-sized businesses ; controls all operations of the Fund; provides the Management Board with reports on the activities of the Fund in the prescribed manner; represents the Foundation in relations with government bodies and local governments, Russian, foreign and international organizations; in accordance with the current legislation and this Charter, manages the property of the Fund, concludes agreements, issues powers of attorney, opens settlement and other accounts of the Fund in banking institutions, has the right to sign payment documents.

The General Director issues orders and instructions that are binding on all employees of the Fund, hires, dismisses and dismisses employees of the Fund, imposes a penalty on them, approves job descriptions, regulation on remuneration, regulation on bonuses, internal labor regulations, ensures the implementation of measures for civil defense and emergency situations.

The Board of Trustees is a body exercising supervision over the activities of the Fund, the adoption by the General Director of decisions and ensuring their execution, the use of the Fund's funds, compliance by the Fund

The Board of Trustees consists of the chairman, his deputy and members of the Board of Trustees. The personal composition of the Board of Trustees is formed and approved by the Board.

The Board of Trustees of the Foundation may include representatives of:

regional branches of all-Russian public associations of small and medium-sized businesses (operating in at least half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

interregional or regional associations small and medium business;

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The total number of these representatives must be at least 50% of the total number of members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees may include founders. The General Director, employees of the Fund's staff cannot be members of the Board of Trustees.

The term of office of the Board of Trustees and each individual member is not limited. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is appointed by the Board from among the members of the Board of Trustees. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees has one deputy elected by the members of the Board of Trustees. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees manages its work, including chairing the meetings of the Board of Trustees, signing the minutes of the meetings. In his absence, these functions are performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees carries out its activities on a voluntary basis. Functions of the Board of Trustees:

makes decisions on conducting audits of the Fund;

considers and prepares decisions of the Board of Trustees of the Fund based on the results of independent audits;

considers the annual report on the activities of the Fund;

assists the Fund in attracting additional sources to finance projects of small and medium-sized businesses, controls their targeted use;

annually reviews and approves the documents of the Fund, establishing:

a) types (types) of services, service packages provided by the Fund and their cost;

b) quality standards for the services provided by the Fund and work regulations;

in) list of topics of seminars, conferences, forums, round tables, allowances.

The Board of Trustees holds its meetings as necessary, but at least once a year. The meeting of the Board of Trustees is competent if it is attended by at least half of the total number of its members. Decisions at meetings of the Board of Trustees are made by a simple majority vote of the members present. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees is decisive.

3 Regulatory framework for the activities of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 "On Non-Commercial Organizations" defines legal status, the procedure for the creation, operation, reorganization and liquidation of non-profit organizations as legal entities, the formation and use of property of non-profit organizations, the rights and obligations of their founders (participants), the basics of managing non-profit organizations and possible forms of their support by authorities state power and local governments.

Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007 "On the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation" governs relations between legal entities, individuals, state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses, defines the concepts of small and medium-sized businesses, the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, the types and forms of such support.

Federal Law No. 151-FZ dated July 2, 2010 "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations" establishes the legal framework for microfinance activities, determines the procedure for regulating the activities of microfinance organizations, establishes the amount, procedure and conditions for granting microloans, the procedure for acquiring the status and carrying out activities of microfinance organizations. organizations, as well as the rights and obligations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the Khabarovsk Territory Small Business Support Fund is a co-executor of the state target program of the Khabarovsk Territory "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory for 2013-2020" and the long-term target program "Development and support of small and medium-sized businesses in Khabarovsk for 2013 - 2015".

November 2013 Decree of the Administration of the city of Khabarovsk No. 4755 approved the municipal program "Development of small
and Medium Entrepreneurship in Khabarovsk” for 2014-2015 (as amended on February 7, 2014). The goal of the program is to further create favorable conditions for sustainable development small and medium-sized businesses in Khabarovsk, development of dialogue and cooperation between the business community and local authorities of the city of Khabarovsk. On April 17, 2012, the Decree of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory No. 124-pr approved Government program Khabarovsk Territory Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory for 2013-2020. The regional state policy in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses of the Khabarovsk Territory is part of the state socio-economic policy of the Russian Federation and is a set of measures aimed at achieving the goals established by the Federal law dated July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation".

The goals and objectives of the Program Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory for 2013-2020 correspond to Concepts long-term social economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r, Strategies social and economic development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period up to 2025, the main directions activities of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period 2011 - 2015, approved by the order of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory dated March 18, 2011 N 127-rp. Based on this, the goal of the Program is to create favorable conditions for the sustainable functioning and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the territory of the region.


1 Description and rationale for the choice of scientific research methods within the framework of the dissertation

As is well known, to common methods scientific knowledge include theoretical and empirical methods. Theoretical ones include such as: abstraction, idealization, formalization, system method, analysis, analogy, modeling, etc. Only at this level does it become possible to formulate laws, which is the goal of science. To do this, you need to be able to see behind the numerous, often completely dissimilar outwardly facts, precisely the essential, and not just recurring properties and characteristics of objects and phenomena.

Observation, experiment, measurement, analysis, induction, deduction, historical, logical, modeling - all these are methods of empirical knowledge. At the empirical (experimental) level of cognition, methods are mainly used that rely on sensory-visual methods and methods of cognition, such as systematic observation, comparison, analogy, etc. Here, primary experimental material is accumulated, which requires further processing and generalization. At this level, knowledge deals with facts and their description. All scientific information is based on observations and subject to objective verification.

In the process of scientific research within the framework of the dissertation, the author used methods of scientific research, such as:

) Analysis - a method of scientific knowledge, which is based on the procedure of mental or real dismemberment of an object into its constituent parts. The dismemberment is aimed at the transition from the study of the whole to the study of its parts and is carried out by abstracting from the connection of the parts with each other. Analysis - organic component of any scientific research, which is usually its first stage, when the researcher moves from an undivided description of the object under study to the identification of its structure, composition, as well as its properties and features.

In relation to the dissertation research, an analysis of the normative - legal basis activities of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory, analysis of the activities of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory based on empirical data collected on the basis of practice in the field of support for small innovative entrepreneurship in the Khabarovsk Territory. This method made it possible to reveal the properties, features, and components of the object under study.

) Observation is a method of directional reflection of the characteristics of an object, which allows you to form a certain idea about the observed phenomenon. The block of observation procedures includes description, measurement, comparison.

The research process involved such a method as observation through the description of the work process, the results of activities, as well as measurement and comparison with the previous period.

) The method of abstract historicism made it possible to describe events from a chronological point of view.

) The systematic approach used by the author in the study made it possible to consider objects as part of the system, i.e. explore the mechanism of interaction between the system and the environment, study the nature of the hierarchy inherent in this system, provide a comprehensive multi-aspect description of the system and consider the system as a dynamic integrity.

Also, in the course of the study, the author used methods for studying management systems (in the direction of the State Medical University), such as: the method of studying documents and sociological research methods. The author plans to use the method of expert assessments in further research.

In the process of passing research practice and writing a report on the practice, the method of studying documents was used, which made it possible to select, structure and systematize the source material.

Conducted by the author is not large sociological research allowed us to consider the system as a logically consistent methodological, methodological and organizational-technical procedure, subject to a single goal: to obtain accurate objective data about the social phenomenon under study. In this case, we are talking about such a phenomenon as innovative entrepreneurship from the point of view of its assessment by the population.

Thus, the methods of scientific knowledge used in the framework of the dissertation are considered.

2.2 Analysis of the activities of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory on the basis of empirical data collected on the basis of practice in the field of support for small innovative entrepreneurship in the Khabarovsk Territory

In modern conditions, innovations are becoming a determining factor in the development of the economy. An innovative economy, which means the process of transferring scientific knowledge into a product or service demanded by the market, produces significantly larger amounts of profit and added value than the traditional industry, with a smaller share of material costs in the sales price structure.

In an innovative economy, small business acts as an institutional structure that provides dynamism economic system facilitating the rapid commercialization of research and development results, as well as adaptation to changing conditions in all areas of activity.

Small investment enterprises (SIEs) are able to promptly accept management decisions and thereby reduce the duration of the innovation cycle, due to the lack of bureaucracy. High motivation for doing business, the ability to implement their own creative projects and rapid testing of innovations.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, one of the first subjects of the Russian Federation, the Law on innovation activities, which creates the necessary legal framework for its implementation for financial support of small investment enterprises at the expense of the regional budget.

From 2008 to 2010, support for small investment enterprises was carried out on the basis of the activities of the Forecast for the development of innovation activity in the Khabarovsk Territory until 2010, approved by the Order of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory dated August 08, 2007 N 430-r.

As a result of the implementation of the Forecast measures, the following results were achieved:

a stable growth trend has been formed innovative activity organizations and individual professionals, including young people. The number of participants in the competitions of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (START, UMNIK, etc.) has increased 3.5 times over 3 years. Grants to winners of competitions in 2010 exceeded 50 million rubles. (in 2009 this amount was about 20 million rubles). The number of participants in international exhibitions in the field of high technologies has doubled, the number of presented developments has tripled. The number of developments that won medals at exhibitions increased by 4 times.

An initial innovation infrastructure has been created, consisting of four commercialization offices at the leading universities of the region, and two student business incubators. A key role in the creation of the Regional Innovation System is played by the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Far East Agency for the Promotion of Innovations” (ANO “DASI”), established by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory. Creation regional center integrated support for innovation made it possible to implement one of the most effective options for overcoming the existing problems, based on the concentration in one place of competencies for technology transfer, protection intellectual property, network of risk financing, venture partner, training and incubation (consulting, marketing, investment, management and information support) of small innovative companies. Services of ANO "DASI" are in demand by the market - for 3 years client base ANO "DASI" has grown 3 times and is more than 130 enterprises of large, medium and small businesses, research and educational institutions and organizations of the Khabarovsk Territory.

?The formation of human resources capable of managing innovation processes has been ensured. Within the framework of the Presidential program for the training of managerial personnel for the national economy, 115 young managers were trained in the specialty "Innovation Management", 49 specialists completed 10-day training internships at actually operating objects of the innovation economy in Tomsk, about 250 people.

In 2011, support for the innovative activities of small businesses was carried out on the basis of the regional target program "Scientific, technical and innovative development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period 2011-2015."


Technological order modern society is based on an economy based on knowledge, innovation, positive perception of new ideas, readiness to implement developments for various purposes. Playing a leading role today information networks, high tech, intellectual resources, innovative organization various areas activities, a new level of attitude to the transfer and diffusion of knowledge. The knowledge economy is turning into a powerful impetus for socio-economic development, increasing the competitiveness of products (services), contributes to the diversification of activities, and helps to increase production in the regions and the country as a whole.

The success of the innovative component of the domestic economy largely depends on the state and development of small business, which, of course, is a source of innovation, as well as a channel for the transfer of knowledge and technology.

Small business is a possible subject of innovation activity, can contribute significant contribution in the development of production in technically advanced areas and directions. Small business is innovative by nature, which is facilitated by the strong features of small business organizations:

flexibility, mobility and adaptability in a rapidly changing environment due to size and management, as a rule, by an innovative leader;

increased economic and non-economic motivations for innovation;

few, but most often highly qualified personnel, etc.

The innovation potential also includes legislative framework; the mentality of the population; infrastructure that provides the entrepreneur with innovation.

The advantage of small business is a pronounced creative initiative, the ability to change quickly, independence in making important decisions, which contributes to the creation and implementation of innovations.

Small business plays an important role in creating new jobs, especially for highly qualified specialists. It allows you to create conditions for revealing the individuality of an employee, quickly responding to changing market needs.

Small innovative enterprises require less costs to open, they have greater opportunities to re-profile production on a new technical basis in a short time.

Weaknesses activities of small businesses can be: insufficient support from the state, limited opportunities for external and internal financing, unprofessional level of management, narrow specialization employees, the lack of the possibility of obtaining a synergistic effect.

Thus, small innovative business hides a significant potential for innovative economic growth.

In Russia, unfortunately, there is no statistical accounting of innovatively active small businesses operating in different sectors of the economy. At the moment, only 6.2% of the total number of all enterprises are engaged in the introduction of innovations in Russia, in industry no more than 10%, in small business, according to various estimates, up to 3.5% of enterprises. Innovation costs do not exceed 1.5% of the cost of industrial products, while in the EU countries the figure is 4.2%. At the moment, the high innovative potential of small businesses in the Russian Federation is not used enough. Of all the developments offered by small businesses in the scientific and technical field, from 1 to 3% reach implementation. In industrial developed countries this share exceeds 60%.

Thus, the reasons hindering the development of small innovative business in Russia include the following: Money, in particular their own; insufficient financial support from the state; high cost of innovation; high risk; insufficient demand for innovative products from consumers.

At the moment, innovative entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation does not determine the general climate in small business. However, small business has great potential to become a source of economic growth in a highly competitive market for innovation.

Regional state support for SIE is carried out on the basis of the activities of the Forecast for the development of innovation activity in the Khabarovsk Territory until 2015, approved by the Order of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory dated August 08, 2007 N 430-r.

Support for innovative activities of small businesses is carried out on the basis of the regional target program "Scientific, technical and innovative development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period 2011-2015."

The maximum use of the possibilities of innovation activity in the region involves the concentration of resources on following directions: development human capital; development of scientific and technical potential; technological renewal and modernization of production, development of new sectors of the economy; formation of a regional innovation system; increase in innovative activity; creation of a favorable institutional and regulatory environment for the development of innovative activities; creation of a regional network of risk financing; formation of the intellectual property market.

It is necessary to identify the main, most effective tools for influencing the development of small high-tech businesses available to the authorities government controlled:

?creation of conditions for the effective functioning of the competitive mechanism of innovative entrepreneurship;

?providing full support for basic and improving innovations;

?promoting an increase in innovative activity, which, thanks to the introduction of scientific and technological achievements and the renewal of production, contributes to the growth of the competitiveness of domestic products;

?transfer provision innovative technologies, protecting the interests of SIE;

?creation of a mechanism for cooperation between the subjects of the region's innovation system ( big business, small business, scientific organizations, government agencies);

?formation of a set of measures aimed at developing the export potential of SIE and developing interregional and international cooperation ties in the scientific and technical field;

?formation of infrastructure for efficient and sustainable functioning of SIP.

As specific areas of state support for innovative small businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory, the following can be distinguished:

Financing the innovation process

A significant part of the appropriations is required for the development of an innovative product itself. If the scientific and technical development is new technology, then its implementation is associated with the transformation of the corresponding production, which also leads to high costs, etc. Thus, innovation activity requires large investments, which, other things being equal, are much higher than financial support current, already established production.

Investments in innovation, especially in the creation of the first samples of an innovative product, are classified as "risk capital", which requires the development of separate measures to reduce obstacles and risks.

An important, but still uncommon source of investment in the Khabarovsk Territory can be venture financing from SIEs.

?restoration of the canceled guarantee, which makes it possible to use the IIP of accelerated depreciation of fixed assets production assets, to increase the rate of renewal of resource potential and the exemption of small businesses from property tax for the purpose of their technical re-equipment, the development of a regional network of risky financing. As part of the implementation of this direction, it is possible to create a club of "business angels" in the Khabarovsk Territory.

.Ensuring the transfer of innovative technologies.

Technology transfer is complicated by the lack of a mechanism for transferring the results of developments created in state research organizations and universities to industry.

Staffing and consulting services for the innovation process: small business innovative

?development of a multi-level system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for innovative activities in the production, technological and scientific field;

?preparation of innovative small enterprises to attract capital at the next stages of development in the form of venture and direct investments;

?assistance in placing SIE in business incubators on preferential terms;

?assistance with participation in tenders;

?provision of consulting services (business planning, marketing, patents, etc.)

.Formation of the information infrastructure of innovation activity.

Within the framework of this direction, it is necessary to create a communication network platform, the purpose of which is to organize the interaction of young entrepreneurs (developers and idea carriers) who are looking for financial support for the implementation of their business and business angels (informal investors) who are ready to invest in high-risk innovative projects.

Another problem of the information infrastructure of the Khabarovsk Territory in the field of innovation is the lack of awareness of potential users and buyers of innovations about new developments, therefore, an important point is the organization of meetings and consultations between inventors and buyers of innovations, as well as the creation of a single database on research and development.

.Development of interregional and international cooperation ties in the scientific and technical sphere.

This area provides assistance to innovative organizations in addressing issues of promotion to markets and marketing of innovative products (works, services), as well as the formation of the foundations for international economic cooperation in the field of innovation with other countries, primarily countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

.Formation of innovation infrastructure

This direction provides for measures for the formation and development of innovation infrastructure institutions that ensure the transfer of scientific knowledge from the R&D sector to business organizations and comprehensive organizational and consulting, material and other support for technology transfer processes, the commercialization of scientific knowledge, and the incubation of innovative companies. These institutions include: technology parks, commercialization offices, business incubators, consulting, information, educational centers, etc.

As a result of the implementation of the proposed areas of support for the SIE of the region, it is possible to predict an increase in the number of organizations that carry out technological innovation, an increase in the volume of innovative goods, works and services, as well as an increase specific gravity organizations carrying out technological innovations in the total volume of organizations of the region. Improving the state of small innovative entrepreneurship will have a beneficial effect on the socio-economic development of the region as a whole.


Thus, in the course of the research practice, the main goals and objectives of the practice were achieved.

The Khabarovsk Territory Small Business Support Fund is a non-membership non-profit organization whose activities are aimed at developing and supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The Fund operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal law dated January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On non-profit organizations", Federal Law dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation", Federal law dated July 2, 2010 No. 151 -FZ "On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations", municipal and regional programs and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and the Khabarovsk Territory and the Charter of the Fund for Support of Small Business of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The purpose of supporting innovative entrepreneurship is to create conditions for the development of small innovative entrepreneurship as the basis for modernizing the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The maximum use of opportunities for the implementation of innovative activities in the Khabarovsk Territory involves the concentration of resources in the following areas:

?development of human capital;

?development of scientific and technical potential;

?technological renewal and modernization of production, development of new sectors of the economy;

?formation of a regional innovation system;

?increase in innovative activity;

?creation of a favorable institutional and regulatory environment for the development of innovative activities;

?creation of a regional network of risk financing;

?formation of the intellectual property market.

?lack of funds and vocational training for the successful start of innovative activity, as well as funds for its further development;

The introduction of innovations and the search for new technologies is the economic strategy of a small number of the most advanced companies, accounting for no more than 12% of the total, the share of innovative products (works, services) is about 4% in gross sales, the demand for scientific developments from business is small;

A small part of the ongoing research work has ultimate goal achievement, in addition to the scientific result, also commercial in the form of royalties, scientific organizations form an extremely limited offer for business of market-attractive developments and technologies;

There are no stable, economically driven ties and interaction between business and scientific organizations, institutions of innovation infrastructure that mediate these processes are not developed;

Insufficiently developed infrastructure to support small and medium-sized businesses, and especially in the municipal districts of the region;

Insufficient awareness of potential users and buyers of innovations about new developments;

The presence of administrative barriers in the implementation of innovative activities by small businesses.

The named set of problems can only have a systemic solution (through the creation of a regional innovation system) and only with the direct participation of the state represented by regional authorities. The instrument of state participation in the formation of a regional innovation system is the program-target method, which allows concentrating limited resources on achieving strategically significant goals.

The author of the study has developed directions for supporting small innovative entrepreneurship in the region, with the help of which it is possible to predict an increase in the number of organizations implementing technological innovations, an increase in the volume of innovative goods, works and services, as well as an increase in the share of organizations implementing technological innovations in the total volume of organizations in the region. Improving the state of small innovative entrepreneurship will have a beneficial effect on the socio-economic development of the region as a whole.


1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation: official. text. - M. : Prior, 2009. - 27 p.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ // Collection. legislation of the Russian Federation 2002. - No. 12.- Art. 1093.

On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation: Feder. Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ // Collected. Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2007. - No. 30. - Art. 3822.

On non-profit organizations: feder. Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. - N 3. - Art. 145

On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations: Feder. Law of July 2, 2010 No. 151-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2010. - N 27. - Art. 3435

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Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Khabarovsk" for 2014-2015: the municipal program was approved on November 7, 2013 by the Decree of the Administration of the city of Khabarovsk No. 4755 // Khabarovsk Vesti. - N 173.- 2013

10. On the development of medium and small businesses in the Khabarovsk Territory for 2013-2020. : Law of the Khabarovsk Territory dated May 29, 2013 No. 284 / New in the legislation of the Khabarovsk Territory. - Access mode: .

11. Results of the activities of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory [Electronic resource] / Official website of the Small Business Support Fund of the Khabarovsk Territory. - Access mode:

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