Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The topic is the economics of the industry and the functioning of a hotel enterprise in the tourism market. G. A. Yakovlev

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Abstract: Effective use of material resources, improvement of the organization of production of services, improvement of material and technical supply, replacement of outdated equipment and equipment of a hotel enterprise, reduction of the consumption rates of material resources has a positive effect on production indicators. economic activity hotel enterprises. In this context, this article discusses the importance of material resource planning and ways to save material resources in hotel enterprises.

Key words: planning, hotel enterprise, material resource, savings, resource conservation

Planning of material resources and ways of saving in hotel enterprises

Gaevaya Ekaterina Andreevna

2 course master degree program “Hotel business management” St.Petersburg State University of Economics Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract: Effective use of material resources, improvement organization of production of services, improvement of logistics, replacement of obsolete facilities and equipment of the hotel enterprise, reduction of norms of expenses of material resources has a positive effect on indicators of production and economic activity of the hotel enterprises. In this context, this article examines the importance of the planning of material resources, ways of saving material resources in the hotel enterprises.

Keywords: planning, hotel enterprise, material resource, saving, resource saving

One of the most radical and main directions for the financial recovery of an enterprise is the search for internal reserves to achieve break-even operation and increase the profitability of production: maximizing opportunities for more complete use of the hotel room stock, reducing the cost of services provided, increasing competitiveness and quality of services, reducing unproductive losses and expenses, rational use of labor, financial and material resources.

The main attention should be paid to issues of resource conservation: the introduction of progressive standards and norms of resource-saving technologies, the study and implementation of best practices in implementing the economy regime, the organization of effective control and accounting for the use of resources, moral and material incentives for workers in the struggle to save resources, as well as reduction unproductive losses and expenses.

Reserves for improving the financial condition of an enterprise can be identified using marketing analysis to study supply and demand, to study sales markets and compile on this basis optimal structure production and formation of a product range.

In order to prevent bankruptcy of an enterprise and bring it out of the “danger zone”, it is necessary to learn how to comprehensively use internal and external reserves. External sources of raising funds for the turnover of an enterprise include leasing, factoring, issuing new bonds and shares, government subsidies, attracting loans for profitable projects.

In special cases, it is necessary to reengineer the business process, which means a complete revision production program hotel enterprise, labor organization and accrual wages, logistics, product quality management, selection and placement of personnel, pricing and investment policies, sales markets and markets for raw materials and other issues. It should be noted that the choice of specific measures to improve the financial condition of the enterprise depends on what shortcomings in the company’s activities were identified during the analysis process, as well as on the knowledge, skills and preferences of managers who will develop and implement measures to eliminate these shortcomings.

The state of the material and technical base has a great influence on the activities of the hotel. The material evidence hotels present to tourists is varied and well thought out. These are architecturally or historically interesting buildings of hotel enterprises, attractive interiors, cleanliness and well-groomed premises, speed and quality of service. But when choosing a hotel, tourists pay attention not only to the state of the material and technical base, but also to its provision. Not the most significant details can play an important role - the size of the room, the size and type of bed, the presence of a TV or the Internet.

The appearance of the building is of great importance for guests when choosing a place to stay. An interesting solution for finishing the facade will add attractiveness to the hotel in the eyes of many potential guests. When choosing a hotel, the first thing a guest pays attention to is appearance hotels. If it is clear that it has not been renovated for a long time, such a hotel will not inspire confidence. And the guest will not agree to live in it even under favorable conditions. In modern times, hotels with unusual architecture or located in historical buildings are more attractive, therefore, when designing a hotel, the architect is given the task of designing a building that will compete with existing enterprises.

Also, signage plays an important role when choosing a hotel. The brighter and more original it is, the greater the chances that the guest will stay at this hotel.

The appearance of the building creates the first impression of the hotel, but the internal equipment of the hotel has a greater influence on the choice of the guest.

The reception and accommodation area is the first thing a tourist sees when entering the hotel. If the area is equipped with old, bulky furniture that has already lost its original appearance, the guest will have doubts about the equipment of the room. And the guest can leave this hotel without even looking at him. By equipping the area with high-quality and modern furniture, the hotel administration will create a good impression of the hotel.

A component of this factor is the structure and condition of the room stock. The structure of the room stock depends on the class level of the hotel complex. The room should be beautiful, cozy, warm, comfortable. Only in this case will the guest have a desire to stay in this hotel again. It takes a lot of effort to make the room comfortable and beautiful. The first thing that affects the comfort of a room is high-quality furniture. Also, don’t forget about the quality of your sleep. To do this, you need to pay great attention to bedding. The mattress and pillow should be comfortable for any guest. When choosing them, you should pay attention to the fillers. Now tourists Special attention pay attention to the technical equipment of the rooms. A TV, refrigerator or minibar, hairdryer, telephone, air conditioning must be in every room. The absence of one of the components affects the comfort of the guest. Taking into account this factor of the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise involves identifying the degree of compliance of the declared and actually implemented class of customer service. Ensuring the quality of accommodation services, and, consequently, the competitiveness of the enterprise, largely depends on the organization of the work of the corresponding hotel service. The purpose of the room management service is to provide services to guests in the rooms, provide household services guests of the hotel enterprise, maintaining the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of public premises and guest rooms.

The provision of hospitality services is associated with the mandatory use of certain equipment and inventory, therefore the quality of engineering and technical support for the service is also named among the factors influencing the activities of the hotel. Modern hotels are equipped with a large amount of sophisticated engineering and technical equipment. These are central heating, systems: cold and hot water, fire protection system, sewerage, garbage chutes and ventilation. The buildings are equipped with an electrical network, television and radio installations, alarm systems, and telephones. Modern high-speed elevators have been installed. Engineering and technical equipment is considered as a set of ready-made, permanent conditions aimed at meeting the cultural and everyday needs of guests living in a hotel. The quality of this equipment affects the comfort of the guests. Ensuring the proper operation of the hotel’s engineering and technical equipment is carried out by the service technical operation.

Achievements scientific and technological progress are widely used in the hospitality industry, and especially in areas such as consumer information, distribution systems, and transportation. The development of telecommunications technologies has led to the creation of computer reservation systems that provide users with the opportunity to book places in accommodation facilities online. Global distribution systems provide access to millions of users: the consumer can independently create a travel package for himself, make the necessary reservations and go on a trip along a route developed by himself.

Thus, we can conclude that the hotel’s activities are influenced by both external and internal factors. One of the factors is the material and technical base. The state of the hotel's material and technical base influences such hotel performance indicators as hotel occupancy rate, profit and profitability. Indicators are very important for any hotel, therefore, each hotel strives to increase them. By improving the material and technical base, the hotel enterprise improves the quality of its services, which helps attract more guests. This contributes to the efficiency of the accommodation facility enterprise.

Planning of logistics (supply) of hotels in modern stage is designed to solve the following problems:

1) it must ensure the continuity of the operation of the hotel enterprise, which is achieved by properly organizing the supply of materials to the hotel in the required quantity and appropriate quality;

2) contribute to increasing the technical level of service production, promote the introduction of new technologies and process automation, as well as expanding the range of additional services, which, in turn, are the most important factor in increasing hotel profits;

3) logistics should be aimed at improving the quality of service through the purchase of goods High Quality for the most complete customer satisfaction;

4) logistics should be aimed at increasing labor productivity;

5) the logistics plan should be aimed at saving material resources;

6) also the logistics plan should be aimed at fulfilling the profit plan.

The issue of energy and resource saving has become especially popular for the hotel industry during the period of crisis phenomena that have sensitively affected the economy of enterprises. The immediate consequence of the crisis for the hotel complex was the loss of previously accumulated advantages in generating profitability due to high occupancy and prices for accommodation. The sharp quantitative decline in these parameters that determine hotel revenue has clearly demonstrated the importance of taking into account the cost of all components when creating a hotel product. The costs of energy resources, electricity and utilities began to have a much greater impact on the economy of hotels, especially since the last period was marked by an unprecedented increase in their prices - only in the first half of 2016 by an average of almost 30%. The introduction of energy-saving technologies and equipment gives hotel companies obvious advantages.

This is achieved by improving the organization of production and logistics, replacing outdated equipment and introducing new ones technological processes. The result of introducing these standards into production should be expressed in concrete savings in material resources, in a reduction in production costs and in an increase in product output.

Thus, the efficient use of material resources, reducing their consumption rates ensures a reduction in the consumption of basic and auxiliary materials (used in the maintenance and operation of equipment) per unit of output, and also allows for a reduction in energy consumption. Through the cost of production, a decrease in the consumption rates of material resources has a positive effect on the indicators of production and economic activity of hotel enterprises (profit from sales of products, profitability of production).


1. Krul G.Ya. Fundamentals of hotel business: textbook / G.Ya. Krul // K.: Center for Educational Literature, 2011. − 368 p.

2. Lazarev A.N. Economics of a hotel enterprise: textbook / A.N. Lazarev, N.A. Zaitseva, S.V. Ogneva, E.N. Egorova // M.: Knorus, 2016.

3. Oreshkin O.A. System of factors strategic planning and forecasting the development of a hotel enterprise // Economics and management innovative technologies. 2014. No. 6 [Electronic resource] – URL: (access date: 11/14/2015).

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For successful work hotel enterprise, providing a complex of basic and additional services, hotels must have the equipment and inventory necessary for operation (furniture, dishes, bed dress, carpet products, detergents etc.), and also have at their disposal such means of operation that can provide a certain complex utilities, mandatory for servicing hotel residents (heating, lighting, water supply). Consequently, in the process of its functioning, a hotel requires a whole range of material and technical means, as well as resources such as fuel, water and electricity.

The successful solution of these issues is intended to be ensured by the hotel’s logistics service, which is responsible for calculating the hotel’s needs for various materials, and also determines the sources of their coverage.

1. Essence and meaninglogisticsToth security (MTO) in modern conditions

In order to provide the hotel with the materials it needs in accordance with the identified needs, logistics of the hotel are organized. Its task is to determine the hotel’s need for material and technical resources, to find ways to cover this need, as well as to monitor the correct use of material and technical resources and assist in saving them. All these functions are performed by the hotel’s logistics department.

It should be noted that quite recently, during the times of a centrally planned economy, MTS was a process of planned provision of the national economy. At that time, enterprises (in particular hotels) did not independently plan logistics in accordance with their needs, and plans for supplying all enterprises in the country were developed centrally by special government agencies- Gosplan, USSR State Committee for Material and Technical Supply. It happened as follows. Hotels began to develop logistics plans before the start of the planning period based on communications from higher-level organizations of preliminary limits. The plans consisted of preliminary calculations (applications) for all types of needs: operation, current and major repairs, capital works. Applications were submitted to a higher organization, which compiled consolidated applications for all enterprises and organizations subordinate to it and sent them to local planning authorities and the logistics department of the executive committee of the local Council of People's Deputies, as well as to the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Union Republic. The final planned calculations were drawn up after receiving from a higher organization an assignment on the volume of services and data on the allocated funds for funded and planned allocated resources.

With such a system of planned resource allocation, hotels often did not receive the materials that they needed, and it also happened that those materials that were distributed to them did not find use, since the hotel did not really need them. Also, all the material resources supplied to the hotel were more or less standard, that is, exactly the same furniture, bedding, dishes, etc. came to other hotels as well. And if the hotel wanted and had the financial opportunity to purchase better materials in accordance with its actual needs, it could not do this without the appropriate order “from above.” After the collapse of the USSR, the system of planned material and technical supply also collapsed. Hotels have gained economic independence and now the concept of “planning” has a different meaning. The need for planning in modern hotel enterprises arises from the large number of competitive enterprises ever increasing during the period of a market economy, the variety of possible forms of enterprise management, the presence of numerous structural divisions within the enterprise, close intercompany ties with suppliers of various goods (products, equipment, etc.) and agent firms involved in the customer service process, as well as the requirements of scientific and technological progress - to quickly take into account and master the latest achievements of science and technology. Also, in market conditions, hotel enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and therefore the right to purchase more efficient material resources. This forces the hotel supply staff to carefully study quality characteristics products manufactured by various suppliers.

Planning the logistics (supply) of hotels at the present stage is designed to solve the following problems:

1) it must ensure the continuity of the operation of the hotel enterprise, which is achieved by properly organizing the supply of materials to the hotel in the required quantity and appropriate quality;

2) help improve the technical level of service production, promote the introduction of automation, new technologies, as well as expand the range of additional services, which, in turn, are the most important factor in increasing hotel profits;

3) MTO should be aimed at improving the quality of service by purchasing high-quality goods for the fullest customer satisfaction;

4) MTO should be aimed at increasing labor productivity;

5) the logistics plan should be aimed at saving material resources

6) as well as the logistics plan must be aimed at fulfilling the profit plan;

As noted above, the hotel’s logistics plan is developed by a special department within the hotel’s accounting department, which includes two main divisions - procurement management and warehouse management. They are given the following tasks: organizing control over supply in terms of volume and range in accordance with concluded contracts; compliance with standards and inventory structure; finding ways to reduce commodity losses during storage and transportation. But it should be noted that most important responsibility This department is developing a plan for the logistics of the hotel.

MTO plan for a hotel enterprise is its material balance, which summarizes all calculations of the need for material resources necessary to ensure the production process (expenditure part), the availability of balances for the planned period, and also determines the sources of supply (receipt part). The main indicators of the logistics plan, as well as the relationship between them, can be displayed by the following equation:

Rpen + Znor = Oozh + E + V, Where


Znor - normalized stocks;

Ooj- expected balances, i.e. actual inventories that exist in the hotel for a certain period;

E- saving

IN- import plan.

The left side of the equation displays the total need for material resources, and the right side shows the sources of covering this need.

The process of developing a logistics plan includes the following steps:

calculation of the need for material resources for production and operational needs;

based existing needs the norms of reserves of resources necessary for the uninterrupted functioning of the hotel enterprise are calculated;

3) then the sources of covering the need for material resources are determined, and a plan for the import of materials from outside is developed.

So, the hotel’s logistics plan is its material balance, which summarizes all planned calculations of the need for material resources necessary to support the production process (expenditure part), the availability of balances for the planned period, and also identifies sources of supply (receipt part).

A consolidated logistics plan, taking into account the total need for materials for all the needs of the hotel enterprise, including the formation of reserves, as well as sources for covering the enterprise’s needs for materials, usually takes the following form:

Table 1. Logistics plan for the hotel

Transfer of materials and equipment

Unit of measurement

Expected balance at the beginning of the planning period

Needs for the planning period

Planned stock in the planned period at the end of the year

To be prepared for the planned period

Source of supply

Amount, thousand UAH

Just for a year

Including by quarter

By quarter

Calculation of the need for various types of material resources

One of the most critical stages in developing a logistics plan is determining the need for material resources for the upcoming planning period. Calculations of the need for material resources are based on specific consumption rates. Under specific consumption rate materials, fuel, water imply the maximum permissible consumption per unit of measurement. Depending on the types and purpose of material resources, a unit of measurement is taken as a unit of product (service), facility capacity, building volume.

Some of the material resources used in the operational activities of the hotel cannot be accurately regulated due to the diversity of their types and use in small quantities. These are lubricants, cleaning agents and other operational auxiliary materials. When planning them, they are guided by data on actual consumption for the previous period, and also take into account factors that help reduce costs and reduce their cost through the use of new, more efficient synthetic materials.

The hotel’s total needs for material resources for production and operational needs are calculated using the following formula:
Rpen = Rosn + Rpts + Rren + Rcap.str., Where
Rosn- the needs of the main production of the hotel enterprise. This includes the material resources necessary for the hotel to provide a range of basic services to customers. These include furniture, electric lighting, carpeting, bedding, dishes, detergents, hospitality items and much more.
ROC- the needs of the hotel's utility departments. These include a hairdresser, beauty salon, swimming pool, sauna, greenhouse, etc.
Rren- requirements for material resources for repair and maintenance needs. This includes water requirements, building materials, spare parts and electricity need for materials for implementation overhaul(if necessary).
There are several methods for calculating a hotel's needs for material resources.
Direct counting method - when used this method the need for material and technical resources is calculated based on specific standard expenses materials per unit of operational services. The calculation is made using the following formula:
Ri = Ni* B, Where
Ri- the need for the i-th material;
Ni- rate of consumption of the i-th product per unit of service;
B- volume of services provided.
Let's consider calculating the need for materials, fuel, water and electricity based on this methodology.
In hotels, fuel is used to heat the premises and provide hot water supply. Its consumption is calculated based on the external volume of the hotel building and established norm consumption per 1 m2 of building according to the formula:
R = HU, Where
N- standard fuel consumption rate per 1 m2 of building for the entire heating season for a given area:
U- volume of the heated building according to external measurements, m.
Fuel consumption rates for heating are differentiated depending on the gradation of the building's cubic capacity and the area.
Example. It is necessary to calculate the amount of fuel for heating the hotel.

The external volume of the building is 6000 mі. For this area, the standard fuel consumption rate for the heating season for buildings with a volume of 5001 - 10000mі is 4.02 kg per 1mі. Consequently, heating the hotel will require standard fuel 6000 4.02 = 24.12 t. To convert it into a natural amount of standard fuel, it is divided by the conversion factor of the type of fuel that the hotel uses.

For example, the fuel is coal, the conversion factor of which is 0.84. Then the amount of coal needed to heat the hotel will be 24,12 : 0.84 = 28.7 t.

To determine the hotel's need for fuel for hot water supply at a rate of 2.1 kg per 1 service and an annual program for the provision of services, conventionally amounting to 28,000 place-days, it is necessary to multiply this number by the standard fuel consumption per service: 28,000 2.1 = 58 .8 tons. Converted to coal of the specified grade, fuel will be required 58,8 : 0.84 = 70 tons. Thus, for all the needs of the hotel, coal is needed 24.12 + 70 = 94.12 tons.

In order to determine the amount of fuel consumed in in kind, the resulting amount of conditional is divided by the corresponding conversion factor of the type of fuel used by the hotel.

After determining the total amount of natural fuel required for the operational needs of the hotel for the planned period, its cost is calculated. The amount of fuel is multiplied by the price per unit. The price includes all costs associated with transportation and storage of fuel,those.All expenses ex-warehouse of the hotel are taken into account. The calculation of the need for fuel, as well as for other material resources, is made for a year with distribution by quarters.

The need and cost of water are calculated in the same way as fuel, based on the current specific consumption standards for one service. Water consumption standards in hotels are set depending on the location of washing facilities (orcranes). NThe required total amount of water for the planned period is determined by multiplying the corresponding specific rate of water consumption by the planned volume of place-days.

Example. The hotel has 300 beds and has 250 rooms, of which 240 are equipped with bathrooms. Service release program for the planned period is 150,000 place-days. In accordance with current standards, water consumption for one service in this hotel is 200-2 50 l. Taking an average water consumption per service of 220l. or 0.22mі., Let's calculate the total water consumption for the hotel for the planning period: 150,000 · 0.22 = 33,000mі.

The cost of water is calculated by multiplying the quantity required for the planned period by the current tariff, summed with the sewerage tariff.

Electricity in hotels is used for lighting (lighting), as well as for operating electric motors ( power plants) and electrical appliances. Its need is calculated separately for each type. When calculating the need for lighting electricity, the number of light points and their power (in watts), as well as the average number of burning hours in the planned period, are taken into account.

Example.To illuminate the hotel premises, 250 lamps are used, including 70 lamps of 75 W each, 110 lamps - 100 W each, and 70 - 60 W each. On average, the number of burning hours per day is: 45 lamps of 75 W -10 o'clock; 25 to 75 W - 12h.; 50 lamps 100 W - 14h., 60 to 100 -16 hours; 70 to 60 W - 17 hours.
Thus, per day these lamps consume (45 0.075 10) + (25 0.075 12)+(50 0.1 14)+(60 0.1 16)+
+(70·0.06·17)=293.65 kWh of electricity.

By multiplying the daily electricity consumption by the number of days the hotel is open, we determine its need for the entire planned period (year, quarter, month). To accurately determine the need for lighting electricity for individual quarters, calculations are carried out for each quarter, taking into account the different duration of lamp burning depending on the time of year.

The hotel's need for power electricity is determined in the same way as for lighting, taking into account that the object of calculation is the installed motors and their power. The need for electricity to operate electrical appliances (vacuum cleaners, irons, hair dryers, TVs, computers, etc.) is calculated based on the number of times they are used and the rate of electricity consumption for their operation.

The cost of electricity is determined by multiplying the amount of lighting and power electricity required for the planned period in kilowatt-hours by the current tariff.

Specific consumption rates for auxiliary materials (soap, powder, paste, brushes) are developed in each hotel separately based on the reporting and statistical method, i.e. based on actual costs in the previous period, taking into account their possible reduction. Standards are established per unit of work or service. In accordance with the standards established by this method, the need for auxiliary materials for the planned period is calculated. To more correctly determine it, it is necessary to analytically study consumption data over a number of years, which makes it possible to identify possible reserves for saving auxiliary materials.

2. Calculation of reserves of material resources and methodologytheir rationing
material equipment stock hotel

To ensure normal operation, the hotel must have available material resources not only in the quantities necessary for its daily needs, but also have a certain reserve. In this regard, in terms of material supply, along with calculations of the current needs of material resources, the size of the required reserves and their balances at the beginning and end of the planning period are also taken into account.

The stock of materials located at the enterprise consists of three parts: current stock, due to which an uninterrupted supply of materials to the hotel is achieved in the period between regular deliveries, guarantee (insurance) stock, created at the hotel enterprise in case of violation of normal delivery times: and preparatory stock, which is created during the unloading of material, the implementation of quantitative and qualitative acceptance, and preparation for consumption.

In order to determine the size of the current stock, all materials are divided into four groups:
materials that are constantly and systematically consumed in significant quantities, received in transit, with average monthly consumption exceeding the ordered or transit norm, as a result of which there is a need for regular large deliveries;
materials received in transit, the delivery of which, according to the terms of work of suppliers, is carried out once per quarter, half-year or year and is timed to coincide with a specific month of this period;
materials received in transit, the average monthly consumption of which is less than the ordered or transit norm;
materials received from sales and supply bases.
For each of these groups, the interval between two subsequent deliveries is determined differently.
For materials classified in the first group, the interval is established on the basis of standard contractual delivery times for the previous period, taking into account upcoming changes in the supply organization.
For materials of the second group, delivery intervals are taken based on the working conditions of suppliers of 90, 180 or even 360 days. According to the materials of the third group, the delivery interval is determined by dividing their transit norm by the average daily need for materials.
Based on the materials of the fourth group, the delivery interval is determined by the appropriate size of the batch of materials delivered to the hotel enterprise.
In the first case, the average balance of materials is equal to half the delivery time, and the coefficient of delay of materials in stock TO z will be 0.5.
In the second case, the average stock depends on the timing of materials consumption. If the frequency of consumption of materials is determined to be 10 days, in equal shares, then the coefficient of delay of materials in inventory will be:
Thus, the current stock of materials Z tek is equal to the supply interval AND p, multiplied by the average daily requirement for materials M s and by the amount TO h:
So, the current stock should provide the hotel enterprise with the appropriate amount of material resources necessary for its production activities for the period between two subsequent shipments.

However, supply interruptions and disruptions may occur due to meteorological or other unforeseen conditions. In case of such failures, the hotel creates a second type of reserve - insurance. When determining the safety stock, you should carefully consider its maximum size (the period for which it is created), since its overestimation leads to the “freezing” of material and monetary resources.

Methodology for rationing inventories of material resources.

First of all, to understand the essence of rationing of inventories of material resources, it is necessary to define the stock norm. Under stock norm one should consider the planned minimum amount of material resources that the enterprise must have for the normal process of logistics. A characteristic feature of inventory standards is the variability of their main - current part. Therefore, a distinction is made between maximum, minimum and average stock levels.

The maximum inventory rates will be when the current portion of the inventory reaches its greatest value. These standards are established by summing the maximum current stock, as well as preparatory and safety stocks.

The minimum stock levels will be at the moment of complete depletion of the current stock. They are defined as the sum of preparatory and safety stocks.

Average stock norms are used in material and technical supply plans and are called carryover stocks. They are found by summing up half of the maximum current stock, as well as preparatory and safety stocks taken in full.

Let's consider two main methods for rationing material and technical resources.

Method of technical and economic calculations.

According to this method, the current stock is defined as half the average delivery interval (ω1) between two next deliveries.

Ztek =Ѕ t1

The average delivery interval, in turn, is found using the following formula:

t1 - actual delivery intervals, days

Q is the quantity of supplied material resources according to delivery intervals (in natural units of measurement).

Safety stocks are established based on the weighted average deviation of delivery intervals exceeding the average interval. This method is based on taking into account actual delivery intervals over the past period of time. Safety stocks in this case are determined by the formula (in natural units of measurement):

where p is the average daily consumption;

t - actual delivery intervals exceeding the average delivery interval tav;

B-values ​​of incoming batches of material corresponding to intervals tf;

n is the number of deliveries with an interval exceeding the average.

The need to take into account only those deliveries whose intervals are higher than the weighted average is argued by supporters of this method by the fact that safety stocks are not needed if the delivery intervals are equal to or less than the weighted average.

A more reasonable method is to find the safety stock using the standard deviation of actual intervals (x) from the average (x) using the formula known in statistics

m - frequency (amount of received material).

If it is impossible to construct a distribution series, then a more simplified method can be used for calculation:

n is the number of deviations from the intervals taken into account.

The standard deviation can be used to establish the standard of safety stock, depending on the required degree of guarantee of supplying production with materials. In this case, a well-known statistical dependence is used, in which x±y ensures production guaranteeing 65%, x±2y - 96.4%, x±3y - 99.4%.

The relative value of preparatory stocks is determined by the time required to carry out operations to prepare materials for use. Usually it is set in size from 12 to 24 hours. This time is enough to sort incoming materials, organize quantitative and qualitative acceptance of materials, sort and unpack and make materials and goods marketable. For example, the hotel received new dishes. It is clear that in packaged form it cannot be immediately used. Consequently, it takes some time for the hotel staff to receive, unpack and staff it.

The total stock is defined as the sum of current, insurance and preparatory stocks:

Ztot = Ztek+Zstr+Zpodg

Economic- mathematic method.

This method is used to calculate the optimal delivery lot. The optimal delivery batch of a given type of material resource is understood as the batch size at which transport costs per unit of resource, as well as the costs of its maintenance and storage, will be minimal.

It is calculated according to the formula:

2V - doubled annual consumption;

WITH? - transport costs per unit (ton, kg);

C - maintenance and storage costs per unit.

So, inventory rationing is a very important step in developing a hotel logistics plan. From correctly installed sizes various types reserves depend on the continuity of hotel operations.

3. Sources of covering material needsresources

The planned need for materials for consumption is covered by the expected balances at the beginning of the planning period, internal resources (which are formed by saving materials) and the amount of imports from outside.

The amount of expected balances at the beginning of the planning period is determined by the formula:

Oozh=Of+Vozh-Rozh, Where

Oozh - expected balance;

Of- actual balance as of the first day of the month in which the supply plan was developed (reporting data);

Vozh- expected receipt by the enterprise for the period from the date on which the actual balance was taken until the beginning of the planning period;

Rozh- expected consumption for the same period.

Establishing the amount of import of materials from outside can be determined by developing a balance of material and technical support using the formula:

Rpen + Znor = Oozh + E + V, Where

Rpen- the need for material resources for production and operational needs;

Znor - normalized stocks;

Ooj- expected balances;

E- saving of materials due to the mobilization of internal resources;

IN- the amount of materials imported from outside.

From here, the amount of imported materials from outside is determined by the following formula:

B = Rpen + Znor - Oozh - E

At this stage, contracts are concluded with suppliers that regulate the terms of delivery: volume, quality, price of goods, form of payment, delivery time, liability for violation of the terms of the contract.

When choosing suppliers, a number of factors should be taken into account: territorial remoteness and speed of delivery, compliance production capacity suppliers to the enterprise's needs for material resources, their quality, price, payment terms, the possibility of providing a loan, etc. Preference is given to the partner who provides Better conditions with minimal costs. Successful selection of a supplier depends on the hotel's ability to analyze its performance in terms of quality, delivery and price. These components are considered first during selection.

Deliveries of material resources to the enterprise are carried out through economic connections. Economic connections represent a set of economic, organizational and legal relationships that arise between suppliers and consumers of means of production. A rational system of economic relations involves minimizing production and distribution costs, full compliance of the quantity, quality and range of supplied products with the needs of production, timeliness and completeness of their receipt.

Economic ties between enterprises can be direct and indirect (indirect), long-term, and short-term.

Direct represent connections in which relations for the supply of products are established between manufacturing enterprises and supplying enterprises directly, directly.

Indirect connections are considered when there is at least one intermediary between these enterprises. Deliveries of products to the consumer can be carried out in a mixed way, i.e. both directly and through intermediaries (distributors, jobbers, agents, brokers)

Distributors and jobbers- these are companies that carry out sales on the basis of wholesale purchases from large industrial enterprises - manufacturers finished products. Distributors as opposed to jobbers are relatively large firms, having their own warehouses and establishing long-term contractual relationships with industrial enterprises. Jobbers, on the contrary, buy individual large quantities of goods for quick resale.

Agents and brokers- these are companies or individual entrepreneurs that sell products industrial enterprise based on commission.

Direct business relations for enterprises are the most economical and progressive compared to indirect ones, since they, excluding intermediaries, reduce document flow and strengthen relationships between suppliers and consumers. Product deliveries are becoming more regular and stable.

Indirect economic ties are less economical. They require additional costs to cover the costs of intermediaries between consumer enterprises and manufacturing enterprises.

The need for indirect connections is explained by the fact that direct connections are beneficial and appropriate in conditions of consumption of material resources on a large scale. If enterprises consume raw materials in small quantities that do not reach the transit form of shipment, then in order not to create excess stocks at enterprises material assets, communications through the services of intermediaries are also advisable.

Both direct and indirect connections can be long-term or short-term. Long-term economic ties are a progressive form of logistics. In this case, enterprises have the opportunity to develop long-term cooperation with suppliers.

The classification of connections into direct and indirect is closely related to their division according to the forms of organization of product supplies. From this point of view, a distinction is made between transit and warehouse forms of supply.

At transit form of supply material resources move directly from supplier to consumer, bypassing intermediate bases and warehouses of intermediary organizations. In addition, the company, by receiving material directly from the supplier, speeds up delivery and reduces transportation and procurement costs. However, its use is limited by transit supply standards, less than which the supplier does not accept for execution. Using this form of supply for materials with low demand results in increased inventory and associated costs.

In the warehouse form, material resources are delivered to warehouses and bases of intermediary organizations, and then shipped from them directly to consumers.

It is advisable to use the transit form in cases where consumers require material resources in large quantities, which makes it possible to ship them in full-load wagons or other means of transport.

With the transit form of delivery, costs are significantly reduced, the speed of circulation increases, and the use of vehicles improves.

Warehouse supply form plays a big role in providing small hotels. She lets them order necessary materials in quantities less than the established transit norm, which means the minimum permissible total quantity of products shipped by the manufacturer to the consumer under one order. With a warehouse form of supply, products from the warehouses of intermediary organizations can be imported in small quantities and with greater frequency, which helps to reduce inventories of material resources among consumers. However, in this case, the latter bear additional costs for warehouse processing, storage and transportation from the bases of intermediary organizations.

Also, in the practice of the world economy, several methods of supplying material resources are known that ensure a rational supply of enterprises with material resources. The most interesting of them is the “just-in-time” method, first proposed by one of the Japanese companies. The essence of the method lies directly at the moment when they are needed, and in the volume calculated for a specific period of time. This method ensures a rhythmic, uninterrupted supply of material resources to the enterprise and their effective use during the production process.

I would like to note that currently, with the development of technology and the formation of appropriate alliances, there is a certain rise in the field of electronic procurement for the supply of hotel complexes. Thus, a joint venture between Hyatt Hotels and Marriott International called Avendra ( last month began beta testing an online purchasing system for 16 hotels, and the electronic marketplace PurchasePro (http://www.purchasepro .com) recently announced the start of service to a number of hotel chains, which include more than 3 thousand hotels. In addition, Wyndham International is set to form a buying consortium of hotel management companies this year, and GoCo-op, the technology provider of Avendra and Wyndham, is simultaneously negotiating with two other major hotel companies.

According to observers and analysts, this increase in activity is due to the fact that the industry is “ripe” for e-commerce. Procurement for the hospitality industry is highly fragmented, resulting in a large number of physical and functional relationships with small local suppliers. This is a serious blow to hotel companies, which are doing everything to ensure that hotel managers make purchases from single large suppliers.

According to experts, in the field electronic supply In hotel chains, several models may emerge simultaneously, and several of them may be successful at once.

One possible model is the Avendra joint venture between Hyatt Hotels and Marriott International. According to the plan of its founders, the turnover of this online market should be at least $2 billion in food, drinks and other products necessary in the hotel business. Protocol of intent to join the new trading platform Three other major chains have signed on - Bass, ClubCorp and Fairmont. However, even despite the support of such giants, experts are skeptical about the future of Avendra - a similar enterprise,, has already gone bankrupt due to its inability to attract suppliers, buyers and venture capital. In addition, the majority of Marriott hotels are franchised and cannot be forced to switch to other supply channels, and some of them already use PurchasePro services.

4. Ways of saving and rational usematerial resources in the hotel industryfarm

material equipment stock hotel

Saving and rational use of material resources is one of the significant factors in increasing the profitability of a hotel enterprise. The main sources of savings, the use of which makes it possible to reduce the costs of such expensive material resources as water and electricity, is the use of new technologies. However, it is worth noting that before implementing such systems, it is necessary to compare the costs that the hotel will incur in connection with this and the benefits that will be received in the future. But, almost always (especially if large hotels are considered), the use of new resource-saving technologies pays off, that is, significant resource savings are achieved that cover the costs.

Such technologies include:

lighting system based on photocells (response to movement) - if you install such a system in the corridors on the floors where the rooms are located, you can achieve significant energy savings, since the corridors must be illuminated around the clock, regardless of whether someone lives in the rooms on this floor, or it is empty.

faucets in bathrooms are powered by photocells - operates on the same principle.

automatic shutdown system in the rooms - the lights go out within 1 minute after the guest leaves the room.

Also, in order to save various other types of resources, it is advisable to replace some of them, the use of which is costly and irrational, with new types of material resources. For example, bar soap can be replaced with drip soap. It's enough for longer time and it looks more aesthetically pleasing.

It is safe to say that the process of searching for new opportunities and ways to save materials is to some extent a creative process, requiring from the hotel management not only a good knowledge of new technologies and materials that are available on the market, but also sometimes extraordinary solutions leading to success .


1. Baylik S.I. Hotel management: organization, management, service. - Kyiv: Alterpress, 2002. - 374 p.

2. Balashova E.A. Hotel business. How to achieve impeccable service / Ekaterina Balashova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Vershina, 2006. - 200 p.

3. Vaisman A. Marketing strategy: 10 steps to success: Management strategy: 5 success factors / Transl. with him. - M.: Economics, 2006. - 200 p.

4. Volkov Yu.F. Hotel service technology: textbook / Yu.F. Volkov. - Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005. - 384 p.

5. Volkov Yu.F. Legislative foundations of hotel services / Series “Textbooks, teaching aids”. - Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2003. - 320 p.

7. Lesnik A.L., Hotel marketing: theory and practice of maximizing sales: Tutorial/ A.L. Forester. - M.: KNORUS, 2007. - 232 p.

8. Musakin A.A. Small hotel: where to start, how to succeed. Advice for owners and managers. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 320 pp.: ill.

9. Timokhina T.L. Organization of reception and service for tourists: Textbook. - M.: LLC “Knigodel”: MATGR, 2005. - 288 p.

10. Economics and tourism organization. International tourism / E.L. Dracheva, Yu.V. Zabaev, D.K. Ismayev et al.; edited by I.A. Ryabova, Yu.V. Zabaeva, E.L. Drachevoy. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: KNORUS, 2005. - 576 p.

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Enterprise economics is the discipline that studies how specific and limited resources for the production of useful products and services are distributed and used within a single enterprise. The economy of an enterprise is a combination of production factors, non-production factors, circulation funds, finished products, Money located in the company's bank accounts, valuable papers, intangible funds of property, income or profit received as a result of the sale of products and the provision of various services.

An enterprise is a subject of economic relations within the framework, as a rule, of common capital (individual or collective). A wide variety of enterprises operate in the economy. They differ from each other in a number of ways: industry affiliation; sizes; degree of specialization and scale of production of similar products and services; methods of organizing production and the degree of its mechanization and automation; organizational and legal forms, etc.

The classification of enterprises is of great importance for the organization of the economy and the production process, the development of an organizational management structure, computerization, supply and sales logistics, qualification requirements for employees and other purposes. Classification is carried out according to the following criteria:

1. By industry sector of the enterprise, including: the nature of production and consumed resources; purpose and properties of finished products or services; technical and technological community production processes; operating hours throughout the year.

2. According to the nature of production, enterprises are divided into enterprises in the sphere of material production, trade and services.

3. According to the purpose of finished products, all enterprises are divided into three large groups: those producing means of production, producing consumer goods and producing services.

4. According to technological commonality, enterprises with continuous and discrete processes of production activity are distinguished; with a predominance of mechanized and manual labor.

5.By operating time throughout the year, enterprises operating year-round and seasonally are distinguished.

6.By size, enterprises are divided into large, medium and small. The main criterion for classifying an enterprise into one of these groups is the number of employees, differentiated by economic sector.

7.According to specialization and scale of production of products and services, enterprises are divided into combined and specialized.

The enterprise is the primary link of the national economy and the level of economic development countries and the welfare of the population.

The subject of study of the course “Enterprise Economics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry” is the essence of the enterprise itself in tourism as a commercial organization; basic production assets, work force, working capital, investments, their relationships, interactions and ways to improve use.

General picture of operation economic mechanism the enterprise may be disclosed in the following provisions:

1. A modern IG&T enterprise operates in a market environment controlled and regulated by the state and other financial and economic institutions and organizations. It follows from this that all such enterprises and organizations operate on the basis of the following basic economic principles:

· firstly, they prefer freedom of management and, accordingly, freedom of initiative and responsibility;

Secondly, their economic activities are objectively subject to the laws of the tourism market (the laws of cost, supply and demand, competition, money circulation, pricing);

· thirdly, state and public institutions (in particular, associations) are making an attempt to regulate market processes in tourism in order to introduce into tourism a social and moral principle in relation to the tourist himself, nature and society as a whole;

· fourthly, the art of economic activity of a modern enterprise is to organically combine two principles - market and institutional, regulated by the state.

2. The functioning of tourism enterprises in a market environment objectively requires the study of the patterns and characteristics of the tourism market. In reality, this means that the activities of a tourism enterprise should also cover such an aspect as a comprehensive analysis of supply and demand in the tourism market. The main aspects when studying the tourism market are:

·mechanism of functioning of the tourism market;

·supply and demand;


consumer behavior;

· price formation and pricing in tourism;

·study of factors influencing effective activity tourist enterprise.

2. Economic balance in the tourism market in the long term objectively requires a deep financial and economic analysis of the tourism industry (its structure, trends and conditions of development, functional role and focus). This analysis allows us to approach questions about the real supply possibilities of a tourism enterprise, the balance of supply and demand for tourism services, as well as the quality of the tourism product.

3. The most important problem of entrepreneurship in tourism is the analysis of the enterprise’s costs, its profits, gross revenue and marginal income. Knowledge of marginal costs and marginal income allows you to resolve the issue of the enterprise’s behavior in the tourism market. This involves taking into account the specifics entrepreneurial activity in tourism, deep knowledge of commercial calculations, planning of these activities, and, above all, business planning, as well as knowledge of accounting and management accounting.

4.The most important section of the subject is the study of issues of planning the activities of a tourism enterprise. This will allow us to determine and establish the financial resources of the tourism enterprise itself, the possibility of using credit, relationships with banks and the banking system, relations with the budget of all levels and taxation, and the boundaries of productivity of production factors in the tourism sector.

The activities of hotel enterprises take place in market conditions. Market economy is complex mechanism coordination of people, different activities and productions through a system of prices and markets, it is a means of communication for combining the knowledge and actions of many individuals.

The market is a sphere of interaction not only between sellers and buyers, but also between production and consumption, that is, as the most important part wider sphere of exchange.
The interaction between buyers and sellers and, accordingly, production and consumption occurs through the interaction of supply and demand. Both are represented by a certain quantity of goods: demand - quantity of goods that buyers can purchase, offer- the quantity of goods that sellers are willing to offer.
Each market entity represents some share of demand or supply. This share largely determines the subject’s position in the market. Each subject, being rational, strives to occupy a favorable position in the market. The rivalry of market subjects for an advantageous position on it characterizes the competition that occurs: between sellers, buyers, sellers and buyers.
The object of struggle between buyers is the product - everyone strives to exchange their money for the product they need in the right quantity. This struggle manifests itself especially clearly when demand exceeds supply.

Object competition between sellers are buyers' money and factors of production. In the market for goods and services, the struggle is especially acute when offer exceeds demand, in the factor market. The competition of enterprises for the acquisition of factors of production and the sale of goods makes it possible to most effectively determine How produce goods. Next, firms' demand for resources collides with the social supply of labor and other resources in the factor market, thereby determining wages, rent, and interest payments. Thus, profit affects for whom goods are intended.

Market competitiveness is determined by the limits within which individual firms are able to influence the market, i.e. influence the terms of sale of its products, primarily the price. The less influence individual firms have on the market where they sell their products, the more competitive the market becomes. The highest degree of market competitiveness is achieved when an individual firm does not exert such influence.

Economic activity An enterprise - one of the economic entities - is a combination of actions leading to the receipt of a certain set of products or services. Based on this approach, the hospitality and tourism industry is a type economic activity, consisting of a number of multidimensional processes for the production of a tourism product (service), aimed at satisfying the interests of the consumer. This concept is consistent with the recommendations of the UN World Tourism Organization and is logically included in economic structures as a modern production and commercial activity which produces goods and services.

Hospitality and Tourism Industry is an area of ​​entrepreneurship consisting of types of services that are based on the principles of hospitality, characterized by generosity and friendliness towards guests.
Economic agents– these are subjects of economic relations involved in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods. The main economic agents are individuals (households), enterprises/firms, the state and its divisions. In turn, among firms there are primarily individual business enterprises, partnership enterprises and corporations. Modern economic theory is based on the premise that rational behavior agents. This means that the goal is to maximize results for a given cost, or minimize costs for a given result. Individuals strive for maximum satisfaction of needs at given costs, the state strives for the highest increase in social welfare for a certain budget. Trade unions, for example, also act as economic agents, the goal of which is to increase wages and improve the social conditions of life of their members, the means of which is to fight for profitable terms conclusion of collective agreements.

IN modern theories, developing the principles of classical liberalism, the individual is recognized as the only real economic agent. All other agents are considered as derivative forms from it: enterprises/firms as legal entities, and the state as an organization for the specification and protection of property rights.

Economic agents communicate with each other through the exchange of economic goods. Their movement forms a kind of circulation.

Economic circuit- This is a circular movement of real economic goods, accompanied by a counter flow of cash income and expenses.

Travel Demand to a certain tourist region (V) is a function of a person’s propensity to travel and the corresponding value of resistance to communication between the starting point of travel and the destination: V = f (propensity, resistance).

Mathematically, tourist demand can be represented as:

where N is the number of potential tourists willing to take advantage of the trip;
P – average trip price.

Hotels as accommodation facilities:

· have a number of rooms exceeding a certain minimum;

characterized by the provision hotel services;

·grouped into classes and categories depending on the specific equipment and features of the services provided.

Hotels include full-service hotels, partial-service hotels, apartment-type hotels, motels, resort hotels, city hotels, residential clubs, boarding houses, furnished rooms, tourist hostels, guest houses, etc.

Entrepreneurship is the initiative activity of business entities associated with the traditional and innovative use of property, money and other resources in order to achieve commercial and other success based on a combination of personal benefit and public benefit.
In the field of tourism activities, entrepreneurship in to a greater extent associated with the provision of services.
Business entities (entrepreneurs) can be either individual individuals acting on their own behalf and under their own property responsibility, or associations of partners acting under the responsibility of a legal entity.

An entrepreneur must:

· have autonomy and independence in making decisions on any issue business activities within the framework of current legislation;

·have economic and other interests in the results of their activities, i.e. expect to receive the maximum possible profit;

·take risks and take responsibility. Risk is understood as the possibility that unfavorable conditions may arise during the implementation of plans, leading to losses. There are industrial, commercial, financial, investment and market risks. Methods for reducing risk and reducing losses from the occurrence of risk events are forecasting market development, distributing risk between partners, insurance, reserving funds to cover unforeseen expenses, etc.;

·always have an innovative approach to activities (i.e. innovation in the use of existing factors of production of goods/services, in searching and attracting new consumers of services, factors of production, new markets and non-traditional organizational forms of activity). For an entrepreneur, the driving force in searching for and introducing innovations is the expectation of excess profits.

In the classification of entrepreneurial activity there are: the following types entrepreneurship:

1.productive (production) - direct creation of services and other products (hotels, enterprises Catering, transport organizations);

2.commercial intermediary - activities to promote tourism services from producer to consumer (tourist companies); - a special type of activity for the formation and use of funds for the purpose of reproduction of services (banks, insurance);

4. advisory - activities related to the provision of advice (consultations) and assistance on issues general management, assessing the capabilities of manufacturers, financial management, marketing, etc.

Hotel enterprises as business entities are legal entities.
A legal entity is an organization that has separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management, bears independent responsibility for its obligations, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights in its own name, perform duties, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court. In connection with participation in the formation of the property of a legal entity, its founders (participants) may have rights of obligation in relation to this legal entity or proprietary rights to its property. TO legal entities IGiT includes: business partnerships and societies, cooperatives, joint stock companies closed and open type, unitary enterprises, joint and foreign ventures, public organizations

IG&T enterprises as commercial organizations, regardless of the form of ownership of the means of production and other property, operate on the principles of economic (commercial) calculation. Economic calculation is a method of effective housekeeping based on comparison in in cash costs and results of economic activities, reimbursement of expenses with own income. Principles of economic accounting:

economic independence;

· self-sufficiency and profitability;

·material interest;

·economic responsibility;


The activities of hotel enterprises to the greatest extent, due to the specifics of the tourism product, are associated with risk. All phases of the tourism product cycle can be a source of uncertainty. The lack of qualified management, liquid funds, regulatory violations and other objective and subjective reasons can serve as grounds for termination or bankruptcy of a tourism enterprise. Bankruptcy is the property ruin of an enterprise, the inability of the debtor to pay off his debt obligations established by the court.

Hotels, restaurants, and transport enterprises that actually provide services to consumers are actively involved in the production of tourism services and, on this basis, are classified as productive entrepreneurship.
