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What is work experience? What is work experience and why is it always needed? How to navigate the world of professions

The concept of work activity

Labor activity of a person is a type of his social behavior. Labor activity is a strictly fixed in time and space expedient series of operations and functions performed by people united in labor organizations. The labor activity of employees ensures the solution of a number of tasks:

    creation of material wealth as a means of life support for humans and society as a whole;

    provision of services for various purposes;

    development of scientific ideas, values ​​and their applied analogues;

    accumulation, conservation, processing and analysis, transmission of information and its media;

    human development as a worker and as a person, etc.

Labor activity - regardless of the method, means and results - is characterized by a number of general properties:

    a certain functional and technological set of labor operations;

    a set of relevant qualities of labor subjects, recorded in professional, qualification and job characteristics;

    material and technical conditions and space-time framework for implementation;

    in a certain way organizational, technological and economic connection subjects of labor with the means and conditions for their implementation;

    normative and algorithmic method of organization, through which a behavioral matrix of individuals included in manufacturing process(organizational and managerial structure).

Each type of work activity can be distinguished by two main characteristics: psychophysiological content (work of the senses, muscles, thinking processes, etc.); and the conditions in which work activities are carried out. The structure and level of physical and nervous stress in the process of work are determined by these two characteristics: physical - depend on the level of automation of labor, its pace and rhythm, the design and rationality of the placement of equipment, tools, equipment; nervous - due to the volume of processed information, the presence of industrial hazards, the degree of responsibility and risk, the monotony of work, and relationships in the team.

Thus, in general, we can talk about a reduction in motor components and an increase in the importance of the mental component of work activity. In addition, NTP creates the technical prerequisites for removing the employee from the zone of occupational hazards and hazards, improves the protection of the performer, and frees him from heavy and routine work.

However, an excessive decrease in physical activity results in physical inactivity. An increase in nervous stress can lead to injuries, accidents, cardiovascular and neuropsychic disorders. Increasing speed and power of equipment can lead to inconsistency in the parameters of its operation and the ability of a person to react and make decisions. New technologies often lead to the emergence of new industrial hazards and hazards and negative impacts on the environment.

The problem is to “link” technology to the capabilities of a person, to take into account his psychophysiological characteristics at the stages of design, construction, and operation of the “man-machine” system. All this determines the need to study physiological and mental processes in human labor activity.

The role of labor in society

The history of human and social development testifies to the decisive role of labor in this process.

In the process of its evolution, work became significantly more complex: man began to perform more complex and varied operations, use increasingly organized means of labor, set and achieve higher goals. Labor has become multifaceted, diverse, and perfect.

In the conditions of the use of more advanced resources and means of labor, the organization of labor has an increasing impact on environment, sometimes to the detriment of the environment. Therefore, the environmental aspect in work activities takes on new significance.

The joint labor of people represents something more than the simple sum of the labor expended by them. Joint labor is also considered as a progressive unity of the total results of labor. Human interaction with natural materials, means of labor, as well as the relationships into which people enter - all this is called production.

Features of modern work:

    An increase in the intellectual potential of the labor process, which is manifested in the strengthening of the role of mental labor, the growth of the employee’s conscious and responsible attitude to the results of his activities;

    The increase in the share of materialized labor associated with the means of labor is due to the achievements of scientific and technological progress and, given the limited physical capabilities of a person, serves as a decisive factor in the growth of productivity and labor efficiency;

    An increasing aspect of the social process. Currently, factors in the growth of labor productivity are considered not only the improvement of a worker’s qualifications or an increase in the level of mechanization and automation of his work, but also the state of a person’s health, his mood, relationships in the family, the team and society as a whole. This social side labor relations significantly complements the material aspects of labor and plays an important role in human life.

Relationship between the sociology of labor and labor sciences

The system of labor sciences includes many diverse and relatively independent disciplines.

Sociology of labor studies “the behavior of employers and employees in response to economic and social incentives to work”, the relationships of social groups in the labor process, focuses on the demographic differences of people, on differences in their education and qualifications, on the characteristics of upbringing and political views, religion and social status.

The diversity of labor sciences is due to the specifics of those labor problems that are the object of study of each of them.

Subject labor economics is a system of socio-economic relations that develop in the process of labor activity, between the employer, employee and the state regarding the organization of labor. Labor economics studies the socio-economic problems of labor, the problems of ensuring the efficiency and productivity of labor on the basis of its scientific organization.

Physiology of labor as science studies the influence and mechanism of influence of the labor process on the physiological characteristics of a person, it is the scientific basis for the development of labor standards, work and rest regimes, workplace planning, and ensuring favorable working conditions.

Labor psychology studies the psychological characteristics of a person in the process of work, a person’s attitude towards his work activity, it is the basis of professional training, the development of systems for motivating and stimulating the work of workers, and acts as a tool for managing labor conflicts.

Ergonomics is the basis for the rationalization of labor processes, since it studies human activity in its connection with technology, machines, and means of production. Ergonomics allows us to optimize human interaction with machine systems.

Occupational health, industrial sanitation and safety ensure the creation of healthy and safe working conditions in production.

Demography This is the science of population; it studies the processes of population reproduction, its gender and age structure, and the distribution of the population in the regions of the country, which makes it possible to effectively meet the needs of enterprises for the necessary labor resources.

Personnel Management makes it possible to realize labor potential (through selection, training and fair remuneration of the organization's personnel), and allows you to effectively manage the organization's personnel (ensured by choosing the optimal management style, developing personnel policies, and conducting personnel marketing).

Sociology of professions studies the social division of labor, the prestige of various types of work activity, a person’s professional suitability, etc.

Labour Organization studies the formation of an orderly system of interaction between workers, their groups and departments to achieve their goals, which allows for effective connection work force with the means of production in specific conditions, the realization of the labor potential of workers and satisfies the needs of all subjects of social and labor relations.

Labor law is the legal basis of labor relations. It establishes legal labor standards, regulates the rights and obligations of subjects of social and labor relations, determines differentiation in wages, serves as the basis for social policy and social protection workers.

Labor statistics makes it possible to analyze labor efficiency based on quantitative indicators of labor productivity, number and dynamics of personnel, wage fund, etc.

What problems does the discipline solve?

"Economics and sociology of labor"?

The main objectives of the discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor" are determined by its goal, which involves the study of scientific foundations, theoretical, methodological provisions and practical experience in the field of human resource management - the formation and rational use of the labor potential of each person and society as a whole in the emergence of new social and labor relations in a market economy.

Home set- study of the essence and mechanisms of economic and social processes in the sphere of labor in the context of human life and society. Its solution is based on the study of the methodological provisions of economic-food theory, which reveals the fundamental role of labor in the life of a person and society, as well as the economic and social characteristics of labor in specific historical conditions.

Another task- studying the factors and reserves of effective employment, the formation and rational use of labor potential, increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor. The determining prerequisites for solving this problem are, firstly, the mechanism for implementing Russian laws and socio-economic policies in regulating social and labor relations, and secondly, the study of patterns, objective and subjective factors affecting economic and social processes, human attitudes to work, his behavior in the team.

Another task - identifying the interconnections of social and labor relations with economic relations and processes occurring in the national market-type economy, oriented towards social development, as well as the interrelations of the labor market with the markets for raw materials, capital, and stock markets. As a result, the study of the labor cost process, as well as the formation of labor costs at all stages of the reproduction cycle, acquires special importance. Expanding and deepening knowledge in this area requires studying foreign, as well as domestic experience in various regions of the country and at various enterprises, studying the state of internal labor markets, becoming familiar with the methodological techniques of economic analysis, audit, and sociological research.

Social engineering is a management activity aimed at changing social systems And social institutions in accordance with a given goal using high technology and an engineering approach. In domestic science and management practice, this term was first used at the beginning of the twentieth century by the director of the Central Institute of Labor A. Gastev. In his understanding, a social engineer is the leader of a work team, on whose activities the successful functioning of the entire social engineering machine depends. The idea of ​​social engineering was the close combination of human complexes with the organization of machine complexes. These machine-human complexes are based on the unity of biology and engineering. Soviet party and statesman, prominent specialist in problems of labor organization and management P.M. Kerzhentsev limited the problems of social engineering to the management of people and teams, regardless of the field of activity. He formulated a number of general principles of management - this is the establishment of the goals and objectives of the organization and management activities; development of a plan, work methods and management methods; setting up accounting and control. According to P.M. Kerzhentsev, under socialism, the main attention in management activities should have been paid to the planned conduct of production and labor activities. But the manager, having real power, significantly influences the workforce and the effectiveness of its activities, therefore the selection of managers should be based on the compliance of his personal qualities with the requirements of the specific position for which he is applying.

Domestic social engineering of the 20-30s of the twentieth century was based on psychotechnics and sociological research, the traditions of which were continued after a thirty-year break by factory sociology of the 60-80s. In the theory and practice of social planning, which received further development during the Khrushchev Thaw, along with the data of sociological surveys, ideological guidelines and socio-cultural standards were used. In domestic social engineering, the following principles were formulated: the principle of direct participation in solving social problems, as current pressing problems are being solved; the principle of continuous social engineering support and social design; the principle of technologization, that is, providing optimal methods of influence.

In Western sociology, social engineering activities were examined in detail by K. Popper in his works “The Poverty of Historicism” (1945) and “The Open Society” (1945). He viewed social engineering as a set of applied sociological approaches aimed at rationally changing social systems based on fundamental knowledge about society and predicting the possible results of the changes.

The modern social engineering approach makes it possible to change social reality based on methods of planning, programming, foresight and forecasting. Social engineering activities include the following procedures:

Assessment of the condition of the object of social engineering activity;

Forecasting the most likely options for the development of the internal and external environment of the forecast object;

Modeling the future state of the research object using mathematical, cybernetic, prognostic and other methods;

Development of a social project for a new state of the object under study;

Social planning in accordance with the social project;

Implementation of the project using innovative social technologies.

Modern domestic social engineering is developing in the following blocks (directions):

Societal block - construction of social institutions: state building, creation of a modernized education system, healthcare, etc.;

Regional block - formation of regional communities;

Municipal block - formation of local communities;

Organizational block - construction of organizations;

Group engineering block - formation of target groups and teams.

Social engineering today is a complex of practically oriented knowledge in the field of management of social structures and processes, developing in the following areas:

    Construction of social institutions, e.g. state building, system reorganization higher education etc. (“societal” block);

    Regional construction (regional block);

    Formation of local communities (municipal block);

    Construction of organizations or “organizational engineering” (organizational block);

    Formation of target groups and teams (“group” engineering). Election technologies and other ways to promote leaders or their teams are integral part all blocks of social engineering activities.

In educational practice, the ideas of social engineering are implemented through the use of modern educational technologies and active methods training, as well as through “saturation” of the educational process with disciplines of the socio-engineering and organizational cycle, including:

    theory and methods of social engineering;

    diagnostics of organizations;

    forecasting and modeling the development of organizations;

    organizational design and programming;

    social planning;

    introduction of social innovations in organizations, etc.;

    workshop on social technologies;

    methods of conflict resolution.

The formation and development of social engineering was significantly influenced by psychology, applied anthropology, management sciences, and currently synergetics and social synergetics - the science of self-organization of society, which determines the conditions and factors of sustainable development of society. From the standpoint of social synergetics, in society, thanks to communication connections, a synthesis of material and intangible structures occurs, and evolutionary development, which occurs on the basis of information exchange, determines the natural selection of energetically more profitable methods social management. This process ensures the transition of society to a qualitatively new level. From the standpoint of synergetics, management is viewed as an open system, which is based on interaction with an object, and not on influence on it. The control mechanism operates in two directions. Firstly, a socio-technological corridor is specified that is acceptable from the point of view of the development and functioning of the social system. Within this corridor, the social system can implement various trajectories of self-development, and innovative processes are directed in a socially constructive direction. Secondly, for sustainable social development and rise to a new level of self-organization, local influence is carried out at the bifurcation points at the right time and in the right place.

One of the practical applications of the synergetic approach to management is the theory of a self-learning organization, capable of creating, acquiring and exchanging knowledge and changing its behavior in accordance with new knowledge and intuition. Sources of training are employees of the organization, external consultants, business trainers, own business, external environment and lessons learned from our own practical experience. A self-learning organization in modern conditions is the most competitive; synergetics is a universal methodology of the modern information society, its structures and social engineering approach to managing society. This approach places high demands on managers, as they must have modern socio-technological knowledge.

Many researchers come to the conclusion that the social engineering approach to management produces a third factor, in which the contradictions in the relations between the object and the subject of management are resolved. The object of social engineering ceases to be just a means of implementing social programs developed by experts, and itself becomes a subject. A trinitarian approach: management - co-management - self-government is being formed. The social engineering approach turns management into an interactive process, and the task of social engineers is to create conditions for unlocking the internal potential of the social system.

Unfortunately, in domestic management science and practice there remains a certain wary attitude towards social engineering, since sometimes technology is perceived as experimentation and manipulation of people. This fact is largely due to the low demand for social design of program-targeted management of management subjects.

Systematic approach to managing innovative development industrial enterprises

The system approach to management of innovative development of the industrial enterprises


In the 21st century, the world community is faced with innovative challenges associated with the development of high technologies, informatization, changes in the content of labor and the quality of the workforce. At the same time, the process of globalization gives rise to both new forms of international cooperation and interstate relations, and new contradictions, requiring new approaches to solving political, economic and social problems at all levels of their manifestation. Coordinated development, harmonization of norms and standards of social and labor relations, exchange of accumulated experience can contribute to the construction of highly organized, economically and environmentally efficient production. The result of efforts to stabilize production and improve the social climate within the country largely depends on the development of the activities of industrial enterprises, which are the primary cell of any economic system and can become the locomotive of innovative development of the national economy.

Theoretical approaches to substantiating the innovative development of industrial enterprises

In economic science, there are various approaches to determining the essence, meaning, foundations of the functioning and development of an enterprise:

    resource approach, according to which enterprises (organizations) survive to the extent that they acquire and maintain their resources, and the ability of an enterprise to accumulate organizational-specific resources is the main justification for its existence;

    the systems approach considers an enterprise as a highly complex open socio-economic system, connected by specific relationships with its external and internal environment, the main and most active element of which is a person;

    The evolutionary approach is meaningfully and metamorphically connected with the evolutionary worldview on the process of constant and causal changes in the activity of an enterprise, while the mechanism of change is associated with variability, inheritance and selection, where Special attention focuses on the innovation process: the emergence, consolidation and diffusion of innovations, the study of competition as a selection process, solving problems of information, uncertainty and time;

    the neo-institutional approach analyzes the activities of an enterprise under conditions of restrictions caused by the institutional structure of society, where enterprises as economic agents operate in a world of high transaction costs, in conditions of uncertainty and risk, which gives rise to limited rationality and opportunistic behavior; within the framework of neo-institutional theory there are transactional approach, which explores the reasons for the existence of a company and the features of their internal structure, focusing on the need for a company to avoid transaction costs on concluding transactions on the market and using the advantages of cooperation to obtain the maximum result of their activities.

    The process approach is one of the basic ones in strategic management research and considers the enterprise from the point of view of processes associated with entrepreneurial activity, organizational renewal and growth, as well as the development and application of strategy that guides organizational actions, based on the logic of cause-and-effect explanation linking independent variables, on the types of concepts or variables reflecting the actions of enterprises or individuals, on the sequence of events describing changes in phenomena over time.

    the behavioral approach examines the real behavior of enterprises as economic entities, whose activities are dominated not by rational, but by conventional behavior (i.e., subject to accepted rules and conventions), the analysis of which allows us to build a generalized model of decision-making;

    The knowledge-based approach focuses on the flow of knowledge and its impact on the performance and competitive advantage of enterprises, viewing knowledge as subjective information inseparable from an individual's beliefs and purposeful action, placing great importance on firms that create and develop routines, acting as knowledge repositories .

    the synthetic approach means the need to take into account “technological” and “social” factors in models of the theory of firms, arguing that the structure of social relations has a constant influence on the organizational dynamics of the enterprise.

Analysis of the theories of the company allows us to substantiate the mechanism for managing the innovative development of industrial enterprises in the conditions of economic clustering and to determine the main elements that ensure interaction and cooperation of participants in the innovation process at different stages (Table 1).

Innovative development is considered as a purposeful continuous process of innovation in the scientific, production, economic, commercial, financial, marketing, management activities of an enterprise, aimed at maximizing the full satisfaction of social needs based on the implementation of scientific achievements in the production process to obtain the maximum economic, social and environmental effect expressed in absolute and relative changes (increment) of economic indicators.

“Give children the joy of work. This joy is brought to him by success, awareness of his skill and significance of the work performed, and the opportunity to bring joy to others. "V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Literature review of the state of the issue.

1.1. History of labor education in pedagogy.

The importance of labor as a factor in the development of a child’s personality is reflected in the history of Russian pedagogy: the works of P.P. Blonsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, ST. Shatsky and others.

To date:

The place of labor in the pedagogical process is determined kindergarten, its content was developed (E.I. Korzakova, V.G. Nechaeva, E.I. Radina, etc.);

Forms of organization of children in labor are identified (Z.N. Borisova, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova);

The features of labor education of preschool children in the family are considered (D.O. Dzintere, L.V. Zagik, T.A. Markova);

The influence of work on the development of moral and volitional qualities of children and their relationships is studied (R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina, A.D. Shatova, etc.).

Of no small importance are the studies of Ya.Z. Neverovich, T.A. Markova, who showed that the main motive that encourages children to work is their desire to help adults. In preschool pedagogy, three ways of bringing children closer to the work of adults are identified: observation of work, partial assistance of children to adults, and organization joint activities adults and children (V.I. Glotova, L.V. Zagik, S.M. Kotlyarova, G.N. Leskova, E.I. Radina, D.V. Sergeeva and others).

A.V. Zaporozhets wrote: “The central link of this entire system (meaning the system of comprehensive education of preschoolers), as if linking into a single unit all the educational work of the kindergarten, should be the moral and labor education of preschoolers, which is intended to be laid already in the first years of a child's life are the basis of active life position, understanding of their responsibilities and willingness to fulfill these responsibilities."

V. A. Sukhomlinsky drew attention to the other side of the educational influence of work on children: “Give children the joy of work! This joy is brought to them by success, awareness of their skill and the significance of the work performed, the opportunity to bring joy to others.”

Within the framework of modern pedagogical views on labor education, the emphasis should be transferred to the personal development of the child: what styles of behavior and attitudes towards different aspects of the social environment, including work, can be appropriated by the child and how they enrich the personality. How to take into account the needs and interests of a preschooler? How, in meeting them halfway, can we develop in a child independence, activity, initiative, creativity, self-confidence, and responsibility for his actions? How to create in him the need to become a member of the children's society, jointly solve issues of organizing work and achieving positive results?

By teaming up with peers in work, preschoolers gain experience in relationships and learn to see emotional condition peer, his sorrows and joy. All this encourages the provision of help, support, and the manifestation of humane feelings: empathy, sympathy. But such opportunities can only be realized if there is certain conditions: creation by the teacher of an emotional atmosphere when organizing children’s work, demonstrating to them their interest in the upcoming activity, participating in it as a partner, encouraging children’s desire to participate in joint activities. Wherein the main objective teacher - instilling in preschoolers a positive attitude towards work, developing a desire to learn, become independent, skillful, able to cope with emerging difficulties and provide help and support to others if necessary.

Psychological and pedagogical portrait of the group.

This experience was implemented from September 2009 to May 2014, with children from junior to senior preschool age. The gender composition of the group changed during the implementation of the experience and is presented in Table No. 1.

Table No. 1.

School year. Boys Girls

2009-2010 first junior 9 11

2010-2011 second junior group 6 14

2011-2012 middle group 6 14

2012-2 013 senior group 7 12

2013-2014 preparatory school group 8 12

Based on the gender composition, I built my work on labor education taking into account the needs of girls and boys, and selected motivation and types of activities that were close to the gender role.

After adaptation, the children became more independent, younger age I developed business cooperation between a child and an adult, created conditions for the development of self-service skills, and introduced adults from my immediate environment to work. As my children grew older, they developed self-esteem, but the children continued to rely heavily on their teacher's assessment. In the work activities of middle preschool age, I formed in children the need for respect from an adult. Relationships with peers in middle age are characterized by ingenuity, which is expressed in the preference of some children over others, based on this, formed the ability to work together, together. Children of the sixth year of life begin to master social relationships and understand the subordination of positions in work activity. In the preparatory group for school, my children had a high level of cognitive and personal development, which affected the choice of methods and techniques in labor education.

In the process of working on labor education, I annually monitored the development of labor skills and abilities, the development of integrative qualities, which shows positive dynamics. Table No. 2 shows the dynamics of the number of pupils with a high and above average level of development of labor skills and abilities.

Table No. 2.

Beginning of the year End of the year

2009-2010 first junior 25%45%

2010-2011 second junior group45%55%

2011-2012 middle group55%71%

2012-2013 senior group71%85.5%

2013-2014 preparatory school group85.5%97%

Pedagogical experience.

Relevance of teaching experience.

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of raising the younger generation. As you know, interest in work, the necessary work skills and personal qualities are laid in childhood. Work should joyfully enter a child’s life and help him in successful all-round development. Based on specific ideas about the effectiveness of individual labor processes, it is possible to form generalized ideas about the need for one or another type of activity of a person in a certain profession. Based on these primary generalizations, it is possible to form more complex ideas about how different types of work provide different needs for people. My observations of the pupils showed that not all preschoolers are hardworking; many of them are skeptical about the work assignments of adults and perceive them as a form of punishment for misconduct. Children have little or no knowledge of the work of adults in various professions. Preschoolers have not developed moral and work qualities (perseverance, determination, the ability to bring what they start to its logical conclusion, respect for workers and careful attitude to the results of work). That is why I chose the topic “Formation of moral and labor qualities of pupils through familiarizing them with the work of adults.”

In kindergarten, labor education consists of familiarizing children with the work of adults and introducing children to the work activities available to them. In the process of becoming familiar with the work of adults, children develop a positive attitude towards their work, a caring attitude towards its results, and a desire to provide adults with all possible help. Labor activity contributes to increasing general development children, expansion of their interests, manifestation of the simplest forms of cooperation, formation of such moral qualities as hard work, independence, responsibility for the assigned work, sense of duty, etc. In the process of labor, the physical strength and mental activity of children are activated.

The labor education of the younger generation is one of the most important tasks of our society. Preparing young people for life, for participation in socially useful work, for meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people is carried out at school, in vocational colleges, and in institutes. Moreover, the main goal of this training is not narrow vocational training that allows a specialist to get involved in production, but the formation of an active, purposeful personality capable of self-realization, creativity, satisfying one’s interests in one’s chosen field and self-improvement.

The origins of labor education lie in preschool age, when the child first begins to feel the need for independent activity, declaring his intentions and showing himself to be the subject of his desires and interests. Fostering this need is one of the central tasks of children’s labor education.

A number of indicators of hard work:

Awareness of the purpose of the activity and persistence in achieving it;

Willingness to complete the work started; manifestation of an emotionally positive attitude towards work;

Adequate assessment of performance results;

Accuracy, diligence, and careful attitude to the means and products of labor are most successfully developed in preschool and primary school age.

Their lack of formation at this age stage becomes an obstacle to educational and cognitive activity and subsequent adaptation to independent work.

3.2. Theoretical significance.

It consists in developing the content and forms of interaction between the teacher, pupils and family, which provides for the gradual formation of moral and labor qualities of pupils, through familiarizing them with the work of adults.

3.3. Novelty (innovativeness) of the presented pedagogical experience.

It consists in developing new strategic approaches to the interaction of the teacher, child and parents in matters of developing the moral and labor qualities of pupils.

The technological effectiveness of the presented pedagogical experience.

The teaching experience helps improve quality educational process, makes the interaction of participants in the educational process more exciting, emotionally rich, and effective. As a result of the introduction of this experience, students master the basic cultural ways of working, show initiative and independence in different types of work activities, have a positive attitude towards different types of work, and actively interact with peers and adults. The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in different types of work activities, can follow the rules safe behavior and personal hygiene when performing labor skills, which allows us to conclude that children have developed the prerequisites for educational and work activities.

Messages from work experience were presented at the pedagogical council of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1:

Project activity with middle preschool children "From seed to harvest"

Project activity with children of senior preschool age "All professions are needed, all professions are important"

-"Productive activity is an important factor in the socialization of preschool children"

- "Formation of moral qualities and work skills in children in accordance with gender"

At the meeting, the RMO made a presentation on its experience in implementing design method with children “From seed to harvest.”

At the municipal stage of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year of Kuban-2013” ​​she represented creative presentation from experience in developing moral and labor skills in children of senior preschool age in accordance with gender when completing the competition task “My Pedagogical Experience.”

3.5. Basic methods and tools used in teaching experience.

The program tasks of labor education of preschool children can be combined into several groups.

The first group includes the tasks of cultivating a positive attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to provide them with all possible assistance, and an interest in the results of work. At the same time, children form ideas about the need for work in life, about the attitude of adults to work.

The second group consists of tasks aimed at developing work skills and their further improvement, gradually expanding the content of work activity, as well as mastering the ability to work accurately, deftly, and at a fairly fast pace.

The third group of tasks is aimed at instilling in children certain personal qualities: habits of work effort, responsibility, care, thrift, and readiness to take part in work.

The fourth group consists of the tasks of developing skills in organizing one’s own and general work- ability to prepare everything necessary in advance, put away tools.

The fifth group includes the tasks of forming positive relationships between children in the labor process - the ability to work in harmony.

It should be borne in mind that all planned tasks are not carried out in isolation from each other, but in close interconnection. A set of these tasks in the pedagogical process are carried out simultaneously.

When forming purposeful work activity, it is important not only what and how the child does, but also what he works for. The motives may be different:

Receive a positive assessment of your actions from adults;


Enter into communication with adults;

To benefit others (social motive).

It must be said that children can have all of the above motives. of different ages, but only at 5-7 years old is the child able to formulate them.

Labor of preschool children


household laborWork in natureManual and artistic labor

Self-care is the work of a child aimed at serving himself (dressing and undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The quality and awareness of actions varies from child to child, so the task of developing self-service skills is relevant at all age stages of preschool childhood.

The content of self-care work changes at different age stages and as children master work skills. If a child has mastered the ability to dress independently, he needs to be taught to do it neatly, beautifully, quickly, and to take care of his appearance, hairstyle. Children are taught the habit of taking care of things, not getting dirty, not tearing clothes, and folding them carefully.

Preparing the workplace before starting drawing;

Cleaning and even washing (at home) cups, spoons after meals, making the bed, tidying up toys and books.

Having learned self-service, the child acquires

a certain independence from an adult, he develops a sense of self-confidence. Of course, even in older preschool age, children sometimes need the help of an adult, but still, before entering school, they should already be able to do a lot on their own.

Household work is the second type of labor that a child of preschool age is able to master. The contents of this type of work are:

Labor on cleaning the premises;

Washing dishes, laundry, etc.

If self-care work is initially intended for life support, for taking care of oneself, then household work

has a social orientation. The child learns to create and maintain his environment in an appropriate manner. A child can use his household skills both in self-care and in work for the common benefit.

Household work for children of younger groups consists of helping an adult in wiping furniture, arranging toys, washing small items, removing snow from the area, decorating the area, etc. In the process of such work, the teacher develops in children the ability to focus attention on one activity , bring the matter to completion with the help of an adult. Positive assessment and praise are very important.

Children of middle and senior preschool age are capable of more varied household work and need less help from an adult. They can do:

Cleaning the group room (wipe dust, wash toys, arrange light furniture);

Cleaning the area (raking snow, removing leaves);

Take part in food preparation (salads, vinaigrette, dough products);

In the labor of repairing books, toys, clothes.

Gradually, children acquire independence in this type of work. The teacher uses methods of showing, explaining, discussing the work process and results, evaluating, teaching individual methods of performing labor operations (how to wring out a rag so that water does not flow down the sleeves, etc.). It is important to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the importance of household work for everyone and for everyone personally. It is this work that makes it possible to show the child that he himself can make the environment in which he lives beautiful and pleasant. The teacher always draws the children's attention to this side. If each of us cares about making everything around us beautiful, we will not be able to throw a piece of paper on the floor and, of course, will not draw on the wall or in the elevator. Only someone who doesn't love his home can do this. Thus, the ability to notice disorder and eliminate it without an adult’s reminders is developed.

Modern household work is made easier by technology. It is also available in a preschool institution (a vacuum cleaner, a mechanical brush for washing windows, etc.). At home, many children’s families have a washing machine, a dishwasher, a microwave oven, etc. The child sees how adults use such equipment. It is also useful to teach children to use household machines. At home, a child can vacuum the carpet on the floor and watch the washing machine in action. You just need to be sure to familiarize children with safety rules and try not to leave them alone with equipment. But under the supervision of an adult and together with him, a child can, using equipment, engage in household work.

Household skills acquired by children in preschool are transferred to the family and vice versa.

IN special kind labor is allocated to labor in nature. The content of such work is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the area, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc. Labor in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills, but also on the education of moral feelings, laying the foundations of environmental education.

In younger groups, children's attention is drawn to plants and animals. The teacher organizes observations of animals and at the same time tries to maintain the interest of the kids. Together with an adult and under his guidance, the child cares for living objects.

The responsibilities of children of senior preschool age are much broader. And this is understandable. The child already knows more, knows more.

Labor in nature has its own characteristics. The result of this work can be a material product (vegetables grown by the child, a tree planted by him, etc.). This brings child labor closer to the productive labor of adults.

Labor in nature most often has a delayed result: they sowed seeds and only after some time were able to observe the result in the form of seedlings, and then fruits. This feature helps to cultivate endurance and patience.

While caring for animals and growing plants, the child always deals with living objects. Therefore, special caution, careful attitude, and responsibility are needed. The absence of these factors can lead to the death of a living person.

Working in nature makes it possible to simultaneously develop cognitive interests. Children observe the growth and development of living objects, learn about the characteristics of some plants and animals, experiment, learning about inanimate nature.

Thus, work in nature contributes not only to labor education, but also to moral, aesthetic, mental, and physical development.

Manual and artistic labor - by its purpose, is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the production of crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development

imagination, creativity; develops small arm muscles, promotes endurance, perseverance, and the ability to finish what you start. Children make other people happy with the results of their work by creating gifts for them. Artistic work in a preschool institution

presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group room with their products for the holidays, design exhibitions, etc.

Separate elements of manual and artistic labor

can be introduced already in younger groups. At the same time, participation

adult is required. More precisely, children help an adult in creating crafts. And although the activity of children of this age is minimal, involvement in such interesting work is very useful. The child sees how, in the hands of the teacher, a simple stick suddenly turns into a doll, and a ball into the head of a funny clown. This “magic” fascinates children, delights them and motivates them to their own activities.

3.6. Description of the main elements of the presented teaching experience.

Forms of labor organization for preschool children

AssignmentsDuty General, joint, collective work

Instructions are a request from an adult addressed to a child to perform some work action. An assignment is the first form of organizing work activity.

Work assignments can be:

In form - individual, subgroup, general;

By duration - short-term or long-term, permanent or one-time;

Through assignments, it is possible to solve the problems of not only labor education, but also moral, physical, mental and aesthetic ones.

I widely use assignments in all age groups, but at a younger age this form is the leading one in the organization child labor. Due to their psychological characteristics, young children are not sufficiently independent in their actions and are prone to imitation. They cannot coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades and work at the pace required by the team; they are often distracted and do not finish the work they start. At this age, children are little interested in the result; they are attracted by the process of action itself (they do not yet possess the necessary skills and abilities to achieve the result). Therefore, only in the second younger group from the second half of the year, when the children already have some work experience, I use group assignments. The main form of unification in work for children of this age is “side by side” work, when each child works independently and is responsible for his work to the teacher; at the same time, the child practices the skills and abilities necessary in team work.

In older kindergarten groups, assignments continue to play a big role, however, responsibilities begin to take on importance. I involved the children in carrying out errands that were not part of the duty duties and in self-care. A special place is occupied by assignments, the results of which are delayed in time. The requirements for the quality of fulfillment of orders are also increasing; they are now of a public nature: to help children of younger groups, kindergarten employees (supply manager, janitor, etc.) who need their help.

Thus, assignments as a form of organizing the work activities of preschool children give me the opportunity to daily, systematically introduce children to feasible work and create a business atmosphere in the group.

An important pedagogical condition for instilling in children a positive attitude towards the instructions of adults is the formation in them of social motives for activity - the motive of duty and responsibility to adults for completing a task. This can be achieved by increasing the requirements for children, for their individual work activities, and making assignments more complicated. It is also important to evaluate the content of this activity.

The highest criterion for assessing the fulfillment of a work assignment is the children’s awareness of the responsibility and constancy of caring for others. This behavior of children is associated with the manifestation of initiative and independence in carrying out work assignments, in voluntarily finding something to do for yourself and doing it independently, in the readiness to do something pleasant for others. As a teacher, it is very important for me to skillfully support the first shoots of children’s initiative, when a child, of his own volition, gets involved in work. This is important for developing children’s ability to perform responsibilities.

In order for assignments to have an educational impact on the child and serve as an effective means of moral education, they must always contain a specific goal and educational task: for example, I plan to consolidate the child’s not yet strong work skills, change his attitude towards this work, or introduce him to new content of work . Often in practice, I used assignments that solved rather specific problems in raising preschoolers. For example, the child does not know what to do. I gave another child the reins and asked: “Ask Andryusha if he wants to play horses with you.”

Duty - involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the entire group. On duty in to a greater extent than in the assignment, the social orientation of work, the real, practical care of several (one) children about others are highlighted, therefore this form contributes to the development of responsibility, a humane, caring attitude towards people and nature.

In preschool practice, it has already become traditional to be on duty in the dining room, in a corner of nature, in preparation for classes (if a large preparatory work to provide all children with materials and tools). This form of labor organization is introduced in the second junior group at the end of the second half of the year. I involved the children in helping the junior teacher when she set the tables for food, or gave instructions related to preparing for a lesson or caring for plants and animals.

Starting from the age of 3, children are already able to perform several interrelated actions aimed at solving one task (setting the table). At first, I was “on duty” with two children and gave each one only one assignment, for example, I asked Misha to place the bread bins on those two tables, and Yulia - on these. Then she complicated the task: one child must place bread bins on all the tables, and the other must arrange spoons. And finally, one child places everything that is needed on the tables: bread bins, napkins, cups, and arranges cutlery. And only after learning all this, my children mastered the ability to coordinate their actions, negotiate, and distribute responsibilities independently.

It is difficult to “link” each of the described stages of working with children to a specific age - it all depends on the level of development of children’s skills in joint activities, work skills, as well as the systematic nature of this work in their practice. I followed this sequence and promptly transferred the children from one level of difficulty to another.

I paid attention to the pace and quality of the work. Sometimes I or the junior teacher suggested to those on duty how to show attention to a friend (“Today is Lyuda’s birthday, give her this beautiful cup", "Let's think about how we will please the children today - will we put out flowers or lay out new napkins?", "Let's arrange the tables differently today so that everyone can see each other," etc.); encouraged the desire of those on duty to come up with something interesting and enjoyable for everyone.

Being on duty to prepare for classes requires concentration. Since the content of this duty is not as constant as the duty in the dining room, I will remind the children what should be on the tables when drawing with pencils, paints, modeling, and designing. When the work was completed, I asked the people on duty to check if everything was in place.

Duty duty contributes to the systematic inclusion of children in work. You just need to note who was on duty, where and when. A duty board was posted in the group so that everyone knew their responsibilities.

The duration of duty varied depending on the type of work, the age of the children, and the educational purpose. This can be a one-time duty (for one lesson), a day duty, i.e., during the day, duty in the canteen or in a corner of nature.

General, joint, collective work. If assignments and duties have become systematic, permanent forms of organizing work in a group and the children have achieved certain success, it becomes possible to move on to a more complex form - general, joint, collective work.

This form of organizing children’s work primarily contributes to solving the problems of moral education. Already acquired work skills and abilities are only consolidated, and learning new ones is carried out, as before, individually. I could not introduce into the content of the general work something that the children did not yet know how to do. For example, if children do not have the ability to properly wash toys, include this work in general activities This is not possible, since I will not have the opportunity for individual training.

General, joint and especially collective work creates favorable conditions for children to develop the ability to coordinate their actions, help each other, establish a uniform pace of work, etc.

What unites common, joint and collective work is the socially oriented goal of children's activities. This means that the result of work is always beneficial for everyone. Cleaning a room, area, decorating a group room for a holiday, etc. - all this is needed not by just one of the labor participants, but by all of them.

The differences lie in the conditions for consolidating and nurturing collective relationships. Common work presupposes an organization of children in which, with a common goal, each child performs some part of the work independently. For example, I suggested that the children clean up the group room and distributed responsibilities: “Sasha and Seryozha, you will put together construction material in boxes. Natasha and Lena, put clean dresses on the dolls. Dima, Olya and I will wipe the chairs,” etc. After finishing the work, I drew the children’s attention to the fact that everyone worked well and this is the result - the room became clean and beautiful. With this form of organization of work, each child has his own area and is responsible only for himself. Even if I gave the same task to two children, everyone still completes it separately.

Joint work involves the interaction of children, the dependence of each on the pace and quality of the work of others. The goal, as in common work, - single.

I carried out the labor education of preschoolers using a number of means:

1- children’s own labor activity;

2- familiarization with the work of adults;

3- artistic media.

Children's own work activity is necessary means labor education. It `s naturally. You can't learn anything without doing it. Labor activity is the leading means of labor education. Children learn specific work skills and abilities, achieve results, and satisfy their need for real inclusion in the world of adults. With the help of this tool, applied, practical problems of labor education are solved.

Familiarization with the work of adults. This tool allows you to expand the child’s understanding of the content of human activity, the social significance of work, and the attitude towards work.

Artistic media: fiction, music, visual arts. With the help of this group of means, I formed children’s ideas about the content of work, about people’s attitude towards work, about how others evaluate the work of other people, etc. These means serve to educate moral feelings and attitudes.

The role of artistic means in the labor education of preschoolers is unique. You cannot teach a person to work by listening to music, a story, a fairy tale, or looking at a picture about work. And yet, it is with the help of artistic means that one can arouse in children an interest in work, a desire to be like those who work, and to understand the importance and social significance of people’s work.

When working with children, I used proverbs and sayings every day. These "pearls" folk wisdom“helped me to praise and encourage the child in a laconic form (“Small, but remote”, “The eyes are afraid, the hands are busy”), to express an attitude towards laziness (“The lazy Fedorka always has excuses”, “Work feeds, but laziness spoils”, “ Lazy hands love other people’s work”, “Skillful hands do not know boredom”), emphasize the importance of work (“It’s not the good one who has a handsome face, but the good one who is good at work”, “If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on the stove”) . A proverb is not perceived by a child as notation, and therefore it is more effective as a means of education.

The moral value of work is also affirmed in fairy tales. In many folk tales a positive hero, as a rule, is hardworking, ready to help others and therefore, in the end, is rewarded with love, wealth, and recognition.

The author's works of art reflect the attitude towards work as an important human activity (“Who to be?” by V. Mayakovsky, “What do you have?” S. Mikhalkov), the labor process is shown (“How your book was printed” by S. Marshak, “About tea”, “How cotton wool grows on a bush” by A. Ivich, etc.), tells about a person’s attitude to work, love for his profession, dedication and conscientiousness (“What are they like, polar explorers” by A. Chlenov, “Through the Storm” by I. Vinokurov). Encyclopedic literature is also important, from which children learn about the origin of different professions, and about the process of making things, objects, and about famous people whose work influenced the progress of mankind.

By reading works of fiction about work to children, I solved several important teaching and educational tasks at once: children learned about different professions, they developed an interest in another aspect of an adult’s activity, formed an attitude towards it, and bit by bit an image was formed that the child begins to strive for. , creating yourself. True, this can only happen if I used fiction as a means of solving pedagogical problems, I myself am convinced of the importance of work and the presence in the personality of the qualities of a hard worker, I am an example for children in this and the ability to combine reading works of fiction with the organization of my own work activities and activities of children.

Works also serve as a means of educating children. visual arts. Looking at the paintings of master artists, children not only see the process of labor, but, more importantly, are imbued with the mood of the picture. In one case it is joy, an emotional upsurge (“Bread” by T. Yablonskaya), in the other it is a quiet, calm respite (“The Tractor Drivers’ Dinner” by A. Plastov), ​​enjoyment of one’s work (“The Lacemaker” by V. Tropinin). But work is not always easy and simple. Children need to know this in order to learn to treat people who work with respect and compassion. Therefore, with older preschoolers, I looked at such paintings by great masters as, for example, “Stoker” by N. Yaroshenko or “Repair work on railway» K. Savitsky.

When teaching self-service work, I used looking at pictures. They are useful in forming ideas about the sequence of actions. I also used special manuals to help teach children how to fasten buttons and lace shoes. She showed the child the correct techniques, introduced him to “little secrets” that make it easier to perform certain actions (it is better to fasten buttons on a shirt from the bottom, not from the top, then you can control what you are doing, see the last button and the last loop and connect them).

Labor education of children in a preschool institution cannot be carried out in isolation from family education. The family has favorable conditions for developing hard work in children. This is, first of all, visibility, accessibility of a variety of household work performed by adults every day in front of the child, the tangible results of this work, the opportunity for the child to systematically participate in this work, to work together with adults. When working together with older family members, the child, imitating the elders, quickly masters work skills and adopts rational work methods. Working together with parents brings joy to the child. Participation in household work allows the child to really feel his involvement in the concerns of the family, to feel like a member of the family team. This helps educate many important qualities personality: responsiveness, caring, thrift, responsibility. In the family, the child hears stories from parents about their work and the production activities of other people. This expands the child’s understanding of the work of adults, forms interest and respect for it.

In order for parents to be able to carry out labor education in the family in conjunction with the kindergarten, they must know well what tasks of labor education are set in the kindergarten and know the practice of labor education in a preschool institution. To this end, I systematically introduced parents to the content and methods of labor education for children of different ages. In her work she used various forms of organization: parent meetings: "Man is handsome through hard work" round table following the results of the project activity “From seed to harvest”, joint exhibitions of crafts: “What autumn brought us”, “Father Frost’s Workshop”, “Mom’s skillful hands”, “Easter event” and others. The pupils enjoy watching and trying to help their parents during the annual landscaping campaign. Ilya A.’s mother held a master class with the children on manual origami work “Funny Frog”, it was interesting and fun, it got the children very interested and they became interested in the fact that not only the teacher can fold origami, but their mothers. Denis G.’s mother, together with the girls, conducted a master class “Magic Baskets” - crafts made from salt dough, the children really enjoyed it, it was interesting and educational. Now the girls take pleasure in teaching other children.

In my work, I used a new method of work - project activities with children. The first project - “From seed to harvest” - I worked on and implemented with middle-aged pupils. Based on my observations of middle-preschool children, I found out that many children do not like vegetable dishes and do not know about the benefits of vegetables. I developed the project “From seed to harvest”, which maximally allowed me to enrich knowledge and ideas about vegetables, their properties and benefits, develop coherent speech, labor, Creative skills children, knowledge of how vegetables grow, how to care for them, what is necessary for the growth of vegetables.

The great teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that work becomes a great educator when it enters the spiritual life of our students, gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties, and reveals “more and more new beauty in the world around us.” .

At the beginning of work on the project, we talked with the children in order to establish the pupils’ knowledge about the work involved in growing vegetables, about the growing process, about the variety of vegetables. During the practical stage of implementing the project, I held conversations on the topic: “Why do we need vegetables”, “Conversation with a seed”, “How the carrot grew”; The children and I looked at the subject and subject pictures “The work of the children in the garden”, “Greenhouse”, “On the collective farm field”. After the conversations, the children and I began to work: we sowed vegetable seeds in the garden beds, the children experienced great joy from the work, because they felt involved in those people who grow food for other people. Then the guys and I watched the germination of our vegetable crops, looked after the beds (removed weeds, watered, loosened the soil). Each child was proud of the successfully completed assignment. In the fall, my children and I harvested our own vegetables. The children took onions, tomatoes, and carrots to the catering unit, where the cooks promised to prepare borscht from the vegetables. Parents took part in our project. Together with the children, they composed wonderful, interesting, educational stories about vegetables and the process of growing them. At the end of our project, we went to the children of senior preschool age, where we had a joint entertainment “All vegetables - come visit us!”, at which middle-aged children presented their knowledge about vegetables. Guys middle group told the children senior group everything they know about vegetables, read poetry, acted out the skit “Conversation of Vegetables,” and played the round dance game “Harvest the Harvest” together. Our meeting turned out to be very interesting and educational; the children of both groups were pleased with the joint communication.

I implemented the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important” with children of senior preschool age. The goal of the project: to develop a sustainable positive attitude towards work.

To develop children's interest and love for work;

Maintain respect and interest in the work activities of parents and adults;

Cultivate a desire to work, persistently achieve results in work, a willingness to participate in joint work activities;

Involve parents in joint work activities.

The pupils were asked a problematic question: “What will happen if people don’t work?”, which aroused the children’s interest; many different answers were given (if there were no cars, houses, equipment, everyone would be hungry). The children developed an interest in various types of professions, labor actions, performance results. When introducing children to the work of adults, I used various methods and techniques. Examination of illustrations of various professions, tools and products of labor, didactic games “Match a Pair”, “Play in the Professions”, etc., examination of the album “All Work is Good”, educational leisure “Meetings with interesting people", exhibition of photographs of parents "Who to be?", conversations, reading fiction, observing the work of adults, excursions - all this expanded the children’s knowledge and contributed to the formation of a positive attitude towards work. When visiting medical office, the manager’s office, the food department, she especially emphasized that the entire kindergarten team works in harmony, harmoniously, everyone cares about ensuring that the children in the kindergarten have a good life. Thus, in the course of introducing children to the work of adults, I tried to reveal the content of the work of people of different professions, to show the sequence labor processes, results and meaning of work. The most interesting thing for children and parents was the task of making an album about the profession “What I Dream of Becoming!” The parents responded with pleasure. As a result of joint activities with his parents, Roma K. brought an album about a pediatrician; David W. - about a sea captain; Vanya B. and Seryozha B. - about the policeman; Alena B. - about the hairdresser; Ilya A. - about a truck driver; Darina I. - about the artist; Everyone’s albums turned out to be interesting and beautiful, and joint activities contributed to the development of children’s interest and parents’ interest in the manifestations of their child. I concluded that project activities produce positive results, and I will continue to use them in my work.

Thus, with purposeful, systematic work on labor education at the stage of completion of preschool education, pupils master the basic cultural methods of activity, show initiative and independence in different types of work activities, have a positive attitude towards different types of work, and actively interact with peers and adults. The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in different types of work activities, can observe the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene when performing work skills, which allows us to conclude that children have developed the prerequisites for educational and work activities.


List of used literature:

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Volokov V.S., Volkova N.V. Child psychology: Logical schemes. - M.: Humanite. ed. center Vladom, 2003. - 256 p.

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Project matrix.

Project title: “From seed to harvest”

Thematic field of knowledge: labor, moral.

Problem: the need to expand children's knowledge and understanding about the process of planting and growing plants.

Goal: involving children with practical activities for growing vegetable crops.

Enrich children's understanding of vegetables (onions, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, etc.).

Enrich children's vocabulary by denoting qualities (taste, color, size), as well as literary and artistic words (riddles, poems, proverbs, fairy tale signs).

Expand children's knowledge about the conditions of growth and development of plants.

Develop skills in caring for plants.

Foster hard work, collectivism, cultivate a love of nature, and a caring attitude towards one’s work.

Development of thinking and logic.

Main steps to implement the project:

Design of a seed collection.

Compilation of the album “Merry Garden”.

Thematic conversation about beneficial properties vegetables

Introduction to the step-by-step cultivation of vegetable crops.

Reading and memorizing poems about vegetables, proverbs, sayings about work.

Joint activity of parents and children, writing stories about vegetables.

Learning round dance games, didactic games, physical minutes.

Description of the product obtained as a result of the project:

Increasing children's knowledge, skills and abilities about vegetables

Children's stories about vegetables

Album with photographs, drawings, applications

A selection of poems, signs, proverbs, riddles.

Type of project: educational, research, creative.

Main participants: children of middle preschool age, parents, teacher.

Integration of educational areas.

Educational areaContentsTasks

LaborWork assignments

Collective work in the garden Develop a desire to participate in joint activities, develop the necessary skills in various types labor, strengthen the ability to perform various tasks

cognition Compiling stories, making albums, speaking to senior preschool children Develop research activities, involve parents in documenting the results, create conditions for presentation

Observing the growth of vegetable crops, communicating with parents, conversations. Introduce vegetables, expand ideas about vegetables and their benefits, knowledge about growing and caring for a garden.

Communication Compiling stories about vegetables and presenting them to children in the senior preschool age group Develop the ability to communicate freely with adults and peers.

Artistic and creative developmentDrawing, applique, modeling

"vegetables on a plate"

“pickling cucumbers and tomatoes”

"basket of vegetables"

"truck with vegetable harvest"

“a bucket full of onions” Satisfying the needs of self-expression through a variety of productive activities

Reading fiction Riddles, poems about vegetables, proverbs, signs.

“gardeners”, “helpers”, reading the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”, theatrical performance of the fairy tale “Turnip”.

SocializationEntertainment for children of senior preschool age.

11. Additional Information necessary to complete the project

Material and technical resources necessary to complete the project: Tools, camera, tools for artistic activities

13. Planned time to implement the project in stages.

search Study of methodological literature, attending consultations, interview with a methodologist, selection of materials. June

Analytical Conversations (collective, individual) with children “What do we know about vegetables” 1.07-14.07

Practical Work in the garden, learning poems, proverbs, sayings about vegetables, drawing, modeling, applique, non-traditional technique of drawing with plasticine, cut appliqué.

Compilation of individual stories14.07-16.08

presentationHarvest, transfer to the food department.

Children coming out with stories about vegetables for older children.

Compiling an album of stories16.08-31.08

controlAnalysis of the work done and the results obtained (at the pedagogical council) September

14.Organizational forms of work.

Forms of workname deadlines

conversation"conversation with the seed"

“What vegetables do you know?”

"Where do they grow?"

“What are vegetables for?”

“Why do plants need water and sun?” June

Reading, memorization Poems, proverbs, stories. June

Labor activityLanding

Watering and care


Drawing, appliqué, sculpting. “vegetables on a plate”

“pickling cucumbers and tomatoes”

"basket of vegetables"

"truck with vegetable harvest"

“a bucket full of onions” June

Game activitiesDidactic games

“What did I eat?”

"Guess by touch"

"Cook and Harvest"

“What kind of juice is this?”

Round dance game "harvesting"

Role-playing games:

“Vegetable shop”, “Mom cooks a delicious lunch” June

Compiling an album of children's stories together with parents “Vegetable conversation” July

Presentation of children's works to children of the senior group “Visiting Vegetables” August

Pedagogical CouncilGiving a presentation at the Pedagogical Council project activity “From seed to harvest”September

15.Form of the presentation: going out to visit the children of the senior group with the entertainment “Visiting Vegetables.”

Project Matrix

1. Project title: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

2. Thematic field: knowledge, morality.

3. Problem: increase interest in work, know about the importance of work.

4. Goal: 1.Continue to introduce children to different types of professions

2.Formation of labor skills.

3. Fostering a sustainable positive attitude towards work.

5. Tasks:

Contribute to expanding ideas about different types of work;

To develop children's interest and love for work;

Maintain respect and interest in the work activities of adults and parents

Cultivate a desire to work, to persistently achieve results in work.

6. Main steps to implement the project:

Initial analysis of children's knowledge.

Introducing children to different types of professions.

Compiling albums “What I want to become!”

7. Description of the product obtained as a result of the project:

Increasing the knowledge, skills and abilities of children when getting acquainted with different types of professions.

Children's stories about the importance of professions.

Album with photographs and drawings of children.

A selection of poems about professions.

Type of project: educational and research.

Main participants: senior preschool children, parents, teachers.

Interdisciplinary connections

Program sectionContentsTasks

LaborGames "Mom's Helpers"

Manual labor “embroidery”, origami Develop the desire to work, persistently achieve results in work, develop the necessary skills in various types of work, consolidate the ability to carry out various assignments

safety Conversations, looking at illustrations Form basic ideas about safe ways to interact with tools

knowledge Observations of the work of a nurse, a salesman, a cashier, a hairdresser, a doctor, a seamstress, a caretaker, a cook. Conversations about making albums, speaking to children of the middle group. Introduce people to professions, expand their understanding of significance. Develop research activities, involve parents in the presentation of results, create conditions for presentation

Communication Compiling stories about professions and presenting them to middle school children Develop the ability to communicate freely with adults and peers.

Artistic and creative developmentDrawing, applique,

“I don’t ask about profession,” Bender said politely, “but I can guess.”
Probably something intellectual? Are there many convictions this year?
“Two,” Balaganov answered freely.

I was rummaging around on the computer and found two interesting entries, made by me I don’t remember why. Perhaps I will publish them as the beginning of the third or fourth version of my blog. I wrote the first one on the Grumi resource, which rests in God.

At the institute, somewhere in my second year, I had the feeling that I was missing something. After digging into my pockets, I found out that I didn’t have enough money, and decided to radically solve the problem - get a job.

From this work I learned several facts: in the summer people want to lose weight and in the winter to get treatment, you can’t say “Hello” to the sales manager, and most importantly, the sales of bad products and good ones are very different.

I also learned to sleep in minibuses - you need to close your eyes and imagine the road.

Since that time, my vocabulary has been enriched with two sayings - “money burns the thigh” (another courier asked me about this before disappearing with a fairly large amount of money) and “plays a point” (accompanied by a demonstration of the game with a fist).

Almost every person works to provide and improve their lives. The work uses mental and physical abilities. Today at modern world, work activity is more extensive than it was before. How does the process and organization of work take place? What types are there? Why does a person refuse to work? Read on for answers to questions...

The concept of work activity

Work is mental and physical effort used to achieve a certain result. A person uses his abilities for consistent work and its conclusion. Human work is aimed at:

1. Raw materials (a person works with them to bring them to the final result).

2. Means of labor are transport, household equipment, tools and equipment (with their help a person makes any product).

3. Costs of living labor, which is the salary of all production personnel.

A person’s work activity can be both complex and simple. For example, one plans and controls the entire work process - this is a mental ability. There are workers who record the indicators on the meter every hour - this is physical labor. However, not as difficult as the first one.

Work efficiency will be improved only when a person has certain work skills. Therefore, people who are hired for production are not those who have just graduated from university, but those who have experience and skills.

Why does a person need a job?

Why do we work? Why does a person need a job? Everything is very simple. To fulfill human needs. Most people think so, but not all.

There are people for whom work is self-realization. Often such work brings minimal income, but thanks to it a person does what he loves and develops. When people do something they enjoy, then the work turns out to be of higher quality. Career also refers to self-realization.

A woman who is completely dependent on her husband goes to work only in order not to degrade. Home life often “eats” a person so much that you begin to lose yourself. As a result, you can turn from an interesting and intelligent person into a homely “mother hen.” Such a person becomes uninteresting to those around him.

It turns out that the labor activity of an employee is the essence of personality. Therefore, you need to evaluate your abilities and choose a job that not only brings income, but also pleasure.

Types of work activities

As mentioned earlier, a person uses mental or physical abilities to work. There are about 10 types of work activities. They are all diverse.

Types of work activity:

Physical labor includes:

  • manual;
  • mechanical;
  • assembly line labor (work on a conveyor along a chain);
  • work in production (automatic or semi-automatic).

Mental work includes the following types:

  • managerial;
  • operator;
  • creative;
  • educational (this also includes medical professions and students).

Physical work - performing labor using muscle activity. They can be used partially or completely. For example, a builder who carries a bag of cement (the muscles of the legs, arms, back, torso, etc. work). Or the operator records the readings in a document. This involves arm muscles and mental activity.

Mental work - receiving, using, processing information. This work requires attentiveness, memory, and thinking.

Today only mental or physical work- rarity. For example, we hired a builder to renovate an office. He will not only make repairs, but also calculate how much material is needed, what its cost is, how much the work costs, etc. Both mental and physical abilities are involved. And so it is at every job. Even if a person works on an assembly line. This work is monotonous, the same products are produced every day. If a person does not think, then he will not be able to take correct actions. And this can be said about any type of work activity.

Motive for work

What motivates a person to do a certain job? Of course it is financial side. The higher the salary, the better a person tries to do his job. He understands that a poorly done task will pay less.

The motivation for work is not only in monetary terms, there are also intangible aspects. For example, many people will be happy to work if you create a friendly atmosphere in the team. Frequent turnover at work cannot create warmth among employees.

Some workers have social needs. That is, it is important for them to feel the support of managers and colleagues.

There is a type of people who need attention and praise. They should feel that their work is in demand and that their efforts to work are not in vain.

Certain employees want to self-actualize through work. They are ready to work tirelessly, the main thing for them is to give them an impetus.

Therefore, it is necessary to find the right approach to each employee so that they are motivated to work. Only then will the work be completed quickly and efficiently. After all, every person must be encouraged to work.

Organization of labor activities

Each production or enterprise has a certain system according to which a person’s work activity is calculated. This is done so that the work does not go astray. The organization of work activity is planned and then recorded in certain documents (schemes, instructions, etc.).

The work planning system indicates:

  • workplace workers, its lighting, equipment and activity plan (a person must have all the necessary materials for work);
  • division of work activities;
  • work methods (actions that are performed in the process);
  • reception of labor (determined by the method of work);
  • working hours (how long an employee should be at the workplace);
  • working conditions (what is the workload of the performer);
  • labor process;
  • quality of work;
  • work discipline.

To ensure high productivity in an enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to the planned organization of work.

The labor process and its types

Every job is done with the help of a person. This is the process of labor activity. It is divided into types:

  • by the nature of the subject of labor (the work of employees - the subject of the work is technology or economics, the labor activity of ordinary workers is related to materials or any parts).
  • by employee functions (workers help produce products or maintain equipment, managers monitor proper operation);
  • on the participation of workers in the level of mechanization.

According to the last parameter, we can distinguish:

  1. The process of manual work (no machines, machines or tools are used in work activities).
  2. Process in machine-manual work (labor activity is performed using a machine).
  3. Machine process (labor activity occurs with the help of a machine, while the worker does not apply physical force, but monitors the correct progress of the work).

Working conditions

People work in different fields. Working conditions are a number of factors that surround a person’s workplace. They affect his work and health. They are divided into 4 types:

  1. Optimal working conditions (1st class) - human health does not become worse. Managers help the employee maintain a high level of work.
  2. Acceptable working conditions (2nd class) - the employee’s work is normal, but his health periodically deteriorates. True, by the next shift it is already back to normal. According to the documents, the harmfulness is not exceeded.
  3. Harmful working conditions (3rd class) - the harmfulness is exceeded, and the employee’s health deteriorates more and more. Hygienic standards are exceeded.
  4. Dangerous working conditions - in such work a person runs the risk of contracting very dangerous diseases.

For optimal conditions, the employee must breathe clean air, room humidity, constant air movement, room temperature must be normal, and it is advisable to create natural lighting. If all standards are not met, then a person gradually suffers harm to his body, which will affect his health over time.

Quality of work

This category is the most important for work activity. After all, proper work affects the volume and quality of products. The workforce requires professional skills, qualifications and experience. These qualities make it clear what kind of work a person is capable of. Very often, enterprises do not fire people, but first train them, improving their skills over time.

First of all, a person himself must be aware of the responsibility in his work and approach it well. If you show your literacy and professionalism, then management will decide on advanced training and promotion. This improves the quality of work.


We can conclude that a person needs to work for several reasons. Labor activity It is advisable to choose according to your abilities and liking. Only then will the work be completed with dignity and quality. It is imperative to pay attention to working conditions. Always remember what your health depends on. Be very careful while working, as work-related injuries are possible, which lead not only to problems for the employee, but also for management. For successful, high productivity, adhere to all the norms and rules by which the enterprise operates. Always leave all your problems at home, and go to work with a smile, like on a holiday. If the day starts with Have a good mood, then it will end the same way.

What is experience?

According to the results of an analysis of professional forums, about 70% of young job seekers believe that getting a good position in a large company with a decent salary without work experience is a lucky coincidence or an acquaintance. But let's start with the fact that many graduates and students looking for a job for the future do not understand what the employer means by work experience. It’s true that employers themselves view work experience differently. Their opinions generally fall into three broad categories:

1. Experience is an official entry into work book, which proves that the applicant worked in position “N”.

2. Official employment does not matter. The applicant needs to demonstrate the results of his previous work: indicate skills in the resume, show letters of recommendation, visual materials (portfolio).

3. For minimum work experience, it is enough to undergo practical training and internship during your studies.

There is no illusion. There is hope!

According to a survey conducted by the Portal Research Center, among thousands of representatives Russian enterprises and organizations, graduates without experience are hired in 54% domestic companies, of which the majority are large companies.

The fact is that it is the serious market players who are in constant development: they open new offices and need new employees. They are ready to hire even someone who has no work experience at all. And all because it is much easier to teach such a person “to suit himself” than to retrain him.

Dmitry Petrov,
Deputy Director of the Petropavlovsk Foundation, Chief Editor magazine "So-Communication"

— Very often, an employer looks not only at the experience of a job applicant, but also at potential. That is, he may have " rich» resume, but it will be rejectedsince during the interview they won’t see how he will grow and why he will be beneficial to the company. Wherein They can hire a person with zero experience, but with a specialized university education.

After all, a graduate — « Blank sheet» , He does not know« how to do it» , will not turn up his nose, but will study. Don't expect to become a boss right away. Be prepared to work as an apprentice.

The point is not in the employers themselves, who, as it seems to a young applicant, come up with a million requirements for some simple assistant position, but in the fact that now many graduates overestimate their abilities.

Anna Gerasimova,

external manager economic activity LLC "UK" REVIVAL Trading House"

I believe that work in large company without experience, of course, reality. You just need to start with something small, with a low position, salary, and strive for something big.

Advancement up the career ladder must be earned and put in the effort. Unfortunately, many graduates now believe that they should immediately be hired for a good position with high remuneration. Our culture lacks the value of work as a process of self-improvement, acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, the expectations of applicants so often do not coincide with the offers of employers.

A spoon of tar

Not everything is as rosy as it seems. Not all companies are ready to hire an inexperienced worker. Some HR specialists explain their refusal by saying that they are afraid, having hired an employee without experience, to spend a lot of time and effort on training him and ultimately lose him (a specialist can always quit at the most inopportune moment or go to competitors).

It often happens that the employer does not offer exactly the vacancy you dreamed of. But you need to remember that a lot depends on yourself, on your erudition, personal qualities and aspirations. At the same time, you should not reject the idea of ​​a free internship, especially during your studies. Maybe in the future, this free internship will pay you more than you thought. And everyone who deserves it will find their dream job.

Structure of demand by work experience

(by number of vacancies)

Data provided by recruiting companyHeadHunter

In what professional fields Most often, specialists without work experience are hired?

  • Sales - 40%
  • Administrative staff - 16%
  • IT - 10%
  • Banks - 8%
  • Transport - 7%
  • Marketing - 7%
  • Operating personnel - 6%
  • Tourism - 5%