Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Student's proposal for the organization of practice of personnel management. personnel personnel policy psychological. Completed practice diary

Faculty economics and Management
department Organisation management


student 4 faculty course
Kuzmin Mikhail Yurievich
Study group №МВС-4/09 record book №MES - 039/09
In LLC "Ciar"
As a Human Resources Manager
During from June 20, 2011 to July 31, 2011

Content of work experience


The nature of the work performed
Signature of the head of the practice of the enterprise
21.06.2011 Structure of Ciar LLC
22.06.2011 Familiarization with office work at Ciar LLC
23.06.2011 Familiarization with the charter of Ciar LLC
24.06.2011 Familiarization with the Labor Regulations
27.06.2011 Familiarization with the Regulations on the department of personnel management.
28.06.2011 Familiarization with the job description of the employee of the department of personnel management.
29.06.2011 Assistance in drawing up a reserve of personnel.
30.06.2011 Production of service certificates, their issuance to employees.
01.07.2011 Preparation of local regulations, orders, orders in the areas of personnel activities.
04.07.2011 Preparation of materials and documents for the presentation of personnel for various types of encouragement and awards.
05.07.2011 Participation in internal audits.
06.07.2011 Preparation of materials on bringing employees to disciplinary and material liability.
07.07.2011 Organizational and content support of the commission's activities in the main areas of personnel activity.
08.07.2011 Together with the heads of departments, scheduling vacations, registration and accounting for the use of regular and additional vacations.
11.07.2011 Together with the financial and economic department, the organization of timesheets.
12.07.2011 Together with the educational department, the organization of inspections of labor and educational discipline, compliance with internal regulations.
13.07.2011 Execution of documents and their submission to the relevant organizations for the implementation by personnel of social benefits and guarantees
14.07.2011 Consideration of complaints and statements of employees on issues related to the competence of the personnel department.
15.07.2011 Analysis and correction of incoming documents and materials.
18.07.2011 Systematization of personnel credentials,
19.07.2011 Preparation and execution of documents for assigning pensions to employees.
20.07.2011 Registration of reception, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor law RF.
21.07.2011 storage and filling of work books.
22.07.2011 Monitoring the execution by the heads of departments of orders and instructions for working with personnel.
25.07.2011 Studying the movement of personnel, analysis of staff turnover, development of measures to eliminate it.
26.07.2011 Familiarization with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
27.07.2011 Interaction with the department statistical reporting.
28.07.2011 Preparation of statistical reporting in all areas of personnel activity.
29.07.2011 Completion of all assigned tasks. Drawing up a report plan based on the results of the internship and its coordination with the head of the enterprise.

July 31, 2011 July 31, 2011
_________________________ __________________
(Signature of the head of practice from the enterprise) (signature of the student)

Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics

Faculty economics and Management department organisation management

for the period from June 20, 2011 By July 31, 2011 student 4 faculty course economics and Management MGEI, Kuzmin Mikhail Yurievich on industrial practice in Ciar LLC

No. p / p
Name of works
Weeks of internship






1 Brief description of the company and its main activities +
2 Structure of Ciar LLC +
3 Measures and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC "SIAR" + + + +
4 Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel + + + + + +
5 Organization of the personnel assessment and certification procedure +
6 The main provisions of the internal labor regulations in LLC "SIAR +
7 The main provisions of the scheme for building material motivation in LLC "Ciar" +
8 Basic provisions non-material motivation at LLC "Ciar" +
9 Evaluation of the organization of personnel management in LLC "Ciar" +
Vladimir Dmitrievich Malakhov, head of practice from MGEI Associate Professor, Candidate of Social Sciences
Head of practice from the organization Reznikov Sergey Anatolyevich Director of LLC "SIAR
Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics

Faculty economics and Management
department organisation management


4th year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Moscow State Power Institute,
Kuzmin Mikhail Yurievich
study group No. MVS-4/09 record book No. MES-039/09
In LLC "Ciar"
as Human Resources Manager
in the period from June 20, 2011 to July 31, 2011

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………...3 1. Brief description of the company and its main activities…….4 2. Events and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC “Ciar”………………………………………………………………. 7 3. Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel……………..8 4. Organization of the procedure for assessing and attesting personnel…………………..12 6. The main provisions of the scheme for constructing material motivation in OOO “Ciar”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18 7. The main provisions of the scheme for constructing intangible motivation in LLC “Ciar”………………………………………………………………………..19 8. Evaluation of the organization of personnel management in LLC “Ciar”………… ….20 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………...21 Review of the organization……………………………………… …………… …………...22

« 31 » July 2011


The main goal of organizational and economic practice is to deepen and consolidate theoretical knowledge in the personnel management system and its features, taking into account industry affiliation, the specifics and scope of the organization LLC "Ciar", the development and accumulation of creative skills in analyzing and improving the PM system, the formation of socio-professional competencies in the field of PM.
Purpose of practice: The study of the content of the existing management activities for human resource management and the basic principles of its organization in Ciar LLC.
Practice objectives:
1. Acquaintance with the company, which is the base of the practice.
2. Study organizational structure and forms of work organization in the organization's personnel management.
3. Acquaintance with the structure of specialized units in the personnel management system and job descriptions.
4. Acquaintance with the normative and methodological documentation regulating the processes of personnel management of the enterprise, the system and procedure for the implementation of document management.
5. Acquisition of practical skills in working with documents that determine the organization of the work of individual subsystems in the personnel management system.

2. Brief description of the company and its main activities

Ciar LLC (chain of stores) is a universal type supermarket and offers more than 35 thousand items: household goods and stationery‚ souvenirs ‚ gifts ‚ cosmetics ‚ perfumes ‚ accessories. The seasonal assortment is regularly updated (gifts for the holidays, gardening equipment, school supplies).
From the very beginning of its activity, the company used elements of self-service in trade.
Ciar LLC was founded in 0000 and is located on the Krasnogorsk Highway.
To achieve the goals and objectives, the Company carries out the following types activities:
1. Trading and purchasing activities, including wholesale trade in consumer goods, food products, industrial and technical products;
2. Point of public catering (cafe);
3. Realization of food products, consumer goods;
4. Realization of stationery and interior items;
5. Intermediary, dealer, distribution;
6. Organization of exhibitions, fairs, presentations.
The supreme governing body is the Founder, whose share in the authorized capital is 100%. All decisions on issues related to the competence of the general meeting of the Members of the Company are taken by the Founder of the Company solely and are drawn up in writing.
Management of the current activities of the Company is carried out by the sole executive body represented by the director, who is appointed by the Founder for a period of up to 5 years and is accountable to the Founder of the Company.
Labor relations of the Company's employees are built on a contract basis. Labor income of each employee is determined by his personal contribution, taking into account the final results of the Company's work, is regulated by taxes and is not limited to maximum amounts.
The minimum amount of remuneration for the Company's employees is established by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
The form, system and amounts of remuneration, as well as other types of income of employees, are established by the Company independently, depending on the profession, qualifications of employees, the complexity and conditions of the work performed.
Employees working under a contract may receive remuneration both in the form of wages and in the form of a share of profits if there is a mutual agreement between the employee and the Company.
Employees of the Company are subject to social, medical insurance, social security in the manner and on the terms established for workers, employees of state enterprises of the Russian Federation.
The Company provides employees with safe working conditions and is liable in accordance with the procedure established by law for damage caused to their health and ability to work. The employee is responsible for the damage caused to the Company in case of violation of the technical safety rules by the employee.
Labor relations of the Company's employees, including their social and pension provision, as well as issues of the Company's social development, are determined in the Company's internal documents, including the collective agreement.
The structure of Ciar LLC has a linear-functional principle of construction based on unity of command.
The Human Resources Department is represented by the HR Director, the HR Development Manager, the Recruitment Manager, and the HR Records Specialist.
The HR Director is the head of the Human Resources Department and performs the following functions:
1. Ensuring the competitive advantages of the company through the creation of an effective personnel policy that allows forming a team of highly qualified specialists;
2. Development and implementation of the personnel policy of the enterprise;
3. Development of standards and regulations for the selection, adaptation, placement, retention of personnel;
4. Coordination of the implementation of technologies in the field of HR by all employees of the department;
5. Setting goals and organizing the practice of fulfilling tasks in the field of human resource management in all departments;
6. Increasing the professional level of employees;
7. Staff motivation;
8. Ensuring the effective use of personnel;
9. Establishment and control of the personnel movement accounting system;
10. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions;
11. Ensuring compliance with labor laws.
HR Development Manager:
1. Conducts focus groups with company personnel to determine the need for training programs;
2. Develops special trainings for staff;
3. Plans, accompanies and supervises special courses;
4. Researches, evaluates and selects third party programs;
5. Provides leadership in the development and delivery of programs;
6. Improves teaching aids and resources;
7. Manages the maintenance of documents related to the training of employees;
8. Performs typical managerial duties in planning, evaluating, organizing, debriefing and monitoring;
9. May also be responsible for overseeing staffing, conducting performance appraisals, training and professional development of subordinates, promotions, salary increases, layoffs, disciplinary action, etc.
HR manager:
1. Determines the company's need for personnel;
2. Studying the state of the labor market, the level wages, social programs at various enterprises to develop the concept of recruitment;
3. Develops cards of vacancies and vacancies;
4. Draws up a schedule for the search for workers needed by the enterprise;
5. Determines the sources of personnel search;
6. Gets acquainted with the resumes of applicants; meets with applicants; conducts interviews with applicants; organizes professional, psychological questioning and testing of applicants; studies the business and professional qualities of applicants; checks the recommendations of applicants; examines the characteristics and information from the previous jobs of applicants;
7. Evaluates the results of interviews and testing of applicants, selects applicants that meet the requirements of the enterprise.
8. Maintains recruitment statistics (Appendix 2).
The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for:
1. Accounting for the personnel of the organization, its divisions;
2. Registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations and orders of the head of the organization;
3. Keeping personal files of employees, making changes in them related to labor activity;
4. Filling, accounting and storage of work books;
5. Accounting for the granting of vacations to employees;
6. Registration of documents on pension insurance and their submission to the social security authorities;
7. Drawing up the established reporting;
8. Timekeeping.

2. Measures and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC "Ciar".

The success of the company, in many ways, lies in the fact that it began with creative and cheerful people. This is still of great importance in the policy of recruitment. The employees of LLC "SIAR" are successful positive people who skillfully combine freedom combined with responsibility, innovation and creativity, appreciating the traditions of partnership with customers, suppliers and colleagues.
The employees of the chain of stores have every reason to be proud of their work, because the company provides all the conditions for this: decent, regularly indexed wages that objectively reflect the professional level of the employee, social guarantees, opportunities career development, confidence in tomorrow. And:
1. Corporate discounts on the employee's personal card for goods and services of the company;
2. Organization of preferential hot lunches for employees of all departments;
3. Providing material assistance to employees of the enterprise in extreme situations;
4. Annual free flu vaccination of employees;
5. Gifts for employees' children;
6. The most comfortable workplaces;
7. Overalls;
8. The opportunity for all employees to visit the sports complex (gym, swimming pool, volleyball, basketball, football) free of charge.

3. Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel

Recruitment policy
The site formulates the basic principles that the company adheres to when recruiting for vacant positions:
1. Competence is the main requirement for candidates. We study biographical data, professional career and recommendations, determine the level of professional knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities, health status, predict the success of adaptation in the team. We focus on growing specialists and heads of structural divisions within the enterprise;
2. Objectivity - we strive to minimize the influence of the subjective opinion of persons making a decision on the admission of a candidate;
3. Continuity - we are constantly working on the selection of the best specialists, the formation of a personnel reserve from external candidates and employees of the enterprise;
4. Scientific - we use the most modern methods in the recruitment process.
Assessment method.

    Questioning - allows you to collect key information for the candidate that is important when making a decision.
Disadvantages: high probability of exaggeration by the candidate of his qualities, skills, knowledge.
Reliability - average, additional clarification is needed.
    Primary interview - allows you to personally verify the accuracy of the information contained in the questionnaire and evaluate the behavior of the candidate.
Disadvantages: the inability to fully assess the abilities and motivation of the candidate, the high degree of influence of subjective factors.
Reliability is high.
    Psychological testing - allows you to assess the degree of compliance of the psychometric characteristics of the candidate with the specifics of the workplace, as well as the compatibility of the candidate with the socio-psychological climate of the organization.
Disadvantages: difficulty in interpreting the results, special training is required, a strong influence of external factors on the candidate's condition at the time of testing.
Reliability - medium or high when using several types of testing that evaluate the same factors.
    An on-the-job internship is an opportunity to look at a candidate "at work".
Disadvantages: separation from the work of a specialist mentor.
Reliability - average, tk. in the process of acquiring skills and adapting to the company, the candidate is not able to fully express himself.
The procedure for selection and selection of personnel .
1) Determining the need for personnel:
Stage 1 - Application for opening a vacancy. Responsible for stage 1 - line manager. The application justifies the need to open a vacancy, the need for workplace equipment, and the job responsibilities of a new employee. An application for opening a vacancy is filled out on a special form by the line manager in whose department the opening of a vacancy is planned, and submitted to the Human Resources Department.
Stage 2 - Examination of the vacancy. Responsible for stage 2 - HR Director. Based on the application for opening a vacancy, an examination of the vacancy is carried out (identification of the objective need of the department for a new employee). With a positive result of the examination of a vacancy, an application for opening a vacancy is sent for approval to the director.
Stage 3 - Description of the requirements for the candidate in the form of a specification as an addition to the application for opening a vacancy. Responsible for stage 3 - HR Director. The specification is drawn up by a specialist of the Human Resources Department together with a line manager on the basis of an application for opening a vacancy signed by the director.
2) Technology of personnel search:
The HR Director determines the list of vacancies based on the requests of managers, develops a strategy and tactics for searching for candidates (depending on the vacancy, the time required to close the vacancy, requirements for candidates and financial resources), as well as the choice of candidate selection methods.
The search for candidates is carried out by posting vacancy announcements in the following resources: mass media (newspapers), recruitment agencies, recruiting agencies, specialized and higher educational institutions, employment centers, the Internet, specialized stands in stores. Responsible for posting information about vacancies - recruitment specialist.
The company's requirements for candidates and the form for submitting an advertisement and specific media are determined by the HR director.
The recruitment specialist controls the release of announcements and files it into the archive, as well as requests and submits to the accounting department all the necessary reporting accounting documents (invoice, certificate of completion, etc.).
3) Technology of selection of candidates. The following methods are used in the selection of candidates:
1. Questioning.
All incoming calls for vacancies are taken by a recruiter. Responsible for the positioning of the company, the correctness of the information provided - a recruitment specialist.
Candidates at the professional level and above are encouraged to send a resume or application form to the recruiter's email address. Once every 2-3 days, the recruiter sends resumes of applicants for current vacancies to hard copy personnel director. Candidates below the level of a specialist are invited to fill out questionnaires of the established form in stores. Candidates leave completed questionnaires in mailboxes. Every day at 9-00, the recruiter takes out questionnaires from the store's mailbox and registers them indicating the desired position, the source of information about the vacancy and the required salary level, i.e. collects statistical data.
The recruitment specialist ensures the formation of a personnel reserve of candidates by registering and storing questionnaires / resumes of potentially interesting candidates for the company.
2. Initial interview.

Hello dear reader.

This article is divided into the following sections:

  1. How to calculate the days for practice
  2. Then an example of filling out a diary of undergraduate practice
  3. Many items that can be used when filling out a diary
  4. Some important issues at the end of the article

If you don’t want to fill out a pre-graduation practice diary yourself - you can always order it at any student exchange - this is a fairly inexpensive job that will be done for you in a very short time.

To order a practice diary, I can recommend you to use any exchange student work, for example, author24 - simply because there are the most performers:

How to fill in the diary of undergraduate (or industrial) practice of an economist? To complete it, you need to follow several steps:

  1. Determine how many days the practice goes in total (This is written in the training manual or in the order for practice, options: 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks)
  2. Put the dates in the diary - from the first day to the last (except weekends).
    Dates can be viewed using this service:.
    That is, for each week in practice, you will have 5 lines in your diary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
  3. Opposite each day, you will need to write a few tasks that you did. You will get something similar to the picture below. Compliance will be marked by the manager. Usually they write the word "done".
    If in reality you didn’t exist at all in practice, you will have to come up with points. There should be 3-5 pieces in each cell.

I think you already understand the logic of filling out the diary. What follows is a list of possible items and some important questions.

  1. Getting to know the company as a whole
  2. Acquaintance with the management of the enterprise and with its immediate supervisor
  3. Acquaintance with the head of the practice
  4. Registration of documents on arrival for practice
  5. Signing the order on access to the enterprise
  6. Passing a safety briefing
  7. Familiarization with the provision on trade secrets
  8. Signing trade secret documents
  9. Corporate behavior coaching
  10. Acquaintance with the employees of the organization
  11. Familiarization with the organizational structure of the organization
  12. Drawing up an organizational chart of company management
  13. Familiarity with the activities of the organization as a whole
  14. Evaluation of the scale of the company's work
  15. The history of the creation and development of the enterprise
  16. Drafting brief description enterprises
  17. Acquaintance with the enterprise industry in Russia
  18. Studying the legal aspects of the organization's activities
  19. The study of legal acts regulating the work of the enterprise
  20. Drawing up a contract for the provision of consulting services to a client of the company
  21. Copying sales contracts and adjusting them for new customers
  22. Answers to phone calls and phone consultations
  23. Acceptance of service requests
  24. Filling out invoices
  25. Filling in receipts
  26. Collection of reports on the operational activities of the organization
  27. Studying the archives of the organization
  28. Copying and filing documents of the organization for archiving
  29. Participation in negotiations with suppliers
  30. Participation in the operational meeting
  31. Reconciliation of settlements with counterparties based on financial statements
  32. Making changes to counterparties in the 1C: Enterprise program
  33. Studying the theory on the topic of work and report
  34. Selection of sources for analysis
  35. Compiling a list of applications
  36. Compilation of a list of references
  37. Preparation of applications with reporting
  38. Compilation of tables with general indicators of the organization
  39. Preparation and analysis of accounting documents
  40. Preparing the Analysis Structure financial condition
  41. Selection of sections for conducting financial status
  42. Examination collected documents for typos and other errors
  43. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company's property
  44. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company's capital
  45. Basic indicators economic condition organizations
  46. The main indicators of economic results of the organization
  47. Assessment of the main indicators of the economic condition and economic results
  48. Studying the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
  49. Preparation of materials for analysis
  50. Schema analysis
  51. Choice of sections of analysis
  52. Studying the reporting forms used by the organization
  53. Preparation of management reporting for analysis
  54. Analysis of indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise
  55. Grade economic security enterprises
  56. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise
  57. Conducting competitor price analysis and compiling explanatory note for the head
  58. Performing Motion Analysis Money, credit and settlement operations
  59. Studying the staffing of the enterprise and the organizational tasks of the company
  60. Conducting an analysis finished products and inventories
  61. Analysis of fixed assets and intangible assets
  62. Analysis of labor efficiency and payroll calculations
  63. Assessment of depreciation of equipment at the enterprise
  64. Participation in checking the completion of the company's reporting
  65. Preparation of initial data for an individual task
  66. Communication with the head about the mission and objectives of the organization
  67. The study of the organization, main activities, composition and structure of the organization.
  68. The study of regulatory documents regulating the activities of the organization, types and content of constituent documents, organizational and legal form of the enterprise, form of ownership, types of statutory activities.
  69. Constituent documents and main legal acts
  70. Studying the duties and job descriptions of employees of the organization.
  71. The study of technical and economic indicators.
  72. Familiarization with the order of conduct accounting.
  73. The study of the organization of the system of payment and incentives.
  74. Study of sales plans of the organization, study of planning standards, orders for the organization of planning in the organization, guidelines and orders.
  75. The study of the main indicators used to evaluate the activities of the organization.
  76. Assessment of the balance sheet of an enterprise (dynamics of accounts payable and receivable, inventories, finished products in stock, balance sheet, etc.)
  77. Analysis of receivables, study of own, borrowed funds, analysis of the formation working capital organizations.
  78. Analysis of accounts payable of the organization.
  79. The study of the order and mechanism of pricing (determining the cost) of the goods sold.
    PC, programs and office equipment used in the work of the institution.
  80. Work in the program "1C Enterprise 8.0" and "Client-Bank".
  81. Conducting an analysis financial stability enterprises
  82. Conducting an assessment of the liquidity of the enterprise
  83. Conducting an assessment of the solvency of the organization.
  84. Studying the practice of relations between the organization and banks and other credit institutions.
  85. Study of payment and settlement procedures operating in the organization
  86. State of settlement and payment discipline.
  87. Studying the forms of calculations used by the organization.
  88. Participation in the preparation of primary documents (invoices, waybills)
  89. Studying the relationship with tax institutions, budgets of various levels, extra-budgetary funds.
  90. Studying the relationship with customers (suppliers and customers or buyers).
  91. Participation in payment and settlement work.
  92. Studying the procedure for the formation, development and approval of the product range
  93. Studying the sources of receipt of goods
  94. Analysis of the product range. Working with price lists
  95. Familiarization with the order of acceptance and delivery of goods, their documentation and the types of vehicles used.
  96. Participation in the preparation of primary documents.
  97. Participation in the preparation of applications for the importation of products from suppliers.
  98. Study of work with suppliers to determine the price level for the supplied goods.
  99. Acquaintance with the advertising activities of the enterprise
  100. Participation in ordering promotional products, business cards, souvenirs for customers, etc.
  101. The study of the organization of liability.
  102. Studying the procedure for conducting inventories, recovering losses and shortages.
  103. Conducting an assessment of the economic situation.
  104. Analysis of the income statement
  105. Analysis of the organization's own capital.
  106. Studying contracts of suppliers and buyers.
  107. Work with primary documents and correspondence.
  108. Studying the requirements for the design of the report
  109. Compiling a report template
  110. Compiling the content of the report
  111. Preparation of an internship report
  112. Verification of the conclusions and official documents of the organization
  113. Preparation of conclusions on the performed analysis
  114. Preparation of charts and graphs in the report
  115. Identify areas for improvement
  116. Studying similar situations in other companies
  117. Proposing recommendations for improving the company's activities
  118. Proposal for improvement measures
  119. Preparing a draft practice report
  120. Filling out a practice diary
  121. Obtaining the characteristics of the head of practice from the enterprise
  122. Submission of a report for verification to the head of the practice
  123. Preparation of a final version of the practice report
  124. Preparation of a practice report and submitting it for verification to the head of the practice.
  125. Collection of documents, signatures and seals

Now a few important questions that arise when filling it out.

  1. Is the practice diary strictly checked? No, not strictly. It simply describes what the trainee does every day at the practice site. What is there to check. They check the practice report in more detail (more on that).
  2. Is it possible to write directly in it, without drafts? Yes, you can. Some students fill out this diary just before taking the exam. Although if you have doubts, you can do it on a draft first. But it doesn't make much sense.
  3. And if every Monday an economist does the same thing, then you can write like that - the same thing every Monday? You can do the same thing, as long as it doesn’t catch your eye: use synonyms, change the order of the items and all that
  4. Is it possible to write the same thing, if this is true? Basically the same is possible. But, again, it's better to unify a little. For example: analysis of the implementation of the plan = assessment of the achievement of goals for turnover.
  5. Where to put stamps on the practice diary (Inzhekon). It is necessary to put three round seals of the enterprise (as of spring 2013): on title page (over the words "Head of practice from the enterprise"); in the characteristic for a student from the place of internship(in the lower right corner); in the review of the head of practice from the organization(also in the lower right corner).

Your questions about undergraduate practice for economic specialties, you can ask in the comments to this note or in contact.

Type of work - practice report

Subject - personnel management

Introduction 3

1. Individual work plan 4

2. general characteristics OOO T.S.V. Transcompany 5

3. Analysis of the number and structure of personnel 7

4. Characteristics and analysis of the personnel management system of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC. 10

5. Personnel policy of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC 13

Conclusion 19

List of used literature: 20


Work practice is one of the integral parts of the training of qualified specialists of all specialties, including "Personnel Management". During the internship, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, students acquire skills and abilities. practical work according to the chosen specialty and assigned qualification.

The main goal of the production practice is practical consolidation theoretical knowledge gained during training. The main result of this work is a report on the internship, which contains all the results of the student's activities for the period of internship and an analysis of the main indicators of personnel management in the organization.

The objectives of the practice are as follows:

Studying and participating in the development of organizational, methodological and regulatory and technical documents for solving individual tasks of managing the organization's personnel at the place of internship;

Development of proposals for improving the personnel management subsystem of the organization's management system;

Collection necessary materials and documents for the implementation of course projects in the disciplines "Organization personnel management" and "Motivation labor activity» in accordance with the chosen topic.

This report consists of an introduction, conclusion, list of references and the main part, which in turn consists of a list of production and introductory issues on which the main analytical work was carried out.

The basis for the internship was the logistics company T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, which operates in the field of transportation and rental of vehicles.

    Individual work plan

The internship period is from 22.10. to 11/18/2008

Place of internship – T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Internship Position - Human Resources Manager

Functions performed

calendar term

Department name

Acquaintance with the organizational structure of the company, the principles of its work in the market.

T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Acquaintance and analysis with the personnel management system at the enterprise. Acquaintance with the Charter of the company, job descriptions of the HR manager

Analysis of the principles of personnel management at the enterprise, analysis of staff turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports

Archive of the enterprise, personnel department of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Identification of positive and negative points in the personnel management system at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, development of recommendations for its improvement

T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Drawing up a report on the completion of the internship together with the head of the internship from the enterprise

Human Resources Department of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

2. General characteristics of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Society with limited liability T.S.V. Transcompany LLC was established in 1995. It is a stable, dynamically developing company. It is headed by professionals, staff - qualified operators, economists and managers who have received special education and have extensive work experience.

The main activity of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is transport logistics.

Having a wealth of experience, T.S.V. Transcompany LLC provides high-quality and timely Maintenance own projects.

Speaking about the management structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, we can say that management depends on the form of legal existence of the organization.

T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is a limited liability company, i.e. it is commercial organization established by several persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of certain sizes. The size of the share of each participant is fixed in the constituent documents. The number of founders is 5 people.

1. Responsibility of participants.

Participants are not liable for the obligations of the company and bear the risk of losses within the value of their contributions.

2. Constituent documents.

At T.S.V. Transcompany LLC institutional framework legal registration consists of two main documents:

Memorandum of Association, which is signed by all founders.

Charter, which is approved by the founders.

3. Control.

The supreme governing body is general meeting participants. executive body management is the Director.

4. The right to withdraw from the partnership.

Members may withdraw from the Society at any time, regardless of the consent of the other members. A participant can transfer his share to another private owner, if not prohibited by the charter, then to a third party.

The organizational structure of the enterprise can be represented as follows: (see diagram 1)


Financial and economic management

Commercial Management

Technical management

Office of Forecasting Management

Engineering management

Organizational structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Commercial Management implements the marketing strategy of the enterprise, concludes and maintains contracts with suppliers, forms and maintains a regulatory framework for labor.

Engineering management Responsible for the operation of warranty and post-warranty service stations.

Financial and economic management deals with financial reporting and reporting to relevant organizations, as well as controls the financial flows of the company, and distributes them in accordance with the strategic plan of the enterprise.

Project Management Department responsible for the scientific validity of the chosen management strategy and economic development enterprises.

Technical management at the enterprise assumes the functions of technical control, is engaged in technical check cars entering the sale for the absence of marriage, for the authenticity of the trademark and for compliance with the requirements that Russian legislation imposes on such types of services.

The financial condition of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement, use of financial resources of the enterprise and all production and economic activities of the enterprise.

The main form in the analysis of the financial condition is the balance sheet. According to the current regulatory documents, the balance sheet is currently compiled in net valuation (accounting for fixed assets and IBE at residual value without depreciation). The result of the balance sheet gives an approximate estimate of the amount of funds at the disposal of the enterprise. It is convenient to study the structure and dynamics of the financial condition of an enterprise using a comparative analytical balance sheet.

An analysis of the personnel management system and the financial condition of the enterprise according to the indicators conducted by the author shows that the enterprise has an effective personnel management system, the deviation from the actual and planned number of personnel is not significant. This allows us to conclude that T.S.V. Transcompany LLC employs not only economic, but also managerial professionals.

    Analysis of the number and structure of personnel

Speaking about the team working for T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, we can say that it consists of 26 people, including the General Director. If we talk about the distribution of workers by functions and departments, then we get the following picture:

Commercial management. (6 people, including the general director), engineering management (6 people), financial and economic management (4 people), project management department (3 people), technical management(7 people).

In order to characterize the structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its professional and qualification level, we will use a number of auxiliary materials, among which the personal files of employees and the statistics of the enterprise turned out to be especially informative. The data obtained were summarized in the following table:

Table 2.

Indicators characterizing the personnel structure of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

Senior managers

Middle managers



· men

· women

working pensioners

45 years to retirement age

35 to 45 years old

25 to 35 years old

up to 25 years

two higher, postgraduate, doctoral studies

· higher education

· specialized secondary

general average

· lower secondary

The level of professional training in the specialty, after the analysis of the composition of the staff, is as follows:

Rice. 1 The level of professional training in the specialty of the employees of the enterprise OOO T.S.V. Transcompany.

It can be seen from the given data that the category of employees whose professional training is more than a year has noticeably changed over the reporting period, there is a downward trend from 27% to 22%, and the category of employees whose professional training is based on higher education increased by 7% and accounted for 27% of the total number of employees. This means that employees are improving their vocational training moving from one category to another. There are minor fluctuations in other categories.

4. Characteristics and analysis of the personnel management system of LLC T.S.V. Transcompany.

It is advisable to start the analysis of personnel management with an assessment of the security of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC labor resources in the reporting year 2008 (see Table 3)

Table 3

Provision of OOO T.S.V. Transcompany with labor resources in 2008 (pers.)

It is also necessary to carry out a qualitative analysis for LLC “Top Business Integrator”, i.e., the distribution of employees by age (for workers), by level of education and by length of service.

Table 4

Distribution of workers by age OOO "Top Business Integrator"

The tension in providing LLC “Top Business Integrator” with labor resources can be somewhat relieved due to a more complete use of the existing work force, growth of labor productivity of workers, intensification of production, integrated mechanization and automation production processes, improvement of technology and organization of production.

The completeness of the use of labor resources we estimate by the number of days and hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers for each production department and the whole enterprise.

Working Time Fund(FRV) depends on the number of workers, the number of days worked by one worker on average per year and the average length of the working day:

PDF = HR * D * P

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual fund of working time is less than the planned one by 16350 hours, including due to changes in the number of workers:

∆FRV chr \u003d (CR f -CH pl) * D pl * P pl \u003d (164- 160) * 225 * 7.8 \u003d + 7020 hours.

In T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, most of the losses [(492 + 197 + 656) * 7.8 + 9840 = 20330 hours] are caused by subjective factors: additional holidays with the permission of the administration, absenteeism, downtime, which can be considered unused reserves for increasing the working time fund. Preventing them is tantamount to releasing 11 workers (20,330 / 1,755). Significant in OOO T.S.V. Transcompany and unproductive labor costs, which consist of the cost of working time as a result of the provision of low-quality services for the installation and adjustment of networks. They make up 1640 hours.

Reduction of lost working time – one of the reserves for increasing output. To calculate it, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time (DWP) due to the fault of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC by the planned average hourly production, or in this case, the time of rendering transport service generally:

∆VP \u003d PDF * CV pl \u003d (20 330 + 1640) * 284.9 \u003d 6259.2 thousand rubles

Unproductive labor costs due to defects in the work of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC amounted to 1640 hours. Due to this, the level of average hourly output decreased by 0.6%, or by 1.71 rubles. The modernization of the existing equipment made it possible to reduce labor costs by 5,670 man-hours, or 2.02%, due to which the level of average hourly output increased by 2.06%, or 5.87 rubles.

5. Personnel policy of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC

The personnel policy of the enterprise includes following directions activities:

1. recruitment and selection of personnel

2. adaptation

3. job descriptions

4. staff assessment

5. staff development

6. creation of a personnel reserve

Let's take a closer look at each of the HR functions.

Recruitment and selection of personnel

The main tasks of personnel selection are:

Creation of a reserve of candidates for employment;

Formation of requirements for professions and positions;

Evaluation of potential candidates.

The search for candidates for vacancies is carried out both within the enterprise and outside it.

The starting point for the selection and recruitment of personnel in T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is the determination of the need for personnel. Regardless of whether there is already a specific candidate to fill the vacancy, or whether it is necessary to attract third-party candidates, the head of the structural unit fills out the application for staffing needs, the requirement for the candidate and the job description.

The request for personnel needs is filled out annually at the beginning of the year, as well as in cases of need, but not less than a month before the actual date from which new employee should get to work.

Based on the request for staffing, the personnel management department advertises vacancies. First, advertising is carried out within the company OOO T.S.V. Transcompany itself. The advertisement is placed on the bulletin board and distributed electronically.

For all candidates wishing to work at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, questionnaires are filled in the personnel management department, on the basis of which an electronic database is formed.

Applicants who meet the requirements are interviewed by the Human Resources Department and are also tested by an enterprise psychologist.

The HR department forms a personal file potential candidate and passes it to the immediate head of the structural unit in which there is a vacant position for review.

The selection of candidates is carried out by the direct head of the structural unit. If the manager has not chosen a suitable candidate, he informs the employee of the personnel management department about the need to continue the search and clarifies the specifics of his requirements for the candidate or explains why the candidates presented to him do not meet the requirements.

After the final decision is made, the head of the personnel management department notifies all applicants for the position. Applicants for whom negative decisions are made receive a polite refusal to hire. Information about them is entered into the database of potential candidates.

After the candidate is approved for the position, an employment contract is drawn up. Employment contract endorsed by the head of the structural unit, as well as by the following persons:

branch director;

Head of Human Resources Department;

Legal Specialist.

The employment contract is signed by the citizen hired and submitted for signature to the General Director of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC.

Employment contract signed CEO, is the basis for registration of the admission of a citizen to work.

Employment is issued orders for the enterprise.

The newly arriving employee undergoes introductory briefings on safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety rules and other labor protection rules.

Introduction to the position is carried out by the personnel management department and the head of the relevant structural unit. The employee is familiarized with all the main provisions of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC. These include:

A brief description of the organization, its structure and management system, the history of T.S.V. Transcompany LLC;

Collective agreement;

Internal labor regulations;

Regulations on bonuses for the main results of economic activity.

According to the author of this work, who had an internship at T.S.V. Transcompany LLC, the main problem in the personnel management system is the psychological dissatisfaction of the personnel with the working environment. Without conducting special psychological research, we can draw some intermediate conclusions and recommendations for improving the personnel management system. The main problem of the personnel management system is an unfavorable psychological environment, leading to tension and conflict situations.

The psychological climate of the team, which reveals itself primarily in the relationship of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people's attitudes to the world as a whole, their worldview and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself throughout the system. value orientations individual who is a member of the group. Thus, the climate manifests itself in a certain way and in relation to each of the members of the collective to himself. The last of the relationships crystallizes and a certain situation - public form self-relationship and self-consciousness of the individual.

Each of the team members based on all other parameters psychological climate develops in itself a consciousness corresponding to this climate, perception, evaluation and feeling of one's "I" within the framework of this particular community of people.

Often in the team there are people who are dissatisfied with any aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. can serve as a cause or cause for conflict.

In order to correct the existing negative situation at the enterprise, it is necessary to develop a number of measures that would help increase corporate culture in general and reducing the number of conflicts in the team in particular.

There are several effective ways conflict management. A simple difference in characters should not be considered the cause of conflicts, although, of course, it can become the only cause of a conflict situation, but in the general case this is just one of the factors. You need to start with an analysis of the actual causes, and then apply the appropriate methodology.

As a way to prevent the very appearance of conflict situations, the author of this work proposes to use the method of interpersonal contact, which would be of an organized nature.

The plan of such events can be presented in the form of the following table. (see table 5)

Table 5

Activities aimed at improving the psychological situation in the team

event title

the date of the

The purpose of the

1. Sports competitions between divisions


Nothing unites the team better than a common goal and competitive conditions. In this capacity sports events perfect

2. Field trips

(Day of the sea,

System administrator's day, programmer's day, Goblin's day,

Harvest Festival, etc.)

Depending on seasonal and weather conditions, at least once every six months

Informal atmosphere always helps to find mutual language, distract from work problems and promotes the search for common interests, areas of contact between people's behavior

3. Corporate parties

Once a quarter, it can be timed to coincide with some kind of event, while not necessarily an official one. You can just have a "Burn Light Bulb Day"

It has approximately the same goals as the previous group of events, in general, they are aimed at establishing interpersonal contacts in an informal setting

4. Family holidays

(father's day,

Mothers Day,

Children Protection Day)

Father's Day is the third Sunday in July

Mother's Day is the last Sunday in November

Holding family events gives one more additional opportunity to establish not only interpersonal, but also interfamily ties, which strengthens the connection between generations. And contributes to the development of working dynasties in the enterprise

This plan is exemplary, it is important not to overdo it with the frequency of such events during its implementation, as this also causes additional fatigue in the team, and, accordingly, the formation of a negative attitude towards work.

Among the private ways to resolve conflict situations and improve the psychological situation in the team, we can distinguish:

Formation of corporate complex goals. The effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments or groups. The idea underlying this methodology is to direct the efforts of all participants towards a common goal;

Development of interpersonal conflict resolution styles, including the style of avoidance, smoothing, coercion, compromise and problem solving.

Summing up, we can conclude that the personnel of the organization and its management, regardless of the size of the group, should always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, consciously build their behavior and choose the most optimal team management style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the profitability of the entire enterprise . And subordinates strove for innovations and improvements, there was a desire to work and be in demand.


In conclusion, we can say that the entire period of internship was full of analytical work on various points of the company's activities. These areas of activity included not only the personnel management system, but also economic and financial questions functioning of the company in the market.

In the course of writing this internship report, the author analyzed and researched the main issues related to the personnel management system. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that T.S.V. Transcompany LLC is a successfully operating leasing company, which has high competitive advantages However, against the backdrop of successful economic prosperity, the company is experiencing a staff turnover. In the course of the study various areas functioning of the personnel management system, the author of this work came to the conclusion that this fact is associated primarily with the psychological dissatisfaction of the personnel with the process of work activity.

List of used literature:

    Abramova G.P. Marketing: Questions and Answers. - M.: Agropromizdat, 2000

    Karlof B. Business strategy (Concept, content, symbols). - Per. from English. - M.: Economics, 2001. - 248 p.

    Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization: workshop. M. Economics, 2006. 232s

    Lapin A. Formation of personnel management system. M. Nauka., 2003. 342s,

    Livshits A.Ya. Introduction to the market economy. Lecture course. - M., PMT TPO "Kvadrat", 2001. - 225 p.

    Magura M.I. Place of search and selection of personnel in the overall system of personnel management. M. Economics. 2003. 454s

    Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management. M. MGU. 2006. 344s

    Moseikin Yu.N. Strategic planning. Lecture course: Tutorial. - M.: Publishing house of RUDN University, 2005. - 80 p.

    Director's Guide Production Association, enterprises: (Economics, organization, planning, management), in 2 volumes. - M.: Economics, 2000.

    Explanatory terminological dictionary-reference book on economics. - M.: SP Infokont, 2001.

    Tyurina I.O. Personnel management: personnel selection process, Moscow State University. 2006. 433s

    Frank E. Consulting firms and selection human capital: Services for the selection of personnel. M. Science. 2003 . 343s.

Do not hand over the downloaded work to the teacher!

This practice report can be used by you as a sample, according to the example, but with the data of your enterprise, you can easily write a report on your topic.

1. Diary of a manager's work experience, student

Diary of an internship for a student of the Faculty of Economics at ZASO Agrofirm "Chernomorets"

Day month Year

Location and summary study question of the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and comments of the student on the issue under study

Superintendent's remark and assessment of the student's work (signature)

Office of the agricultural company, agricultural department, planning department.

The study of the natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size, structure and specialization.

The territory of the economy and its lands is located on the plains, which contributes to the favorable management of the economy.

Planning department of the agricultural company,

Analysis of the production and financial activities of the organization.

The number of non-current and current assets by the end of 2009 increased, net and gross income also increased.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

Detailed consideration and familiarization with the methodology for implementing the business plan of the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

A brief analysis of the implementation of the business plan for the previous year.

Analysis of the business plan for the previous year.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Consideration of general remarks of the business plan (purpose, typology).

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

A brief review of the sections of the business plan.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Consideration of the summary of the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Analysis of the state of the branches of the economy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Analysis of the market, its structure and features.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

The study of production, organizational and financial plan enterprises.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Legal support of activities and risk assessment and insurance of the economy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Consideration of the essence and main functions strategic plan enterprises.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department, accounting department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic plan for the development of an enterprise (industry).

Familiarization with the methodology for compiling, structure and content of the strategic plan of the economy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department, accounting department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic plan for the development of an enterprise (industry).

Formation of conclusions and conclusions regarding this strategic plan for the development of the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

Consideration of the essence and basic principles of self-supporting tasks.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

Methodology for compiling self-supporting assignments.

Consideration of the main indicators of self-supporting assignments and the methodology for their compilation.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Organization of accounting of wages at the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Organization of labor and wages in industries and intra-economic units.

Study of payroll methodology.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Familiarization with the lease agreement.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Drafting lease agreements.

The study of the correctness of filling out the lease agreement and the features of the lease-contractual relationship.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Studying basic tax calculations.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Tax calculations and relations with authorities tax service and insurance organizations.

Consideration of the relationship of the economy with the tax authorities and insurance organizations.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Marketing service organization.

Studying the state of the economy marketing service.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Development of the main blocks of the enterprise's market strategy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

The head of the practice from the enterprise and the student - trainee sign the diary of the manager's work practice.
Management Practice Schedule

2. Diary of manager's practice

Faculty of Economics. Department of Economics.

Diary of an internship in the specialty "management of organizations" of a student of the "economic" faculty at a large enterprise.

Place of internship

Comments and suggestions

Main office

Studied the structure of Krymskaya Niva LLC, got acquainted with the leaders structural divisions enterprises - managers of departments, chief accountant, chief agronomist, head of personnel department and chief economist.

Leaders, in my opinion, are sociable and kind people.

Main office

The company rents service premises, where the offices of the director of the enterprise, the accounting department and the personnel department are located. My workplace equipped with a computer desk where a computer is installed. The accountant of the enterprise showed and told me which accounting programs installed to serve the accounting process in the enterprise.

The office is not spacious enough. Computers should be replaced with more modern ones.

Main office

Acquainted with the Charter of the enterprise. Certificate of state registration and Certificate from the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine. He studied the activities of Krymskaya Niva LLC, the composition of the founders of the enterprise, the responsibility of the company's participants, the rights and obligations of the company and its participants, the composition of the authorized capital of the enterprise, got acquainted with the management bodies of the company and its officials, the procedure for distributing profits received from financial and economic activities .

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

Studied the work of the personnel department of the enterprise. I got acquainted with the job descriptions of the employees of the enterprise, the procedure for their preparation and approval by the director of the enterprise. Participated in the compilation tariff rates for time wages for drivers, tractor drivers and shepherds of the enterprise.

The work in the HR department is stressful, but the employees do it well. There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

He took part in the execution of orders for the employment of seasonal workers, who were accepted for work on the harvesting of grain crops. I got acquainted with the procedure for filling out applications for employment, drawing up orders, making entries in work books.

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

I got acquainted with the personal files of the employees of the enterprise. As necessary, I replaced old photocopies of documents, reissued registration cards of employees of the enterprise due to wear and tear.

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

I got acquainted with the operation of the enterprise access system. I got acquainted with the work of the electronic program "Avers-kadry" - instructions for conducting personnel records management at the enterprise, a set of forms for working with personnel, samples of the correct preparation of orders, certificates, explanatory notes, acts and other documents necessary for conducting personnel records management. I visited with the director and the chief agronomist at harvesting in the village of Zavetnoye and the village of Lugovoe.

The program used in the personnel department is very convenient and easy to learn.

Human Resources Department

Studied the procedure for registration of foreign workers to work in Ukraine. To do this, I visited the regional employment center with the head of the personnel department, received a list of documents required for registration.

There are no comments.

They showed me the location of the farm, the pens with animals, the process of feeding and watering the animals. They talked about the process of breeding and veterinary care of animals. An inventory of animals, feed and farm equipment was made in my presence.

The farm is large, well equipped, but more time should be devoted to its cleaning.

Transportation Department

I got acquainted with the transport, administrative and economic departments of the enterprise, the specifics of their work. The head of the transport department showed the equipment available at the enterprise - tractors, seeders, plows, cultivators, harrows and others. They told about their work, the timing of current and major repairs.

There is little transport at the enterprise, but there is the most necessary one, which can perform several jobs.

planning department

Together with the enterprise's economist, he drew up a technical and economic plan for the enterprise's work for the 4th quarter of 2010 and the 1st quarter of 2011, where a list of enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex was determined, supplying Krymskaya Niva LLC with mineral fertilizers, herbicides, the necessary equipment for autumn and spring field work.

Together with the chief agronomist of the enterprise, he took part in a meeting of the public board of the district state administration, dedicated to the harvesting work.

There are no comments.

planning department

Studied land lease agreements concluded by Krymskaya Niva LLC with land owners, the company's obligations to land owners.

There are no comments.


Together with the chief accountant of the enterprise, he visited the grain-receiving enterprises of the village. Lenino, the city of Feodosia and the city of Kerch. Studied the process of registering the movement of grain from suppliers to the HPP. I got acquainted with the contracts for the storage and processing of grain. Studied the pricing structure for grain crops.

There are no comments.


Assisted in the payroll of the company's employees. Studied the timesheets, the process of payroll based on the submitted timesheets, staffing and tariff scale. I got acquainted with the collective agreement drawn up between the administration and the employees of the enterprise.

There are no comments.

planning department

Studied the contracts concluded between Krymskaya Niva LLC with suppliers and buyers of goods, works and services - the structure of the contract, the main provisions, working conditions and payment for goods, works and services, the system of financial sanctions for failure to comply with the terms of the contract.

There are no comments.


Studied the current accounting programs for accounting at the enterprise - "Avers-Accounting", "BEST-ZVIT". In addition, familiarized with the system electronic reporting at the enterprise. Together with the accountant of the enterprise was in tax office, pension fund and social insurance funds on the submission of quarterly reports.

Accounting programs turned out to be very difficult and I could not master them.

Human Resources Department

Compiled a report on the employees of the enterprise for the employment center - available vacancies at the enterprise.

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

With the head of the personnel department of the enterprise, he made changes to the current vacation schedule for employees of the enterprise.

There are no comments.

Main office

Working with an internship report

There are no comments.

Main office

Completion of the internship report

There are no comments.

Signature of the chief economist student on the manager's practice diary. Date and stamp.

3. Diary of integrated practice in the management of organizations.

Student ________________________________________________________________

Groups ______ course, 20__ - 20__ academic year

Place of internship ____________________________________________

Date of arrival at the place of practice _____________________________________

Date of departure from the place of practice ______________________________________________

Head of practice from the university ______________________________________

Head of practice from the enterprise ________________________________

Simferopol - 2010

1. Individual calendar plan-schedule of comprehensive practice in the management of organizations

Practice Program Study Question

Department name, service

Number of working days

Systemic model of enterprise management

Industry specific features of functional enterprise management

Enterprise personnel management

Control marketing activities and implementation of commercial functions

Management in the material and technical subsystem of the enterprise

Management in the financial and economic subsystem of the enterprise

Management in the social subsystem of the enterprise

Excursions to the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex

Finish writing the first section, the second - in draft form

Practice leader

(signature) (full name)

Intern student ______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Amount of time spent (hours, days)

Feedback from the head of the organization and signature

Analysis of internal and external environment enterprises

The study of the features of enterprise management, based on the legal form

Characterization and forecasting of the enterprise activity in accordance with the theory of the life cycle

The study of industry-specific features of the functional management of the enterprise

Studying the practice of managing marketing activities at an enterprise, management in the material, technical, financial, economic and social subsystems of an enterprise

Analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise and justification of ways to improve it

Learning from planning experience innovation activities and development of an innovation strategy at the enterprise

Practice leader

From the enterprise ______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

4. Diary of the industrial practice of a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management in the specialty "Management of the organization".

Place of internship

Comments and suggestions

Date of completion of the work

GVP "Privetnoe"

Acquaintance with rich history and traditions of GVP "Privetnoye"

GVP "Privetnoe"

Study of the production and financial activities of GVP "Privetnoye"

Economic department

Analysis of the implementation of the GVP "Privetnoye" business plan for the previous year

from 16.01.08 to 17.01.08

Economic department

Studying the methodology for compiling a business plan and its main indicators for the current year in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 18.01.08 to 22.01.08

Economic department

Studying the methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic development plan in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 23.01.08 to 25.01.08

Economic department

Studying the methodology for compiling self-supporting assignments in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 28.01.08 to 29.01.08

Economic department

Study of the organization of labor and wages in industries and on-farm subdivisions in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 30.01.08 to 31.01.08

Economic department

Study of the state of lease and contractual relations of GVP "Privetnoye"

from 01.02.08 to 04.02.08

Economic department

The study of tax calculations and relations with the tax authorities and the insurance service in the GVP "Privetnoe"

from 05.02.08 to 06.02.08

Economic department

Studying the marketing service in GVP "Privetnoe"

Economic department

Learning the basic blocks marketing strategy enterprises

The practice diary in management is signed by the student and the head of the practice.

Manager Practice Diary - 4.6 out of 5 based on 5 votes

Diary of undergraduate practice

The diary on undergraduate practice is a description of the student's activities in the workplace, where he underwent an educational internship, which is mandatory for all students. Such a diary includes reporting on each significant day, with a description of the most important work done. Most often it is required to write to students of economics, lawyers, accountants, tourism managers and future bank employees. Subsequently, a practice report, including a diary, must be defended at the institute. Based on the results of the defense, the student receives an assessment, which goes to the grade book.

A completed sample diary for undergraduate practice

Description of results

Studying the activities of the company.

Familiarized with legal aspects organizations. It is a limited liability company with one founder and three co-founders. The organization owns an office, a company car and office equipment. The organization has an approved charter.

Ready practice diaries

Dear friends! In this section, we have collected all the ready-made diaries of student practice that are available in our database, sorted them by specialty and alphabetically - in a word, placed them on the shelves, as in a ready-made dress store.

And just like salespeople from a clothing store, we give you advice: The main thing is that the suit should fit!, That is, if the work suits you in principle, but it is desirable to expand a number of points, on the contrary, paint others in more detail or even replace and adapt to local specifics - do it ! If you don’t have time for this, you can use the application form below and contact our specialists, they will make the necessary changes and return the work to you according to the figure. Well, now we will give some of the available samples so that you have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work ahead.

Practice diary of a student manager (sample)

06.06.11 General acquaintance with the enterprise: mission, goals and objectives of the enterprise. Organizational and legal form of ownership. Industry, specialization and structure of the enterprise (in general).

Acquaintance with the organizational structure of the CJSC

Poseidon (entertainment complex Temernitsky, Rostov-on-Don).

Structural subdivisions: SPA-center, bath complex, hotel complex, fitness center, German cuisine restaurant, summer terrace restaurant.

Acquaintance with the work of line personnel (reception administrators, maids, etc.) Functional divisions: accounting, advertising and marketing department, AHO, security service. A schematic drawing is attached.

12.06.11 Participation in children's holiday as Assistant Marketing Manager. Coordination of contractors and own personnel involved in the event.

16.06.11 Personnel policy and personnel management. The total number of employees staffing. Requirements for the qualifications and educational level of employees (talked with the deputy director, because personnel service the company does not).

Participated together with the director and head of the IT department in an interview with applicants for filling a vacancy.

Internship again accepted employees and mentoring: oversaw the training of a new hotel complex administrator.

20.06.11 General scheme information flows within the company (a graphic image is attached to the diary). Use in the work of operational Internet resources (Skype, Quip, etc.). Correspondence by e-mail as a channel for the exchange of information between management and subordinates, between various structural units.

Acquaintance with the daily work of accounting (there is no planning department, this function is performed by the commercial director and chief accountant).

Interaction with creditor banks.

Loans, overdrafts, supplier debt and repayment schedule.

Assessed the state of the enterprise on the basis of the balance sheet. The situation is ambiguous. The possibility of selling the Complex as a whole or its share to partners from other cities (Moscow or St. Petersburg) is being considered.

Studying the work of the director of marketing and advertising. Marketing policy of the enterprise. Development of new services, planning of seasonal promotions, pricing policy depending on the season.

Communication channels used: magazines, radio stations, local Internet portals. Features of interaction with contractors (barter is welcome - partners are provided with invitation cards for the entire amount of services or part of it).

Acquaintance with key partners (VKPM-Rostov, portal 161.Ru).

Registration with POS-materials. Production of various printed products - from invitation cards for events to menus. Acquaintance with managers of contracting organizations.

07/01/11 Legal norms and legal support for the operation of the entertainment complex. Licenses.

Completed Accounting Student Practice Diary

07/01/11 General acquaintance with the structure of LLC X, as well as with the structure of accounting, the features of its work. Grade authorized capital. The share of the company in this area. The company sells used foreign cars (without a run in Russia). The main program in which accounting is carried out is 1C: Car dealership. It occupies a stable 4th place among the sellers of used cars in the city as a whole (9.8%) and the second among the sellers of cars imported from abroad (27.3%).

04.07.11 Acquaintance with the organizational structure of the company. Branch network in the region. A trip to the nearest branch (15 km from the city along the highway). See Table 1 in the Appendices.

07/05/11 Studied the organizational form of accounting in the company. Introduction to job descriptions. A mixed form is used, due to the presence of a branch network.

07/06/11 Evaluated the accounting policy of the organization. The analysis was carried out according to the following indicators:

Assessment of the completeness of the accounting policy (presence of 3 sections: organizational and technical, methodological for accounting purposes, methodological for tax accounting purposes)

Correspondence regulatory framework accounting

Compliance with the characteristics of the organization's activities

Definition of an accounting object

Determining the requirements of regulatory acts, in terms of disclosure in the accounting policy

(See Diagram 1 in the Appendices).

07/11/11 Studied reporting documentation: balance sheets, tax reports, reports to Rosstat, etc. Conclusions are reflected in the Report.

07/13/11 I got acquainted with the principles of remuneration in the company. Salaries, piecework, KTU, etc. Calculated the salaries of the sales department managers for the last month, based on the KTU of each (ie, the number of cars sold and the margin received by the company).

07/14/11 Studied the main financial indicators of the work, tried to apply the data obtained in practice. I calculated the balance for the last year, checked it against the actually prepared accounting department.

07/15/11 Prepared the Analysis of the main performance indicators of the company for the last 3 years. The following indicators were taken into account: sales revenue, profit and loss ratio, net profit of the company, return on sales, % (see Table 3 in the Appendices).

Completed Journalist Student Practice Diary

07/01/11 General acquaintance with the structure of the newspaper's editorial office. Communicated with the editor-in-chief, literary and art editor, responsible section, proofreaders, journalists, photographers, advertising department. Attended an editorial meeting.

07/04/11 Watched news feeds of news agencies. Based on the results, I prepared several notes.

07/05/11 Watched news feeds of news agencies and sent releases. Prepared several notes, following the results of one of the releases - an announcement note.

07/06/11 Press conference on housing and communal services. He was present at the editorial meeting, participated in the discussion of the published issue.

07/07/11 I called a number of officials on issues raised at yesterday's PC. Interrogated passers-by on the street. Handed over the finished material to the editor.

07/08/11 Free day, because tomorrow to go on a business trip to the region. I went with a photojournalist to do footage for the already finished material on the topic of housing and communal services.

07/09/11 I visited a bike show.

07/11/11 Wrote a report about the bike show, picked up the brightest and most dynamic pictures together with the art editor, handed over to the department. Editorial planning: clarification of topics and promotional materials that will be included in the issue.

07/12/11 Wrote urgent custom material. Handed over to the head of the advertising department for agreement with the customer. Participated in the work of the issuing group. I watched the process of imposition, delivery of strips, output of films.

07/13/11 Free day (as for a member of the issuing group).

07/14/11 Studying news feeds and press releases. Wrote 2 news. Editorial meeting: discussion of the latest issue.

07/15/11 Prepared a review of a new film, the premiere of which I attended yesterday.

The subject-alphabetical catalog, which contains all the ready-made practice diaries, is located on the sidebar of this page. And in order to fill out the application form, just click the Order a Job button below.

Completed practice diary

Many of the students have to fill in diaries on their own without the help of a curator, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. In fact, without an example or sample, this is not very easy to do. You need to clearly know and navigate in the activities of various specialties.

Therefore, We are ready for you to make all the entries in the diary.

The diary is filled out in the form of a table, write numbers in the left column, in the middle what you did (fill out documents, get acquainted with job descriptions, etc.), in the right column, the head's murals are put.

An example of filling out a diary

Attention: Promotion! Practice report for 10 rubles!

Only this month you have a chance to order a practice report for 10 rubles!

All that is needed is to place an order for the upcoming thesis.

There is nothing to worry about if you have to defend your diploma not this year.

You can place an order as part of the promotion today, and as soon as you receive an assignment for a thesis, let us know about it.

In the order form in the field " Additional Information" you should specify "Report on practice for 10 rubles"

Don't miss your chance to save thousands of dollars!

Details from the specialists of our company.

Practice report diary. Filling out a practice diary. Passing the production practice of a manager in LLC “. »

How to fill out a diary for undergraduate practice?

57. Tanya | 11/15/2011, 03:37:09 PM

The purpose of the practice (according to the program)

Practice objectives (according to the program)

1. Acquaintance with the company, which is the base of practice

2. The study of the organizational structure and forms of organization of work in the organization's personnel management

3. Acquaintance with the structure of specialized units in the personnel management system and job descriptions

4. Acquaintance with the regulatory and methodological documentation governing the processes of personnel management of the enterprise, the system and procedure for the implementation of document management

5. Acquisition of practical skills in working with documents that determine the organization of the work of individual subsystems in the personnel management system

What documents will be presented to the student for review
