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What sections does the job description include? Manufacturing instructions validity period. Purpose of production instructions

All work at production facilities must be carried out in compliance with industrial safety rules. Enterprises develop special documents that describe the procedure for carrying out technological processes and the responsibilities of the personnel performing them.

This document is production instructions, the content of which is established by Federal Standards and Rules (FNR).

For which objects is it mandatory to develop production instructions?

Production instructions are developed at enterprises engaged in construction (this means both the construction of an object and its reconstruction, conservation, technical re-equipment, operation or liquidation) of such objects as:

  1. HPF (hazardous production facilities).
  2. Electric power industry.
  3. Operating electrical, thermal installations or networks, as well as hydraulic structures.
  4. Manufacturing or repairing (including installation, adjustment, maintenance work):
  5. technological equipment used at hazardous facilities;
  6. vehicles transporting hazardous substances.

During development production instructions take into account:

  • qualification requirements (sources - reference books, standards, etc.);
  • features of technological production processes.

Instructions are intended for workers, are stored at enterprises at workplaces and can be issued to the employee against signature.

For personnel, knowledge of production instructions is a must!

Testing knowledge of production instructions

Certification of employees, during which knowledge of:

  • general industrial safety requirements;
  • special issues that relate to the employee’s competence;
  • energy security requirements;
  • safety requirements for hydraulic structures –

carried out before employees are allowed to work independently at the site.

Contents of production instructions

The text of the production instructions may differ at each specific enterprise depending on its specifics, type of work, technological processes, etc.

  1. General information.
  2. Passing instructions and testing knowledge.
  3. Connection with other workplaces.
  4. The duties of the employee, as well as his rights and responsibilities.
  5. Notes on acceptance and delivery of shifts.
  6. Description of the specific workplace, installed equipment, materials used.
  7. Technological diagram of the technological process.
  8. Records of equipment startup and shutdown.
  9. Possible deviations from the normal course of the technological process, methods for solving problems.
  10. Equipment emergency stop notes.
  11. Safe work rules.

The text part of the instructions may be accompanied by diagrams and drawings, for example, technological diagrams, etc.

The document is approved by the head of the enterprise or organization responsible for the operation of the facility.

17.1.In production there must be:

A) job descriptions for all employees, specialists, engineers and management staff;

b) instructions on specialties for employees of all professions of the enterprise;

c) instructions on the types of work performed.

17.2 Labor protection instructions - a normative act establishing labor protection requirements when performing work in production premises, on the territory of the enterprise, on construction sites and in other places where these works are performed or official duties are performed.

Labor safety instructions can be standard for employees of enterprises, sites and a specific workplace.

17.3. Labor protection instructions can be developed both for workers in certain professions and for certain types of work.

17.4. Instructions for workers engaged in blasting operations, servicing electrical installations and devices, lifting machines, boiler plants, pressure vessels, and for other workers whose labor safety requirements are established in inter-industry regulations on labor protection approved by supervisory and regulatory authorities bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are developed on the basis of these acts and approved in the manner established by these bodies.

17.5. The requirements of labor protection regulations included in the instructions must be set out in relation to a specific workplace and the actual working conditions of the employee.

17.6. For new production facilities being put into operation, it is allowed to develop temporary instructions for workers. Temporary instructions must ensure the safe conduct of technological processes (works) and safe operation equipment. The same requirements apply to the development of temporary instructions as to the development of permanent instructions for workers. Temporary instructions are developed both by profession and by type of work for the period until the said productions are accepted into operation by the state acceptance commission.

17.7. Instructions for workers are approved by the head of the enterprise after preliminary consultations with the labor protection service, and, if necessary, with other interested services and officials at the discretion of the labor protection service.

17.8. Each instruction must be assigned a name and number. The name should briefly indicate what profession or type of work it is intended for.

17.9. Checking instructions for workers by profession or type of work for compliance with the requirements of current state standards, safety rules, sanitary standards and rules, hygienic standards should be carried out at least once every 5 years, and for professions and types of work associated with increased danger - at least once every 3 years. If necessary, proposals for updating them are developed.

Before the expiration of the specified periods, the instructions are revised if legislative acts, state standards and other regulatory documents on occupational safety change.

Development of Manufacturing Instructions! Full Schedule!

As directed by higher authorities; when introducing new equipment and technology; based on the results of the investigation industrial injuries, accidents, disasters; when it changes standard instructions; when changing the technological process or working conditions, as well as when using new types of equipment, materials, equipment, devices and tools.

Responsibility for timely verification and revision of instructions lies with the heads of development departments.

If during the above-mentioned period the working conditions of workers at the enterprise have not changed, then by order (instruction) of the enterprise the validity of the instructions for workers is extended for the next period, which is recorded on the first page of the instructions (the “Revised” stamp is placed, the date and signature of the person responsible for revising the instructions).

Enterprise managers provide instructions to all employees and managers of interested departments (services) of the enterprise.

17.10. The issuance of instructions to the heads of departments (services) must be carried out by the labor protection service with registration in the journal for issuing instructions.

17.11. The head of a division (service) of an enterprise must constantly keep a set of instructions in force in the division (service) for workers of all professions and for all types of work of this division (service), as well as a list of these instructions approved by the head of the enterprise.

17.12. Each site manager, foreman, etc. there must be a set of current instructions for workers employed in this area for all professions and types of work.

17.13 Instructions can be given to workers by hand, against signature in the briefing log for study during the initial briefing, or posted at workplaces or areas, or stored in another place accessible to workers.

Date of publication: 2015-10-09; Read: 2521 | Page copyright infringement

I consider my most valuable quality to be my ability to arouse enthusiasm in people and develop what is best in a person through recognition of his merits and encouragement. (Charles Schwab, American manager)

ISO 9000. Work instructions

Askarov E.S. Associate Professor KazNTU named after. K. Satpayeva

Work instructions represent the third (lower) level of quality system documents. These instructions describe step by step how a specific simple operation of production, assembly, installation of equipment, maintenance, etc. can be performed.

Work instructions also establish how product quality can be controlled, what means can be used, what measuring equipment can be used, etc.

Organizational standards (company standards) mainly serve as work instructions. It should be noted here that according to the law “On Technical Regulation”, which came into force in Kazakhstan in 2005, compliance with standards becomes voluntary; the state will monitor the safety of products for consumer health through technical regulations. Enterprises have the opportunity to regulate their own economic activity, guided by the interests of your business, for this you need to be able to draw up your own regulatory documents, your own standards, the number of which will increase significantly. When drawing up standards, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the standard ST RK 1.5 - 2004. " General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards."

Basic standards of organizations:

1. Production of design products

The organization shall establish, plan and enforce processes life cycle project products:

- marketing,

— contract analysis,

— development of a project for the production of design products,

— purchases related to the production of project products,

— production of design products,

— sales of products.

2. Production of engineering services (installation, design work)

3. Standards for regulating the implementation of QMS auxiliary processes

3.1. Resource Management

It is used in the process of managing resources needed in the main production. Resources are:

— people (staff),

— infrastructure (buildings, workspace, communications),

- suppliers and partners,

- natural resources, raw materials,

- equipment, tools, means of production, etc.

3.2. Metrics for evaluating processes and products

It is used to evaluate products, their production processes and auxiliary processes in the QMS. Metrics are documents with information about the state of an object in the present and a forecast for the future.

Types of metrics:

A) Marketing metrics,

B) Design metrics: s related to organizational policy, financial metrics, labor costs and time metrics, metrics on product defects during the production process,

C) Metrics of the final product: p design products, engineering services, software products,

D) Metrics of quality management processes: o general metrics of quality management processes, customer satisfaction metrics.

Indicators in metrics are assessed based on a point, absolute or relative system:

— absolute units (for example, hours, tenge, kW, etc.)

relative units- for example, as a percentage, etc.

The choice of tool for visually displaying product and process characteristics depends on the creativity of the organization, preferably computerized documents in EXCEL format.

The simplest metric is a summary of indicators based on some criteria that determine the efficiency of work for a certain period of time - a year, a quarter, a month.

Example. The company produces wallpaper, to determine the efficiency of work, a metric of product quality indicators is compiled, three types of products are taken - wallpaper "Parus", "Shugla" and "Arman". Data is taken for the year by quarter.

Table 1 provides data on sales for the year (thousand tenge), Table 2 shows data in percentages. The figure shows a graph of annual indicators; it is clearly seen that Shugla products have the best dynamics; the sales level is constantly growing and takes up most of the annual balance.

4. Organizational standards detailing the implementation of life cycle processes

The organization has the right to independently determine the depth and detail of the process description. If a more detailed description of any life cycle process is necessary, a separate standard for this process can be developed


    Contract analysis,

    Procurement management,

    Calculation of the reliability of designed objects,

    Process control, etc.

5. Regulations on departments and job descriptions

Regulations on divisions should have the following structure:

    General provisions

- purpose of the unit

— what documents is it guided by?

— who approves the organizational structure

- who appoints employees to positions

- to whom do employees report?

2. Main tasks of the unit

3. Functions of the unit

4. Division structure and work organization

5. Rights and general duties employees

6. Employee Responsibility

7. Interaction with other departments and external organizations.

Job descriptions have the following approximate structure:

    General provisions

- who is appointed and dismissed from the position

— who is appointed (level of education, experience, qualifications)

- to whom it reports

- who is under the leadership

- who replaces in absence

- what you should know

- what documents to follow

2. Purpose of the position

3. Job responsibilities

4. Rights and powers

5. Performance and efficiency indicators.

Head of the Information Support and Technical Policy Department.

    General provisions

1.1.The head of the information support and technical policy department is directly subordinate to the Technical Director of the open joint stock company"Kazzheldortekhnika" (hereinafter - the Company).

    Guided in its activities by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the Company, the Regulations on the Department of Information Support and Technical Policy, other local acts of the Company and this job description.

    A person with a higher technical education and work experience in a field related to the activities of the department for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of head of the department of information support and technical policy.

    The head of the information support and technical policy department must know the provisions of the enterprise’s Charter, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Technical Regulation”, “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, “On Labor Protection”, “On Labor”, other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Temporary Charter railways Republic of Kazakhstan, other guidelines in the field railway transport and this job description.


2.1 Development of quarterly and annual plans, summarizing measures for the comprehensive development of the Company and monitoring their implementation.

2.2. Ensuring the development and reconstruction of existing production facilities.

2.3. Monitoring the timely installation and commissioning of new equipment.

2.4. Monitoring compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Labor Protection”, Rules and Instructions on Labor Protection and Safety of Railway Transport Workers.

2.5. Control over the implementation of new equipment, progressive technology, preparation of the farm for work in winter conditions.

2.6. Maintaining secrecy and implementing the necessary measures to protect secret official information from disclosure.

2.7. Methodological, regulatory and legal Information Support branches of the Company.

2.8. Providing and organizing work on the implementation of a system for automating container transportation and accounting for container fleet by numbers.

2.9. Preparation of proposals for adjusting existing accounting and reporting forms.

Manufacturing instructions???

2.10. Bringing operating costs in accordance with the actual volume of work.

2.11. Development and control of uniform reporting forms for all indicators.

2.12. Participation in the development of draft agreements on issues related to the scope of the department’s activities, development of draft orders, instructions and other acts of the Company.

2.13. Consideration of appeals government agencies, letters, statements from legal entities.

2.14. Organization of control over the state of labor and performance discipline by employees of the Department.

2.15. Making suggestions for optimization organizational structure Society.

2.16. Ensures the implementation and implementation of the quality management system requirements in the department.

3.1. The Head of the Department has the right to give instructions to the branches of the Company on issues within the competence of the department.

3.2. Demand from the involved branch employees reference information and reporting on issues within the department’s terms of reference.

3.3. Sign internal documents with the consent of the Company’s management.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The Head of the Department is responsible for:

— improper performance of one’s duties;

— quality of work performed in accordance with job responsibilities;

— correctness and completeness of use of the rights presented;

— ensuring the fulfillment of planned tasks assigned to him and his subordinates;

— failure to comply with quality obligations and quality system requirements;

— low performance discipline;

— failure to comply with internal regulations;

— fulfillment of the tasks provided for by these regulations, current legislation, orders, instructions;

— maintaining the confidentiality of information not subject to disclosure.

    for damage caused to the Company in case of damage material assets in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

— bears responsibility for the quality of work performed in accordance with the Department Regulations, job descriptions, compliance with quality obligations and QMS requirements.

5. Procedure for appointment, release and replacement

5.1. The Head of the Department is appointed (dismissed) to the position by order of the President of the Society.

5.2. In case of temporary absence (business trip, vacation, illness) he is replaced by the chief specialist.

I have read the instructions and received 1 copy.

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ISO 9000. Quality guidelines
How to describe and optimize business processes

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Legislation officially adopted in the modern civilized world requires that the workplace of every employed citizen meets standards that monitor safety, as well as protect life and health. The Russian regulatory framework in this aspect is represented by the Labor Code, regulations adopted by the Ministries of Labor and Education, as well as a number of sectoral legal acts.

Validity period of labor safety instructions

Safety is very an important area for any enterprise. The main document that controls the entire work process is the labor protection instruction. The primary purpose of the above paper is to instruct new employees in the safe performance of job duties.

The conditions contained in the instructions mandatory, regardless of length of service and position held. If the behavior of a subordinate goes against the instructions on labor protection, then the head of the institution may resort to an extreme measure - terminate the employment contract.

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that a manager is not obliged to be responsible for the actions of an employee who, at least once, committed a gross violation of the requirements set out in the document, which caused serious consequences (accident, work-related injury, etc.).

Subordinates who were instructed by the director of the institution to develop instructions on safe behavior in the workplace, quite often they forget about one important point - The document is valid only for the period certain period , and then subject to revision. The importance of this procedure is this. The regular work of an organization depends on numerous factors: technical wear and tear of instruments and equipment, routine repairs, staffing levels, regular training, etc. All these indicators are reflected in the final result.

So, how many years has the adopted labor safety instruction been in effect? Current legislation recommends review the document every 5 years. As practice shows, if during this time the enterprise has not undergone major changes, as well as a revision of the standard package of regulatory documents, then you can simply approve the previous instructions on labor protection.

Scheduled reviews

Review and recheck the document regulating a safe environment in the workplace, should be at least once every 5 years. The immediate heads of departments are responsible for carrying out such actions.

If during the entire period of validity of the labor protection instructions not a single emergency event has occurred (injury at work, accident and occupational disease), and nothing has changed in the current regulatory framework, then the responsible officials can simply extend the validity period of the internal local act by another 5 years.

In what cases is it necessary to make changes ahead of schedule?

The occurrence of the following circumstances requires an immediate revision of the document regarding labor protection:

  • modernization concerns industry regulations;
  • corrections and innovations are made to standard documents;
  • the employee’s duty has become to perform other job duties;
  • the enterprise is experiencing the introduction of a new work process;
  • the performance of standard job duties led to the occurrence of an accident, emergency or occupational illness;
  • issuance of an order by a representative of the labor inspectorate.

Most often, adjustments are required due to changes in job responsibilities. At the same time, you need to correctly understand the situation: if innovations concern only the class of working conditions, then valid document should remain the same. And if a subordinate started performing other work, for example, used semi-automatic welding, and now switched to manual welding, then he should be familiarized with the modified instructions.

The introduction of technological innovations naturally entails adjustments to existing internal local regulations. If old equipment is being dismantled, the head of the department must order the drawing up and approval of a new document that controls safety and health in the workplace.

Inspector state inspection Labor has the right to indicate a revision of the labor protection instructions, especially if implementation of the technological process led to the onset work injury . The publication of a new document should be preceded by such activities as a thorough analysis of documents, investigation, etc., because the instructions on labor protection should be a working tool, and not a formal reply to inspection structures.

Procedure for extending the validity period

The review procedure is not described by current legislation. The labor protection instruction is an internal document of the enterprise, therefore it is believed that each manager has the right to establish an individual procedure for the adoption and revision of this regulatory act.

Often it happens like this:

  1. Chiefs structural divisions study the regulatory framework, and then develop and revise the document.
  2. The HR specialist draws up an order.
  3. The manager approves the above documents.

In the order the names of the instructions should be reflected affected by the changes.

At the same time, we must not forget that the newly-minted document must be brought to the attention of interested parties. In addition to back side labor safety instructions must be signed by the developers of the instructions and heads of departments.

The first page of the extended document cannot do without the following details:

  • the date fixing the deadline for making adjustments;
  • a stamp reflecting the fact of the revision;
  • signature, position held and transcript of the person responsible for the relevance and legality of the document ensuring safety at work;
  • validity period of the updated local act.

Article 212 in force labor legislation requires that for each citizen starting to perform duties at a new workplace, a set of introductory activities is carried out: instruction, internship and testing of knowledge related to a safe work process.

Important! An employee cannot be blamed for violating labor protection requirements if the employer did not ensure timely familiarization with them.

In Art. 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation sets out the condition that instructions to ensure the safety of the work process, as well as training in first aid in the event of unforeseen circumstances, are the responsibility of the employer. Accordingly, if the director of the organization did not bother to comply with the above legal requirements, then he has no right to accuse his subordinates of violating the requirements of the labor protection instructions.

Instruction that guarantees the safe execution of the job description includes careful familiarization with the following points:

  • factors that, in the working rhythm, can harm the life and health of a subordinate;
  • options for performing the duties set out in the job description without causing any harm;
  • requirements of regulations describing labor protection.

The information specified in the labor protection instructions is relevant for all citizens with whom labor relationships are established on a permanent or temporary basis, business travelers, as well as students undergoing practical training.

If the organization is small (less than 50 people) and the staffing table does not include a position such as a labor safety engineer, then the manager has the right to assign responsibilities for the implementation of familiarization to any other employee.

Is it necessary to revise the instructions?

The current regulatory framework states that labor protection instructions should not only be present at every enterprise, but also be up-to-date.

In normal standard mode, an internal local act ensuring a safe workflow, reviewed every 5 years, and in the event of the occurrence of certain events (emergency circumstances, transfer to another position, issuance of an order by a control body, etc.) - as they are implemented.

If an enterprise does not have labor safety instructions or does not ensure that they are updated in a timely manner, then the manager risks paying fine, the amount of which varies from 5 to 80 thousand rubles.

This video will help develop occupational safety instructions for the enterprise.

Validity period of the job description

What is the validity period of the job description and how to properly make additions and changes to it? Thank you.

Dear Olga Anatolyevna, hello! The job description is valid until you cancel or change it. Changes must be made and formalized by an internal order of the organization, which indicates approval new edition job description from a specific date. The new edition must. Instr. It must be given to employees of this position against signature. For help, you can contact the lawyer of your choice on the website. Good luck to you and all the best! WITH Best wishes, lawyer Kondratyeva Marina.

What is the validity period of the developed job description in the organization?

Do you mean expiration date? Indefinitely.

Is the duration of the job description limited, and if so, how long?

Not limited in any way.

Is the job description valid from the date of signing?

The validity period of the job description begins to run from the moment it is approved and the employee familiarizes himself with its provisions.

What is the validity period of a job description at an enterprise?

Validity period of the job description in the organization

IN Labor Code In the Russian Federation, such a document as a job description (hereinafter - DI) is not mentioned. Rostrud gave its clarification on this issue: the employer has the right to independently decide whether to introduce this document at the enterprise in principle, as well as determine the rules for drawing up, approving and amending DI (Rostrud letter No. 4412-6 dated October 31, 2007). The question of the need to introduce DI in an organization is discussed in more detail in our article Is a job description mandatory in an organization?

Thus, the validity period of a job description can be determined by a local document of the organization, but is mainly tied to the period during which labor function a specific employee remains unchanged - after this, adjustments are usually made to the DI.

Deadline for reviewing job descriptions

As mentioned above, the deadline for revising the DI is determined by the employer independently. The procedure and timing of its revision in an organization are usually fixed by the regulations on DI, although they can be determined on the basis of the corresponding administrative document.

As a rule, the DI defines the employee’s labor function, and a change in such a function, which is a mandatory condition of the employment contract, must be recorded in employment contract.

To change the content of the DI in the event of a change in job function, you must perform one of the following actions:

  • conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract;
  • draw up and approve a document containing a list of amendments to the job description (read more about this in our article Sample order to change a job description).

So, the validity period of the job description is determined by the employer independently and is secured by local documentation (for example, a regulation or a special administrative document). The issue of timing for revision of the DI can be resolved in a similar way. Typically, the content of the DI is revised after a change in the employee’s job function.

Manufacturing instructions

The production instructions must be clear, accurate and contain algorithms for actions in different situations in order to ensure maximum labor safety. In this article we will explain how to prepare such a document.

From the article you will learn:

What is a production instruction

The production instruction (hereinafter referred to as PI) is a document regulating the performance of official duties by service personnel of the production facility. Strict adherence to the instructions allows you not to deviate from the technological process, obtain the desired result and ensure the maximum level of industrial safety.

The main difference between a PI and an equipment operating manual is that it is developed at the enterprise, taking into account the specifics and specific risk factors. The PI is not a reference book on a product or technological process, but a direct algorithm of actions, including in case of accidents or breakdowns.

Download documents from the article:

Rostechnadzor requires that production instructions be present at all workplaces related to:

  • with construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation, liquidation of hazardous production facilities;
  • with the transportation of hazardous substances;
  • with electric power facilities;
  • with facilities where electrical, thermal installations and networks are operated;
  • with hydraulic structures;
  • with the manufacture, installation, adjustment, maintenance, repair of technical devices used at facilities (clause 26 of the Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of working organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by Order of Rostechnadzor of January 29, 2007 No. 37).

Also, requirements for the development of IP are contained in industry regulations. For example, for gas workers this is the FNP “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks.”

Standard production instructions of Rostechnadzor

The basis for local PIs can be standard industry and inter-industry ones, but they should be used taking into account the specifics production process at a specific enterprise, as well as qualification requirements or professional standards.

For example, the PI for an employee responsible for maintaining pipe-laying cranes in good condition is developed on the basis of RD 10-275-99, a pipe-laying crane operator - RD 10-276-99, a slinger - RD 10-107-96, etc. .

How to develop a UI

The law does not regulate in any way the procedure for drawing up IP, leaving this to the discretion of the management of enterprises with public benefit organizations. This procedure is determined by the employer himself, having fixed the rules for the development of production instructions, as well as the requirements for their structure in local regulations.

Tatyana Chirkina - Chief Editor website

Download samples of the necessary documents prepared for you by our experts:

Who develops IP at the enterprise

The difficulty in drawing up this document is that only competent employees can do this, and it is almost always a collective process. Heads of structural divisions, technologists, engineers, and leading specialists participate in the development production workshops, sections, chief engineer service, production and technical department, etc.

If federal rules, regulations and other documents regulating work in the industry have changed during the validity of the IP, it is necessary to make the appropriate amendments. After this, the document is again communicated to the personnel, and the fact of the briefing is recorded in writing. This confirms that employees are aware of the effect of the new instructions.

Contents of production instructions

When developing a UI, remember: it should not only be useful for employees, but also easy to use. Therefore, please note Special attention In order for the structure to be logical and divided into sections, the language must be simple, understandable, and without ambiguous language. If necessary, use tables, diagrams, drawings with explanations.

When drawing up the PI, focus on:

  • Qualification reference books.
  • Professional standards.
  • Standard production instructions of Rostechnadzor.
  • Departmental regulatory and technical documents.
  • Passports, instructions for equipment and other documentation from the manufacturer.

1. Title page. The name of the instruction and the industry of production are written on it. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the names of the authors, developer, controller, approver, as well as the release date.

2. Introductory part. This is a short part that describes the purpose of the instruction, the target audience(in the form of a list of positions), the regulatory documents that became the basis of the IP are listed.

  • Information about the OPO. Production cycle diagram. Information about technological schemes, technological regime standards. Types and types of equipment, its main characteristics, purpose.
  • Requirements to production staff, including certification of specialists, training of workers in the field of industrial safety.
  • Description of the workplace.
  • Responsibilities of personnel while on duty to monitor and control the operation of the production line.
  • The procedure for checking the serviceability of serviced technological lines and maintaining related equipment in working condition.
  • Procedure, timing, methods for checking fittings, safety devices, automatic protection and alarm devices.
  • The procedure for starting up and stopping (terminating work) equipment.
  • Safety precautions when working with equipment
  • Cases requiring immediate shutdown of equipment, provided for by federal standards and industrial safety regulations, as well as others due to the specific operation of the equipment. The procedure for an emergency stop, reducing pressure to atmospheric pressure, or, for example, gas contamination to an acceptable level is established depending on the specific circuit of switching on the equipment and the technological process.
  • Actions upon liquidation emergency situations. The procedure for providing first aid to victims at work. Evacuation routes.
  • The procedure for maintaining a shift log (registering reception/handover of duty, checking the record by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the equipment).

4. The procedure for making changes and additions to the production instructions.

Deadlines for revising production, job descriptions and instructions on fire safety measures for electrical circuits (clause 1.8.6 1.8.8)

1.8.6. A set of electrical supply diagrams must be kept by the person responsible for electrical equipment at his workplace. Operational diagrams of electrical installations of a given workshop, section (division) and other electrical installations associated with them

units must be stored at the workplace of the unit's operational personnel.

The main diagrams are posted in a visible place in the premises of this electrical installation.

1.8.7. All workplaces must be provided with the necessary instructions: production (operational), job, occupational safety and fire safety measures.

1.8.8. If the operating conditions of electrical equipment change, appropriate additions are made to the instructions, which is reported to employees, for whom knowledge of these instructions is required, against signature. The instructions are reviewed at least once every 3 years.

50. Which consumers are allowed not to have an operational scheme (an introductory scheme is sufficient)? (clause 1.8.9.)

1.8.9. At the workplaces of operating personnel (at substations, in switchgears or in rooms designated for servicing electrical installations personnel, the following documentation must be maintained:

Operational diagram, and, if necessary, a layout diagram.

For Consumers who have a simple and clear power supply diagram, it is enough to have a single-line diagram of the primary electrical connections, which does not indicate the actual position of the switching devices;

Journal of work accounting according to orders and orders;

Journal of issuance and return of keys to electrical installations;

Journal of relay protection, automation and telemechanics;

A log or file of defects and malfunctions in electrical equipment;

Statements of readings of instrumentation and

Electrical equipment logbook;

The following documentation must also be available at workplaces: -

Having the right to perform operational switching, conduct operational negotiations, individual inspection of electrical installations and the electrical part of process equipment;

Having the right to give orders, issue orders;

Who are given the rights of an admitter, a responsible work manager, a work producer, an observer;

Approved for inspection of underground structures for gas contamination;

Knowledge to be tested for the right to produce special works in electrical installations;

Lists of responsible employees of the energy supply organization and sub-subscriber organizations who have the right to conduct operational negotiations;

List of equipment, power lines and relay protection devices that are under operational control at the assigned site;

Production instructions for switching in electrical installations;

Forms of work permits for work in electrical installations;

List of works performed in the order of current operation.

Depending on local conditions (organizational structure and form of operational management, composition of operational personnel and electrical installations under its operational management), the following documentation may be included in the operational documentation:

On-the-job training log;

Single-line diagram of electrical connections of an electrical installation during normal operation of the equipment;

List of employees who have the right to give operational orders;

Emergency and fire training logbook;

Journal of relay protection, automation and telemechanics and maps of relay protection and automation settings;

Local instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents;

List of complex operational switchings;

The scope of operational documentation can be supplemented by the decision of the Consumer's manager or the person responsible for electrical equipment.

51. Who carries out maintenance, testing and measurements of relay protection devices? Requirements for the laboratory, delimitation of service areas, (clause 2.6.2)

Maintenance, testing and measurements of relay protection, automation and telemechanics devices (hereinafter referred to as RZaiT) and their secondary circuits should, as a rule, be carried out by personnel of relay protection, automation and measurement services (laboratories): central, local or electrical laboratory of the Consumer. This laboratory must be registered with the State Energy Supervision Department for the right to test and measure relay protection and automation devices. In cases where other services are involved in servicing certain types of relay protection devices, service areas and responsibilities are delimited between them in accordance with local instructions.

To service the relay protection devices installed at the Consumer, it is possible to involve specialized organizations.

52. In what cases do the settings of consumer relay protection devices need to be coordinated with the ESO? (clause 2.6.4)

The settings of relay protection and automation devices of communication lines between the Consumer and the energy supplying organization, as well as transformers (autotransformers) at the Consumer's substations that are under the operational control or under the operational control of the dispatcher of the energy supplying organization must be agreed upon with the relevant relay protection and automation service of the energy supplying organization.

When choosing settings, selectivity of action must be ensured, taking into account the presence of automatic transfer switch (hereinafter referred to as ATS) and automatic restart devices (hereinafter referred to as APR). In addition, when determining selectivity settings, the operation of process automation devices and blocking of workshop units and other mechanisms must be taken into account.

53. What technical documentation must be submitted before commissioning of relay protection and protection devices? (clause 2.6.11)

Before commissioning of accepted relay protection and protection devices, the following technical documentation must be submitted:

· design materials corrected during installation and commissioning (drawings and diagrams, explanatory notes, cable magazine, etc.) - installation and commissioning organizations;

· factory materials ( technical description and operating instructions, passports of electrical equipment and devices, etc.) - by the installation organization;

· commissioning and testing protocols - by the commissioning organization or the Consumer's laboratory.

54. What technical documentation for each relay protection device should be kept by the consumer? (clause 2.6.12)

For each relay protection device in operation, the Consumer must keep the following technical documentation:

· guidelines or instructions for maintenance;

· technical data and parameters of devices in the form of maps or tables of settings (or characteristics);

· schematic, installation or schematic diagrams.

Results of periodic checks when maintenance devices must be included in the passport protocol (detailed records / especially for complex RZAiT devices, it is recommended to keep in the log of relay protection, electrical automation and telemechanics).

55. What must grounding devices provide and what rules must they meet? (clause 2.7.2)

Grounding devices must comply with the requirements of state standards, rules for electrical installations, building codes and regulations and other regulatory and technical documents, ensure conditions for the safety of people, operating modes and protection of electrical installations. - Studopedia.Org - 2014-2018. Studiopedia is not the author of the materials posted. But it provides the opportunity for free use (0.002 s).

Development of Manufacturing Instructions! Full Schedule!

Greetings, dear friends! A note about manufacturing instructions.

In organizations engaged in construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities; electric power facility; a facility where electrical, thermal installations and networks, hydraulic structures are operated; production, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical devices (machines and equipment) used at sites, transportation of hazardous substances, production instructions are developed and approved in the manner established in these organizations.

Mandatory development of production instructions is provided regulations in the field of industrial safety to ensure industrial safety requirements, and not in the field of labor protection.

In accordance with clause 26 of the Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of working organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by Order of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, in organizations engaged in construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility; electric power facility; a facility where electrical, thermal installations and networks, hydraulic structures are operated, manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical devices (machines and equipment) used at the facilities, transportation of hazardous substances are developed and approved in the manner established in these organizations , production instructions.

Therefore, requirements for the structure of production instructions must be established local acts organizations.

By general rule, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, production instructions are revised in the manner approved by the organization.

Production instructions are developed on the basis of qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and/or professional standards for the relevant professions of workers, as well as taking into account the characteristics of technological processes of a particular production. Before being allowed to work independently after safety training, workers are tested on their knowledge of the instructions. (clause 26 of the RD dated January 29, 2007, No. 03-19-2007 “Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision”).

In addition, production instructions should be developed on the basis of standard industry and inter-industry instructions. For example, a job description for a specialist responsible for maintaining pipe-laying cranes in good condition is developed on the basis of standard instructions RD 10-275-99, a production instruction for a pipe-laying crane operator - on the basis of RD 10-276-99, etc.

Production instructions for personnel servicing hazardous production facilities are approved by persons authorized to do so in accordance with the constituent documents and local regulations of the organization, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

So, for example, in accordance with the requirements of clause 2 of Appendix No. 1 RD 10-40-931, production instructions for personnel servicing PMGs and lifts have the right to develop - Technical Director (Chief Engineer), trained and certified by the enterprise.

Production instructions are located at workplaces and are issued against signature to workers, for whom knowledge of these instructions is required.

Based on the order of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 “On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision,” workers are periodically tested for knowledge of production instructions and/or instructions for specific professions at least once at 12 months.

Rules for drawing up job descriptions

The absence of job descriptions in an organization is not a violation. However, their presence only facilitates the employer’s task of ensuring the efficiency of the production process and labor discipline. You can always understand what an employee should do, with whom to interact, and, if something went wrong, whether he is really to blame. The article provides rules for drawing up job descriptions.

A job description is an organizational and administrative document of a company, in which:

  • the labor function of the employee is indicated;
  • his basic labor rights and responsibilities in the organization are determined:
  • system of subordination;
  • interaction with employees of other structural divisions;
  • responsibility for implementation labor activity.

You can develop it yourself or be guided by tariff and qualification directories. Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory management positions, specialists and employees, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 No. 787, is not the only document that can be used. There are also relevant documents from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, and earlier ones from the Ministry of Labor, State Committee for Labor, etc. They mainly regulate rules related to the sectoral characteristics of workers’ labor.

General rules

In the header of the job description they write the name of the organization, the name of the document, the date and place of its preparation. To the right above the text is an approval stamp.

The title of the text must be consistent in the genitive case with the name of the document. For example, “Job description of (whom?) Chief Accountant.” However, this applies to all management documents.

The head of the structural unit develops and signs job descriptions. These documents are approved by the head of the organization. If necessary, they can be coordinated with the legal service or other structural units.

Each employee must be familiarized with his job description under the signature, a note about which is on the last sheet of the document, below the manager’s signature and approval visas. The receipt includes:

  • the words “I have read the instructions”;
  • personal signature of the employee;
  • initials and surname;
  • date of acquaintance.

The provisions of the job description must specify the duties and types of work performed for a particular position, excluding their ambiguous interpretation. Verbs should be used in the indicative mood: “performs”, “organizes”, “compiles”, etc. In case of a dispute, the employee will not be able to say that he “could” have done the actions from the instructions, but was not obliged to. Requirements for the text of the job description - completeness of definition of tasks, clear formulation of functions and responsibilities.

Completing the main sections of the job description

Now let’s look at what exactly should be written in each section of the job description.

Section I "General Provisions" contains the job title in accordance with staffing table and basic information about it:

  • name of the structural unit;
  • employee subordination;
  • the procedure for appointing and dismissing a position, filling a position during a period of temporary absence of an employee;
  • requirements to vocational training and qualifications.

In the same section, a separate paragraph lists the legislative, regulatory and normative-methodological documents that the employee must follow in his work. professional activity.

In addition to mentioning acts of general effect (for example, “compliance with the Labor Code” or “compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation”), a list of internal organizational and administrative documents must be included here. These are the charter, orders and instructions of the head of the organization, regulations on the structural unit, internal labor regulations, etc.

In Section II “Functions” or “Job Responsibilities” the main task of the employee, which he must perform in his position, the subject of his direct responsibility, and the area of ​​work are formulated. Next, you should describe the specific types of work that make up the performance of the labor function.

It should be noted that the composition of work in a specific job description should always be individual.

Section III "Rights" establishes the range of rights necessary for an employee to implement the tasks assigned to him, as well as the procedure for exercising these rights. Typically these include:

  • employee access to certain information;
  • making decisions;
  • obtaining data necessary for work;
  • the right to endorse certain types of documents;
  • the right to control the execution of documents, the work of subordinates, and compliance with labor discipline etc.

A clear formulation of the employee’s rights makes it possible to formulate his responsibility, which is allocated in a separate section.

Section IV "Responsibility" reveals the content and forms of responsibility for the results and consequences of activities, as well as for facts of failure to take timely measures or actions related to the employee’s duties. The instructions may describe criminal, administrative, disciplinary and financial liability.

Liability measures are established in accordance with current legislation and taking into account the specifics of the organization’s work. When preparing this section, the sections “Functions” and “Job Responsibilities” should be taken as a basis, in accordance with which the employee’s responsibilities are detailed.

What additional sections can you include?

You can also include in the job description a section “Relationships (communications by position)”, which regulates production contacts between employees of the same and different departments. This section will help determine the circle of professional connections. This section may also list relationships with third parties. For example, how an employee is obliged to interact with contractors and how to inform his manager about this.

To improve the quality of the job description, it is advisable to establish in this section the procedure and frequency of submission (as well as receipt) by the employee of reports, plans and other documents.

Other sections may also be included in the job description. For example, the “Job Evaluation” section, where based on the “Functions” and “Job Responsibilities” sections, job evaluation criteria are established.

  • change in organizational structure;
  • review of staffing;
  • the emergence of new types of work leading to a redistribution of job responsibilities;
  • introduction of new technologies that change the nature of work.

This section is located at the end of the job description text.

A job description is one of the local regulations adopted by the employer. According to Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers, with the exception of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs may adopt local regulations containing labor law norms, within their competence in accordance with labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, and agreements.

Therefore, almost all employers, with the exception of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, can introduce job descriptions to regulate labor relations, as well as independently establish the procedure for their development, coordination and approval.

At the same time, the norms of local regulations should not worsen the situation of workers in comparison with established labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms, collective agreements, and agreements.

Job descriptions can be developed both at the design stage of an organization, business, and in an already functioning business with established labor relations. The first requires a method of carefully modeling the work processes of performers. The second is an in-depth analysis of existing labor relations with a particular employer. In any case, the procedure for developing job descriptions presupposes a generally accepted algorithm of actions.

The process of developing job descriptions can be represented in the form of sequential stages:

    Preparatory stage;

    Development of a draft job description;

    Approval of the draft job description;

    Approval of job description.

The direct development of job descriptions in each specific case should be preceded by certain preparatory work. At the first stage of developing job descriptions, it is necessary to study in detail all regulatory documents regulating the activities of officials and the rules for the development and storage of organizational and legal documents. And also, within the framework of local rulemaking, the employer must determine the procedure for developing, agreeing and approving job descriptions, for which it is necessary to approve the Regulations on Job Descriptions.

The main regulatory legal acts, taking into account which the job description should be developed:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

    “Unified documentation system. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. GOST R 6.30-2003" (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-st "On the adoption and implementation of the state standard of the Russian Federation");

    Standard instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536 “On standard instructions for office work in federal executive bodies”);

    “List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating their storage periods” (approved by Rosarkhiv on October 6, 2000);

    "All-Russian classifier workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories OK-016-94 (OKPDTR)", adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 No. 367);

    “All-Russian classifier of occupations OK 010-93” (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 No. 298);

    « Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees" (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37);

    Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2004 No. 9 “On approval of the procedure for applying the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees”;

    Issues of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS) for various sectors of the economy, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 No. 787 “On the procedure for approving the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees”;

    Qualification requirements for employees and nomenclatures of specialties approved by the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation in the area within the competence of the Ministry.

    Regulatory acts of subjects Russian Federation.

    Regulatory acts of authorities local government(for example, Decision of the Omsk City Council dated April 23, 1997 No. 324 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for appointing and dismissing heads of municipal unitary enterprises and institutions” indicates the obligation of heads of municipal unitary enterprises and institutions to approve the job description for the employee with whom he has entered into an employment contract).

    Local regulations of the employer:

    • Internal labor regulations;

      Collective Agreement (Staff Regulations and others);

      Staffing table;

      Regulations on the structural unit;

      Orders on the division of powers between the heads of the organization;

      Regulations on job descriptions.

Sample job description.


Head of LLC "_______________"




OOO "__________________________"

Name of company

1. General Provisions.

2. Requirements for the content of the job description.

3. The procedure for developing, agreeing, approving and putting into effect a job description.

4. Final provisions.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A job description is the main organizational and legal document that defines the tasks, basic rights, duties and responsibilities of an official (employee) when carrying out labor activities in accordance with his position.

1.2. Job descriptions are developed to achieve the following goals:

    rational division of labor;

    increasing the efficiency of managerial work;

    creation of an organizational and legal basis for the labor activity of employees;

    regulation of the relationship between employee and employer;

    ensuring objectivity and validity when certifying an employee, encouraging him and imposing a disciplinary sanction on him;

    organization of optimal education, training and advanced training of personnel;

    strengthening labor discipline in the organization;

    drawing up employment contracts;

    resolution of labor disputes.

1.3. The job description is developed based on the tasks and functions assigned to a specific employee, in accordance with the staffing table, internal labor regulations, in compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legal acts.

1.4. The basis for the development of job descriptions are the qualification characteristics (requirements) for employee positions and worker professions, which are approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

1.5. A job description is drawn up for each full-time position of the organization and is announced to the employee against signature upon concluding an employment contract, as well as when moving to another position and during temporary performance of duties in the position.

2. Requirements for the content of the job description

2.1. The job description indicates the name of the organization, specific position, approval and approval details.

2.2. The job description consists of sections:

I. General provisions.

II. Job responsibilities.

III. Rights.

IV. Responsibility.

2.3. Section I “General Provisions” indicates:

1) job title;

2) requirements for the education and work experience of the official filling this position (qualification requirements);

3) direct subordination (to whom the official is directly subordinate);

4) the procedure for appointment and dismissal;

5) presence and composition of subordinates;

6) the procedure for replacement (who replaces this official during his absence; who replaces this official);

7) the possibility of combining positions and functions;

8) the regulatory framework of his activities (fundamental regulatory and organizational legal documents on the basis of which the official carries out official (labor) activities and exercises his powers).

The section may include other requirements and provisions that specify and clarify the status of the official and the conditions of his activities.

2.4. Section II “Rights” contains a list of rights that, within the limits of his competence, an official has in the performance of his official duties.

The section reflects the relationship of the official with other structural divisions of the organization and officials based on the official duties and powers assigned to him.

In addition, the section specifies the rights of an official, taking into account the specifics of the official duties performed.

2.5. Section III “Official Responsibilities” contains a list of the main functions of the official.

In addition, this section indicates the duties of the official assigned to him in accordance with the practice that has developed in this structural unit of distributing other duties performed by this unit by decision of the head of the organization.

2.6. Section IV “Responsibility” indicates the extent of the official’s responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements established by the job description, local legal acts and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The section may include other items that clarify and specify the responsibility of the official.

2.7. An integral part of the job description is the familiarization sheet, which is maintained by the organization and serves as proof that the employee has read the job description.

3. The procedure for developing, agreeing, approving and putting into effect a job description

3.1. The job description is developed by a specialist in the personnel management service, or the head of a structural unit, or a person authorized by the head of the structural unit. Signed by the head of a structural unit or a specialist developer.

3.2. The job description must be drawn up in accordance with the Standard Form of Job Description (Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations) with mandatory compliance with the details specified in it.

3.3. The job description must be agreed upon with the legal department (legal adviser) of the organization.

If necessary, it is coordinated with other divisions of the organization and the superior officer in charge of the relevant area of ​​the organization’s activities.

3.4 The job description is approved by the head of the organization.

3.5. The job description comes into force from the moment it is approved by the head of the organization and is valid until it is replaced by a new job description developed and approved in accordance with the Regulations.

3.6. The requirements of the job description are mandatory for an employee working in this position from the moment he reads the instructions against signature until he is moved to another position or dismissed from the organization, which is recorded in the corresponding column of the familiarization sheet.

3.7. Changes and additions to the current job description are made by issuing an order from the manager or approving the text of the job description as a whole, taking into account the changes and additions made.

4. Final provisions

4.1. The agreed and approved job description is numbered, laced, certified with the seal of the HR department and stored in the HR department or the relevant department in accordance with the established procedure. The shelf life of a job description after replacing a new one is 3 years.

4.2. For current work, a certified copy is taken from the original job description, which is issued to the official working in this position and the head of the relevant department or structural unit.

The employee signs both photocopies. By decision of the manager, a certified copy of the job description can be sent, if necessary, to other departments of the organization.

This Regulation comes into force from the moment it is approved by the head of LLC “_______________”.

Appendix No. 1

to the Job Description Regulations

OOO "_________________"

from "__" ___________ 2011



OOO "__________________"

Name of company



(Name of position and structural unit)

00.00.0000 No.____


Head of LLC "___________"



I. General provisions.

III. Job responsibilities.

IV. Responsibility.

This Instruction was developed by ___________________________________________________

Position, name of structural unit

signature, full name


Head of the legal department

OOO "______________________"

___________ /______________________/

signature, full name

I have read the instructions


signature, full name

Making changes to job descriptions.

To prevent job descriptions from becoming useless papers, they must be dynamic, promptly reflecting structural, organizational, production and other changes. Therefore, special attention should be paid to their timely updating. This approach makes job descriptions relevant documents, the content of which corresponds to the conditions, tasks and needs of management.

How often should the text of a job description be changed? In this matter, an extreme is possible: some personnel workers, showing excessive zeal, update job descriptions annually. This is not always justified. Changes to job descriptions are necessary, for example, in the following cases:

    when official powers and responsibilities change;

    when transferred to another position (job) with the same employer;

    when an employee is assigned, along with his main job responsibilities, additional work in another or the same profession (position);

    during the reorganization of a legal entity;

    when the staffing table changes (staff reduction, introduction of a new staff unit);

    when changing the name of the organization (or making other changes to the constituent documents) or structural unit;

    when changing the surname (or initials) of the employee, if the instruction was individual (personal), etc.

Example of a job description for a maid

Mandatory details of the job description are: name of the institution, date, title to the text, approval visas, signature, approval stamp. In the right corner of the first page of the instructions the word “Approved” is located, the position of the manager, initials and surname, the signature of the manager on its approval, as well as the date of approval are indicated. The title of the job description contains the full name of the position and structural unit.

1. General Provisions

2) tasks and responsibilities;

4) responsibility;

The job description is signed by the head of the structural unit.

What regulatory document defines the responsibilities of an employee?

The effective date of the job description is the date of its approval. After approval, the job description is handed over to the employee, who certifies his familiarity with it with the words “I have read the instructions,” the date and his handwritten signature.

Job description: concept, purpose, structure, procedure for compilation and execution

Having drawn up regulations on the structural divisions of the enterprise, which indicate the tasks and functions, determined the total scope of work, established the numerical and official composition of the divisions, they begin to develop job descriptions for each prospective employee (vacant position), carrying out a rational distribution of labor in each division.

Concept, purpose, types of job descriptions

Job description- a legal act issued by an enterprise in order to regulate the organizational and legal status of an employee, his duties, rights, responsibilities and providing conditions for his effective work.

The job description, being an important organizational and legal document, must include a list functional responsibilities employee, qualification requirements for filling this position, determine the degree of his responsibility and competence.

The criteria for assessing labor efficiency contained in the job description will greatly facilitate the process of recovery and bonuses for the manager. It can be used when certifying employees and resolving labor disputes.

The basis for the development of job descriptions is the qualification characteristics contained in the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees (USC).

When developing job descriptions, the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems” are also taken into account. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents”, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 03.03.2003 N 65-Art.

Job descriptions can be standard and specific (individual). Standard job descriptions are developed for similar organizations and structural divisions, and on their basis specific (individual) job descriptions are developed. Examples of typical instructions:

  • Standard job descriptions for employees of federal state archives, approved by order of the Federal Archives of October 7, 1998 No. 65;
  • Standard job description of an inspector (for monitoring passenger trains and stations) of suburban traffic, order of JSC Russian Railways dated February 18, 2008 No. 313.

Structure of the job description text

The job description, as a rule, has a unified form and the same text structure for all positions:

  • general provisions;
  • functions;
  • job responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • responsibility;
  • relationships (connections by position).

"General provisions" The job description contains the following set of information: generalized information about the position, its category; educational requirements and practical experience(work experience in the specialty); procedure for appointment and dismissal, replacement during absence; basic legislative, regulatory, methodological and organizational documents on the basis of which the employee carries out his official activities; subordination and who is in charge.

In chapter "Functions" indicate the main areas of activity, and in the section "Job Responsibilities" already list specific types of work that ensure the performance of these functions. Often these sections are combined into one - “Roles and Job Responsibilities” (or “Main Tasks and Responsibilities”).

All functions written in the regulations on the structural unit must be included in the job descriptions of the unit's employees. The more detailed it is described, not only what, but also how the employee performs, the more valuable the job description will be.

Chapter "Rights" very important for the employee. It establishes his powers to independently resolve issues within his competence. The rights of access to information, including confidential information, the right to approve and sign certain types of documents, etc. are very important.

Job description section "Responsibility" can be written in general terms, for example: “The employee is responsible for failure to fulfill duties and non-use of rights provided for by legal acts and these instructions,” or described in more detail based on the points of responsibilities. When working on this section, it should be remembered that liability is established in strict accordance with the law.

How to write a job description

Chapter "Relationships"(connections by position) is also very important for organizing work. It will be much easier to work if this section specifically indicates which departments or employees the employee interacts with. This section is presented in the form of a table or diagram.

Formatting and job description details

Since the Labor Code does not contain any mention of a job description and the procedure for drawing up instructions is not regulated by regulatory legal acts, the employer independently decides how to draw it up and make changes to it, whether it will be an annex to the employment contract or approved as an independent document.

Traditionally, job descriptions are drawn up in general organization letterhead. Mandatory job description details: name of the organization, date, document number (with direct approval by the manager), place of compilation, title to the text, approval visas, signature, approval stamp.

The job description is signed by the head of the structural unit and approved by the head (deputy head) of the organization - the curator of this unit. Job descriptions are endorsed by the heads of interested departments and the legal service (lawyer), as well as other officials on whose actions its implementation may depend. The date of the job description is the date of its approval.

Since the job description is of great importance in the event of bringing an employee to disciplinary liability, establishing probationary period and in other cases, then a mandatory part of the instructions is a familiarization sheet, and the very fact of delivering one copy to the employee serves as evidence that he was familiarized with this document in advance.

Only in this case can the document be considered local legal act, which will allow the employer to terminate the employment contract due to the employee’s inadequacy for the position held.

Other articles on this topic:

List of sources used

  1. GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation";
  2. Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees (USC);
  3. Standard job descriptions for employees of federal state archives, approved by order of the Federal Archives of October 7, 1998 No. 65. – General provisions;
  4. Kuznetsova T.V. Personnel records management / « Labor law", 2008, NN 8, 9, 10, 11;
  5. Loginova N.K. Office work and correspondence. Educational and methodological manual. USUE, 2007;
  6. Shklovets I.I. Practical application of labor legislation / Information and legal portal “Garant”:

What sections does the job description of a civil servant consist of? Give a description of each section.

A job description is a document that is issued to regulate the organizational and legal status of an employee, his specific tasks and responsibilities, rights and responsibilities, and also provides conditions for his effective work.

Job descriptions of civil servants based on standard professional qualification characteristics positions are developed by bodies executive power, their departments, independent departments and other services, based on the tasks, functions and powers established by regulations. They are approved by the head of the executive body or, on his behalf, by his deputies.

Mandatory details of the job description are: name of the institution, date, title to the text, approval visas, signature, approval stamp.

Job description

In the right corner of the first page of the instructions the word “Approved” is located, the position of the manager, initials and surname, the signature of the manager on its approval, as well as the date of approval are indicated. The title of the job description contains the full name of the position and structural unit.

The text of the job description, as a rule, consists of the following sections:

1. General Provisions

2) tasks and responsibilities;

4) responsibility;

5) relationships (connections) by position.

The "General Provisions" section includes:

— the name of the position indicating the structural unit and the main purpose of the employee’s activity (for example, “The secretary of the board of the ministry ensures the organization of meetings of the board”)

— subordination of the employee (the position of the official to whom the employee is directly subordinate is indicated), the procedure for appointment to the position and termination of the performance of official duties;

— a list of regulatory, methodological and other documents that guide the employee holding this position;

— qualification requirements (level of educational training, qualifications, specialty, required work experience in the specialty, relevant work experience civil service, other requirements);

— requirements for special knowledge and skills (does the employee know how to work on a computer, should he know software, know legislation on labor protection, safety and fire safety rules, occupational health).

The section “Job Responsibilities” establishes the specific content of the employee’s activities, in particular the following is noted:

- a relatively independent area of ​​work in accordance with the regulations on the unit (it can be determined thematically, by identifying a group of issues in relevant areas or by assigning a list of independent issues to the employee)

— a list of types of work that make up the functions performed (determined by organizational and legal characteristics: carries out, organizes, reviews, executes, provides, controls, takes part in, prepares, etc.).

The employee's job responsibilities must meet the tasks and functions of the unit and the requirements of the professional qualification characteristics of the corresponding position. When developing a list of responsibilities, they are divided into the following groups:

— responsibilities for the development, preparation or participation in the preparation of documents on issues within the competence of the employee (orders, instructions, etc.);

— responsibilities for timely and high-quality collection, processing, analysis and use of information (generalizations, reports, edits, oral information);

— responsibilities for the employee to use organizational, methodological, instructional, control, inspection and other forms of work (on-site visits, convening or participating in meetings, conducting seminars, consultations);

- Responsibilities for meeting deadlines for specific tasks.

This section also notes that the employee is obliged to comply with internal labor regulations and carry out other instructions from the head of the structural unit.

The “Rights” section defines the means by which an employee must ensure, in the course of his activities, the fulfillment of the tasks and responsibilities assigned to him. For example, make proposals to the manager on relevant issues and improve work, make certain decisions, coordinate draft documents, endorse individual documents within their competence, perform the duties of a department representative on certain issues, participate in and conduct meetings, conduct inspections within their competence, prepare information materials, obtain the information necessary to perform their tasks and functions from relevant institutions and departments, and attract to work the specialists necessary to complete the assigned task.

The "Responsibility" section specifies the criteria for evaluating the work and responsibility for its implementation. According to these criteria, a civil servant is responsible for poor quality or untimely implementation job tasks, inaction or non-use of granted rights, violation of ethical standards and restrictions associated with work in the public service.

The section “Relationships (connections) by position” defines the range of issues related to the employee’s information connections with departments, individuals, organizations, institutions: when, from whom and what information the employee receives; what information is provided, to whom and within what time frame; with whom he prepares and with whom he coordinates draft documents and the like.

The job description is signed by the head of the structural unit. The effective date of the job description is the date of its approval. After approval, the job description is handed over to the employee, who certifies his familiarity with it with the words “I have read the instructions,” the date and his handwritten signature.

Job descriptions can be replaced and re-approved in the following cases:

— changes in the name of an institution, organization, enterprise or structural unit;

- changes in job title.

Job descriptions are prepared in two copies, one of which is stored in the sector personnel work(original), and the second - from the heads of the relevant structural divisions (territorial bodies).

As a tool for assessing performance results, job descriptions are used when certifying specialists, forming a reserve, nominating candidates for leadership positions, encouragement. The lack of job descriptions reduces the responsibility and success of the work of civil servants and is often the cause of deviations in the service, disciplinary and moral and legal order.

Job description (regulations) - procedure for development and approval

Why do you need a job description?

What should be in the job description

Development and approval procedure

Making changes to the job description

procedure for familiarizing yourself with the job description

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain the concept of job description (regulations).

Sample of a job description according to GOST

At the same time, it is an important document regulating the official rights and responsibilities of the employee.

Job description is a document issued for the purpose of regulating the organizational and legal status of an employee, establishing his job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities, as well as qualification requirements for the position held.

A job description is a document containing the entire list of employee job responsibilities.

As a rule, job descriptions are developed on the basis of qualification characteristics or on the basis of professional standards that are approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor.

Based on the qualification characteristics, job descriptions are developed for specific employees, the drafting of which specifies the responsibilities provided for in the characteristics, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, and the technology of performing labor processes.

Goals for developing job descriptions and job regulations:

  1. creation of an organizational and legal basis for the official activities of officials;
  2. increasing the responsibility of officials for the results of their activities;
  3. ensuring objectivity when certifying an employee, rewarding or imposing disciplinary action;

A carefully crafted job description is an opportunity for an employer to demand proper work from an employee, a tool in the fight against careless employees who shirk their responsibilities.

What should be in the job description

When starting to develop a job description, the compiler should proceed from the structure of the enterprise, the characteristics of the structural unit in which the corresponding position is located, and the characteristics of the work of persons filling the positions for which the instructions are being developed.

Thus, it is simply necessary to involve the head of the structural unit to which the employee reports, as well as the head of the personnel department, in the development of instructions.

The job description determines the position of the employee in legal relations. The recording of legal relations is done using the following legal categories:

  1. responsibilities;
  2. rights;
  3. responsibility.

Currently, there is a traditional approach to drawing up a job description, according to which the job description consists of five sections.

Section 1 "General Provisions". Contains the employee’s area of ​​activity indicating:

  • category of position determined in accordance with OKPDTR - manager, specialist, technical executive;
  • the procedure for appointment and dismissal, as well as replacement during his absence;
  • qualification requirements;
  • employee subordination;
  • a list of regulatory documents that an employee must follow in his activities.

Section 2 "Employee Functions", which lists the main areas of the employee’s activities.

Section 3 "Official Responsibilities of the Employee"— specific types of work performed by the employee are determined.

Section 4 "Employee Rights"— the powers necessary for the employee to perform the duties assigned to him are assigned.

Section 5 "Employee Responsibility"— the personal responsibility of the employee is regulated.

More details about what provisions should be included in these sections can be found in the article at the link.

The procedure for developing and approving a job description

Since the procedure for drawing up instructions is not regulated by regulatory legal acts, the employer independently decides how to draw it up and make changes to it.

Practice shows that the job description at some enterprises is an annex to the employment contract. There are also cases when a job description is approved as an independent document.

Making changes to the job description

Changes to the job description may be associated with changes in the mandatory terms of the employment contract.

Due to the lack of a regulatory procedure for approving instructions Federal service Labor and Employment (Rostrud) contains written instructions on this issue in letter dated October 31, 2007 N 4412-6 “On the procedure for making changes to job descriptions of employees.” This letter states that when changes are made to the instructions, the requirements for advance written notification of this to the employee must be met. And only after the employee has agreed to continue the employment relationship, changes are made to the job description.

If the instruction is an annex to the employment contract, it is advisable to simultaneously make changes to the employment contract and the job description by preparing an additional agreement.

If the job description was approved as a separate document and changes to it do not entail the need to change the mandatory terms of the employment contract, it is most convenient to approve the job description in the new edition by familiarizing the employee with it in writing. The job description, as a rule, is drawn up in two copies, one of which, at the request of the employee, can be given to him.

The relationship between job description and professional standards

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of changing the job description in connection with the use of qualification reference books or recently introduced professional standards and the inconsistency of the instructions with such documents.

Thus, one of the employees in court challenged the new job description, which was changed by the employer in connection with the introduction of new professional standards. The employee’s arguments indicated that he was charged with a new duty - organizing the work of the institution, managing the department and specialists, which, in his opinion, was a new labor function.

When resolving the dispute, the court compared the job descriptions before and after the adjustment and did not agree with the applicant’s arguments. According to the court, in this case the labor function was preserved, only clarification was made labor actions. No additional duties were introduced that would entail additional requirements for qualifications or specialty; only new conditions for performing the assigned work were introduced. (see the appeal ruling of the Rostov Regional Court in case No. 33-8683/2016).

In cases where, after making changes to the job description, the employee was assigned additional functions, the court declared the employer’s actions to make changes unlawful (for example, Definition Supreme Court Republic of Komi dated July 16, 2012 in case No. 33-2986AP/2012)

Thus, if there are professional standards for a specific profession, it is necessary to take their provisions into account when developing job descriptions

Job descriptions are developed by the head of the structural unit under the guidance of the personnel service and agreed upon with the legal service.

Changes in job responsibilities in the job description

Is it possible to add new responsibilities to an employee? This question often arises among employers who want to optimize the work process and distribute the amount of work among fewer workers.

In practice, attempts to add additional responsibilities to a job description are not always successful.

The employee was hired by the organization as an engineer and was familiarized with the job description. A few weeks later, the employer issued an order to put the new job description into effect. The plaintiff was added new duties: he now had to perform the duties of a mechanic and electrician. The plaintiff did not agree with this. The court supported the employee and indicated that the new job description significantly changes the plaintiff’s duties, since it imposes on him the duties of blue-collar professions, which is unilaterally unacceptable (Determination of the Moscow City Court dated February 10, 2012 in case No. 33-3987).

Familiarization of the employee with the job description

As a general rule, the employee must be familiarized with the job description in person and against signature. The absence of written confirmation of the fact of familiarization with the instructions does not allow the application of liability measures to the employee for violation of specific duties.

The following are recognized by the courts as the main ways to confirm that an employee is familiar with the job description:

  1. affixing the employee’s signature directly on the job description sheets. This method most accurately meets the principle of good faith intentions of the parties, inspires confidence in law enforcement and inspection authorities, since it does not allow replacing or supplementing the contents of the document without the knowledge of the employee;
  2. recording the employee’s signature on a separate familiarization sheet. A familiarization sheet can be provided for each a separate type regulatory acts of the organization (job descriptions, internal labor regulations, shift schedules, etc.), so it is possible to have a single sheet of familiarization with the entire array of local acts of the organization;
  3. inclusion of the corresponding condition in the employment contract. The provision for bringing the instructions to the attention of the employee is included in the content of the employment contract, and the employee, by signing the contract, thereby simultaneously gives a receipt for familiarization. Courts recognize the presence of such a condition in the contract signed by the employee as evidence of the assignment of official duties to him when considering any categories of cases, including disputes about the illegality of dismissal.

However, the fact that the employee is not familiar with the job description is not an obstacle to his dismissal

Regarding the issue of mandatory familiarization, a certain arbitrage practice.

Thus, the employee did not carry out the instructions of the manager and was fired because he did not pass the test. He did not agree with the employer's decision. He considered that he could not perform his job duties because he was not familiar with the job description when he was hired.

The Moscow City Court decided (appeal ruling dated January 26, 2018 in case No. 33-3179/2018) that the dismissal of the employee was lawful. The obligation to carry out the tasks of managers was spelled out in the employment contract. The fact that an employee was not familiar with the job description at the time of hiring does not mean that he could not carry out the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

In similar situations, courts most often find the dismissal illegal. However, if the duties are established in other documents, the court may consider the dismissal to be lawful.

Since judicial practice is ambiguous, when hiring, it is better to familiarize the employee with the job description. Then it will be easier to prove that the employee failed to fulfill his duties during the test.

The main organizational document regulating the division of responsibilities and rights between employees and the establishment of relationships between individual positions is the job description.

is an organizational and legal document that defines the main functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee of an organization when carrying out activities in a certain position.

The job description allows:

  • rationally distribute functional responsibilities;
  • increase the timeliness and reliability of task completion;
  • improve the socio-psychological climate in the team and eliminate conflicts;
  • clearly define the employee’s functional connections and his relationships with other specialists;
  • specify the rights of the employee;
  • increase personal and collective responsibility;
  • increase the effectiveness of moral and material incentives for employees;
  • organize a uniform workload of workers.

Sources for developing job descriptions

The initial data for developing job descriptions are:

  • and functional structure;
  • classifier of management functions;
  • classification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees;
  • management labor standards;
  • regulations on structural divisions;
  • results of expert and sociological surveys of employees, etc.

The first source for developing job descriptions is Qualification directory for positions managers, specialists and other employees. The directory contains list of qualification requirements specialists of various categories. Each qualification characteristic is a normative document that regulates the content of the functions performed by workers, helping to ensure optimal technology, rational division of labor, high organization, and order at each, as well as improvement. As regulatory framework qualification characteristics of employee positions are intended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations various forms property, organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy, regardless of their departmental subordination. Based on qualification characteristics, job descriptions are developed for specific employees.

The job description form and the structure of the text are fixed in the USORD.

Job descriptions must be drawn up for each position provided for in the staffing table.

Development and sections of job descriptions

When developing job descriptions, the regulations on the structural unit are used. Regulations and job descriptions are interrelated documents, since the responsibilities of each employee arise from the tasks and functions of the entire service as a whole.

The text of the job description must fully and clearly define the tasks, functions, and responsibilities of the employee. Fuzzy and incomplete definition the scope of activity of each employee leads to instability in the work of the service itself and inconsistency in the actions of individual workers. As a rule, such a situation contributes to the emergence of conflict situations caused by misconception employee about his duties. The text of the job description is set out in separate paragraphs.

A job description usually consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions
  2. Main tasks and functions
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Rights
  5. Responsibility
  6. Relationships

In the first section of the job description " General provisions» contains:

  • name of the position in accordance with the staffing table and basic information about it: name of the structural unit, subordination of the employee, category of personnel (specialist, technical executive);
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • the procedure for filling this position during the temporary absence of the employee;
  • requirements for professional training (level of education, work experience), qualification requirements (must know... must be able to...);
  • a list of regulatory documents that guide the employee in his professional activities, a list of administrative documents regulating job responsibilities (orders and instructions of the head of the organization, preschool educational institution service, etc.).

In the second section " Main tasks and functions“The job description formulates the main task of the employee of this position, the subject of his responsibility, and the area of ​​work. Next comes a list of specific types of work that make up the implementation of the main task. For example: the main task of an employee is to control the deadlines for the execution of documents. IN different organizations and when using different technologies, this task may consist of different operations. For example, when using manual technology, these could be the following operations:

  • receipt (from the registration area, from the secretariat, etc.) of documents put under control;
  • filling out control cards;
  • making notes on the progress of execution;
  • maintaining a time card file;
  • transfer of information;
  • compiling and maintaining reference files, servicing requests from management staff specialists, etc.

The same task with automated technology will include operations such as:

  • entering into a computer database of registered documents;
  • maintaining a computer database of documents marked “Control”;
  • servicing requests from management staff specialists, etc.

In chapter " Responsibilities» job descriptions record the conditions that must be observed by the employee when performing his functions. For example:

  • observe ;
  • comply with established deadlines for document preparation;
  • observe ethical standards communication in ;
  • maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information.

In chapter " Rights» the range of rights necessary for an employee to implement the duties assigned to him is fixed, as well as the procedure for exercising these rights. The section includes such rights as: making decisions, obtaining information to perform one’s work, the right to endorse certain types of documents, the right to control, etc. A clear formulation of the employee’s rights makes it possible to formulate his responsibility, which is allocated in a separate section.

In chapter " Responsibility» record the content and forms of the official’s responsibility for the results and consequences of his activities, as well as for failure to take timely measures or actions related to his duties. Responsibility can be established disciplinary and material, but always in accordance with current legislation and taking into account the specifics of the organization’s work.

In the job description section " Relationships» record the procedure for interaction between the employee and other structural units and officials. The section lists those structural units from which the employee receives documents, and those to which he transfers information.

Job descriptions are developed and signed by the head of the office management service, approved by the head of the organization (company). Job descriptions are drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead. They can be endorsed (agreed upon) by the heads of those structural units with which the employee interacts.

Job descriptions also apply to long-term use.

Revision of job descriptions is mandatory under the following conditions:

  • changing the structure of the organization;
  • reassignment of the office management service;
  • change of job title;
  • changing the internal organizational structure of the office management service;
  • introduction of new forms and methods of labor organization;
  • implementation new technology, since this involves a redistribution of functions between individual employees and structural divisions.

With the job description, the manager (or personnel service) must inform the employee against receipt. The familiarization visa is located below the signature of the head of the office management service (the developer of the job description) and consists of the words “I have read the instructions (to)”, the employee’s signature, his initials, last name and date.
